
Look What I Found!



5 Years
12-09-2015, 03:05 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

It had taken a bit of time, and despite being still a bit skeptical Gale had returned home with someone for Eilan. The adventure had been amusing and entertaining - she had gotten to go to some really interesting places that she had never been before, and met a few strange but intriguing individuals - and possibly rewarding. There was still a little voice in the back of her mind that worried she had failed, that the wolf she had picked up was not in fact Eilan's father, but that was only because the man himself had not been certain, right? Everything else was there - the fur color, eye color, the companion, even his name! That had to mean something.

Because she had mentioned the beach, Gale led the brown wolf and his feline companion back toward Donostrea along the shoreline, intent upon bringing them both to the border there so that they could still see the black sands that she had bragged of on the way. She cast another furtive glance over at her company, relieved to note that they followed her still, and chattered away conversationally just for something to do. "We're almost there now. Just a little- Ah! You can already see the beach." Sure enough, the sands began to change, darkening the closer Gale led them toward the Obsidian Beach proper.

She slowed and stopped once they stood upon the border, taking a moment to scent the area for any sign of her brother or the child that he had taken in to watch. Were they close? She sure hoped so. With another reassuring grin at Rudy and Almandine, Gale parted her lips and howled invitingly for Glacier and Eilan, excitedly awaiting their arrival on the beach. As she took a seat, she turned her head toward Rudy with a curious little tilt and asked, "Any questions before they get here?" Maybe she should have asked that sooner.



4 Years
12-12-2015, 09:11 PM

Rudy was a nervous wreck though he tried not to show it as he followed after Gale. His heart was hammering, the blood rushing through his ears as he tried to come to terms with the possibility that he had a son… that he was a father and probably a piss poor one this far. Almandine rested on his back her paws kneading lightly between his shoulder blades in an attempt to try and ease some of his tension.

He nodded numbly to her words about the beach but he honestly could care less about the scenery. He felt like his life was balanced on the tip of a blade and was about to go careening down either side depending on how this went. "Nay, I do not…" he spoke softly.

"Almandine Speech"



1 Year
12-13-2015, 05:35 PM

Eilan was resting along the beach, paws stretched out just far enough that the incoming waves would just barely wet his toes. He'd been sneaking out of Donostrea, searching high and low but always returning back with nothing to show for his efforts. He had no clue where to look for his father and Illume was gone. Something bad had happened to her. No one had outright told him what had happened but the boy had come to the conclusion that she had died. He was familiar with the concept. His mother taught him much of war and battle and of course this included death and killing. Illume's death had been a rough blow. Even if he hadn't known the girl all that well he still considered her a friend, and it was the first loss he'd really had to deal with. He'd dealt with it by wandering and sleeping and he'd eventually come to terms with the fact that she was gone. He'd gaze up at the stars and try to talk with her, sure that she could hear him even if he couldn't hear her. It made him feel better anyway…

Eilan was half-asleep when he heard Gale's howl calling for him. His brow wrinkled. He wasn't an official member of the pack so he was rarely called for anything and had always felt a bit odd at the thought of attending pack events. Donostrea was the Elementas family, he was not family therefore he could only feel foreign and unwanted. The only reason he hadn't left was that he'd promised to stay til Gale returned. Well… she was back now. Eilan got to his feet and shook out his coat. He'd grown a lot, now a yearling, and almost his full height and weight.

As Eilan came into view of Gale his trot slowed suddenly as he noticed the earthen male… with green eyes and a cat stretched out on his back…. no way…. NO WAY! For the first time in months a smile broke out across his face. "D-dad? Dad is it you!? Gale you found him! I can't believe this, Mordecai told me all about you!" he bounded up to the flustered man, tail wagging… for a moment before a serious cloud fell over his face. Yes… he'd grown a lot, and the fantasies he'd had as a child had been set aside for the reality. "Where the hell have you been?"




5 Years
12-22-2015, 12:24 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

He might not have looked obviously nervous, but Gale assumed he was. Not a single one of her cheerful smiles or comments had drawn any sort of reaction out of him, every one received with a focused, stoic look, as if he was concentrating too much on the situation and not on being in the moment. Nervously, she chewed on the inside of her lip. Hopefully this goes well, she thought, forcing optimism. Eilan was a good kid - she supposed - and he seemed overall tolerant. If this truly was their first meeting, she hoped the boy's bright spirit would win the absent father over, especially since he seemed to be interested if there was in fact a relation between them.

Her offer of answering questions was dismissed, and rather than press the man or his companion with idle conversation or questions of her own the lavender marked messenger let the silence settle in. She turned her head and continued to peer over the border into Donostrea for any sign of her brother, of the brown colored pup that had been living with them. He was still here, right? He had not gone off on his own to search again? The thought had not crossed her mind while she had been away, but now that she was back, awaiting the moment when the meeting would occur, it suddenly struck her that impatience might have caused the boy to give up his end of the bargain.

To her relief and delight, eliciting a quick grin accompanied by a chuckle, she spotted the boy as he approached them across the beach, alone and without any trace of her brother near him. Glacier would be along, she was certain, but having Eilan there was the main point. She sat up straight, a proud smile on her face as she turned her gaze from the pup - though not truly much of a pup now as the season change had added on a growth spurt - to the presumed father. Yes, there was definitely a resemblance there. Would they acknowledge it, or would Rudy deny having any relationship with the child?

Feeling suddenly awkward, Gale remained silent and staring between the two wolves as Eilan approached Rudy, addressing him for the most part rather than her. No introduction, just an automatic assumption that he had the right man, and already the kid was getting right to the heart of his concerns. Feeling like she ought to somehow be mediating between the two - though she had no idea how to go about it - she lamely made herself give introductions. "Rudy, this is Eilan. Eilan, Rudy." She smiled, a look that seemed to be both nervous and apologetic, and flicked her tail impatiently wishing Glacier was already there.



4 Years
12-25-2015, 01:36 PM

Rudy's heart stopped as the boy, Eilan, approached. There was no mistaking it, no question that this was his son. He could see himself in the boy plain as day. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Almandine's jaw drop as she turned to stare at him. Rudy was to overwhelmed to really no what to say as the boy rushed up to him. A name stuck out, Mordecai. His old instructor. Well, well so that was where all the information about him came from. He felt a stirring of anger at Mordecai and also at Maeva. He had a son?! Why hadn't she said anything? But perhaps he was mostly angry at himself. How was she going to find him anyway? They broke it off long ago.

His ears flattened against his skull as the boy spoke and he willed his green eyes to meet the boys. "Eilan… I'm so sorry, but I didn't even know you'd been born. I didn't know that Maeva was pregnant. I…." His voice trailed off as he struggled for words.

"Almandine Speech"



1 Year
12-25-2015, 02:09 PM

Eilan blinked at the man. He… he hadn't known? Why hadn't his mother said anything to the man? Wait no… it wasn't all her fault. Why had Rudy left Maeva in the first place? He had so many questions and he didn't even know where to start. An uncomfortable silence stretched out between them as Eilan moved to sit down. "I've been wanting to meet you for so long and now that you're here I don't even know what to say. Why weren't you there for mom? What happened? Whenever I'd ask she wouldn't answer me…. I've always wanted to know." He glanced at Gale and offered her a smile. "Thanks miss Gale for bringing us together." He wasn't sure if she really wanted to hang around for the whole conversation, he wouldn't mind if she had to leave. But he wasn't sure what to do now, he imagined he'd always just go with his dad but he'd gotten older and wiser…. and he needed to know more.




4 Years
12-25-2015, 03:58 PM

Rudy shook his head and turned away for a moment. "Your mother and I live very different lives. She's a pack wolf, proud and fiercely protective of her pack. Her life is dedicated to that pack and if we were to be together she insisted I have the same fervor she does… and I don't. I couldn't give up my freedom." It was more than freedom if he was honest. Far more. He knew the pack that Maeva was a part of, what they'd done when they'd raided his pack when he was very small. He couldn't… wouldn't give himself to them. However…. had he known Maeva was pregant then perhaps that would've changed something. "If I'd known about you then… maybe…" His voice trailed off.

"Your mother must be worried. I can't imagine she knows what you've done."

"Almandine Speech"



6 Years
Extra large
12-27-2015, 02:10 AM
When gale called both his name and Eilan's he could guess what it was about. It was sheer luck on the timing of her call, he was already springing his back legs to take down his prey, at the sound of her call it froze and it was the perfect take down. Snapping the squirrels neck cleanly before he picked it up by the back of the neck, and shaking dust of his coat before lifted his head to the ear, tilting it to the side in curiosity. He decided it wasn't urgent enough to waste the prey he had just worked for and continued his previous plan to make his way to anais's den. Arriving there he placed the squirrel in front of her and mused up her fur with his nose, kissing her on the forehead before he finally headed out to the border. The fact that he had likely left gale in the middle of an awkward reunion only put a bright, humerus smile on his lips. One he managed to hide by the time he trotted into view.

He would see father and son talking, and gale awkwardly to the side watching on. He smiled and angled his entrance to bring him up beside her as he looked on. "You must be Rudolph" he concluded in greeting "I'm glacier, one of the alphas of this pack "hey Eilan " he said gently to the young pup he and his pack had been looking after. He realized this would be the point where Eilan left them, another bright and happily life to depart their pack. With what had happened to illume any touch of light had been welcome.




1 Year
12-27-2015, 09:54 AM (This post was last modified: 12-27-2015, 09:55 AM by Eilan.)

Eilan tried his best to pay attention to his father's words but he was swiftly finding himself overwhelmed by the moment.  On the surface Rudy's words made sense. Two different lifestyles but if they really loved each other why were they unable to compromise for one another?  Eilan could sense that Rudy was hiding something from him but he would let it go suddenly feeling awkward.  He visibly flinched when Rudy mentioned his mother.  Oh yea… she knew he'd be furious.   "I know…. but, but I had to find you!  I couldn't stand not knowing.  Mother misses you to you know!  She won't talk about you but I can see it, I know.  Mordecai says it to.  Please, I just… I want us all to talk and then if we part so be it but I'm not missing out on this chance.  You-"

He stopped when he heard the sound of approaching footsteps and turned to see Glacier. "Glacier!" The alpha introduced himself and Eilan realized that his time in Donostrea was coming to an end.  Just moment's ago he'd sworn he'd been ready to leave but now that the moment was upon him…

Sorrow flashed across his face for a moment before he broke it with a soft smile. "Yup… that's my dad.  I.. I guess I'll probably be going now.  My dad and I have a lot to catch up on and I'm sure you and Gale are busy you don't need to stand here listening to us." He glanced at Rudy and Almandine before turning back to the alpha. "Thank you so, so much for looking after me for a bit!  And helping me find my dad!  I really wish I could repay you some how." He felt tears welling up.   "Ok, I've got to go find my mom now and I'm sure my dad can find her.  He's a great tracker.  Take care both of you!  B-bye!"  As his voice cracked he turned and started heading south, unable to bring himself to look back and hoping his father was following as he tried to sort out what he was feeling.





4 Years
12-27-2015, 10:03 AM

Rudy fidgeted, glancing a moment at Gale. It was strange to be spilling his guts like this in front of a stranger but he wanted to answer his son's questions as best he was able. Almandine was yawning next to him but he ignored the cat. He resisted the urge to laugh bitterly at Eilan's words. Maeva, talk? Ha! She was going to rip his guts out on sight he was sure of it but something about having Eilan close gave him strength. For his son he'd give it a try and just pray that Maeva would be to overcome with joy to worry about chewing him to pieces.

A large male appeared, introducing himself as Glacier. Rudy nodded, trying not to flinch as the alpha used his full first name. Eilan began to speak again and it was clear he was becoming overwhelmed. He spoke his goodbyes and Rudy moved to follow. "I'll be going with my son. Glacier, thank you for looking out for him. Miss Gale, I apologize for my rudeness earlier I just… my life is… complicated as I"m sure you can see. But I appreciate you bringing us together and I'm going to do what I can to make this right. I wish you both good luck and wonderful lives." He dipped his head then quickly turned to take off after Eilan. Alma wanted them go for a moment before nodding to the wolves and bounding after them.


"Almandine Speech"



6 Years
Extra large
12-27-2015, 11:59 AM
Eilan had given them the name Rudolph and he knew of no other to call him by. He was certain this was the male, he fit all descriptions given to them. After the alpha arrived the goodbyes happened all to quickly and the giant crouched down in the hopes of giving the boy a last hug. "Don't forget to practice your stalking. I know your going to be a fantastic hunter one day" he told the boy, getting back to his feet to watch him leave. Rudolph took his own exit and glacier nodded his head to the man. "I wish you good luck. If you and your son need anything I'm sure we will assist if we can" he promised gently, not an all blanketing promise but perhaps the chance to see eilan again some day. He had become a little addition to the family in his stay here. He had befriended illume before her disappearance, and had been a proud hunter.

The cat that traveled with the father seemed to pause a moment and watch their departure before nodding to the wolves and joining them. Amused, glacier returned the nod with a slight tilt on his own crown, a light smile on his maw before he turned to his sister, once the two wolves where out of sight. "You looked so comfortable" he teased gale. "On a more serious note. I'm very impressed, we gave you little to go by and you still made it work. You did a wonderful thing today gale" he told her softly.




5 Years
12-31-2015, 09:28 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

While the father and son conversed, Gale sat silently. She only half listened with her gaze directed away, still willing her brother into sight somewhere along the beach. He had to have heard her, right? He was home to hear her howl? What if he's not here, she wondered for the first time, and sighed inwardly to herself. Why had she not considered all these things before now? He was a Ferax with a busy schedule, and she had been off on a manhunt, of sorts, for days now. There was no telling what she might have missed that could have been keeping him away.

She had just about resigned herself to her solo fate when she spotted his smiling form traveling toward her and the two relatives she had brought together, and immediately her body language relaxed. Grinning again, Gale wagged her tail in silent greeting to her brother and glanced once more at the father and son who stood beside her, offering them a smile as well. Good, now everything would go smoothly and her part in this could be over and done with officially.

As her brother took over, Gale continued to play the silent observer, only jumping in to whisper Rudy's preferred name after Glacier had spoken the more formal and less liked version. Finally taking a moment to see both wolves without the worry of mediating their reunion, she noticed how uncannily they resembled each other. Did her family sport such similarities? Certainly not in coloration, as each of them had somehow inherited a different, defining tone to their fur, but perhaps in features? Goodbyes were hastily said, and rather suddenly the trio departed, leaving Gale watching after them and releasing a long, heavy sigh once they were well on their way.

The teasing remark from Tiny drew a mocking expression of contempt as she narrowed her eyes at him. "You could have showed up sooner," she shot back, sticking her tongue out at him in a completely mature gesture. The compliment that followed, of course, lessened the sting of his words, and she tried not to blatantly pull herself up into a slightly more proudly seated position. "Yeah, well, you saw him," she said, gesturing toward the location the father and son pair had disappeared in, "he looked just like the kid. And had the cat and everything." Though, truthfully, there had unquestionably been some element of dumb luck attached to all of it. Even she was amazed she had succeeded.

She continued to stare into the distance for a moment, pursing her lips thoughtfully, and added, "You know, he wasn't a bad kid."