
Life Has Slipped Through Her Paws Time and Time Again



4 Years
11-12-2015, 08:39 PM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2015, 03:42 AM by Takira.)

Life changes rapidly, even when you didn't want it to. It had started off like another, but went to anything but when a call to war filled the air. Takira knowing that freedom and respect depended on her participation in this fight for a home that she was a slave to... She had went not necessarily wanting to but went none the less because she hoped that she could make a home with this pack... With Enigma... She found that she would fallow him anywhere, even into death...

In the mist of her first batter she found that she was not much of a warrior or protector not like her grandmother, in fact she took after her gentle mother more... She had no knack for battle and suffered greatly for her mistake... She had watched her hopes for a family with the charming white male be ripped from her and as those around her fell or ran for their lives this survives had found that she was the last on the battle failed, that those she had risked her life for, even though she did not know or owe them anything, had left her to the very imposing forces. She at that moment resized that she was truly alone, no one to watch her back and no one to save her...

She had fought, but her battered body could not hold on, blood loss from that first battle, she had lost too much blood and she faltered in her last strike. Blackness had claimed her, and a dream, this dream. Her failures piled up, first her family and now the new one she hoped to make for herself... She was truly alone...

And she was dying... Her life blood pooling under her, leaving her life on the wrong side of a scale... She was sinking fast, her breath shallow as her heart speed to get what little blood she had left in her body flowing to the vital parts of her... Left unchecked she would not make it to sundown...


Laz may continue without me.
[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]



7 Years
Dire wolf
11-12-2015, 10:19 PM

WOOOOOOHOO! Damn he felt good! Angelus was on fire. He felt impossibly good, like he could run from the plains to the knolls and back again. His blood was hot; it raced through his veins and pounded through his ears in a deafening, adrenaline-infused stampede; and his heart felt like it could claw right out of his chest and gallop off into the sunset. If it wouldn't have been so undignified he might have squealed and jumped up and down, but since that wasn't an option he didn't know what to do with himself. What would his dad do in a situation like this? How would he celebrate? How would- uh oh. His gaze dropped to his prisoner. Wow, she looked like crap. Well, that wouldn't do!

Appalled by the idea of his captive dying at his feet, Angelus quickly leaned down and grasped the smaller wolf by the scruff. Although quite smaller than him she was still pretty hefty, so moving her would be a challenge, but he was determined to see her make it to Imperium. What good was winning if he didn't have something to show for it?

There wasn't really a good way to move her, so Angelus settled for stepping over her and dragging her between his limbs like a leopard. In this manner he shuffled off in the direction of the one person he just knew would absolutely love to help him. He had the interests of both women in mind and his decision to bring his captive to his sister had nothing to do with his desire to show off his prize. Nothing at all.

"Effangline!" he called through a mouthful of fur. "Effangline, Ah neehd choo."



5 Years
Extra large
11-29-2015, 02:46 PM
Evangeline lifted her head from cleaning her wound, uncurling from the awkward position it had left her in as she heard her brother's voice calling for her. Or that was her assumption anyway, as his words were greatly muffled by what sounded like a mouthful of fur. But as the urgent words and strange tone penetrated her distraction they put her hackles up and had her on her feet with a protective snarl creasing her muzzle in seconds. A reserve force ambushing? Someone they'd thought was down for good back up and attacking her brother?

The leggy girl bounded around the group, but the sight of her brother brought her to a quizzical pause. What the... heck? That was an enemy wolf - she would know, the bitch was one of the wolves who'd tried to overwhelm stupid Lilliana when she'd gone to help, until Integra had leaped in. She minced over to the awkwardly waddling Angelus and 'hmph'd at the bleeding chunk of meat he was dragging. For goodness sake, it wasn't like Lilliana was that fierce a fighter. Fainting was just... ridiculous. But Angelus wasn't really even wounded at all - at a guess all the blood on him belonged to the Hellstrom bitch - so it wasn't like he'd been calling for her to come save him, which left... "You are kidding, right?" she sniffed. "You're really trying to rescue some dumb Hellstrom wolf? Don't they have their own healers for her to run off to?"



7 Years
Dire wolf
12-03-2015, 08:51 PM

And there in all her haughty glory was his sister. Her appearance made him stand a little taller and while it couldn't be seen with the slave in the way, he puffed his chest out too. Evangeline, sitting high atop her high horse, moved closer to grace him with her presence. With contemptuous venom she spit out a trio of assuming questions - questions that normally might have cheesed Angelus but today he was far too pleased with himself to be genuinely annoyed.

He took his time in laying his prize out; carefully lowering her upper body to the ground before releasing his grip so that her head didn't smack against a rock or something. The last thing he wanted was a brain damaged servant. With his slave stretched out he then straightened to fix a proud stare on his sister. Channeling his inner Evangeline, he sniffed back, "I'm not rescuing her. I beat her in a fight. She's mine." His expression grew smug as he waited for what he hoped would be an ego-stroking reaction. She might have succeeded in maiming someone, but he had succeeded in taking a slave.



5 Years
Extra large
12-23-2015, 10:21 AM (This post was last modified: 12-23-2015, 10:21 AM by Evangeline.)
It took a moment for his words to actually register. After all, it was a ridiculous notion. One of her brothers taking a slave? The very idea was laughable. Wasn't it?

But Angelus seemed quite smugly pleased with himself, and it forced her to consider that he might actually be serious - that and the fact that the limp body between them was even there. Vana's face crinkled in disbelieve and - though she refused to admit it - envy. "How come you get to take slaves?" The words slipped out before she could keep them back, but she did manage to swallow back the 'no fair!' and 'I want a slave!' that also threatened. She smoothed her bristling fur and very deliberately turned up her nose. "So what anyway? Who wants a lazy ugly slave to drag around everywhere? It's going to take you months just to get her fat butt to a proper weight and I can't do a thing about her face. You should have gotten a pretty slave." She 'hmph'd, so determined to hide her own envy behind snide remarks and insults that every word and action just made it more clear.

At the same time he'd come to her to fix his broken toy, and it was very pleasing. She couldn't help it really, she had to jump at the chance to show off her knowledge... She cast a glance down at the slave, judged it to just be one major wound. She didn't really care about any bruising - let the slave be uncomfortable. The fact that she was unconscious wasn't good. It brought up the question of whether she was concussed, or just so weak that she'd fainted from blood loss. Vana scowled down at the form.

"If you want to have a slave tomorrow, you should put pressure on that neck wound," she sniffed. And with that she'd flounced back to where she'd dropped her bag of medical supplies on the way in.



7 Years
Dire wolf
12-28-2015, 10:55 PM

Her words did little to dim his cheery spirits. He knew his sister well enough to know exactly where they were coming from and it was for that reason that his expression remained smug while Evangeline attempted to undermine his success. There was no need to try to defend himself; the smirk that graced his lips was all that was needed for him to maintain his - probably fleeting - superiority.

Okay, okay. A defense wasn't needed but he couldn't resist tossing out a pointed question. The chance to needle her was too good to pass up, although he was careful to keep it light. The last thing he needed was for her to flounce off in a pissy huff. "Are you going to fix her or not?"

Her final words gave him pause. Was the woman really that bad off? He blinked down at her before his attention turned to Evangeline, who appeared to be gearing up for her trademark flounce off. Faking nonchalance, he sniffed, "I could always get another one." He wasn't that keen on losing this one and having to replace her, although the idea of doubling his captives was a rather interesting idea.

Angelus waited until Evangeline was almost out of sight before he let his urgency bubble to the surface. For a second he hovered anxiously over the unconscious slave as he searched for signs that her impending expiration (was she close? His sister had been too vague!) was upon her. He didn't know what to look for so he assumed, since she was still breathing, that he had time. With that settled he was on the verge of sticking his paw on her neck wound when it occurred to him how dirty it was. He'd been tromping around in blood and mud since the fighting ended, and his paws had collected all sorts of debris. It just didn't seem right to press his dirty foot into an open wound.

Lifting his paw he looked at the bottom of it. It was pretty scuzzy. He frowned and his gaze briefly sought out the rise and fall of the woman's chest. Well...

After finding a relatively clean spot on the slave Angel wiped his paw off on her coat. He had to dig it in a bit to knock off the big clods but with a little effort he managed to grind enough of the muck off so he could see the tiny details in his paw pads. Good enough. Without further ado the brute placed his paw firmly onto the slave's bleeding neck.



5 Years
Extra large
01-26-2016, 11:27 AM
Returning with the bundle of supplies, Vana could see that her brother had taken her warning to heart and was pressing down on the wound. Disappointing because she wouldn't have minded if he'd let the slave die, but it was very pleasing to know that he thought highly enough of her skills to believe her when she said something. Or he didn't want to risk that she was right accidentally, but she deliberately dismissed that possibility. Of course he knew she was right. "All 'ight, moof," she said as haughtily as she could through the bundle clenched in her mouth, quickly taking the place he vacated so she could see what was what.

She set the bundle down and let it fall open where blood and dirt wouldn't splatter it. It was just basic emergency herbs, the same ones she always fell back on from her early training, but this was exactly the emergency she'd planned for so that wasn't a bad thing. Yarrow, plantain, and comfrey would do well enough to keep infection out and jump start healing, and the soft lambs-ear leaves would keep them pressed against the wound with the help of something sticky - in this case she'd found a nice bit of old honeycomb left in a hive a bear had already robbed with plenty of rich dark honey, and she'd wrapped it in leaves to bring it with her. The honey by itself would help promote healing too, so it wasn't just any old glue.

She sniffed at the wound. The blood had slowed to a trickle, good. It hadn't hit an artery anyway so it wasn't like blood loss would have killed her, probably. Infection maybe. Vana snorted - what a big baby. Angelus would have his paws full dealing with her, serve him right. Roughly, she began to clean the wound out. It wasn't like the slave would care, she was unconscious, and besides even if she weren't she was a slave and who cared what she thought? Though Vana was far from gentle even with not-slaves, so there was that. "So you have a new pet," she sniffed in a break from cleaning. "Are you going to name it? That's what you do with pets isn't it? So what'll it be? Fluffy? Mittens? Pooky?" She took another critical look at the wound, decided it could use a few more licks to be completely clean after all the dust and dirt of being dragged around, and set back to.