
Sound the bugle now



1 Year
12-28-2015, 02:10 AM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2015, 02:30 AM by Glacier.)

Sound the bugle now - play it just for me
As the seasons change - remember how I used to be
Now I can't go on - I can't even start
I've got nothing left - just an empty heart

In every corner of Donostrea territory a wolf could hear the sounds of the ocean. To the alluring siren call of the soft waves against shore, a sound set to soothe and entice, a sound to draw you in to its deep, dark grasp with its dreadful lie. The cry of the seagull, the eyes and the ears of the ocean. The scent of sea salt, a smell strong enough to hide the scent of decay. Surely it was no wonder that the Donostrea child couldn't bare to be so close to its reach,  couldn't bare the anxious eyes of her family and all the everything that reminded her of her loss. She had no choice but to be as  unforgiving as the ocean that frightened her, to be relentless in her pursuit of self deprecation. She was the reason for Illume's death, for the loss of vibrant intensity in the dull blue sky. It didn't matter that no one in her family blamed her, indeed it proved only to aggravate her further, the young child did not forgive herself.

I'm a soldier - wounded so I must give up the fight
There's nothing more for me - lead me away...
Or leave me lying here

Leaving Donostrea territory would have been a daunting task had she not journeyed it so lifelessly. She felt cold and alone in the territory of her home and she felt no different on the other side. Finding scraps of eat became difficult,  she had never been taught to hunt for herself the vital time line in which she would have had instead been giving to searching and mourning. When her stomach refused her another step until she had eaten she stole. Be it from another wolf or a different variety of predator entirely. On more then one occasion in the on going weeks she was chased away, escaping by the tip of her tail. She was a sorry looking wolf a far cry from the proud Donostrea family she hailed from. She spoke little, and could barely remember the sound of her voice.  More importantly, more frighteningly, she could barely remember the sound of Illume's. How much of her sisters coat had the tone of blue?  Exactly what shade of the sky kissed color had her sister boosted? She huddled into the undergrowth of a bush in an attempt to escape the chill of the lightly falling snow as she contemplated the holes in her memory. What had her sisters laughter sounded like?  How had her lips moved when she had smiled? Sometimes, in her nightmares, she saw the horrified eyes of her sister, her head just above the waves before ghostly paws had pulled her away. That probably wasn't how it had gone down, but even the exact details of that night seemed to escape her. The haunted eyes of her sister felt real, and there was no smile on those lips, no forgiveness. Oddly enough,  the shade of her sisters blue eyes was not and could not be forgotten. Only, in the version she remembered there was no kindness, only hatred.

Sound the bugle now - tell them I don't care
There's not a road I know - that leads to anywhere
Without a
light I fear that I will stumble in the dark
Lay right down - decide not to go on

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
12-28-2015, 09:04 AM
(Set before This)

(Then from on high
somewhere in the distance
There's a voice that calls "remember who you are"
If you lose yourself, your courage soon will follow
So be strong tonight
Remember who you are)

Arcus was bored out of his skull. He wanted to go see Shaye, but something kept him from doing so. He had done nothing with his life since Astrea went home, and spring was coming up. He couldn't help but sigh, shaking his head as a certain level of anger rolled within him. His storms were raging, large and unstoppable, something he both enjoyed and loathed. He knew darkness well, he knew the feeling of the clouds blotting out the sun. Knew what it was like to feel so angry, to feel so alone. There was something about his family that could just do that to you.

He was better off alone anyways.

With an angry breath he rolled his skull, sitting beneath a tree that looked exactly like any other tree. Pest was off doing something, and he was happy for it. He needed time away from his bird, time away from the reminder of Shaye. He didn't need any more distractions, though what it distracting from he didn't know. He was bored, but at least it was quiet. He would sigh again, seeming to let out little clouds that circled in his chest. His breath fogged before him, and he couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. No matter how much he breathed, his storms would never leave him.

Through his dissipating breath, a figure formed. The yellow color had him reeling, had him quickly on his feet and ducking behind the tree before any rational thought entered his brain. It was reactionary, he did not want to see his brother in that moment. But when he peered around the tree, it was obvious to say that that wasn't his brother. But the coloring...the markings, it was so similar. Brows furrowed slightly as a scowl set on his lips before he stepped around the tree again. Curiousity killed the cat, after all.

He stepped towards her, practically stomping as his storms raged. "You." He said in "greeting", wanting to know why exactly this girl wore the coat of his stupid brother. Perhaps he had had kids? Oh god, help the world. But then he paused, seeing the look on her face, and he was struck with a different sort of familiarity. "Hey." His voice was softer now as all sign of aggression left his face, leaving only confusion and childlike curiousity. He tilted his head, slate blue eyes sstaring down at the child. "What's the matter, kid? You look like you lost your best friend." If he had known, he might have winced at the words. But then again, Arcus was a rather blunt fellow. Why was he wasting his time with this brat? Well...she had his eyes.

(You're a soldier now
Fighting in a battle
To be free once more
yeah that's worth fighting for

"Burn Baby Burn"



1 Year
12-28-2015, 01:00 PM

Right now I feel - just like a leaf on a breeze
Who knows where it's blowin' - Who knows where it's goin'
I find myself somewhere I - I never thought I'd be
Going round in circles - Thinking about you and me

It was strange how little the cold had begun to mean to her. She felt it, she would have been dead otherwise. She felt her coat reacting, she felt the instinct to hide, to find warmth, she felt some corner of her brain crying out, her wasted body didn't hold an ounce of fat. Get warm, find a better shelter, this could kill you. But the cold never reached her heart, a place that no longer held a trace of warmth to begin with. There was a numbness it her, a dull feeling of detachment and it was that had held of the cold and hunger and all other earthly needs. Besides, what care had she left if she died? Perhaps then the eyes of Illume would haunt her no longer, perhaps she would remember exactly what her dear sister looked like.

How do I expalin it when I don't know what to say
What do I do now - so much has changed
Nothing I have ever known - has made me feel this way
Nothing I have ever seen - has made me want to stay

She didn't startle any longer, such a reaction required more presence then she had the ability to retain. The voice, the unfamilar voice with a tone of accusation barely got a twitch from the child. Her eyes dully rolled in their sockets to find him form. When they landed on the stomry tones of the stranger a strange, scratchy noise emmited from her throat, the hiss dry and hoarse in her unused vocals. When he spoke again, she got a better look at his eyes. At last, she reacted, recoiling into the bush she huddled. For all of a moment she saw anger, resentment, betrayal, flashing down at her in those blue eyes. But when her tired eyed focused, and she saw the puzzled gaze of the stranger her frozen heart woke up enough to dispair that it wasn't the ghost of her sister come to claim her at last. “go- go away” she struggled to get the words past her throat, no longer just dry and hoarse but tightened all over again with dispear.

but here I am - ready for you
I'm turnin', I'm fallin' - I hear my home callin'
Hey - I've never felt somethin's so strong - oh no
I'ts like nothing I've ever known - Now you're the one I'm looking for
You're the one I need  

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
12-28-2015, 02:05 PM

He couldn't help but stare in shock at the child. She looked so...unwell. A lump lodged itself in his throat which he desperately tried to swallow when her eyes met his. He could see it there, the shadow of anger, and he knew it well. There was a familiarity there, and it shook him to the core. "Hey.." He said softly again, reaching out to her when she tried to get away, but not moving to actually touch her. "You look like shit, kid..." He whispered, concern touching his rough tones now. She looked starved, half dead, and he could see the madness in her gaze.

Something was very very wrong.

"Are you hungry? I could get you something. Or you know, help you if.…you need anything." He felt odd, out of place, but there's no way he could let a child walk away looking like this. "Hey, whats your name?" He said softly, moving to try and get to her level, to meet slate blue eyes with her own. He wanted to see that she was okay, he didn't want to get involved in someone else's mess. But he couldn't in good conscious leave her like this. "I can't go away, kid." he whispered then, committing to this. She was broken, at such a young age, and he needed to make sure she was okay. Whoever she was.

"Burn Baby Burn"



1 Year
12-28-2015, 04:32 PM

Current Elementas

Here I stand, helpless and left for dead.
Close your eyes, so many days go by.
Easy to find what's wrong, harder to find what's right.
I believe in you, I can show you that I can see right through all your empty lies.
I won't stay long, in this world so wrong.

This stranger just wouldn't listen to her, and her eyes narrowed to slits. Maybe she was sick of running, sick of being chased away for every little morsel she had scavenged in the past few weeks. Maybe she was sick of the look of pity in the eyes of others. She wanted people to be mad she wanted someone to argue with, to rage with, someone to berate her and blame her and hate her for what she had done, to be hated by another as tremendously as she hated herself. She hissed again, this time the sound was stronger, surer, a warning. The sound was strange falling from the lips of the canine, but perhaps it showed her emotion better then a growl.

Say goodbye, as we dance with the devil tonight.
Don't you dare look at him in the eye, as we dance with the devil tonight

Trembling, crawling across my skin.
Feeling your cold dead eyes, stealing the life of mine.  

“At least I don't look like ash” she muttered, the insult only half heartened, even as her voice began to sound a little stronger. She didn't really care what happened to her. What was the worst he could do? Make her outside look as injured as her inside? Kill her? She almost hoped he would. “Go away” she said again when he offered to help her. She swiped at the paw he moved to not quite touch her, now resorting to a growl. She lifted her wasted body from the ground and moved into a crouch. She didn't have the first clue how to fight, just like she had never been trained to hunt. Her worldly knowledge was so unfinished, her life had been destroyed so very, very early. Her fur bristled in anticipation, her slitted eyes unwavering as they matched the blue of his own. So like Illie's, so very like Illie's. Would he take the bait? Would he fight her? If she narrowed her vision just to take in the gaze upon her she could almost imagine in was Illie, taking back what Current had stolen from her.

I believe in you, I can show you that I can see right through all your empty lies.

I won't last long, in this world so wrong.

Hold on. Hold on.

Hold on. Hold on.


"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
12-29-2015, 01:32 AM

Oh, he didn't need to deal with this. No, he did not! He was ready to turn away and let something hungry find her sorry face. But his curiousity was there, wondering why the he'll she looked so much like his brother. And besides, what would Shaye say if she knew he had left a child to possibly die. Yeah he probably wouldn't hear the end of that, and he didn't like that at all. He blinked down at the girl as she hissed and he almost started laughing at her. "What, losin' air?" He rumbled, staring down at her. She insulted him and he smirked at that. "A storm, actually." He corrected with his own growl, getting fed up with her attitude. Here he was, being charitable and she was being so...difficult.

His eyes narrowed as she adopted something akin to a fighter stance, and he felt insulted, disrespected. Just who was this girl?? What in the world was wrong with her? Anger rose off of him like steam, rolled like the storms that collected in his chest. He was pissed off. With a snarl he curled his lips over powerful canines, his own blue eyes narrowing and shining in his anger. "Sit down and shut up." He seethed, his growl rumbling in his chest like a grumble. He sighed heavily then, looking away. This girl was really getting on his nerves. "Look, I really don't wanna be around you either, but if I let ya walk away now your death is on my concious and I got someone who wouldnt let me live that down. So why don't you be a civil...whatever you are, and actually eat something with me." He grumbled, looking down at the girl with shining blue eyes, his teeth showing under rolled lips. "Or do I gotta shove somethin down that little throat of yours." He huffed then and, truth be told, this was him trying to be polite. Only one wolf managed to get his soft side, and she was rather far away right now. Kid or no kid, this is how he was. "My name is Arcus Elementas, and now you have to tell me your name." He demanded in his deep tones, just staring at her now. The universe had better give him some good luck for this good deed, or so help him he'll go on strike.

"Burn Baby Burn"



1 Year
12-29-2015, 02:07 AM
His comment was so unexpected her growling halted temporarily, a surprised sniff of air seemed to leave her nose, the sound a kin to one holding in laughter. Her scowl a moment later was extra fearce to make up for the lapse. That scowl narrowed in on his coat when he tried to describe himself as a storm. It was a frustratingly elementas thing to say. She didn't want the reminder of her family and she definitely didn't want to think of storms - which could remind her of either blue skies or lightning. "Lame" she muttered, no better insults arising in her defeated mind.

When his stance switched to a more hostile one she felt a completely out of place feeling of excitement. She wanted him to hurt her, she wanted scars on the outside that matched all this pain borne on the inside. When he told her to sit down she blinked, surprised. He was an awfully well behaved stranger to a bedraggled, ungrateful mutt. She wasn't sure what to make of this man, with his brisk and unhappy tone yielding a strange kindness. Her eyes hardened, searching him for pity and finding... none. His gaze wasn't as unbearable as she might have expected despite its similarities to things best left forgotten. "Arcus elementas. A man who believes himself a storm" she huffed unkindly, her words a defence to buy herself time, to harden the shock widening her gaze. This was just bloody great. He was related to her. No doubt if she told him who he was he would cart her back to the beach, to the waves and the father she had escaped from. "I'm Ren" she decided, hoping it was different enough not to reveal who she was. Did she really want to accept help from this relative? To risk exposure, to risk returning to what she had fought so hard to escape from? "If you really really have to help a stranger to appease some other persons conciounce perhaps you could teach me to hunt and send me on my way. Catch a wolf a fish and she eats for a day. Teach her to hunt..." she shrugged her shoulders, she hated to admit it to herself but she was starting to feel the rise of emotions in her chest again. There was a flicker of something that felt almost good, the idea of true independence seemed to good now to walk away from. Curse this stranger.



9 Years
12-29-2015, 02:30 AM
For a moment the sound slipped passed him as if it were nothing but a breath, but then it dawned on him when her growl was louder. As if she were hiding something. His lips twitched in a slight smirk then, amused that she had laughed, sort of, at his joke. Well, he had more where those came from didn't he. At her mutter he snorted himself and looked away. "Your insults are lamer." He said in a kind of childish voice.

He stared down at her, not really giving a crap that she was so sickly looking and not really caring how she got that way. The only reason he stuck around was the same reason he did anything anymore. Shaye and her high morality. She cared so he felt forced to…sort of care. Really he didn't. When she spoke he huffed then. "I don't think, I am." He growled then, looking at her. "Would you like to feel my storms? Get stuck in my tornados, twisted and destroyed by my typhoons, my thunder, my raging winds?" He seethed, showing teeth again. "Youre lucky I'm in a good mood, kid." He rumbled then, lifting a brow bone as she introduced herself as nothing more than Ren. Well, that settled it. She was just one of those odd colored creatures. If she were an elementas he knew she woulda been all over him. That stupid clan that thought family meant everything, but didn't care at all when it broke apart. Hunting? He wondered...He did teach Shaye how to fight after all. sorta. "Sure why not. Not like I got anything better to do." He huffed again before tilting his head and staring down at her. He shook his head to himself before turning, without a word, to walk deeper into the soulless forest, to begin her lesson.

"Burn Baby Burn"



1 Year
12-30-2015, 06:16 PM (This post was last modified: 12-30-2015, 06:17 PM by Current.)

Current Elementas

The broken clock is a comfort, it helps me sleep tonight
Maybe it can stop tomorrow from stealing all my time
I am here still waiting though I still have my doubts
I am damaged at best, like you've already figured out

She glowered at the man before her, annoyed that she couldn't think of any better insults to throw his way. Honestly, she didn't know what this problem was. Why couldn't he have just walked on by? He was starting to return life to her, waking her from her living dream. She was starting to feel again, the blessed numbness of her previous existence abandoning her. And god, did it hurt. Illie...” he thought hopelessness, struggling against the hole in her chest. How did anyone survive like this? She had lost something so utterly vital to her existence, she had to live half a life. And, as through that wasn't painful enough – she had to live with the knowledge that she had caused this, it was all her fault.

I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain there is healing
In your name I find meaning
So I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on, I'm holdin' on
I'm barely holdin' on to you

“What do you know about storms? The rage of anger, the storm of fear, the strength in the pain of loss? Would you expect me to tremble at the mere mention of your storms, when I created the very one that destroyed me? You selfish Elementas.” she said bitterly, perhaps revealing that she knew more about his – their – family then she originally let on.
She could only hope she hadn't put her foot in it, let that uncontrollable tide of anger and resentment inside of her ruin her one chance to learn to hunt. She hurried after him, through she couldn't understand why, she clung to this change to learn.

The broken locks were a warning you got inside my head
I tried my best to be guarded, I'm an open book instead
I still see your reflection inside of my eyes
That are looking for a purpose, they're still looking for life

"Talk" "You" Think