
Anything you can do

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-01-2016, 10:17 PM

Rhyme's proportions would only become more awkward the older he grew, now at nine months old he'd face the worst of it. His limbs were long and slender, his head was slightly too big for his body, and his long tail liked to drag at the ground. His fur was always disheveled despite the almost constant effort his mother put into grooming it. The young boy hadn't quite grasped the concept of personal hygiene yet, a skill that wouldn't interest him for at least another year.

That morning Rhys had left the den early as usual, not bothering to wake him up when she went. Mom seemed to be gone too, so the young Rhyme left the den to go out on his daily business. He did make sure to at least kind of look for his sister as he made his way to the border. Dad said just stay close enough to hear him howl and he could leave the territory. He hadn't taken him up on the offer quite yet but it seemed like today was good enough. With the amount of mud that squished under his toes he knew that something exciting was out there.

He'd lope away from home, not looking back as he was much too focused on what lay ahead. He'd have to really pay attention to where he was going, it would be easy to go too far. He'd smile widely with his tongue lolling out of his mouth, fully enjoying the freedom of the rogue lands. His attention would quickly be caught by a constant thundering roar. While slightly nervous he was more curious than anything and slowly the Imperialis boy would make his way to the river bank. It was swollen and broken out in most places, the thundering water obviously quite the terror to behold, and it would stun young Rhyme into an awed silence.



6 Years
Extra large
01-01-2016, 11:29 PM
By the waterfall that had caught the eye of the young wolf slept an old squirrel. He was a greying creature with old eyes and a muzzle that twitched into expressions of trouble. He had clearly traveled and seen much in his life, and had come a long way from his days of terrorizing young wolves. That was a practice he was well versed in and missed some of the furry creatures he had messed with. There was one in paticular that had been especially fun to throw acorns at, a white and black wolf with purple eyes and a funny cross shaped scar. That had been been a long time ago, a wolf that no longer seemed to adventure these lands.

His newest victim would almost be missed, he was quiet and awestruck by the wonder of the waterfall. But this squirrel was far too well practised to let such an opportunity pass softly by, unnoticed. Of course, that was the real reason and not dumb blind luck that led him to look across from his perch in a tree hanging over the very top of the waterfall. In sighting the young wolf he would chitter in delight and dive into the posy nestled in the branches of an especially thick branch. Here lay his ammo - a more fun term then winter supply. He picked up two choice sized acorns and lobbed them with quite an expert aim down to where the quickly flowing water had caught the boys attention.

Meanwhile, an unsuspecting titan would be travelling through the Rio grande. He had done a little exploring and gotten a better idea of the new packs that had recently rise their paws and made themselves known. He didn't like unknowns even if he and his own kept quietly to themselves. The scent of a wolf took him off the straight direction towards home. It was the youthfulness of it really that peeked his interest. Was this a stray pup widening the rogue lands? He had already taken formed a habit of taking young ones under his wing and he wasn't about to stop now.

He found the boy by the water right as the squirrel was hefting it's prize. Biting back the laughter that threatened to bowl him over he cried "look out!" Who would have thought food would have such personality?


Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-02-2016, 01:01 AM

That stunned silence would lead to his downfall. Watching the incredibles waves as they crashed over the banks and down the river he had no idea the mastermind that lurk behind him. "look out!" Instinctually the boy would look up to the voice just in time to get his square between the eyes not once, but twice. Shrieking from a combination of pain, confusion, and surprise Rhyme wasn't even sure what had happened to him. He'd heard another wolf give warning, but had the wolf thrown something at him? He had no idea what had hit him, and was almost blind as he squinted from the sting of the goose egg that developed on his noggin. He didn't know what to do, if he ran he might accidentally go toward the river, but if he didn't run what if he got attacked again? Should he call for his father? He'd whimper in defeat as he sunk down into the muddy grass, blinking his eyes furiously as he tried to see and decide what to do. If only he was brave like Rhys or his dad.



6 Years
Extra large
01-02-2016, 01:10 AM
Glaciers warning seemed to do more harm then good, his shout had lined the boy up for the attack perfectly rather then helping him get out of the way. As the squirrel cheered in pleasure at the perfect hot glacier put on a burst of speed that got him between the squirrel and the boy. He wasn't too close to the lad, he didn't have to be to get his giant body to shield him from sight of the mastermind antagonist. The squirrel didn't seem to mind this at all.

The next three weapons where lobbed at glacier "ow! ow! ow!" He cried as one hit him on the side of his shoulder, one on his noggin and the third right into his ear as the creatures aim seemed to improve with each shot. "Cut that out you little rodent before I go up there and cut it out for you! See how your aim is with no arms!" He threatened. This seemed only to encourage the squirrel who howled with rodent laughter and scampered up his tree in search for more ammo. They seemed to have a moment of calm well the pest looked and glacier turned his attention to the young pup he had protected. "Can you get into the cover of the treed? " glacier asked him.


Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-02-2016, 01:32 AM

As Glacier appeared before him Rhyme would blink back the tears and find his eyes sight returning as he was able to open his eyes. He'd hear the small complaints of pain as the tall wolf was hit instead of himself. Rhyme even had to do a double take as he looked up to the stranger, he big and challenged his father's height. Rhyme couldn't help but to chuckle amusedly at the wolf's insults at the assaulting squirrel, and as instructions were given Rhyme would find fault in the plan. We're going to seek shelter from a squirrel under... trees." There was definitely a fault in this plan, but now that he knew what was attacking him he felt a little more confident. Still, a perplexed look would linger on his features as he watched this man.



6 Years
Extra large
01-02-2016, 01:58 AM
So the kid had a point, trees weren't exactly the best escape from a forest fairing rodent but - "well I would rather not stay in plain sight of the mad man" his voice was lowered as he and the kid planned their escape "do you have a better plan?" He wondered, wincing as he admired the shiner the kid was now sporting. He wondered if he had gained any like it from the shots that hit him. Even with this danger of injury the titan still found humour in their situation and he offered the kid a crooked grin. He was treating rhyme like a pair and not a kid as they shared their strange predicament

The squirrel was yet to find a new round of ammo, he had after all just let loose his winter stash. In an attempt to distract the wolves from this fact and to keep them in the game he so enjoyed the old creature raised his voice. "Hey blue! Did your mumma sleep with a whale? Your both blue AND huge!" He taunted.

Glacier turned from the boy to glare at the pest "lest my mumma didn't drop me out of the tree at birth!" He shot back. The squirrel seemed to find this immensely amusing because his little nose twitched furiously and he jumped up and down with glee. "No, instead she tried to half drown you in the ocean!" He cried. Glacier winced and tried not to think of illume.