
Time To Begin [Rayne's Training]



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-09-2013, 04:19 PM

The day was cloudy, but it was a fine improvement over the recent weather that Valhalla?s been experiencing lately. Erani stretched her way to her paws and opened her muzzle in a wide yawn that sent her tongue to curling back on itself and a soft, groaning whine to whistle about the alcove. The robust lives inside her kicked and squirmed, as though they too were stretching after a long nap.

Her stretches finished, Erani padded out of the sleeping alcove and to the main den?s mouth and gazed out at the sheltered little ravine. Dew and raindrops still sparkled on tips of leaves, but the rain was gone for now. She padded down the natural steps and made her way to the pool, lapping until she had drunk her fill. Birdsong flowed and trilled through the air above the ravine walls, and tiny splashes caught her attention. She looked over to watch the small wrens taking their mid-day baths at the far edges of the pools.

?This place won?t be a safe bathing place for much longer, little feathered fellows.? She murmured, then turned down the path that led out. It was time to start Rayne?s official training. She?d let it wait far too long, due to the weather. So she tossed back her head and sent a call for the new healer.


04-09-2013, 07:24 PM

The storm had finally begun to drift away, for the moment at least. It was still cloudy out but at least the rain had stopped. She had been up early that morning, anxious to begin her training, but the weather had put a delay on it. She had hunted, spent time memorizing the herbs she had learned as she went along. Yarrows for cuts and wounds and infections. Burdock for wounds, burns arthritis and colds. She rambled off several others as she walked before she heard a howl. Erani was calling for her Her head shot up, answering the call. Breaking into an easy run, it didn't take long for her to reach the ivory she-wolf. "Hello." she greeted the Healer with a smile, eyes drifting down to her growing belly. She didn't know that the woman had been pregnant, though it didn't come as a surprise. Her tail swayed gently behind her as she waited for todays agenda.
"speech" thought



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-11-2013, 10:55 PM

Erani?s ears pricked forward as Rayne arrived, and a smile graced her muzzle as the female greeted her. ?Good day. Rayne. Ready to start?? She knew Rayne was ready, sensed that the white female had been dancing on her toes in anticipation of beginning her training. So she rose and began along a path that led into a lush, damp area of Valhalla that was crisscrossed everywhere with tiny streams and bubbling brooks.

Through this place, and then southwest toward the coast. At last, the dull, throbbing roar of the ocean swelled louder and louder still, until they broke the cover of shore dwelling trees and stood gazing out on a beach, cerulean waves stroking the sand with infinite endlessness.

?There are a few plants that grow on the shores of the sea. Knotweed is one of them; Let?s see if we can find some.? As she started out, she began telling Rayne what the plant looked like. ?It often grows at the edges of well worn paths, in crevices and cracks in stone. It grows annually, and lays across the ground. The stems are unkempt looking, up to twelve inches in length, in a thick mat. The leaves are oval and elliptical, small, and growing alternatively at the joins of the stems. They flower minute clusters at around this time. The colors are from light green to lilac.

?It treats snakebites, helps stop serious bleeding from stomach wounds, expels worms, and helps with fevers as well. Ah. There?s a patch there on that big boulder. The seeds are known as emetics; Emetics make you vomit. Let?s get some.?
She found an easy way onto the boulder and nosed at the stems to lift a few off of the rock for an easier harvest. Once she had a full hold on several stems, she nipped through them. The roots would be harvested in the autumn. Gently holding the Knotweed in her teeth, she made her way down the way she had come, beckoning with her tail for Rayne to follow.

In the tree line, a few shrub like trees caught her attention. She turned and made her way to them. ?Black Haw, or Stag Bush. It?s a very good female?s plant, as well as for regular problems. But it?s amazing at preventing miscarriage, and easing pains after birthing. Migraines are well treated with this, too. Painful cramping can be eased as well. We use the root bark, and the trunk bark.?

She clawed at the trunk, until the bark came away, then dug at the soil by the roots and applied the same clawing to the roots, using her teeth to pull away the loosened bark. She nodded at Rayne to take the gathered barks and smiled as she stepped back and turned to move on.


04-17-2013, 09:40 PM

As always the healers greeting was pleasant, earning an eager nod from the ivory dame. She had been ready for days. At once the two began their trek, Rayne walking beside the healer, following her to where she had in mind. Time had past before she heard the sound of waves crashing on the beach. The salty air assualted her nostrils, a cool breeze ruffling her pelt. She had never been to the beach before. Even though it was part of her home. For a moment all she could do was look. Look out across the immense span of blue water. Erani's voice broke her trance, skull swinging towards her, attentive. Knotweed. Snakebites, serious bleeding, worms, causes vomiting. she thought quietly to herself, lips twitching occasionally in time with her thoughts. She examined the plant as Erani carefully extracted it from its home, carrying it gently in her jaws. She followed at her heels, waiting for the next plants. Black haw. she nodded briefly before tilting her head in question. "A good females plant?" The statement brought confusion to her face, but was eased away as she explained. She not only memorized the plant and its uses, but where it was collected and how. With a simple gesture she picked the bark carefully before following Erani, catching her smile and attempted to return her own around the bark.

"speech" thought