
outcast future pack ideas



4 Years
01-02-2016, 02:27 PM
Outcast's Pack Ideas
these are just my ideas of packs i may or may not do in the future.
mostly just brain storming and saving my ideas.



4 Years
01-02-2016, 02:55 PM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2016, 02:57 PM by Mav.)
The Pack Name: The Rayala Pack
The Land: thinking the saratoga woods and than expanding to mount volkan
The Color:  Orange ( #E96618 )
The Alpha: Maverick
The Motto: Strength, Courage, and Above All... Loyalty.
The Symbol:
The Alignment: tbd ( Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, or Neutral Good )

I.  The King's orders are law and his word is final. No one is allowed to back talk or lie to the King or Queen for this is seen as a betrayal and lack of loyalty. Never tell the packs secrets even if your leave is forever. If you do, you will be killed.

II. Ranks are always earned, never given. Every one will be expected to carry out their earned duties and provide for the pack. Address one by their rank then name ( King Maverick, Lord Bob, Bishop Grace, Rook Hi, etc. ). King and Queen are of the highest rank of the pack and MUST have your up most respect and loyalty no matter what. Lord and Lady are of equal and must be respected by everyone below. Knights and Bishops are of equal and must treat each other with respect. Rooks and Pawns are of the commons.

III. Second chances are rarely given. Once you have joined the pack, you have our trust and expect loyalty from you. But once you lost our trust and respect, you will never get it back no matter what you do. If the King and Queen give you another chance, don't take it for granted. Considered yourself lucky.

IV. Newcomers must announce themselves and wait at the border before entering the territory. They are to wait there until they are answered by a member of the pack. The Lord, the Lady, a Knight or a Bishop ranked member may escort them to the Leaders, but they are not members of the pack until accepted by the Leaders and the escort can not leave the newcomer under given permission by the Leaders. Other members of the pack are welcome to greet them and watch over them, but are not to lead them further into the territory. Pups are to be accepted immediately by anyone, but must be brought before the King and Queen. If one does not announce themselves or wait at the border before entering, they will be approached with hostility by members of the pack. If evidence of ill-intentions, that pack member(s) has every right to chase them from the land and engage if necessary.

V.  Mating is allowed only after you have received the King and Queen's blessing. Both members must be part of the pack in order to mate and have blessing from the King and Queen, failure to do so will result in banishment from the pack. This is so we can be sure we have enough food to feed a growing pack. Although the Queen can not mate with anyone else besides the King, the King can mate with other available females if numbers are needed. The Lord and Lady do not have to be mates and can have a mate of a different rank. Only one mate per wolf is allowed unless King states otherwise. Rape is forbidden and anyone caught or evidence of this action will be ban from the pack forever.

VI. Challenging for a higher rank is frown upon unless for a good reason or during the packs tradition events. Rayala does not want to see fights within the pack just to fight, although spars are welcome. But spars are only to improve fighting and combat skills, not to cause harm. King and Queen can never be challenged expect for a really really good reason. Knights can be challenged by other males only if the King approves first with good reason and the Bishops can be challenged by other females only if the Queen approves with good reason. Good reason would be like, they are not doing their duties, never around, missing in action, and etc.

VII.  Leaving the territory is frown upon unless you gain permission from the leaders. The King and Queen can leave as they please as long as they let the other know and can only be gone for three days max, one at a time. The Lord and Lady can leave the land as they please as long as they are only gone for a few days max and notify the leaders. Knights and Bishops are allowed to leave the pack land only after notifying the King and Queen first. Rooks and Pawns are never allowed to leave the pack land unless given permission by King and Queen. It's hard to promise you protect when you leave the land.

Tier One - The Heads
King: Mavierck
The King is the first leader or the first alpha of the pack being classified as The Heads in Tier One. His words are law and his decisions are final. The male leader has all rights. He can accept newcomers into the pack, set and reinforce rules and punishments, dealing with Pack Affairs, and anything in between. To obtain this rank, one must have challenged the King and won. This rank is only for one and must be a male of two years or older. The player playing this wolf must post at least three of the seven post required while their queen must do at least two of the five.

Queen: ---
The Queen is the King's mate or the second alpha of the pack and also classified as The Heads in Tier One. She too leads the pack and has all rights under the King. The Queen can also accept newcomers, reinforce rules and punishments, dealing with pack affairs, and everything in between. To obtain this rank, one must be chosen by the King and be a female. She too needs to be at least two years of age but does not have to be the Kings mate. The player playing this wolf must post at least two of the five required for pack activity, the King should post at least three of the five required.

Tier Two - The Respected

Lord: ---
The Lord is male Beta and Head Knight of the pack with the classification as The Respected in Tier Two. He is not only the adviser of the leaders, but also leader of the Knights and male Rooks in training. The Lord knows much about war fair and a well experienced fighter. To get this rank, one must have won the Trail of Endurance or was chosen by the Leaders. Only one can hold this rank at once and must be a male of two or older. The Lord and Lady do not need to be mates. The player of this rank must hold sparing lessons and teach his Knights and in training Rooks how to fight at least once a year.

Lady: ---
The Lady is the female Beta and Head Bishop of the pack being in The Respected in Tier Two. She is not only the adviser of the leaders, but also leader of the Bishops and female Rooks in training. The Lady knows about taking care of others and is an very well experienced hunter. The ways to obtain this rank are too win the Besting of the Beast or was chosen by the Leaders. Lady is only for one and must be a female, but also must be two years of age or older. The Lord and Lady do not need to be mates. The player of this rank must hold hunting lessons and teach his Bishops and in training Rooks how to hunt at least once a year.

Tier Three - The Honored
Knights: ---
The Knights are the warriors or fighters of the pack and are of The Honored class under Tier Three. They fight to win and will not back down from any challenge, even if it means risking their life. A Knight is light on his paws with power behind their teeth able to subdue a foe before they get anywhere near the heart of the pack. At times of war, they are the second wave of fighter along side the Bishops. When not fighting, they are to patrol the borders, protect the pack and the Leaders, be an escort if needed, answer any calls made by the Leaders and/or Lord, and continue to train to be stronger. To be a Knight, one must of either been chosen by the King or been a runner up from the Trail of Endurance tradition. Knights can only be male and must be two years or older, only seven can hold this rank at once at this time. The player who play a wolf holding his rank must be trained or practice at least once a year and greet newcomers or invaders. If a non pack member appears on our land, you are excepted to be the first to reply.

Bishops: ---
The most important role of the pack, the bishops are the hunters of the pack are of The Honored class under Tier Three. A Bishop is fast, light and lanky to chase after prey and overwhelm a large kill with numbers. They go in units to hunt with the Lady at the head and bring back food to the pack and occasionally go out of territory to spy. If a unit does not comes back with prey, they will get harassed by some of the pack. In war, the Bishops are the second wave of fighter along site the Knights. When not hunting, they are caretakers, protect the pack and Leaders, spy on others, answer any calls made by the Leaders and/or Lady, and practice to become better hunters. To obtain this rank, one must be chosen by the Queen or been one of the rummer ups from the Besting of the Beast traditions. Bishops can only be female and of two years of age, only seven can hold this rank at once at this time. The player who play a wolf holding her rank must be trained or practice at least once a year and greet newcomers or invaders. If a non pack member appears on our land and a Knight had yet to reply, you are excepted to be the second to reply before anyone else.

Tier Four - The Commons

Rooks: ---
Rooks are the commons who are trusted by the pack and are of The Commons class with the Tier Four. They protect the home den, act as messengers for the King or Queen, and attack any dangers to the pack such as intruders or warn the pack when unwanted visitors. Male Rooks answers calls from the Lord, sit at post's outside the dens, keep eyes and ears open for dangers, attack non-escorted intruders, scouts, jail keepers, monitor hostages/slaves/law breakers/etc, train for the next Trail of Endurance, and some grunt work if Pawns are few. Female Rooks are to answering calls from Lady, see to pups and the ill, caretakers, sit at posts around the den site, announce any sightings of danger or none escorted newcomers, and some grunt work if Pawns are few. One can only obtain this rank if proven trust worthy to the King or Queen. In times of war, they act as the first wave of fight along side with the Pawns. A select few may be chosen to stay behind with some Pawns to protect the land. This rank is open for males or females, is unlimited, and must be at least the age of one or higher.

Pawns: ---
Pawns are The Commons being under the Tier Four class. They are simply the newcomers, the young, elderly, unranked, demoted, slaves, grunts, etc. They have yet to earn, have stepped down from the rank higher, been demoted, not trusted, just joined the pack, retired, story tellers, and/or etc. They are to train to become stronger and/or practice hunting to become better or just be a pack member. They do not have a duty besides train, work to earn the pack trust, do grunt work, earn trust/loyalty, and support the pack. Practice hunting if you want to be a Bishop, practice fighting if you want to be a Knight, learn how to take care of the pups or ill if female Rook, or how to fight of dangers and monitors prisoners / hostages / slaves if a male Rook. This rank is for males or female, is unlimited, and can be any age.

Trail of Endurance
This is your chance to show everyone what you are made of. Maybe you want to impress the ladies or a special someone, prove that you are not a kid any more, make your family proud, show the Leaders you are one loyal member, or maybe you just want do it for fun? Held once a year during the Spring or Summer, the King gathers all males to one location to spar it out to be the next set of Knights and the chance to be Lord. Only male Rooks, current Knights, and current Lord can partake and must be at least two years old or older. The top winner is Lord, the five to seven runner ups are Knights. The rest are Rooks until the next one when they can try again. If the Lord and current Knights want to keep their rank, they must partake otherwise face demotion. At the end of the event, the new Lord does have an opportunity to challenge the King for his spot without facing punishment.

Besting the Beast
Want to be the next set of Bishops or maybe even the chance to be Lady? Want to show the studs what you got, maybe you have a special someone you want to show your love for, show your family you are not a little girl anymore, or even show the Leaders that you got the goods? ^^ This is your chance to show what you got. Held once a year during the Summer or Fall, the Queen calls all females to start the tradition of hunt to see who can get the biggest prey or the largest amount. Only female Rooks, current Bishops, and current Lady can partake in this tradition and must be of age ( two years or older ). The winner is Lady, the five rummer ups are Bishops. The rest are Rooks until the next one when they can try again. If the Lady and current Bishops want to keep their rank, they must partake otherwise face demotion. At the end of the event, the new Lady does have an opportunity to challenge the Queen for her spot without facing punishment.

- This pack requires activity from everyone. The higher the rank, the more we expect from you. If you fail to meet the requirements with your character, your character will be demoted. This is a PACK and there is no I in PACK.
- This pack was formed around Maverick sexiest output. However, I am open to change as the pack develops like Knights not only be males and junk. This is just the start.
- The two events above are just what this pack does in character every year. I will be holding both more in character and out of character events depending on how activate the pack is.
- more to come....



3 Years
01-02-2016, 03:05 PM
The Pack Name: The Levana Tribe
The Land: tbd
The Color:  Purple
The Alpha: tbd
The Symbol: tbd
The Alignment: tbd
About the Tribe: First off, we are not a pack. We are a tribe, a clan, or a pride, not a pack, a gang, or rouges or loners, or any of the combinations. The Levana Tribe rules by females. Although we are ran by a female leader or Empress and females are a little above males, males and females have equal rights but you are still responsible for your duties to the tribe. The Empress has decided to leave her home behind to create a place where females can live in peace and harmony without males rule over them. The tribe views female's in a manner to be admired, respected, and protected. Males are not looked down on, instead are looked as equals with weaknesses that women strengthen.

I. The Empress's orders are law and her words are final.

II. Ranks are always earned, never giving.

III. Second chances are rarely given.

Newcomers must announce themselves and wait at the border before entering the territory.

V. Mating is allow only after you have received the Empress's and Emperor blessing or approval first.

VI. Challenging for a higher rank is frown upon unless for a good reason or during the tradition events.

VII. Females are allowed to leave freely while males must stay on the land.

The Empress is the female leader of the tribe. She holds all right above everyone and is to be obeyed at all times. Her responsibilities are to keep the pack in order, deal with pack affairs, initiate members, pick future ranks for cubs, and set and reinforce rules and punishments.

The Emperor is the male leader of the tribe. He holds all right below the Empress and is to be respected. His responsibilities are to help the Empress keep the pack in order, deal with pack affairs, initiate members, decide whether newcomers are worthy of tribe's acceptance, and deal with warfare between this pack and outsiders.

The Regentess is the female second in command. She is the second favored feline in the tribe and is in charge of food/hunting and is the adviser of the Empress, most likely the next in line to be Empress if she dies or retires. Being one of the most important roles in the tribe, the Regentess is the one who organizes hunts and provides food with the hunters/huntress. Teach the ways of healing to cubs and yearlings as long as take care of the sick and ill.


The male feline of the tribe that is favored, the Regant is the second in command and in charge of the Count/Countess. He must order the guardian around to proved scouts and a guard around the land to keep the tribe safe within and outside of the land. He takes care of any dangers to the tribe and often teaches the young how to fight.

The heart of the tribe, these are the hunters and huntress of the tribe. The Baron are male hunters and the Baroness are the female huntresses. They must hunt at least once a week and if they dare not to hunt or bring back food, they are frowned upon. When not hunting, they provide care and healing to those who need it with their Regentess.

No tribe can not go without guardians to protect them, the Count and Countess are the tribes loyal warriors. Count are the males and the Countess are the female, both are guards that protect the dens and the pack from unwanted dangerous. Whether its a loner or dangerous wildlife, the must protect the tribe by patrolling the borders and being sure everyone is safe.


The Marquis and Marchioness are the unranked felines of the tribe. Although the do not have a direct duty, they are still important. Although must new members hold this rank, ones who lost their rank, don't hold a rank, or the ones who lost the worthiness to hold a rank, they are the foundation of the pack.

to be decided.....

- more to come....
[Image: 2s83f4y.png]