
Crack Bones With Blind Aggression [DM?]



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-04-2016, 09:54 PM (This post was last modified: 01-05-2016, 12:52 AM by Sin.)

His wounds healed, he set out to the battlefield with yet another fight in mind. What else could he do save for honing his skills and getting stronger? Seifer sauntered along beside him, the red marked shadow beast and the blood stained fallen angel, a perfect duo if there ever was one. Scarred from old fights, some fresher then others, Sin trekked the fields in search of a new opportunity, a new face perhaps. He didn't care who or what, his last fight had been against a cripple who posed no challenge, while the other had been a greater challenge then he'd expected. Still, the tiger was on the top of the list for best fight so far. And he was sure nobody would best that. The pale beast eyed the landscape, he'd gotten used to his one sided blindness so far, and Seifer aided him when he needed it. Tattered left ear held strong, the three scars across his face wrinkling as he peeled inky lips back to reveal yellowed fangs.

Pausing in the center of a good sized clearing filled with the melting slush of snow, he knew the ground wouldn't have very good traction, but that was better. He needed the challenge, and it would do good to learn how to use the terrain to ones advantage or disadvantage. Seifer stifled an amused grin, crimson eyes peering at his companion. "A bit of a gamble, no?" Sin turned to him, a mischievous grin reflected back. "All the more fun. Keep an eye out, I'm sure there are low lives lurking about ready to cheat an 'unsuspecting' old man." He chuckled, his mock tone hidden beneath amusement. As he tilted his head back to call for an opponent, Seifer slipped away into the shadows to scan the area for any incoming challengers.

"Sin Speaks" & "Seifer Speaks"


01-04-2016, 10:52 PM

The moment Cypress heard the howl of that man, that thrice damned man he knew he had to act. It was as if a fire had been ignited in his very soul, the flames licking higher with every breathe that escaped his body. He would rise, not in a hurry, oh no, he rose slowly. His bi-colored eyes would flash open, fire burning within them. He would not move for a long moment. He would merely breathe in, filling his lungs with oxygen for what felt like the first time since Arian had died.

The seconds seemed to tick by in slow motion. He felt purpose stirring within his core. He felt need beckon from within his brain, within his soul. For the first time since speaking with his children he felt that spark back once again. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen. But Cypress knew he had to go to that call. He had to get there first.

...and like a bat out of hell, Cypress tore from the den.

His paws ate up the distance as if it was nothing, working on covering the distance to the battlefield. It was a lumbering, stumbling gait, but even his limp was ignored right now. So long as he didn’t plant face first into the ground he didn’t care.

That fire was burning out of control now, consuming his thoughts, consuming anything other than pure rage and desire. Cypress had never felt this infuriated before. It was as if, in one moment, that depression had broken and switched to rage as easily as one might flick a switch.

All at the sound of a howl.

He would arrive, not slowing until the devil was in sight. That blood stained bastard, the true demon that haunted his nightmares. Valentine in respect was no more than a mere fly buzzing in his ear. No, it was Sin that deserved every ounce of fire and fight within the silver man.

Perhaps his body had been waiting for this all along.

Cypress would arrive with chest heaving, spittle flying from his mouth as he snarled at Sin.

“Out for more blood, Sin? His voice was cold and sharp, the steely edge of a dagger dripped in poison. “Was my wife not enough? Was her state, weakened and crippled, not a good enough victory?” He spat. Oooh he was ready. Gods he was so ready to tear into this man.

“ you think you could do it again?” His voice was deathly calm now as he straightened, eyeing the man with his bicolored orbs. “Do you think you could kill someone in a stronger state of mind?” A challenge left his lips, daring Sin to take the bait. Daring him to attack first.

“Or do you not have the balls to risk your life in a real challenge?” Cypress would sink into a defensive stance, preparing himself for Sin’s potential attack; ears pinned, eyes narrowed, jaws parted, stance widened, weight evenly distributed, knees bent, claws biting the soil, tail and head aligned with his spine, and hackles raised.

“Your move.” No, he would not make the choice of what kind of match this was. He would not technically "start" this fight. But he sure as hell was going to finish it.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-04-2016, 11:30 PM

Seifer would come back at a swift pace, an oddly amusing grin plastered to his maw as he returned to him. With a quirked brow, Sin narrowed his eyes at the feline, amber gaze questioning. "What's so funny?" His voice rumbled, wondering what on earth would make the cat's grin grow wider as if he suddenly turned into a cheshire cat. Seifer sat, crimson eyes lit up with mirth as he began to laugh. "We've a return visitor. Remember that useless lump you killed? Well, it seems her pathetic doormat is making his way over. Rather hurried too, maybe he's got worms trailing out of his ass." He laughed louder this time, tail flicking as he tried to control himself. Sin thought for a moment, who was he--aahhh....his own maw curled into a grin. "Well, this should be fun." He chuckled darkly, laughter rumbling from the pits of hell as he turned to wait for the rat to draw close.

It seemed, he didn't need to wait long. For moments after Seifer told him, the other male had approached and sounded really...pissed. Well, perhaps that was an understatement, but who was he to care? Tattered ear flicked at the sound of the pale mans words as if they were nothing more then a bothersome fly. More blood? When was he never not looking for more blood? Then again, he hadn't actively sought out Arian to kill her, no. She had chosen her fate far earlier then he would have liked. "Idiot. She was an idiot too, no wonder you two were a good match for each other. You're too funny, following in her footsteps I see?" Wait a second, she could barely walk! He paused for a moment as he laughed, that was right. "Oh wait, she could barely walk. At least you're not flopping about like a fish out of water." He knew his words would boil the others blood, but what did he care? He enjoyed rattling the cage once in a while.

It was then that Seifer would loudly and obnoxiously clear his throat, a sneer directed at Cypress. How dare he imply that Sin did it! "Actually, I do recall that I was the one to tear her throat out. Although, I've had better tasting fights from a dead cow then your fishy little wife. Sad, really." He shrugged his shoulders as his tongue snaked out to wet his lips. Ah, if only he could have made it last a little longer...oh well. The pair watched as Cypress went on, and at last Sin had it. He couldn't contain it, nearly guffawing at the show. "Obviously you are as stupid as she was. She was the one who challenged me. She was the one who wanted to die. She was the one who didn't learn her lesson. And in the end, she got what she wanted. I merely gave her the satisfaction of death. Just. Like. She. Asked."

Although the blood stained beast came looking for a fight, this was much more amusing. He wondered just how long he could drag this out for...probably until they grew old. Pah, that would be boring. He could feel Seifer's excitement, the cat bristling with impatience and the dire need to rip into another creature. All in due time. Amber gaze watched the shorter male, and Sin would draw up to his full height as his tail arched over his back, the haunting cloudy gaze and venomous amber orb staring dead into the other males eyes. "Are you desperate enough to join her?"

Sin VS Cypress for ???

Round: 0/?

"Behold my glorious eyepatch of doom!"  

Marina I


7 Years
01-04-2016, 11:33 PM

What was the man doing? Marina had seen him take off out of the packlands like his tail was on fire, and, on a whim, the woman had followed him. Marina had been meaning to speak to him, about the changing of hands of the pack, but something deeper seemed at stake here. Sure she had heard the howl as well, but the woman yet to piece it together. Had yet to realize what it meant. She had to use her full speed, long legs eating up the distance, to catch up to Cypress. When she arrived at the battlefield however all became clear.

It was Sin. The man who claimed Cypress’ wife’s life. Marina would breathe in sharply, wondering what Sin’s move would be. It seemed that he was in charge of how this match was to go down, and honestly Marina was surprised. Would it escalate into a deathmatch? Would Cypress get revenge for what had become of Arian? Marina would settle on her haunches, feeling her heart pounding in her chest. Dammit all...

But Sin’s words were just as challenging, passing the ball back in Cypress’ court. The female would close her eyes, speaking loudly and clearly. “Tear him a new one, Cypress!” Her cry of support would ring out gaze snapping open. It was only a matter of time.

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



2 Years
01-05-2016, 12:31 AM
What on earth...? Ren blinked as he saw his mother zoom past him - where on earth was she going? He had been patrolling the borders - the ones they didn't share with Donostrea, and then... his mother zipped past him. Frowning, he glanced back at the lands - would he be okay to leave? He didn't see why he would not, anyways. He'd follow his mother at a much slower rate, tracking her scent trail. It wouldn't take long to realize where she was going, and the male would slow down considerably. The battlefield. He remembered his last encounter there, an encounter that left him scared witless for weeks to leave the Fern Gulley, for fear of becoming lost. Still, he was older now, and a bit more capable. When his paws first touched the hardened soil, he sped up, following Marina's trail swiftly. He did not want to be seen as looking for a spar, because he was not. Far from it.

It didn't take long until he spotted the rainbow-colored female, and he'd pause behind her, gazing out in front. Cypress, that was Cypress snarling. angry, looking ready to murder the man in front of him. And the man in front of him... Ren wrinkled his nose. Dirty. That was the first word that popped into his mind - the man was dirty. He could smell the tang of blood and dirt; did this man not wash? Apparently not, since he had blood smeared all over him. Disgusting, the prince thought. Even still was the eyepatch - what had happened there? Scars down his face... his eyes would drift to the side, to a black... thing. What was it? Black and red, but what what kind of animal? He'd never seen such a thing.

Regardless. A troubled look on his face, he would step up next to his mother, watching silently.


01-05-2016, 12:36 AM

Those words... Were they meant to rattle him further? Ha! Sin was a fool if he thought there was anything more he could do to Cypress now. Words may as well have fallen on deaf ears. Their insults slung at him. No no, go ahead. Be cocky. Think that you’re all high and mighty there on your high horse. You’re just going to fall all the harder. No, Cypress didn’t snarl further. Instead he laughed. He laughed like a man who had gone mad, like a man who had lost that which was most precious to him and would hold nothing bad. As if he had nothing left to lose. His children were at the furthest point in his mind right now. Selfish as it was... Cypress could knew what his heart wanted.

“Are those insults meant to wound me? Should I be crying right now? Seething with rage?” There was rage yes, but it was calm now. A calm rage that was more dangerous in the end. Cypress was not afraid. He was not afraid of what he was about to do... About what he was about to risk.

“You’re right, Arian called to you. She called to you to a fight she knew she couldn’t win. But you know what? She had more spirit, more courage than you could ever have. It matters not if it was you or your little companion there that ended her life. No, actually...” Cypress would grin even wider.

“It’s kind of pathetic that you didn’t even finish the job yourself. Too afraid to fight on your own, Sin?” Cypress would dig his claws further into the earth. Not yet. Not just yet.

“You know what... I can say of my enemies you’ve got to be the most pathetic. At least Valentine handles his business on his own.” What’s this? Cypress giving Valentine a compliment? Surely the world was ending.

“Even if I were so desperate to join her, it won’t be by your jaws.” He had little doubt that the lynx would make a move during this battle as well.

Cypress was not afraid of that. Nor was he afraid of death. He’d smirk, hearing Marina’s cry of support. It was time to finish this or die trying.

“Shut your mouth and finish what you started!” The man had lost his right to the first move.

***Fight Starts Here***

Cypress would charge, attempting to close the distance between himself and Sin. Again it was a lumbering, awkward charge. Cypress’ left side held the limp, but he wasn’t going to let that stop him from attempting to wreck his opponent.He was aimed head on, directly facing the other. There would be no second chances after this. It was kill or be killed.

Behind him tail flowed like a banner into battle, held aligned to his spine. At his front his head was also aligned with his spine, ears pinned flat against his skull. Bi-colored orbs were narrowed into slits, hopefully to protect them from claws and fang alike. His stance was widened, weight evenly distributed across his limbs. Shoulders were rolled forward, claws biting into the soil with each step. He kept his neck scrunched, hackles raised, jaws parted and lips snarling as he came for the man he saw as the devil himself.

As Cypress attempted to close in the last two feet of the distance between himself and Sin he would feint to Sin’s left. While the other {Sin} was blind in his right eye Cypress didn’t intend to use that against him. He attempted to be angled with roughly half his body still directly facing Sin’s own.

At this point Cypress would jut out his left shoulder blade, attempting to ram it into Sin’s left forechest and hopefully knock the wind out of him. He hoped to lead to moderate to severe bruising due to the speed of impact as well. With how he was positioned, there was the potential for his attack to also put a strain upon Sin’s left foreleg as he {Cypress} came forward, hopefully making it uncomfortable to use.

Furthermore Cypress aimed to follow that attempt with an attempted paw slam. In a fluid motion, redistributing his weight on his other three limbs, he would raise his left forepaw in hopes of bringing it it down harshly upon the outside two toes of Sin’s left forepaw. Here he hoped not just to severely bruise, but to fracture or break the toes. Not only that, but he hoped to get his claws withing the webbing of Sin’s paw, slicing at it and making it painful to move in addition to the potential strain.

To finish his attack Cypress would tilt his head upward, jaws parting just wide enough for a bite. He aimed to have his top jaw land across Sin’s left eye while his lower jaw aimed to land across his left cheek. His goal was to snap his jaws closed over his opponents skin, gaining a hold while slicing into the other’s eye and rendering it useless during the fight.

If the other couldn’t see, he’d have to depend on his little lackey to assist him in fighting. It would serve him right.

CYPRESS vs SIN for DEATH || Round ONE out of THREE



10 Years
Dragon Mod
01-05-2016, 01:08 AM

Like a ghost from the shadows, it seemed his father was nearby seeking to further develop his skills as well. Enigma had just finished his own fight, and without further ado, he disengaged and shot off towards his fathers howl. It had been some time since he'd seen his father, once or twice after the siege, but that was about it. Each of his family members seemed to be keeping to themselves and nursing their own wounds, and while Enigma had taken a while to fully heal, he was ready to bear arms when necessary. While the howl his father sent out was nothing more then looking for a challenge to spar, Enigma figured perhaps he could engage his father and show how much he improved in his skills. However, as he neared his destination, a gray figure charged ahead and straight into the heart of the battlefield.

He stopped midstride, amber gaze confused as the figure disappeared from his sight. Was someone that eager to fight his dad? Continuing forward, he would eventually arrive to find a couple of very brightly colored wolves watching what was happening. They smelled of a pack, and they smelled like the faint trail of the batshit crazy guy that ran by, perhaps in a pack together? While he didn't immediately recognize Cypress, Enigma stopped several yards away from the rainbow oddities and listened to the words that the gray male said. He tried to think of where he saw him, and moments later it hit. Wasn't that Arian's mate? Or something like that. He recalled seeing him at the deathmatch that the floppy woman had challenged his dad too, so why was he so eager to fight? No sooner did he sit down, that Cypress began to speak before launching into an attack. Enigma's ears quirked, body tensed as his father exchanged a few words before launching into his own movements. The son of the devil would watch with hungry amber gaze so much like his fathers, ready to take down anyone who tried to interfere. He didn't know who would come out on top, but today seemed to be a judgment day. Should his father fall, then Enigma would avenge him. Should Cypress fall, then that was one fool less to plague this world...and he would be with his 'beloved' and pathetic excuse for a wife. "Rip him to shreds."

The Devil Speaks || The Devil Thinks


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



9 Years
Dragon Mod
01-05-2016, 02:31 AM (This post was last modified: 01-05-2016, 02:33 AM by Silva.)

The she wolf now almost a year, stuck somewhere close to her father yet didn't at the same time. She never stepped foot on the battlefield, instead choosing to linger around the territories close to Donostrea since they had left. She missed Glacier, his lessons and his laughter. she wondered if she would be allowed to go visit, or if his brother would tell her to leave. Since their home had been taken, and since they had left the other pack, she was feeling pretty lonely...with her mother dead now, she wasn't quite sure how to handle it let alone feel. Then again, she was never exactly close to her mom to begin with, so what was there to be sad about anyway?

It was then she heard her father howling, but it was an ordinary 'I challenged someone to a spar' kind of howl. That is, until someone she didn't know streaked past her resting spot. Dual toned eyes watched the male pelt towards the battlefield, the after scent of anger and fury now flooding her senses. Was she imagining things? As if her thoughts were answered, a larger form streaked past, except this one was...wait what? Was that a rainbow? Her curiosity was piqued, were they heading towards her dad? A flicker of fear and doubt crossed her mind, and suddenly fearing the worst she stood and raced after them. It didn't take the silver fea long to reach them, slowing a good way behind them before she stopped to watch. The pale gray man was saying things to her dad she didn't understand, and in turn her father said some things back before the other male launched an attack. What was going on? Anxiety gripped the girl as she held her ground, her fur bristling in alarm. Off to the side, her older brother was there watching, why wasn't he doing anything? With a soft whine, she scampered over to sit by her older brother, wondering if he knew anything about this. "Enni, what's happening? Why does that man want to...hurt daddy?" She peered at him, ears flattened as she wished Glacier were here to explain and comfort her.




3 Years
Extra large
01-05-2016, 04:21 AM

Oh wasn't this interesting? The green-marked girl toddled behind her brother, watching his inky blue tail swish from side to side. It seemed he had decided to follow their mother, but where was she going? It was probably some private alpha business - all the more to follow! What fun! Wherever this was, it sure was far. The gulley faded from her view when she occasionally looked behind her shoulder, and eventually she passed through other lands. Until, however, her brother slowed at what seemed to be an arid, earthy terrain void of any life. Except for the two wolves spitting hostile words at each of them being Cypress! The other wolf was unfamiliar, an older male bearing an alabaster pelt stained with red - was it blood? Cool! She wanted markings like those!

Then they started to fight, and the girl was mesmerised in their actions. They way that they fought, swerved, swiped, all had her full attention. Her mother's barrack brought her back to reality, and she turned her head to see the rainbow woman seated beside her brother. She trotted over to sit beside them, hearing another canine cheer for the ivory male. Should she call out to her pack-mate? Maybe it'd motivate him to win. "Yeah, get 'im Cy!" she called out, feeling pride well in her chest.




4 Years
01-05-2016, 07:58 AM

Integra was skirting around the battlefield, gathering herbs and keeping her ears open for any cries of pain from those that might be in need. She was focusing on her skills once more and there was currently a shortage of wounded in Imperium though she was sure the warriors would begin to train again if she were patient enough. Integra's razor-sharp fangs were snipping loose a few early dandelions when she heard a familiar voice calling for a challenge. Sin Hellstrom. He was certainly a busy bee.

Tucking her gathering away in a scrap of deer skin, Integra delicately folded the edges and gathered the bundle in her jaws before heading toward the call. She'd had no intention really of answering herself. The Medica had been gathering herbs for the better part of the day and was ready to take a break and watch a few fights. Perhaps she'd get some practice out of it though she would never treat Sin's injuries. She still considered him an enemy.

Integra arrived at the outskirts of the gathering in time to see Arian's mate leaping toward Sin in was clearly another match to the death. Oh goody! She gently set down her herbs, taking stock of those present before reclining on her haunches to watch the match. She imagined other Imperium wolves would likely show but if not she'd take back the news of the result to her alpha.

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]



5 Years
01-05-2016, 08:15 AM

Drunk and driven by a devil's hunger...

Bones crackled loudly beneath the mans jaws as he moved to lap out the marrow. Hárekr was humming softly to himself, still grinning with pride after ripping an eye out of that snotty, angry man's head. The black and white man was just finishing his meal when he heard Sin's howl in the battlefield. Uh oh, sinny sin sin was up to no good again. The viking grinned and got quickly to his feet, eager to see the bloodshed and perhaps partake in it. When he arrived the fight was already underway and a small crowd was showing. Hárekr felt a jolt of excitement at the violence with which the cream wolf dove toward Sin, it was surely another death match. How exciting! Shame they couldn't have waited a few more months. Hárekr would've loved to take Katja's pups on an outting to watch one… not that she'd probably trust him with them anyway which was probably a good assessment.

"Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head."



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
01-05-2016, 10:17 PM
OOoooh! Ashmedai knew that voice. He had heard it in the war and in the death match. When it rang out at the battlefield, Ashmedai finished his meal and headed in. He wasn't looking for a spar, but he knew that this guy seemed to bring drama around him. It was something Ashmedai didn't want to be involved with, but he definitely enjoyed to watch. Coming into the clearing, the fight had just started. From the death match, he knew this male was Arian's mate. This ought to be good. He sat to watch, not feeling pulled really one way or another. He wanted to see action, and that was about it.
Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.


01-06-2016, 01:04 AM

Arietta would have been lying if she said she thought Sin would lie low for long after they lost their pack. Those of Hellstrom, at least those who were still loyal and not enslaved by Imperium, had all spent their time tending to their wounds. Arietta had gotten away with a blinded eye... Not the most favorable maim but certainly not the worst. It was Enigma, her poor baby, that had received the worst deal out of all their members. His castration still wore heavily upon her mind...

First a call from Enigma would sound across the battlefield. Arietta would lift her head, ears perked in the direction of the sound. She knew her son was looking to get stronger, to hopefully gain back one of their lost members. But it was only once Sin called that Arietta felt a nagging fear stirring within her gut. Since the deathmatch with Arian she had this worry, had this fear that someone would seek vengeance for her death. The woman would make her way to the bloodstained lands, feeling something dark looming over them.

Arietta would arrive to find Sin already it battle. While it had likely been intended as a “friendly” spar Sin’s reputation hadn’t allowed for that. Arian’s widow was already launching himself at her husband, and the woman’s eyes would widen with fear and worry. A cold chill would roll down her spine and she’d sink to the earth. Against Arian had been one thing but... Could it really be possible her husband was going to lose his life today?
"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Dione



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-06-2016, 01:39 AM

Few more would arrive as the banter went on. Sin merely laughed as Cypress responded, and despite the rat mans responses, Sin new it irked the grey male. And the more Cypress spoke, the more Sin knew that this fight would turn into something more then a simple spar. He snorted, eyes rolling as the male continued. Arian? Brave? Ha! She had lost her mind the moment she stepped on the battlefield, and everyone knew it. He had seen in her eyes that she had given up, succumbed to the madness of her pending defeat. She had given up and lost before she ever won. And her prize had been death. "Ha, you've lost your mind just like she did before she died. You two truly were perfect for each other...a match made in heaven." Literally. Cypress' lack of creativity with his insults droned past the alabaster male. So what if Seifer had done it? His companion was just as eager for blood as he was, obviously that was proven. "I wouldn't have wanted to get her dirty blood in my mouth, we all know where that whore had been...filthy creature, you sewer rats were perfect for one another." Heh...let's see how riled up the grey male would get after that. But the time for listening to Cypress' failed and pathetic attempts at goading Sin were futile. He was here for a fight, not a contest of wit. He'd win that anyway.

At Cypress' last words, Sin's maw curled into a demonic grin as he set his defenses. He would finish it, one way or another. Instantly, his hackles rose along his spine as soon as he lowered his head, his tail flagging out to hold level perfectly with his spine and neck. Both eyes narrowed, tattered ears flattening to his crown as his muzzle wrinkled to bear yellowed fangs in a smirk that pretty much said "bring it on." Tucking his chin, he pulled his head back slightly so the fur and loose skin around the back of his neck would bunch, his legs spread evenly apart and his weight evenly distributed. Toes splayed across the cold ground, claws biting the earth as his shoulders rolled forward to protect his vitals. When Cypress charged, sin was ready. And while he did that, Seifer remained where he was while the pair charged at each other. The shadow cat stood, jaws parted in a grin as he waited for an opportunity...whether he would come in immediately, or later, he would wait for the perfect moment.

Jaws parted with a thunderous roar as he too kicked off to meet Cypress head on. The scars across his face contorted, his one amber eye glaring at the other male's dual colored eyes. With the eight feet of distance, Sin was confident that he could knock his opponent. And while Cypress had a plan of his own, Sin too would concoct his own plan for this match. With the last two feet, just like Cypress, Sin would feint to his own right, sidestepping twice to his right (Cypress' left), and potentially dodge the upcoming charge. Sin would then attempt to line his body parallel with the smaller man's (Sin's left to Cypress' left), and here his tail would tuck to protect his underside and his abdomen tensed as he sought to align his head with the center of Cypress' abdomen and vice versa. While he didn't know this male's fighting style, Sin would strive to keep his opponent away from his blind side, although he was sure that even if Cypress had managed to get there, Seifer would back him up on his current disability. While he was able to avoid the shoulder slam with his movement, Cypress would still manage to get a scratch in with his intended paw slam, however, it would not bode as successful as the smaller male had hoped. Instead of slamming his toes, Sin's position would only grant Cypress the satisfaction of a mild scratch down Sin's left hind hock before the grey man's paw fell away.

Lastly, Cypress' teeth would not grab a hold of where he had hoped. Instead of Sin's face, Cypress would instead gain a mild bite on Sin's left side about three inches past the end of his rib cage. He could feel teeth slicing fur and skin, creating moderate lacerations about an inch deep and about three centimeters wide, leaving blood behind in their wake. Ha! My turn! With a vicious snarl, Sin would make his move. He would drop his front half lower to the ground almost like a play bow, elbows bending as he sought to then push forward with his hind legs. The blood stained beast sought to slam the point of his left shoulder straight into Cypress' left hind knee where the joint connected. Simultaneously, Sin's left forepaw would snake forward in an attempt to hook around Cypress' left hind paw. He would attempt to pull it towards him, while attempting to push his shoulder into the knee. While he didn't expect the limb to break, he figured perhaps he might be able to strain the muscles or tendons enough to cause pain for his opponent to stand on, if not a distraction for what he was about to do. Single amber orb zeroed in on the target, and with gaping jaws, Sin would duck his head beneath Cypress' body as he lunged for a man's most prized possession. Tilting his head slightly at an angle to reach, crown nearly parallel to the ground, he would attempt to close his teeth around Cypress' testicles to rip them from his body and cause immense pain to the male. Lower canines sought to wrap behind the...area, while upper canines sought to tear into them from the front(close to sin's face). While Sin could potentially do so much worse in this position (like trying to rip away vital parts that were used to...clearly mark territory and pee), he would let this serve as a sort of very vicious "warning" bite for the match. Let the best man win.

Sin VS Cypress for DEATH

Round 1/3



01-06-2016, 02:08 AM

The young man had been less than pleased.

He’d disappeared the moment the alarm bells sounded for war. Far more interested in ensuring Squirrel and the young one’s got to Donostrea safely he had tailed them. By the time he got back to Hellstrom it was all over; nothing be blood and the stench of defeat in the air. Forsaken was no fool -- he knew he had betrayed his family by not showing up. But little did he know neither had Paradox, and she had held an even more important rank than him.

Forsaken hadn’t showed at Arian’s deathmatch against Sin either. He’d gone looking for Squirrel... Only to find that the slave had up and disappeared. It was a disheartening discovery. He had truly felt a connection with Squirrel... A growing need to keep him close and protect him. When he finally realized that he wasn’t going to find him, giving up his search, he’d set to seeking out his family once more.

First the howl of his brother gave him an idea of where they were... Then the howl of his father. What he wasn’t expecting however was quite the show when he arrived. Sin seemed more than ready to take out the silver and gray male that was attacking him and, judging by the initial attacks, they were going for some heavy duty blows. Forsaken would settle upon the earth, golden eyes shining. How very... interesting.



4 Years
01-06-2016, 02:23 AM

The child had been asleep, curled next to his mother and dozing peacefully. He would only stir once she rose, letting out a yawn. Squirrel had disappeared and with him so had Shiro. Ganta was convinced that the slave had kidnapped his brother. But why he didn’t know. He just knew both were gone, and it was far more likely that the other had taken Shiro rather than his brother simply wandering off. In the end family was family, right?

He was nine months old, not yet an adult but certainly no longer a baby. He’d glance around, seeing his mother gone, and then gently nosed Obscoro. He had been used to his family drifting in and out, but something felt... Weird. His mother had left too quickly, hadn’t even said goodbye. That was very unlike her. “Come on.” He’d whisper to his brother.

Together they’d make their way to the battlefield... And for once Ganta envied his brother’s blindness. The fighting going on between his father and another male made his stomach churn. It wasn’t so much he minded fighting... It was more the fact that his dad seemed so... Serious. There was something off about this match. His mother looked stressed and that put Ganta on edge too. Nosing his brother to let him know to stop Ganta would sit, speaking softly. “Dad... Dad’s fighting someone...”

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



9 Years
Dragon Mod
01-06-2016, 02:39 AM

The growing boy had been sleeping peacefully since his return to his family. Granted, they were safe in Donostrea, but he had been on edge since his family had been gone. He had been so happy when they came back for them, but he knew that things were different. Momma was almost like him now, seeing the world through half a lens...but at least she could still see. He would have hated the fact that she would be like him. Father ended up the same way. As he curled tighter around himself, the warmth that filled the den had wavered when their mother left. Next thing he knew, he was woken up with Ganta nosing him awake. Blearily opening his eyes, he looked in Ganta's direction, brows furrowed at the tone in his brothers voice. However, he wouldn't argue with him. He never did. He depended on Ganta most of all to get him around places he didn't know, and this would be one of those places.

Trailing close to his brother, Obscuro kept close to his brothers haunch and used him as a guide. Granted, he stumbled a step or two, he kept on course regardless. As they neared their destination, Obscuro's ears laid back as the scents of other wolves came to him, and he was immediately set on edge when he detected the tension. Stifling a whine, he could hear the snarls of battle happening nearby. He could smell his mother, his brothers, his sister...and...their dad? Before he could ask, Ganta had indicated that they were stopping before telling him that dad was fighting. Who was fighting dad? He faced the direction the pair were fighting, his fur bristling with alarm and fear as he pressed into Ganta. "W-what's happening? Why are they fighting?" He was oblivious to the fact that before their dad had gone to get them, he had been summoned to a match against this man's mate...but now that he was here, witnessing this fight in a sense, he could feel that the situation was very serious.




9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-07-2016, 04:00 PM
The world was mad, Tor decided, and full of terrible coincidences.

He reflected on that as the sound of a wolf's howl cried out close at hand, and he turned from his solitary path through the battlefield intending to answer it - only to stop still upon seeing the caller. This pale, blood stained male was the very same one that had taken his aunt's life, he and his pet cat, and as he and the male who'd been identified as Arian's husband clashed in furious battle Tor bristled in silent horror as the scene was repeated. So many had tried to tell him to leave Arian be, that she'd chosen to die because she was broken inside, but if that was true then why had this Cypress done the same? He could not believe that some alleged madness had spread to her husband that he would seek death beside her, so why would he chose the same path already so soaked with blood? Vengeance? Even if he won what purpose could that possibly serve, to end yet another life? All this meant was more pain, more grief, no matter who won. And no matter who fell, would someone decide to avenge them? When did it end? When there was no one left from either family? It seemed the whole world had gone insane. An out of control spiral and what was one lone guardian to do to stop it? Nothing. He could do nothing.

"This is so stupid," he snarled softly to no one in particular, though he was not surprised to see that a bloodthirsty crowd had gathered once again to cheer for the slaughter. He stood rigidly, watching the crowd rather than the bloody fight as he was half expecting someone else to take the opportunity to attack an enemy who'd come to watch, as Enigma and those two Abaven wolves had nearly.

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



2 Years
01-07-2016, 04:22 PM
As Cypress spoke, Ren's ears slowly flattened against his head, and he'd back away slowly, shaking his head. So much hatred, so much rage. This was the man who slaughtered Cypress' wife? Why did Cypress go after him? It wouldn't help any! It would just cause more death. Pain for any family the dirty man would have. Pain for Cypress' family if he were to die. Pain in Borealis. Though he did not know Cypress, Cypress was pack - and the prince did not like the idea of losing packmates. It didn't matter, they were pack... and yet, something held him back from interfering. It was his battle, his conscious choice. It would not be right to interfere, but oh how did he want to!

He shuddered again at Sin's snarls. Whore? Filthy creature? Sewer rat? Why was he saying such things? It was... so crude, so.... disgusting. And the fight would begin, a bloody, vicious affair as both parties sought to end the life of the other. More people would show up... including his sister, whom he nearly bumped into. He glanced at her, eyes alarmed as he backed away, a soft whine coming from him.

It was then, after he moved past his sister, that he heard a soft growl to the sign of him and slightly behind him. He turned, faced with a... rather large wolf, who looked as upset as he. "It is," he agreed softly, watching the grey male. "I- It isn't right." the younger boy would glance away from Tornach, eyes glittering as he looked over the crowd, at the people who supported both sides. Why did Cypress have to attack?



6 Years
Extra large
01-07-2016, 04:23 PM

Sin and death matches seemed to go together all too well. He certainly was not impressed at the idea of more death and bloodshed. Sin had called for a fight, and Glacier had thought about going along and sparring with the man. He hand't seen Sin since he had taken the children, and Glacier hadn't been in a spar for a very long time, but it would be a decent chance to catch up with the father, to spread the news that Glacier now had children.

Yet upon his arrival he would see that Sin's call had been answered with a death match. Why? He wouldn't know that Cypress was the husband of the first woman to challenge Sin. The Titan had been tempted to go, he didn't want to see Sin, nor a stranger, die. Yet, before the Alpha could leave he would see little Silva sitting in the side lines. Glacier sighed softly, the sound resigned, and sad. He could not abandon Silva to watch this, no matter which way it turned. He made his way through the crowd and to Silva's side. Sitting down besides the young silver girl, he turned to her “Silva. Would you like to wait this out in Donostrea? You could meet my little children. I would let you know the moment this is over?” he offered softly, hoping she would grasp his offer and she would not have to witness this battle.
