
Caught in a Storm



04-18-2013, 12:16 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It felt as if getting caught in storms was simply becoming a habit of hers, although it had never been her intention. The weather over Valhalla had been peaceable if anything, cloudy but not so horrid as to contain her inside the pack's boundaries. She had gone, venturing across the west and trailing further east and south, all the while assuming that the ever growing sky full of clouds would be as timid here as it had been back home. Inattention ultimately had led to her downfall yet again. As if some unseen faucet had been turned, the rains fell from the skies, a sudden, heavy downpour. And as everything within its reach turned soggy and wet, thunder rumbled and lightning began to light up the skies. It was unpleasant, to say the least, and dangerous if she wished to consider the lightning that could, undoubtedly, at any moment, strike too close for comfort, but the best Ashtoreth could hope for was that the rumbling storm would wear itself out fast and she could return to Valhalla with nothing else to show for her excursions but a sopping coat.

The grounds were not yet so wet as to add slipping to the list of dangers, so her tread as she moved was swift and cautious, refusing to rush through an unfamiliar territory for lack of understanding how the land sat alone. She paused beside the wide base of a tree, and though rain water streaked down her face in rivulets, her eyes blinked against its sting, she smiled. The last time she had been in such weather, she had been rescued and escorted back to the very cozy den of the Valhallan Lead Warrior, destined to spend a few hours happily trapped in his company by the storm. But as pleasant as those recollections were, as much as she would have liked for him to magically appear and perform yet another rescue, Ash knew it wasn't in the works. He would not have been so foolish to go gallivanting off into the free lands when bad weather was on the horizon. She would have to rescue herself this time.

The small, lean grey wolf traveled a little further through the woods, body hunched and tucked against the storm, when another consistent rumbling gave her pause. Her squinted two-toned eyes blinked, half expecting to hear the sound of thunder as it rolled across the skies and growled overhead, but it stayed away, and it didn't fade. Her confusion only lasted a second longer before she realized what the sound was, and, turning her head toward it, she followed it to find a calm, wide, yet swift moving river. She stared at its banks for a short minute, trying to log the location for later use if it could be managed, but didn't stay long. If the storm stayed heavy and dangerous like it was, the river could very well flood, and the last thing she wished to have to worry about was outrunning a flood. So she turned and headed away from the water, hoping that she might find shelter from the storm somewhere hidden in the woods.



04-18-2013, 12:57 PM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2013, 12:58 PM by Domovei.)

The rain was a welcome reprise from the drought that had reeked havoc on the lands of Lentajin. The morning had been peaceful at best, but as the afternoon closed in, the skies became overcast as though the clouds began to huddle together, growing darker by the minute. Without warning, rain began to pour relentlessly to the ground. The gray skies obscured the sun, the land growing eerily dark. Domovei had wandered far from the lands that his Queen had taken him to, pleased at the amount of freedom she had granted him. Though he often preferred to be in her company, satiated by her protection, he also knew his constant presence was unwelcome. Especially as she grew closer to the end of her pregnancy.

Small paws carried the frame of a small arctic wolf along the side of a steadily flowing river. His tread was slow and careful as he meandered along, careful to keep his balance. He was unwilling to slip and fall to his death in the rapids. The rain pummeled the ground around him, soaking him to the bone; thin white fur clung pathetically to his frame, causing him to look very much like a drowned rat. His green eyes would peer hopelessly into the distance, searching for whatever might lay before him. The body of water seemed to extend far ahead of him, though the visibility was low, due to the storm. It seemed to have intensified quite dramatically in such a short period of time. He knew he ought to felt shelter, to find somewhere to dry himself and rest until the storm let up, but that was what most creatures were doing. What better time to ensure he was utterly alone in his journey then now? He would not be disturbed, no, most certainly not.

The storm intensified as he wandered, thunder rumbling threateningly overhead. The loud rumble would cause him to wince slightly, as though surprised at the intensity of the storm. Occasionally lightning would strike in the far distance, followed by a horrible crack of thunder. Briefly the sky would be illuminated in a brilliant flash of yellow and blue and purple, but it faded as quickly as it came.

In a low, sing-song voice, the small brute began to sing under his breath as his eyes followed the stream whose banks he traversed upon. "Dormi, mi fili, dormi... sunt qui dicunt, vitam beatam esse..." His movements would synchronize with his steps, his tail flicking to wag behind him in a child-like motion. "Dicunt, dicant, nesciunt..." A soft laugh escaped his parted jaws, as though the song brought him a strange sort of joy. But the sound was not kind, no; his tones wavered slightly, filled with a strange kind of depravity.

"Dormi, mi fili, dormi.... veniet dies quo tibi erit l--" The volume of his strange lullaby had increased considerably, his voice full of sick laughter. But he was cut off as his attention was grabbed, a strange scent reaching his nostrils. Or perhaps his mind was playing tricks on him again? He paused his journey, annoying that his song had been interrupted -- he jerked his body around, nose twitching as he inhaled the scent. It was distinctly female, and came from the direction he had been coming from. Eyes widened as they scanned the distance, his vision clouded by rain that dripped down his face and threatened to flood his eyes. The male nearly slipped as he began to move, a bit too quickly, his paws nearly losing hold of the soaked ground below him. He hadn't expected any other wolves to be out here in the storm, and the possibility that someone was nearby made a scowl turn down the corners of his lips.

"Who's there?" He called out loudly, his voice devoid of much emotion, his pitch weak and small compared to most males. He would continue searching for the stranger that either may or may not exist, his slender limbs carrying him quickly into the depths of trees and vegetation that lay near the river.



04-18-2013, 01:17 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Soaked to the skin, Ashtoreth continued to navigate through the forest, her steps becoming more cautious and careful as she moved. The incessant rain had nearly wet all of the ground now, even threatened to do away with the dry patches at the bases of the trees, and in places it was becoming muddy enough to be dangerous. Her gold and purple eyes fixed themselves on the ground, watching where she stepped carefully and doing her best to keep a view of the forest open ahead of her. She paused, sniffing at the air, but to no avail. The storm had dampened any scent to be caught here, and if she had had any hopes of following a stale scent to an abandoned den, no matter the size, anywhere in the territory, it was gone now. She sighed with a quick shake of her head, willing herself to just keep moving through the storm in the hope that it might prove fruitful in the end.

But she had hardly taken another step when she heard a voice behind her, somewhat faint but distinct above the rain's drumming din. Stopping, she turned her head swiftly over one shoulder, staring through squinted eyes at the trees as she sought the individual who had called. There was someone else about in this horrible weather? Someone as foolish as me? Or perhaps not, she wondered. Maybe they knew where they were going. Maybe they knew of a place to rest that was dry and warm and safe. A little voice in her warned that she was not in exactly the most friendly of territories; anyone was allowed in the free lands. But feeling optimistic and hopeful, willing to give the individual a chance, she turned on her heel and rushed through the trees after the call.

"Hello?" she called out, hoping to catch the attention of whoever it was that had spoken just a moment ago. A careless step almost sent her sprawling, but she caught herself and continued forward, ears and eyes attentively seeking the form of another wolf. And eventually she found him, a smaller white wolf whose coat clung to his frame as much as hers did, neither of them too flattered by the rain. She smiled as she approached, blinking her gold and purple eyes through the downpour. "Nice weather we're having, isn't it?" she jested over the steady beat of the rain, somewhat glad to not be the only one braving the storm but still wondering if her company was the type she would feel comfortable keeping.



04-18-2013, 08:12 PM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2013, 08:13 PM by Domovei.)

As he wandered, his song picked up again the words slipping effortlessly off the creature's tongue as though he'd spoken them many times before. Still he maintained a strangely creepy sing-song tone, bouncing slightly with each step. If he had been mistaken about the scent of a female lingering in the air, he would turn around and go back on his way. And if not... well, why was she out here, in the storm? Certainly she was not following him?

"Dormi, mi fili, dormi... aderit mox mihi, tum tibi ultima... optima nox." His nose had not betrayed him after all! Domovei shook his soaked muzzle, moisture spraying from his eyes with the quick gesture. In the near distance was the outline of a female, a smaller girl, her grey fur blending in slightly with the dreary environment.

Green eyes widened as he took a few steps forward, examining her as best as he could through the storm. The rain continued to fall relentlessly around them, as though wanting to drown the earth itself. A loud crack of thunder sounded somewhere behind him, causing him to flinch slightly. Body crouched closer to the ground as he stared at the girl. A smile of his own teased the corners of his lips, his eyes alight with... something... as he watched her. She wouldn't have been so close to him if she hadn't been following him, would she? What could she possibly want with him? A glance told him that the female's intentions were pure enough, but any actor could convey the facade of kindness that she so readily displayed.

"Ah, yes! Quite nice, indeed, yes.." He approached her guardedly, head shaking once again to rid the water that seemed intent on obscuring his vision. He would scrutinize her silently, willing a smile to remain plastered on his face. "What brings you out in this weather?" He inquired in loud tones; the steady drumming of the rain was enough to wash out the sound of their voices quite easily. "Shouldn't you be seeking shelter somewhere?"



04-19-2013, 12:53 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

There was something strangely off kilter about the smile the male greeted her with, partly there but not, as if it was unsure what sort of impression it wished to give off. Or perhaps it was a trick of the rain, since it was coming down in such steady sheets that she was sure even her smile was part wince because of it. Ashtoreth studied it as she came to a stop nearby, her ears half rising from their tucked position on her head as the sopping wet white wolf answered her jest in kind, raising his voice above the sounds of the weather with no obvious intent of drawing himself closer so that they would not need to. She would have expected him to, but despite the rain, despite both of them being lost in it together, he seemed in no rush to band together to get out of it. Fair enough, she supposed. Some were just more cautious than others.

Side stepping a little under the minimal protection of the overhead branches a nearby tree offered, the little grey wolf half perked her ears again, not at all surprised by his inquiry. Her initial response as he continued was to smile ruefully, a sheepish, partly embarrassed thing. Yes, she should have been seeking shelter. In fact, she was, but unfamiliar with the territory it was easier said than done. "Getting caught in storms is becoming a habit of mine," she answered in response to his first question, grinning faintly. "I am seeking shelter. Are you familiar with this area?" It was a bold question, even she knew that. It hinted at her unfamiliarity to the terrain and put her at a disadvantage, but she was not going to get anywhere being cautious. Just one question, she thought, one question to see if he might help, and if not then she could be on her way no worse for the wear.



04-22-2013, 07:38 PM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2013, 07:39 PM by Domovei.)

The creature's eyes remained narrowed as he watched Ashtoreth, drifting over the small girl as though scrutinizing her carefully. Luckily the rain continued to fall, concealing the wicked grin that crossed the male's lips. A few more slow steps were taken towards the girl. Domovei lowered his head instinctively, unwilling to let his vital organs be readily available if she chose to attack. The stranger seemed docile enough, but one could never be too sure...

"Getting caught in storms is becoming a habit of mine," she answered, causing his eyes to widen slightly. What kind of answer was that? What kind of wolf would make a habit out of getting caught in such awful weather? Maybe she's just trying to be funny, he considered silently, but he was not convinced. It seemed much more probable that the girl was following him, yes, but why..?

She went on to question him, asking if he was familiar with the area. She claimed to be seeking shelter. A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips, but he remained crouched slightly toward the ground, wary of approaching too quickly. "Ah, yes, I'm familiar with the area..." No he wasn't, not at all. But her presence was beginning to irritate the male slightly, despite the fact that she was not unpleasant in the least, and despite the fact that it was he who had turned around and followed her scent. But something was off about her -- or so he thought -- and he was intent to find out what it was. "I believe I know somewhere you can rest," he nodded readily, words soft but eager. He knew it wasn't certain that she would follow, but slowly the brute turned to lead her in a direction he'd never gone, deeper into the forest, but still near the gentle roar of the vast river.

He was unaware of the fact that he had yet to give the girl his name, but he'd never been one for manners, anyway.



04-23-2013, 11:54 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her ears perked. He was familiar with this place. That was good news, really good news, if there was a way for her to convince him to help her out. As much as she would have rather wandered on her own until she found a shelter she deemed suitable, the weather was simply making that less and less likely. There was a better chance of her walking right past a burrow or abandoned den before she noticed it, let alone stumbled upon one that would meet her requirements. And as she blinked through the rain, squinting her eyes and wishing she had a clearer view of the white wolf who named himself the only expert in the vicinity of the lay of this land, any sort of help that she could get would have been a godsend.

And then he spoke the words she had been hoping for but had been too reluctant to expect. "Really?" she answered in disbelief, her lips drawing upward at their edges as a smile began to spread across her face. This was certainly a turn of luck! "Well...thank you," she added with a few quick wags of her tail to show her gratitude. He set off slowly, she supposed as a means to allow her to keep up if she chose to do so, and she did. With a useless shake, Ashtoreth set off after the male with quick, light steps, cautiously watching the placement of her paws now that the rain had been falling long enough to make walking a predicament for inattentive travelers. Her squinted gold and purple eyes watched the leading figure of the white male and occasionally glanced downward, keeping up easily and hoping that whatever destination he had in mind would not be so very far away.



04-26-2013, 11:47 AM (This post was last modified: 05-01-2013, 09:11 PM by Domovei.)

Paranoia was a strange force; like water seeping into the earth, it washed over him until it found a crack in his fragile veneer, slipping in and poisoning his mind. Once it found its way in, it was too late. And thus Domovei's world began to crumble before his very eyes, the trees taking on the appearance of towering beasts and rumble of thunder as viscous as a lion's roar. With each crack he flinched as though he'd been struck by the claw of an enemy, though he maintained a reasonable pace, unwilling to let this stranger slip away from him. She had been following him, after all... had she not? His Queen would be disappointed if he let a potential threat to Lentajin disappear so quickly.

Such was the life of the crazed creature, the male who spent his days dancing dangerously on the line between normalcy and insanity, never quite settling on one or the other. The ferocity of the rain seemed to increase, as did his unfounded frustration, in perfect synchronicity. Muscles in his face tugged at the corners of his lips, mouth contorting into a forced smile as he turned around to gaze at her. She had thanked him, and he had nodded agreeably. Now he was sure of it -- the girl was a good actress, he'd give her that much. But there was no reason a pretty wolf like herself should be out in the rain, following him so closely, if she wasn't up to no good.

Even he wasn't sure of his intentions, as he led her further into the brush. Not wanting to lose his bearings, he kept near the roaring of the vast river, wanting to be able to return home quickly if he was able. His Queen was due to have her pups any day now, and he'd never seen childbirth, so his interest was vaguely piqued.

While they tread, he turned briefly to eye her. "So, what's your name?" He asked suddenly, perhaps a bit too commandingly than he should have. But that wasn't as surprising as what the male did next: he twisted his body quickly towards her, his paws sliding on the wet grass, unable to keep traction on the land beneath him. He kicked off from the ground with his back paws, aiming to tackle the girl to the ground. It had been so long since Domovei had felt the lust for blood, for pain flowing through him, but lately his Queen hadn't been around, and he was growing irritable, and couldn't contain himself. His girl had been following him, after all...



04-29-2013, 07:05 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Ashtoreth trailed in the wake of the sopping white wolf, still focusing most of her attention on his tracks and the placement of her paws but occasionally she brought her eyes upward to peer at him. Though he acted cordial and generous as he offered to assist her in searching for some place to sit out the storm, he gave the impression of being uncomfortable and jittery. Every crack of thunder, every flash of lightning, seemed to cause him discomfort and brought around an unexpected and unnecessary flinch, a few of which she managed to see and take note of. It was peculiar, to say the least, and the lean grey wolf did find his behavior to be rather questionable, but considering he was helping her she hated to think wrongly of him. It was rude and unkind, and she really did want to get out of the storm. It just wouldn't do for her to return home out of sorts for getting caught in another storm without some place to retreat to.

She lifted her squinted eyes to regard him when she saw him glance her way, the move casual from what she could see in the storm, and his voice carried much more commandingly than she would have expected as he asked for her name. She hesitated only an instant, blinking as she tried to account the strength of his voice for some attempt at letting her hear him over the rain, when he jumped.

It had been unexpected. Her jaws had parted to answer, her breath drawing in, when the other wolf committed to his turn and leaped for her. The amiable smile on her face quickly slipped behind a sudden worry, her brows knitting themselves as she attempted to step back, but to no avail. He was small, but he moved with more than enough force to knock her off of her feet, her paws slipping upon the wet earth and letting her slim body tumble into the mud. An unimpressive yip of surprise slipped from her muzzle as her body hit the ground, Domovei's tackle successful. For a second, she was too stunned to react, but realizing that the stranger's face she had thought to be friendly was now staring down at her with a crazed look about him Ashtoreth panicked. She tried to roll, tried to get her feet under her, tried to claw as well as she could at the earth to right herself, struggling to slip out of the male's grip and distance herself from the danger he now posed.



05-01-2013, 09:34 PM (This post was last modified: 05-01-2013, 09:35 PM by Domovei.)

It seemed very much as though he had lost all control of his body. No longer could he rationalize his actions, nor could he pause to consider the consequences of what he was doing in attacking this stranger. Pure rage had bubbled up from his very core, an uncontrollable presence that had lived inside him for as long as he could remember. His subordination to his brother had often quelled the beast inside, but alone, he felt powerless to its temptations. It spoke to him in silent tones, convincing him the world was out to get him, that this girl was certainly following him, and that his Queen would never allow her slave to be stalked. No, she had to be stopped, and he deserved nothing less than to feel her blood dripping down his throat and hear her begging for forgiveness...

The small wolf nearly slipped on the sopping grass as he sought to pounce on Ashtoreth, aiming to pull her to the ground with him. While she became quickly frigtened, he too panicked, suddenly not sure whether he could handle her on his own. Though he was able to catch hold of her, she was agile enough to slip away, sending him sliding towards the earth.

In his mind flashed the image of Newt, the woman who had dominated him so effortlessly, whose words had pierced the very center of his being, soothing him. Comforting him. He was the dominated; and while he had no desire to bring about a slave of his own, no pressing urge to make the girl before him submit, he certainly lusted for her blood, wanted her pain to make itself known. Order! There needed to be order. Justice needed to be served when a wrong had been done. And if he was the one to administer such order, so be it.

"Lex talionis!" Eyes widened as adrenaline coursed through his veins, his body growing suddenly hot, as though his very limbs were on fire. The same kind of light burned in his green eyes, expression contorting to something even more deranged. A slight twist of his lips, a tongue lolling between parted jaws -- and then! Aha! He clambered from his fallen position onto all fours, aiming to snap at her legs with his unhinged jaws. He would retreat if the fight was one he was guaranteed to lose, but he longed to feel her skin rip as his teeth aimed for one of her hind legs.



05-02-2013, 12:09 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

He slipped. She felt his weight shift, felt the pressure holding her in place slacken, and clawed even more frantically with her forepaws on the ground. Yes! She was moving, she was going to get away. Relief shot through her like a white hot flash, stronger than she expected. She would not be hurt, she would not be tormented. Whatever the slim white wolf's intent, she would have no part in it. Ashtoreth clawed further, dragging herself upward and out of the mud - which she could feel clinging to her back and sides and coating her almost wholly with wet earth. She had to get away, had to find safety, had to at the very least get closer to the Valhallan border. She needed to run, and hope that whichever direction she chose would lead her away from danger and not straight into it.

At last she got her feet - freedom nearly within her grasp - and she made to move forward, to run half slipping in the mud to some yet unknown sanctuary, anywhere but here. But as she made that first step, nearly stumbling and losing her balance a little in the mess she and Domovei had made of the ground with their original tumble, a sudden pain stabbed the back of her ankle nearest the wolf and an unexpected weight stopped any progress she would have made.

She cried out, a sharp yelp of pain, as the other latched securely onto her leg. The momentum of her almost run combined with the pull of the crazed wolf's jaws as they prevented her movement were enough to send her balance off kilter, and struggling to remain upright she slipped and slid back toward the earth. The pain of his hold was much stronger than she would have imagined, though she knew if she didn't get herself moving again, didn't bite past the flaring sting, that it would likely be the mildest thing she got away with. So she tried to pull away from him, cringing with an audible whine, as she attempted to draw herself upright again, desperate to at least get to her feet and be one step closer to running away.



05-02-2013, 09:25 PM (This post was last modified: 05-02-2013, 09:30 PM by Domovei.)

He expected the simple taste of blood to satisfy the sudden desire that had begun to well up inside him. Perhaps it would quell the relentless beast that struggle to erupt; its claws tore at his insides, sending a snarl from his angry jaws, a sound far more vicious than expected from a creature his size. She had been following him, and the girl needed to be punished! If Newt was not around to administer justice, he would be the one to do the deed. She would be proud! Perhaps he could even drag her back to his pack, a trophy of the dirty deed he had committed. Should she be dead or alive? Did the male even have the strength to end her life? Perhaps Newt would like another companion. No, her den would be full soon, with three hungry mouths to feed, three children to tend to. Death was the only option for the girl, he decided, with a wicked grin.

He felt the mud coat his paws as they struggled, moisture seeping into his thin coat as he felt himself slipping again. But somehow he caught hold of one of her hind legs, his jaws tightening around her limb. He was rewarded with a loud whine, echoing over the roar of the rain and thunder that seemed to have struck in perfect synchronicity with his attack. A flash of lightning followed, illuminating the two wolves, locked in a struggle. She struggled in his grasp, but he shook his head from side to side, attempting to bring her down again. She was early the same size as he, and so he wasn't surprised if he couldn't bring her down easily.

"Maybe you'll think twice about following someone next time!" He called, tones nothing short of maniacal, his voice shrill and hysterical.



05-03-2013, 01:10 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

With one leg latched in the jaws of her attacker, Ashtoreth struggled to remain upright on only three legs. Her paws slipped within the mud, making standing that much harder, and trying to pull away from him was only managing to make her leg flare up with even more pain. The hold that he had on her was simply too strong for her to pull free from. She needed to think of a new tactic if she intended to get away from him.

The shake of his head that he gave as he still clung to her leg tore every last hold she had to her upright position, and feeling her body shift with the motion she lost her balance and fell again, plopping back into the mud. It was everywhere now, she was sure there wasn't an inch of her that wasn't covered in it despite the rain that incessantly poured on them, indifferent to the fight and struggle that went on below. The lightning and thunder still crashed and rumbled, as if attempting to accentuate each blow and move that the two combatants made. It was as if everything transpired against her, everything that could go wrong did, and her chances of getting away were growing slimmer and slimmer.

The unfairness of it all lent her a small boost of strength and with it she kicked out with an angered cry with the leg that the wolf held, rolling to her side to peer back at the crazed creature who still held her in his grasp. If she could just get her leg free, she might be able to defend herself. It was obvious she was not going to simply be able to run away; he was far too quick to let her get that far. She would have to match him in strength and hope to win in actual combat.



05-14-2013, 09:43 PM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2013, 09:43 PM by Domovei.)

She didn't even respond to his accusation. Surely that was further proof of her guilt! His grip on her remained firm, his head shaking to attempt to tear the skin that was clamped between his jaws. Again he was rewarded a slight bit of warm blood trickling down the back of his throat.

But the delicious reward made his stance slacken slightly, feeling suddenly over-confident. He was surprised at her sudden burst of adrenaline, and she tugged her limb from his grasp. A snarl erupted suddenly from his jaws, a sound that was brimming with unwarranted anger. Eyes widened as he assessed the situation, suddenly growing anxious at the prospect of her striking back and perhaps even drawing his own blood.

Panic blooded the male's body, torn between the options of fighting, or fleeing. In a split second decision, he stumbled backwards, though still snarls fell from his lips, jaws snapping threateningly. He was suddenly aware of the danger he could possibly face; what if she was of a pack, and they went looking for her? Would he be punished? Would Newt be punished for his actions? With a quick turn he moved to dash away, slipping slightly in the mud, but managing to stumble quickly from Ash, but not without first slipping and becoming caked in mud.

This was not a fight he needed to win, and he saw that through his crazed mind -- he would turn and sprint away from the girl, still tasting her blood in his mouth, hoping she would not follow.

- exit Domovei -



05-15-2013, 12:25 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Luck seemed to favor her at long last as she struck out with her hind leg. Though clutched securely in the mouth of her attacker, the small wolf had apparently not anticipated much fighting back. Catching him off guard, his grip around her leg slackened as she felt it tumble out of his mouth into the mud and mire below. Pain flared from the open wounds upon her leg, stinging even worse as the driving rain water pelted her and seeped into the gashes, rivulets of red diluted blood flowing from her leg.

Injured and in pain, she was at length free, and she needed to act on it before the crazed Domovoi got a second wind and decided to try a different tactic while she struggled with her new found handicap. Gripping and praying for purchase through the mud, Ashtoreth pushed herself with a blatant wince to her feet, gingerly holding her injured hind leg aloft above the slippery ground. It was trick and precarious, particularly since even with all four paws firmly planted in the soil she could have still easily slipped, but miraculously she got to her feet and kept them, wavering a little as she widened her stance rather awkwardly and tried to balance on three legs.

With no chance of making a run for it, the lean grey wolf lowered her head and bared her teeth, hackles rising in the best stand against attack that she could muster. No doubt she looked more pathetic than dangerous sopping wet and favoring an injury, but it surprisingly seemed to do the trick. She could almost see the look of worry that ghosted through the mad wolf's eyes, a moment of sense seeming to wrap around his mind, and with frantic, scrambling motions he was gone.

All pretense of defense and fight that she had given crumbled, and her body nearly followed suit. She slumped, lowered her head and closed her eyes tightly against the pain in her leg. The immediate danger was gone, but there was no telling what damage he had done to her. It hurt far too much for her to know just by feel alone, and with the rain matting fur and blurring blood there was not much room for her to make any judgment. Every fiber of her being longed for her to crumple there upon the ground, but she resisted, knowing the safest place she could possibly be was back inside her pack's territory, curled up inside of her den or, preferably, with a healer to tend to her new wounds.

Limping and wincing with every step, Ashtoreth turned herself around, pausing briefly as she blinked her gold and purple eyes against the downpour, before she picked and direction and awkwardly hopped with slow and easy steps toward what she hoped was home.

-Exit Ashtoreth-