
Silver Bells



9 Years
Dragon Mod
01-06-2016, 07:11 PM

It had been some time since they had left Donostrea, and while she was glad to be back with her family, she missed Glacier. She was unaware about the goings on since she left, so she found herself skirting newly taken territories to reach the prairie where she had resided in for a short time. Spring was here, but the grounds in most parts were soggy and wet, something she was used to but at the same time didn't like. She hated when the mud stuck on her legs, but she wouldn't worry too much about it for now. With the sun above, the day was a little warmer then it had been before. Her first spring! It was an enjoyable day, and she felt that it could only get better once she reached the coastal packlands. When the silver fea reached the borders, she could smell and feel the salty air the closer she got. With a smile on her face, she tilted her head a little to call out for Glacier.




2 Years
Extra large

01-07-2016, 12:00 AM (This post was last modified: 01-07-2016, 12:00 AM by Seraphiel.)

The Prairie was becoming more familiar to her then the beach had ever been. The fabled black sand that had stretched for miles, and the nooks and crannies of the tunnels, the cliff that the star siblings had spent their hours and passion... it was all just a story to the girl. She had known her den, and then this lush green land. Of course she was curious about the ocean, and she had even gone so far as to stick a paw into the water before her father had snatched her away, his eyes wider then she had ever seen them. Was he afraid of the water? It seemed so silly for someone so big and strong be afraid of anything.

She hadn't tried that trick again, her father watched her far too closely when she tread near the ocean's side. She had more freedom if she moved instead through the prairie. The grass was nearly as long as her paws, the towering trees lifted far past what her eyes could track. She couldn't cover every inch of the grass lands in one day, and she certainly didn't know it off by heart yet. She knew a path to the borders, and some interesting bushes to play in on the land itself, but so far that was all her little heart had learned to love.

The call for her father was a welcome distraction, her head lifted to the wind and it was a huge mission to follow to source of the howl. When she pounced from the tree line and found her way to the border she was so mighty impressed with herself that she pranced forward, head held high and tail lifted haughtily behind her. It was at this point that her brilliant blue eyes connected with the duel toned orbs of a stranger. She froze, having forgotten what exactly had lead her here in the heat of the challenge. “Oh!” she said in surprise, titling her head, relaxing her tail as she twisted her head this way and that to survey the woman at every angle. It took her a moment to get a hold of that pride again, as she pranced right up to the border, her eyes never moving from Silva. “My name is Seraphiel Elementas of the Filli rank of Donostrea” wow, that was a mighty mouth full and the first time she had ever had a chance to use the whole thing in the space of one moment. “Er. Ray, call me Ray” she concluded, and found a speck of manners hidden somewhere in her skull. “Whats your name?”




9 Years
Dragon Mod
01-07-2016, 01:43 AM

Dual gaze watched the other side as she nearly stood on her toes to peer over the lands. She was bigger since she had last seen Glacier, but she knew that she would never grow to be as tall as he was. Still, she wondered if the hulking blue form would come striding across the prairie. But instead, she would find something else...or rather, something else would find her! The silver girl watched a smaller form come right up to her and introduce herself, and all she could do was watch and listen as she was assaulted by a rapid fire introduction. She was still for a moment, blinking in a bit of confusion. Seraphiel? What was a Seraphiel? It clicked bit by bit, and then the word Elementas and she knew what an Elementas was!

In her momentary surprise and slight confusion, she went from stand still to a wagging tail and smile as the girl asked what her name was. Her look was cheerful as she looked the other girl, she seemed friendly just like Glacier! "My name is Silva Hellstrom! I'm a loner though. It's nice to meetcha!" Even though she had no rank to be proud of like the newcomer, she was proud of her name...well, the first name anyway. She wasn't too sure on her last name, it kinda sounded mean but cool at the same time, and she definitely was not mean. Well, not since she had met Glacier that is. Speaking of! "Hey Ray? Is uncle Glacier around? Do you know him?"




2 Years
Extra large

01-07-2016, 01:52 AM

She was still watching the woman with a tilted head, surveying her with all the curiosity of a child. She had never in her entire life met someone who wasn't related to her. She had her daddy's aunts and uncle's, she had her mothers Auntie, and her sister. Everyone she knew was a part of the Elementas family in some way. That's what Donostrea was to her, the name of one big family. This white washed woman didn't have a speck of related blood in her body (at least that was Ray's assumption and she was rolling with it) and she was fascinated with the girls coat color. Her eyes where as brilliant and vibrant and colorful as she was use to, but her entire coat was white, white, white! And she had never seen anything like it. Ray giggled, the sound escaping her without her even realizing she did it. “Its like you swam in the ocean until all the color ran out. Is it normal for a wolf to be so white? You don't have a single drop of yellow or purple or blue or brown or anything in your whole coat!” Ray pointed out, utterly tactless.

Then the woman would drop a surprise in Ray's lap and she opened her mouth and gaped at this lady, this woman who had introduced herself as 'Silva' “What! You mean your family too? Is there any one left in this entire world i'm not related to? I dunno where my daddy is. Probably doing big people Alpha stuff or something. Maybe he's fixing the beach. Since the water came and ate up the sand” she explained




9 Years
Dragon Mod
01-07-2016, 02:15 AM

Whoa! This kid was really something! Hearing the girl giggle made Silva wanna giggle. Despite her being almost a year come next season, she still retained some innocence and puplike enthusiasm herself. She laughed when Ray mentioned she had no other color besides the white, and Silva shook her head then nodded it quickly. "Oh, I've never seen the ocean...I was born like this, silly! My daddy is white, and my momma was grey and black. So my fur is silvery white? And the only color I have is on my nose but it's nothing special like your blue!" She laughed as her tail wagged harder, boy it was fun talking to a pup again! She had spent so much time with adults, and she had to act responsible when everything was going on that she didn't get the chance to be like Ray...It made her nostalgic for a moment, but she was glad to meet this girl!

She had to admit, she really liked this girl! Okay, maybe Silva shouldn't have said that Glacier was her uncle...really, he wasn't. But the time she had spent with him and learned from him, she had said it once and then it stuck from there. Oops. She lowered herself to her stomach, tail wagging madly behind her as she giggled. So Glacier had a daughter now? Cool! When did that happen?! This was even better then she thought! Geez, she felt like she had missed so much in both her world and the world of Donostrea... "Sort of! I'm not directly related to anyone in your pack, but me and my siblings stayed here with your daddy for a little while, while my daddy was out kicking butt!" Okay so...she didn't know the exact details of the siege...all she knew was that her dad had said he beat someone before coming back for them, and somewhere in between he had lost an eye and broken a paw.

Her ears perked forward when Ray mentioned that she didn't know where Glacier was, and then something about the beach? While she still had no idea what the beach was, it sounded bad! Water ate the sand? Oh no! Did that mean it was creeping up to hunt the wolves too!? Was that what an ocean was!? She felt a bit alarmed, she had no idea what a beach or an ocean was having never seen them before, and the only kinds of lands she really knew about was...desert and snow. Oh, and this prairie, but she had never been allowed to leave it to go see the beach. "That sounds awful! Is the water trying to hurt you? Are you all okay!?"




2 Years
Extra large

01-07-2016, 02:36 AM

Ray could only watch as Silva first shook her head, then nodded it, and found she wasn't entirely certain what point her new relative wanted to get across. At least she explained that her white-washed coat wasn't something totally rare and strange. If both the woman's parents boosted the colors it must be common enough, right? Sera shrugged at the mention of her blue. Her color wasn't special, not in Donostrea. It marked her as the 'frost' element she was apparently born to or whatever that weird history stuff was anyway, she hadn't really got an understanding of it all down yet. “Nah, the blues shaped like Gale and Volt but different and colored like my dad and I guess it just is like that like your white like that” Ray said, in a way that only a pup could logic it.

Now it was Silva's turn to giggle and Ray tilted her head questioningly wondering what was going on in that grey-scaled head of hers. She explained that she wasn't really family but that she had spent some time here. “Cool, does that make us related through like adoption or something?” she wanted to know “So our dads didn't kick butt together? Cause daddys really big and he can be really fierce like he wants to be. Like that time I wanted to touch the ocean and he got all mad. I bet he could kick butts too” she mused.

When Silva got alarmed about the beach, Ray's eyes went huge, and her grin got just as big. “All the adults where really alarmed and my daddy got all scared in that hushed way like he doesn't want us to know and he had to carry us through the water that had gotten all into our den and I got wet and cold and I could see the water eating up all the beach until there was no sand left and we had to race it to the shore. But when we got to the shore all the adults got all strong and stood between the water and the prairie and they wouldn't let the water take their grass land too so it had to stay on the beach!” she explained. Ok. so. That might not have been exactly how it went down, but she liked how interested and alarmed Silva had gotten over it.




9 Years
Dragon Mod
01-07-2016, 03:26 AM

Her fur color not special? Did she just say not special!? Holy flying mice was she nuts!? Then again, maybe it was normal for a colorful wolf to think they weren't that special when they lived around a bunch of other colorful wolves. Like Silva lived around a bunch of other wolves that were normal whites and browns and boring colors. No, the first time she had seen Glacier she had been in complete shock and awe because he was blue! And she still couldn't get over the fact when she saw Seraphiel with blue in her fur because, well, it was so different! When Ray mentioned the names of Gale and Voltage, Silva had to stop and think for a moment. Gale...Gale...oh! The pretty one that had colors like her but with purple on her face! And Voltage was the meanie who wouldn't let them go to the beach right? While she loved Glacier, his brother seemed okay. But Silva thought he was kinda mean for not letting them go to the beach and play in the water.

When Seraphiel finished her explanation, Silva nodded in agreement. "Makes sense!" Of course it did! Why wouldn't it? Does that make us related like through adoption or something? Hmm...that was a good question! She did start calling him Uncle, and he never told her not to call him she was pretty sure the answer was yes. Wait was it...? Yes, at least in her mind. She nodded vigorously, "Yeah, I think so!" As for whether her dad and Ray's dad kicked butt together? Well, Glacier did go to check on her dad when everything was happening, so that meant that they did kick butt together right? What else would have happened? She tilted her head to the side, laughing as Ray told her that Glacier had gotten mad about the water. "I dunno! Maybe they did because both our dads are big and strong! Well, my daddy isn't as big as your daddy but he can be really scary when he's mad, just like your daddy!"

By this point, her alarm had hit a standstill as Ray told her what happened. It sounded both exciting and scary, but what was scary about racing water? The wet and cold part? Ick! She didn't like being wet and cold, like when she lived in the snow it was always wet and cold! But then when they moved to the desert, it was hot and dry! She leaped up to her paws then, a determined look on her face as she bristled her fur while an idea formed in her mind. "Well, what are we waiting for!? We can help fight the water too! We can show the adults that we have responsibles too!" She could show them! She was very responsible. She could show her uncle Glacier and meanie 'ole Voltage that she was strong too! She already proved to be a good hunter didn't she? Maybe she could be a good fighter too if she proved she could fight the water and protect Ray's grassland! Yus...that was what she wanted to do. But...there was one little problem. She didn't want to get eaten by someone for trespassing, so almost right away her ears fell and she sat back down with a thud. "Huu...I almost forgot.."




2 Years
Extra large

01-07-2016, 03:43 AM

Sera could only beam when Silva confirmed that they where related. She liked the idea, even if it did only fuel her imagination that every wolf in the world was related to her in some way. Silva was nice, and not as old as all the other wolves in the pack. She was someone new and interesting to talk to and play with. Plus, if she was family surely that meant she was allowed on Dono and they could go off and play together. Maybe they could have sleep overs! They could get into trouble at night, she would be entertained on those times when she couldn't sleep... but she was really getting a head of herself now. She dialed back her excitement and filed it away to look upon at another time. She would have to speak to her daddy about it all first...

little Ray snorted at the description of their daddy's. If hers was as furious as Glacier maybe she didn't want to meet him. It was hard enough trying to have fun without her daddy spoiling, she couldn't imagine how hard it would be with two of them. Of course, the story about the water had taken over everything else and it was all the two girls could think about once it was mentioned. Silva's idea, once mentioned, was the most brilliant think she had ever heard and she bounced onto her paws in a heart beat, almost tripping over her huge feet. “Oh but that's perfect!' she agreed, trying to bounce on spot and not trip over her paws and keep herself all balanced and upright was quite a huge feet and took a lot of concentration. She almost didn't realize when Silva sat back down again and looked all forlorn and stuff. “What is it, whats wrong Silva? Come on! We gotta go prove we all big and strong and can fight the ocean too, come on!” she said again, pawing at the ground in front of Silva, a little worried at her friends sudden change in attitude. It wasn't that she didn't want to be best frineds with Ray right? Maybe she was scared of the ocean. “It isn't that big and scary, not really, I promise” she said, absolutely contradicting her earlier words.




6 Years
Extra large
01-07-2016, 10:39 PM

When Silva called for him, the Titan was a little busy. His ratbag child had scampered off again and he was just... astonished. They where surrounded by family, and she still managed to sneak off unhindered! Perhaps he would have to set up an around the clock guard or her or something. Not that the pack could waste their time so easily, they had hunting and gathering and building to do well the Beach was off limits. He shook his head, a growing respect for Voltage in his chest – he had had the energy for similarly troublesome girls.

At last Glacier decided to head to the border to answer his call – if nothing else, Silva could help him find his lost child. His nose began to twitch the closer he got to Silva's position, the scent of.. of... “AH HA” he declared, victoriously, as he found his little girl. He pounced the child, who squealed and ducked, but was unable to avoid him. The titan flipped her over and blew raspberries on her stomach. “I should chain you to the den so you can't keep wondering off” he declared, before getting to his feet, and grinning at his guest. “Hey Silva, I see you've met one of my daughters. I should thank you, your call must have attracted her, and without it I might still be looking for an hour!” he said, turning a teasing glare to Ray. As he did so he looked back and forth between the two, and you could just about see the light-bulb flare in his eyes at a thought. “Silva! Our packs a little busy of late. Say, do you think your father could spare you a few days? You would be a life saver if you had the time to help me out with a little babysitting” he admitted.





9 Years
Dragon Mod
01-07-2016, 11:10 PM

Ray's obvious excitement and mild confusion tore at her. She wanted so badly to go and play with her, especially since she never really got to play with any of her own siblings before they all dispersed. Especially when half of them were sick or not around. Obscuro was blind, and Ganta was always helping him. Sheerrun was always a scaredy cat, and Shiro was always sick. Arcadios? Gods knew where she had disappeared to...and now she found someone she could actually play with, and when Ray told her the ocean wasn't that big or scary, Silva's tail set to wagging a little bit as she set to thinking. "Yeah but--" She wouldn't have the chance to tell Ray that she wasn't a part of the pack and couldn't roam freely around their lands like she could. For at that moment, Glacier would come roaming towards them and her eyes lit up. "Uncle Glacier!" Boy, was she ever so excited to see him!

He made a joke, or at least she hoped it was, about chaining Ray to the den. She laughed as he greeted her, her tail wagging more at the sight of the big blue giant. "Your funny!" She smiled as she stood up, her head tilting when she saw a certain look in his eyes before he asked her about babysitting. Oh! What a great idea! She eagerly nodded her head, oh this was so wonderful! "Oh yes! We were just talking about um.." Wait, could she tell him that? Naw, her and Ray were on a mission, and now maybe they could play tag and stuff while the adults were doing their adult things! "Well, we wanted to play! I'm sure my daddy won't mind, he's out doing adult things and trying to find us a new home." She strode forward, passing the borders just a bit to nuzzle Glacier's big tree trunk sized leg. "I'm happy to see you! It's so boring being a loner.."




2 Years
Extra large

01-07-2016, 11:21 PM

Her daddy appeared out of nowhere before she could get to the bottom of Silva's hesitation. The young girl squealed and ducked, but of course her humongous father wasn't one she would outmaneuver. He gently flipped her onto her stomach and she squealed as she tried to kick free of the tyrant. He would be distracted by Silva and she was able to wriggle free and sit back on the earth again, watching the back and forth between her new friend and her daddy. babysit her! At first she was annoyed, she was all big and strong and brave, she didn't need no babysitter. In the next heart beat she realized the benefit of this arrangement. She could play with Silva, and they could have fun together and wonder around Dono because Silva was old enough, and they could do it without her father running in to ruin their play.

She beamed up at both of them. “Silva say yes, say yes!” she begged, through apparently unnecessarily. Her friend was already agreeing, saying her daddy wouldn't mind. Ray did a little dance on the border, struggling to keep herself balanced and not trip over her feet as she made made her way to her friends side. Silva was of course easily twice her size. She also liked how Silva didn't tell her daddy exactly what they had been planning to do.




6 Years
Extra large
01-07-2016, 11:26 PM

Silva crossed the border, once it was clear Glacier was fine with it – he had just asked her to help him out and babysit. He laughed when she nuzzled his leg, beside Sera she had looked almost adult sized, but he would realize she was still a tiny little thing when she stood beside him. “Well your welcome to stay with us for a little while. Heaven knows we could do with some extra hands” he said, through his words where amused, not worried.

He watched Ray's bouncing and encouragement as she came over and joined then and he narrowed his eyes at her. No doubt his little trouble maker was cooking up further mischief. “There will of course be some rules, Silva, Ray” he told them both. “Your to stay near by our camp, not to tread this close to the borders for a little while. Try not to do anything dangerous, please. I know your a sensible girl Silva, dont let me down” he said, kissing the top of her head. He hoped that highlighting the responsibility and pointing out how well he thought of her she might try that little bit harder to stay out of trouble, and to keep his little girl safe.





9 Years
Dragon Mod
01-10-2016, 06:04 PM

Her new friend encouraged her to say yes, but Silva had already made up her mind without hesitation. Her tail wagged as she looked at Seraphiel in excitement, her bodice practically vibrating with excitement! "Oh, yes I'd love that!" Gods knew she was tired of wandering around without much purpose, wondering where they would sleep next or if someone mean would come and take them away. When Glacier spoke again, Silva adopted a more serious look as she dropped her rump to the ground and sat up straight, hanging onto every word he said. Okay...Stay near camp. Don't go so close to the borders. And don't do anything dangerous. I can do it! She practically coached herself as she nodded firmly to the titan. "You can count on me! I promise I won't let you down!" She would exclaim with enthusiasm as she tried to contain her overwhelming excitement. So she got to play with Ray, and get to hang out in Donostrea for a little while! He kissed her head, and she returned the affection with a quick lick to his muzzle. "Do you need help with anything else?"




6 Years
Extra large
01-10-2016, 06:17 PM

Glacier chuckled softly at Silva's enthusiasm, and nodded his head, looking thoughtful. Yes, he did believe he could count on Silva. She might be very young, but she was a good few seasons older then Sera and had more experience under her belt. As much as he wished she hadn't had to experience some of the things she had, he was sure she was more mature and wise because of them. The mere fact she still held on to her pupp love and excitement was a treasure.

He kissed Sera's head and ushered the young pup forward, away from the border. “You two can go play then, but mind my rules” he reminded them both. Silva wasn't quite ready to let him go yet however, as she asked what else she could do. “Well your here, perhaps you can talk to Anais and Terrae about hunting and herb gathering, but really, the most help you can give me is minding that handful over there” he pulled faces at his daughter. “With my daughter in your capable hands I best be off, all that Alpha responsibility to see to” he said, now pulling faces at Silva, through his eyes where laughing. As he turned to walk away from the Duo he raised his head and howled, letting anyone in hearing distance know that Silva was here on his request.





2 Years
Extra large

01-10-2016, 06:21 PM

Her father was so embarrassing and she wished he would just go already. Instead he had to lay down the law to her and Silva, and no doubt Silva wouldn't want to go find something fun to do now, like attacking the water or running along the pack border. She sighed heavily, because life could be so terribly sometimes.

She stuck her tongue out to Glacier's face pulling, and didn't say anything well he and Glacier talked and went over boring adult thinks. She started playing with her tail until finally her daddy got up and left them be. She stuck her tongue out at her fathers receding back and turned her attention to Silva. “Did you still wanna attack the water? Or did you wanna play any other games?” she wanted to know, jumping to her feet an making her way over to her new friends side.
