
You think you're good enough?


04-16-2013, 06:20 AM

Today the mud colored female decided to relax by the stream, even better the ocean. And so her ebony paws padded along to the Kamui Delta. The girl was alone, she was left by everyone. Her friends, her family, her love, every single one of them abandoned her. It was time for her to face the cruel world on her own.

Phoenix was a surprisingly beautiful dame, the black fur on her back molted on top of her brown base turning back to black on her small paws. Her face had a white stripe that moved up her face such as a horse. Her tail matched the black of her back. And to finish it up, her eyes were a dark crystal blue that stood out on her pelt.

The dame may have been a magnet to males, but she was great at befriending other females. She was a great and true friend, but jealousy would take over her and it could cause her to ruin the relationship between them. Phoenix was a bitch an nothing could change that.

Phoenix approached the river part the Delta, it was before the river split into many others, it was all just a wide river to the other side. Her ebony paws stepped into the water, it wasn't too hot today but the water felt nice against her skin. She continued to walk into the water, her belly was now sitting on the surface of the steam. She looked down inside and saw her objective for stepping in. The rock stood in front of her, it came up a little past her knee and she looked at it before colliding her own leg with the rough object. She found the sharpest part of the rock and continued to slice her leg against it until blood gentle settled in the water. With each slice she winched away and clenched her teeth, this was the way of dealing with her problems and it was the the only way to help her.

Walk "Talk" Think


04-18-2013, 02:26 AM

Elphaba was a strange creature. Silent but with a set of wicked teeth and an even more devastating tongue. Her intelligence far surpassed most but she choose not to show it, it seemed she was repulsed at the mere concept of being noticed, which most tended to find bizarre, but it suited her just fine. Solitude was something she choose willingly. She didn't always enjoy the shadows and the loneliness often got to her, especially now with Glinda gone, but such things were neither here nor there. She was where she was and her choices were her own. Whether they were good or bad... still remained to be seen.

Alacritis had proven to be both a blessing and a curse. It gave her a brand new outlook on life, but it trapped her mind in the past, she lingered constantly on the cruelty of her pseudo-father... if he ever hunted her she would fight him until death claimed her... or him. She might be dragged to hell herself but she would make damn sure she took him with her. Her lips coiled back over her teeth as she fought to repress the snarl.

The scent of blood reached her nose and she paused mid stride for but a moment, curiosity clouding her judgement she padded towards the source of the scent, golden eyes flickering this way and that, her paws making indents in the dirt. Water and blood, perhaps the victim was attempting to debride a wound? Intelligent, if such were the case, not many aside from healers knew of such a trick. Her curiosity increased, it was, however, quickly smashed as she saw the wounds were self inflicted. Again she damn near snarled. How selfish, how weak.

"You taint the water with a cowards blood, end your life or cease such folly." Words would fall like knives from ebony lips, vibrating through her larynx in a deep baritone that held no emotion.



04-18-2013, 05:37 PM

The dame had just put her leg back to the river floor. Another voice shot out from behind her and her head jumped around. Her eyes turned evil as her jaw dropped without a response. The dame was caught in action and expected the worse.

"Coward? You get down here and do it."

Phoenix was like a little princess, never caught, always had attention on her. Though she didn't exactly want her way all the time, she would go against authorities and do what she wanted. Instead of complaining about not being able to do something that she wanted, she would just do it without consent.

Phoenix turned her body around still in the water. She showed no pain of the self-inflicted wound, which only counted to say it wasn't the first time. Phoenix would do anything to get the attention of others. She would jump off a cliff if it meant she would live, even if she lost something serious. She was one of those attention whores, and more than just that. Men were her life. She would stay loyal to whoever she was with, but when it came to fighting and arguments, she would have a one night stand if the two hadn't made up by the end of the night.

"I very much value my life, thank you."

Her eyes looked into the female you stood before her. She had an almost shrewd emotion, kind of like "Excuse you, bitch." but her voice wouldn't come to say anything like that. Phoenix wasn't really a mean girl, her attitude just seemed to come out that way.

Walk "Talk" Think


04-22-2013, 08:13 PM

Elphaba carried an air of indifference, neither phased nor taken aback by the dame bitter tones. Her jaws would remain locked, her eyes keen upon her own. She cared not for her idiocies. She was weak if she choose to take her own life, her own blood. Nothing more and nothing less. Everyone had hardships, everyone had obstacles, if you were so weak of mind one deserved to die. Grow a backbone or rot amongst the soil. Life was simply a calamity of choices. her tones returned hostile and still Elphaba did not flinch, her odd fur remained still and silent as the woman vented her aggression.

"Try it? I am not so weak of mind to risk my own blood. You taint yourself with weakness, I will not partake in such folly." Her tones were chilled, they brokered no argument. She had no desire to watch her life essence drain away like sail boats upon the sea. How anyone could be so pathetic was beyond her. Such an act disgusted her. Suicide... such a cowards escape to life. Her tails lashed behind her, the dame grew agitated.

The dame would turn to face her, Elphaba did not mind. She would wait with patience stores of seemingly endless amounts as the woman gathered her wits about her, obviously trying to dream up something clever to say. It would not succeed. The words that spilled from this woman's maw brought a snort escaping Elphaba's nostrils, a bemused light flickering through her golden globes. "You value your life and yet the river turns red from a self inflicted wound? A liar and a coward how cute." Her distance would not affect Elphaba in the slightest, she had dealt with far too much abuse in her life for this brat to phase her.



04-24-2013, 07:01 PM

Phoenix lifted an eye brow, her moth stayed opened as she looked at the wolf with a bad attitude. The girl couldn't be insisting that she was a liar, but it was what she said right? Phoenix didn't quite know what to say, it was a hard decide to be either a friendly response, or a sassy one. The girl was normally the sassy and feisty type, but was it too early to make enemies?

"I suppose you're right. What do you suppose I do instead?"

Her deep blue eyes looked up at the female, she began to step closer to her, closer to the shore. The rest of the blood let out, which wasn't much. She didn't come out of the water, but stayed close to the edge still looking up at the female who interrupted her time.

"You keep this a secret between you and me, girl?"



05-02-2013, 12:51 PM

Elphaba would offer the dame who had attempted her own life no sympathy. She had plenty a reason to consider such an option and yet she never had. She had never become so utterly weak. How irritating. Her tail would lash behind her, whipping through the air, displaying her aggression. She wanted no part in this dames pity party, if she was expecting someone to break down and cry, to sympathize with her, she would be sadly mistaken. Elphaba was a wolf of survival. One did not survive long by crying about their problems.

"Perhaps grow a spine, face your problems, assert them." Elphaba's tongue would fall quick and rounded, the crack of a whip as she answered the most obvious question. Her lips would curl up in a sneer as the dame asked for her word, her secrecy, her tail would lash out behind her once more. Irritation curling in the pit of her gut, just who did this creature think she was? Elphaba was under no one's command, at least no longer, she could do as she damn well pleased. "And if I refuse? Will you hurt me little dove?" Her voice revealed none of her irritation. It was emotionless, toneless, seemingly unphased by anything the woman had said or done. Eagerly she awaited her response.



05-15-2013, 05:46 AM

Phoenix took offense to the dame's words. She was strong on the inside, she just couldn't handle things the way this girl did. She then stepped out of the water, walking past the dark girl and turning around to face her while shaking her body around. If she refused? Well Phoenix wouldn't do much about it unless it became a big problem later.

"'Little dove' is definitely something I refuse to be. A wicked creature lies beneath my shell but my days of murder and destruction are over."

Her head held high as she spoke, she wasn't showing authority, just her attitude her words. You were either a friend or an enemy of Phoenix, and this girl seemed to become an enemy.



06-06-2013, 02:25 AM

(((OOC: I am soooo sorry this took so long! I completely forgot about this thread! -is a horrible person-)))

Her tail would flicker, the only movement the oddly colored dame would make. The only sign of her being more than an intriguing statue amongst the trees. She watched, golden oculars gleaming as the dame pulled herself from the waters grasp. Her gait strong and powerful, obviously offended by her blunt words. Elphaba couldn't be any different. Kindness and compassion weren't shown unless earned and even then it was a bit of a stretch.

"Death and destruction? Are these things not what you deliver to your own body? You carve your flesh like a macabre painting. Your blood stains the water red, is that not destructive?" Elphaba would point out the flaw in her logic, her voice remaining impassive, unreadable. The ebony dame could not be swayed and curiosity gleamed in those wicked orbs of gold.
