
Returning home [Rejoining]


03-28-2013, 09:13 PM

An ebony male walked the outskirts of Valhalla. He thought about crossing over into his homeland, but there could be a consequence. So he walked a line of the border to pick up the scent of his old home into his fur. The musty smell of volcanic ash melted within the scent of an old alacritis land that lay in his fur. After trailing the border for a while, he came to the beach. There was no where further to go off the land of Valhalla, besides turning around and moving back. But Rum left it there and stood his ground.

This could be harsh on the brute, he had abandoned his pack. He might have been know as a traitor. But this was about a year and a half ago, so they might have shown compassion. But whether they wanted Rum back or not, he came to see his mother and sister. And he would trespass if it came to that. Even if it meant taking someone down, he would go see his family at least to let them know he was alive.

Rumble was a rather large wolf standing at 33 inches, but he would grow another 2 when he stopped growing. He had great muscle mass for the young age we was, something that he trained himself in. He needed it to survive a harsh world back on the old abounded land that all the wolves once called their home. Rum looked apon the luscious greenery that slowly dissolved into sand; he missed his home an he wanted it back. His familiar cry shot across the land to alert a Valhallan that he was back, and he was ready to come home.

The ebony male turned his head to see the amethyst and ebony female he had just met. She wanted to join him so he accepted. Company was nice every now an then, especially when you have lived alone almost your whole life.
OOC: (I have decided that any one (who can accept him) can reply to this thread ;) it's been a while since I've had rum so no one probably knows him.)

Walk "Talk" Think


04-08-2013, 01:45 PM

The purple-painted wolf named Nurra trailed the male towards the territory he may soon call home, matching his solemn silence most of the way. She knew this would be difficult for him, and had trouble finding any words to say, finding it better to just stay reserved for the walk. When the time came for it, she would of course speak up for him, but for now, she gave comfort with only her presence, as she guessed he preferred. Even Shinibana stayed uncharacteristically quiet.

Nurra refused to allow her newest friend to be turned away from his rightful home, and if it came to it, would defend him with fang, claw, and venom. She prayed that fighting wouldn't be necessary - that his family would be forgiving and take him back in an instant, and maybe even consider her. Joining another pack might do her some good... if she could keep her murderous past hidden. Some part of her just wanted to stay beside this male, and show him a friend like he seemed to never have had before.

When they came upon the scent markers, Nurra knew immediately that they had arrived. She scanned around as their leader walked the borders, admiring the sights of the Valhallan lands that were more beautiful than Rum's description accredited them, but the time to cherish them would come later, for now the male had stopped in his tracks upon the sandy edge of the earth and sang out a wolfcall, so soon the action would begin, and the girl braced herself for anything that could happen...

[Image: NurraFlourishLeft.png] Mouse over Japanese speech for translation and pronunciation! [Image: NurraFlourishRight.png]



Extra small
04-11-2013, 03:38 PM

OOC: [ ]

With rigor he moves to the borders, not one, but two new scents and he had certainly had his share of encounters that made the entire thing quite drawl. He was growing tired, annoyed with these shows of force and he had no reason in the world to sit there and tolerate them. Ascending upon the two the russet heir would dance his gaze over each of them. His head cocking raising he would fully expose the gore that was his ravenous jaw, and he would further exemplify the stature he held over the both of them. A show of dominance? No. A show of authority? Not really. It was all in relation. He merely needed to be sure he wasn?t dancing into a ring of fire. Of wolves that were, honestly, just going to fail to impress and get sent away. Valhalla was, while not numerably as strong as it had been, it was strong because they were a family. He had little patience to pretend he was going to let every single vagabond that asked in to become a part of the lands.

A neutral chuff rumbled from his larynx as he stopped before them, the boy rumbling nothing more and nothing less. Of few words he would allow them the long chance to speak and he would allow them the ability to say whatever needed to be said. If they were of value, well, something would spark his interest. Hopefully, the purple faced wench didn?t expect to ride in on looks? He?d seen his share of oddities, even being so young, and he was failing to see why they got so many so far. Appearance and personality did little to coincide.



04-11-2013, 04:59 PM

Nurra had joined him, claiming herself as a friend. But she still hadn't gained the trust that Rum needed to call her such a friend. They stood there by the borders, waiting for his call to be heard. He stood tall and proud, ready for the worst, but acting like the Valhallan he once claimed to be. And soon enough a male came to hear them out. The male that stood before them revealed the missing skin of his jaw, all that remained was bone.

Not a word was spoken by the three wolves. Rumble was surprised by the Valhallan wolf's appearance, but not an expression lay on his face. After a moment of silence, Rum moved his eyes to look at Nurra from the corner of his eye. He had never been in this situation before, having the awkward silence that was held between them. So he started to speak.

"My name is Rumble. I was born into Valhalla. I left the pack for the sake of my family. If you don't want me back I'll accept your decision. All I ask is to see my mother, Morgan."

Walk "Talk" Think


04-12-2013, 12:46 AM

It didn't take long for the howl of Rum's to be answered by the Valhallans, and a representative of the pack strode towards them now. It was an enormous male, larger than even the new friend of hers who stood taller than she. He was coated with auburn fur mostly... though part of him was covered by nothing at all - his lower jaw had the flesh torn away entirely leaving the bone and teeth exposed to see. He carried himself with a fierce, harsh, and dominating attitude that combined with his appearance to give him a horrific aura. Nurra could feel that the brute was unlikely to cooperate with them, so she stayed ready.

She eyed the imposing copper-colored wolf while stepping forward alongside Rumble, and held her head high. This new male standing before them should be a fearful sight, but her absolute determination to support her friend showed on her expression instead. And she stayed quiet, although she did wish that Rum would have been more assertive and demanded his membership with Valhalla be restored. This moment was for he alone to talk, and she should only voice herself should his rightful request be denied, which she had a feeling was inevitable.

If the stranger did want to cause trouble for her friend, it wouldn't matter that he's bigger than her, because her dedication alone would have her become a flawless and fearless fighter in Rumble's honor, and they would not be driven off. That disfiguration might mark him as a warrior in the eyes of some, but Nurra knew that it only meant he lacked the skill to evade that blow, and would further lack the skill to defeat her. Inadvertently, a bit of her sizing him up showed in her gaze, but she didn't care when she realized it. She wanted the male to know that she feared not his hulk-ish stature and frightful visage.

[Image: NurraFlourishLeft.png] Mouse over Japanese speech for translation and pronunciation! [Image: NurraFlourishRight.png]



Extra small
04-17-2013, 04:52 PM

OOC: [ ]

Syrinx would not waste time on the borders, and while was more, metaphorically, anal retentive about who got in, he figured that if the child was truthful and indeed born a Valhallan and he held Valhallan blood, then he was welcome regardless of the circumstances. Nodding his head warmly to the boy he would swing his head to the side and invite the young man in. Welcome home," He would offer, not a smile, but more of an intrigued smirk.

Eyes would lazily swing to Nurra and he would turn his head to her, "Were you born here too? A name would be helpful, miss," the heir would rotate his head lightly to Nurra and wait for some kind of notification of who she was. His tail would curl lightly behind his legs and he would wait for the woman with amaranth eyes to intrigue him with her tale.



04-17-2013, 06:32 PM

The male accepted him home greatly, Rum was back in Valhalla. He gave the Ivory male a nod, throwing his ears back to his head. But when he was done taking his bow, he looked over at Nurra knowing the the male was now talking to here. He had almost forgot she was there and was confused when the male started to speak again. But Rum's head turned toward her and almost felt sorry for her. His puppy eyes came out again and he knew that if she even wanted to join, she might have to go through a trial.

He wouldn't abandon her now, he couldn't. What kind of being would do that? Sure Rum wanted to immediately call for his mother and meet both of them once more, but that could wait. He would stand here and help Nurra and her slithery friend with whatever he needed to do. Then he could get his business with home started.

Walk "Talk" Think


04-18-2013, 03:29 PM

Nurra watched the proceedings of the two males talking quietly. To her relief, this Valhallan didn't intend to cause difficulty for Rum, and just let him have his return home with ease. But now attention was turned to her, and she could no longer be the silent guardian of Rum. The russet wolf requested of her, rather politely in contrast to how stern he had looked moments before, her name and legitimacy to be here, the latter she didn't much have. He asked if she was born into Valhalla, and it surprised her that such a representative of the pack wouldn't know all of this already. Maybe this fellow was far younger and less experienced than his mannerisms and daunting appearance let on.

The girl spoke calmly and assuredly, her mind taken far away from worrying over how the stranger would react. "My name is Nurra, and no, I am not from here. I mean," she turned her head to the side and crooked it a bit, opening her mouth with a tall smirk that showed her teeth, in order to show off her protracted, slender face and muzzle and long curving canine teeth almost more like serpent's fangs than a wolf's. Those features were what set her family apart from other wolves and reminded them of their origins from a far off island nation. "does it look like I am?"

But she was immediately stricken with shame as guilt, once she caught that she was brandishing her unique and elegant snout to a wolf who was missing half of his. That look of hers lasted only a moment, and she corrected herself to look at him straight and austere again. Less enthusiastically than previously, she spoke, "I just came to help my newest friend," she nodded shortly in Rumble's direction, "because he thought there may have been some trouble in returning here. I volunteered to stand up for him if that were the case."

She wanted to say more, to perhaps ask for admission into their pack, but her mind couldn't let the words fall out, for some sense of dignity that occasionally held her, that wouldn't let her ask for help from others. She had always acted independent, even when she was part of her old pack, preferring to hunt her own than take from those who offered her meal, and a part of her felt it some accomplishment when she did separate from the old pack even as loneliness took the other parts. She did want to stay here with Rum and become a part of the Valhallan family, but it may take them offering membership to her for her to surpass her pride and join.

[Image: NurraFlourishLeft.png] Mouse over Japanese speech for translation and pronunciation! [Image: NurraFlourishRight.png]