
Scars Across My Face [Evelette]


04-18-2013, 10:36 AM
Life was a fickle thing, it seemed that a moment could pass by as the fastest thing in ones life or it could drag on in a torturous eternity. Life was also complicated. Emotions, hurting someone?s feelings. Yes, life was simpler if one viewed it rationally, and ignored all the emotional bullshit, well, life was easier. Coarse, yes, but easier. The massive brute hadn't had the easiest lot in life, and the scars that covered his massive frame gave life to that evidence. He had lived in many different lands, but the one that he had most recently stumbled upon was perhaps one of the most beautiful, and one of the most diverse.

He was searching for a new home, somewhere that hadn't been ripped apart by war preferably, yet somewhere that he could still be useful. He knew nothing of these lands so far, and had avoided any and all encounters with other wolves. The longer he spent here, he gradually relaxed, and accepted that as long as he stayed out of marked territory, perhaps the wolves would be peaceful here. His muscles remained tense, and he?d freeze at the sound of anything out of place in the forest life. War had done severe and irreparable damage to his ability to trust and his ability to relax.

At the moment, the middle-aged wolf was walking slowly across the land, till he found himself at the bank for a small stream. He lowered his head, and took a good long drink before looking up and around him. The lands were beautiful here, and they had promise to be a good home for wolves. He padded away from the stream, working his way steadily around the banks of the streams. A rough breeze ripped through his fur, and he titled his head as he scented the air. Someone was here.


04-18-2013, 11:13 AM

Languid strides propelled her bodice forward. Pads drumming against the earth as she set off at a decent paced canter. The morning sun glittered off of her ivory fur, making her almost glow in the mornings light. The scent of a rogue upon her pelt was beginning to fade, replaced by the unity and the strength of Valhalla's. She did not regret her decision to join the pack in the slightest. They seemed noble, kind, forgiving but not so weak as to be walked upon. The announcement of a slave confused her, but she had not been around enough long enough to really judge upon it. Arkhein had been infamous for low ranking prisoners, she understand that betrayal was met with dire consequence.

The dame had been out for a hunt, not necessarily to bring anything back for Valhalla, just to keep her skills fine tuned and ready. Training had been something she enjoyed ever since she had joined Arkhein, a past time that she had indulged in more than once. She supposed it was mere imprinted in her blood at this point, she moved out of habit, made sure her body, at least, was ready for any task her new family might throw at her and that's what Valhalla was becoming, her family and she was loathe to disappoint them.

Tracking the herd of deer, had taken her out of Valhalla's territory, but she had been told no law of this being forbidden, so she had not hesitated to leave. The scents took her to the west, icy blue eyes flickering to her surroundings with every step she took. She was aware of everything, always ready, always prepared. If Freak had given her nothing but pain he had at least taught her to survive. A different scent reached her nose, a rogue, a loner, a male by the taste of it upon her tongue. She pulled her bodice to a halt, debating silently which target she should pursue. If the male proved to be dangerous, she was too far from Valhalla's borders to really do much. She sighed, damn her curiosity.

She glided between the trees, blue eyes widening slightly at the massive, muscular form before her, and she hoped like hell he wasn't going to kill her on sight. She wasn't sure she could win this fight just by his sheer mass alone. Tentatively, and displaying none of her slight hesitation, she paced forward, keeping a respectable distance from him, she spoke softly a smile lighting her maw. "A beautiful day is it not?"



04-18-2013, 03:17 PM
The mysterious wolf appeared almost as quickly as he scented her, and by sheer appearance alone she was impressive. Ivory fur with beautiful blue eyes, she was gorgeous. Now, Adonis didn?t judge any wolf by their looks but the male had learned to appreciate a beautiful lady?s presence. She was smaller than him, and had a way about her that captivated his interest. Quickly he shut that down, he had learned the cost too soon about having his interest captured by females. It stirred up emotions, and those emotions caused wars, and in those wars wolves died.

Still, it wouldn?t hurt to be polite, even if he was a little curt. He slowed to halt a little closer than where she had stopped so he could hear her well over the raging wind, his muscles remaining tense until he could gauge what the dame wanted. He had been blindsided one to many times in his life. He drew himself to full height, as he looked down at the lass with his oddly colored eyes. His intimidation factor seemed to stem more-so from the power he commanded after years of directing soldiers in war. War, he thought about to often these days.

Squaring his body, he chose his words carefully, in an attempt to keep the situation as neutral as possible, while still giving him the upper hand. Of course, his mama, had raised him to respect a lady, and respect her he would. ?It is a beautiful day, miss. Fine scenery you got here.? He said in a calm voice, his implications of more than just the pretty landscape. ?I hope I did not stray into your hunting grounds, miss. I didn?t scent any markers.? He said graciously, very willing to admit a mistake on his part.


04-18-2013, 04:00 PM

She rested back upon her haunches, tail coiling around her hocks almost absently. She sat far enough away as to not invade his space, but close enough to be welcoming, should he choose to share her company instead of lingering in solitude. She had no desire to make an enemy, and if he dismissed her, she would leave. She watched him carefully as he turned to face her, taking a few steps closer, his stance was powerful, tense, and for a brief moment, she thought he would attack her, challenge her to a duel or something of the sort, stunning her slightly, words that oozed politeness and respect, dripped from his maw.

Evelette smiled. her posture relaxing further, her tail brushing back and forth, dusting the earth lackadaisically. he remained standing, obviously the dominating personality of the two. His two toned eyes she found intriguing, the colors, so opposing they startled her for a moment and she wasn't sure which of his orbs to focus upon. After a moment's pause she answered him.

"Tis not often one gets to admire beauty in such a raw form, I agree." Her words teasing, she could play this game too. She tilted her head to the side, like a curious bird surveying him almost comically before ivory lips parted and words, soft and gentle would vibrate through her larynx. "These are unclaimed territories, they are just as much your hunting grounds as they are mine. I was tracking a herd of deer, would you care to join me for the hunt?" Eager still to fine tune her skills, she would offer him her company, a joint pair could bring down a buck, they would have meat for two plenty and it would make for a greater challenge. With patience unprecedented, she would await his response.



04-18-2013, 04:36 PM
He watched as the lady sat down, whether she was simply comfortable herself of trying to make herself appear as less of a threat, he didn?t know, but politely he followed suit. His large frame rested on his haunches fluidly and he curled his tail up beside his body. He as intrigued by her, after most wolves saw his they tended to disappear quickly from his life, as if he was a beast that would attack them at any moment. Yes, the brute had a bloody history but he only fought out of honor, and never killed in cold blood. He didn?t understand how normal people reacted to him. It was quite strange.

She caught his implications of her beauty, and that amused him. She definitely wasn?t a dull female. He had met many a lady who?s beauty seemed to outwit her brains, and he was happy that this gorgeous damsel had both. He liked a challenge, and someone who could pose interesting banter.

At the lasses offer to join her in a hunt, his ears pricked up. He could use the challenge of a fresh kill, and though his fighting skills were better than his hunting skills, he still was a fair hunter. If his time alone was anything to show, he surely was not lacking a meal. He flexed his shoulders, kneading his paws in the ground as small smile danced across his maw. He readied himself to speak, by taking a small breath, catching her scent which caused him to ponder on her sweet smell.

?Ah, but miss, I think I was lucky to find the finest of the scenery around.? He spoke with a gentle teasing lit to his voice, his eyes dancing with amusement, and sincerity. ?I am glad that I didn?t intrude, however, I think it would have been worth it to meet you. As for a hunt, miss, I?d be honored to accompany you.? His tone was calm, though the excitement of the prospected hunt danced around the calmness of it.

He pushed himself back to his paws, and bowed his head, stretching out his paw in a respectful gesture. ?They call me Adonis, miss. May I have the pleasure of knowing the name of such an alluring damsel as you?? He spoke quietly, raising his head to meet her beautiful eyes with his oddly colored orbs. Yes, Adonis was nothing if not very respectful, as his mama once said, ? Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned? and he had little doubt that if scorned this beautiful lass could give hell a run for it?s money.


04-22-2013, 04:52 PM

Evelette had never been a creature of war and combat. Arkhein had trained her to kill and hunt down a foe, several times larger than herself if such a thing were necessary but that did not mean she utilized these skills for sport. She was a guardian, she protected her home and those within it, but she wasn't a violent creature. Never had been, never would be. She sat on her haunches, simply to be more comfortable and to prove she was not here to start an unnecessary folly. Resting put one at a disadvantage, a took a few heartbeats, to arrange one's self in a fighting position. She found it released much tension in groups of unfamiliar wolves. She had always been good at reading people.

A soft laugh fell from her maw at the teasing words, glittering sapphires gleaming with amusement at his clever tongue. She was not so easily won, her heart had been shattered so many times she was leery of any relationship, but a few innocent flirtations never hurt anyone now did they? "Flatterer." She threw him the compliment with a smile. His next words caused the smile to grow and she rose elegantly to her feet. Body posture loose and languid, no tension residing on her maw. She paced forward carefully to a more respectable distance. If they were to be hunting partners she might as well get to know her companion a touch better. "Trespassing to meet the likes of me such a felony is not worth my company I assure you." Bemused she dipped her head, bowing slightly. "I would be honored to have your company upon a hunt... shall we strive for the buck?"

She pulled her head, motioning for him to walk with her and she fell into an easy gait, nose to the ground still tracking the herd. her scent had blended nicely with that of Valhalla and while she had not made an abundance of friends within its confines she made well enough for herself. They fell into an easy step aside one another. Her audits swiveling as he complimented her once more. She was leery of his compliments, not wishing to take them seriously. She had no desire to be ripped apart again.

"Adonis..." She tested the name upon her tongue, rolling it, tasting it. It was unique, different, she liked the flavor. After a moment's pause, she answered. "If you will stop calling me Miss... I will gladly give you my name. Evelette. Although most call me Eve, I respond to most derivatives of my name." She smiled softly, tail swinging languidly from side to side. "Where are you from if you don't mind me asking?"



04-23-2013, 01:51 AM
He had been tense for so long, that is seemed that he had to seduce his muscles into gradually relaxing. Of course, his battle-trained muscles could easily go back to ?fight-mode?, in the blink of an eye, but to be frank, he had, had enough violence in his life to last him a lifetime. He would be happy to settle down in a world where the violence was minimum and you didn?t have to fight tooth and nail to survive to the next dawn. He didn?t want to be useless, but he wanted peace? was that such a complicated request?

His eyes watched the lady as she spoke, ?Flatterer?, she had said, before standing up quickly. From where he sat, he could see every muscle ripple in her beautiful body, and felt a chuckle rumble in his chest. When she spoke about not being worth the felony just to meet her, he titled his head slowly, and listened to her next words interestedly. A buck, eh? This lady was simply full of surprises.

He stood smoothly, and stepped towards her, a cocky smile tracing the edge of his maw, as he walked beside her. He nodded at her question about the buck, eager to get on with the hunt. ?You call me a flatterer, yet, I was merely being honest with a twinge of compliments. A beauty such as yourself, must have a mate who compliments you regularly, yes?? While he said the words lightly, his interest in if she had a mate or not wasn?t very well veiled, she was intelligent and surely she?d notice that. ?As for if your company is worth the felony, I assure you, it doesn?t seem as if it would be disappointing, no matter the punishment.? A smirk was evident at his last words.

As they walked he listened as she tested his name on her perfect lips, and she told him her name, only asking that he stop calling her ?Miss?. Evelette, what a beautiful name for such a vixen, it was fitting. When she asked where he was from, he stiffened slightly. That story was dark, and not one that he particularly enjoyed telling. ?Well, Miss, I mean, Evelette, what if I call you Evey? ? He asked with a light chuckle before his tone turned solem, for when he spoke in regards to his past. ?I was born far from here, I?m not sure of the name of the land.?

He spoke about his past loosely and without much detail, hoping the dame wouldn?t pry too much. She didn?t need to know of the darkness that was his past, it wasn?t fitting for a beauty such as herself and he didn?t want to taint her, most likely optimistic views on the world.


04-26-2013, 01:59 AM

The ivory dame was cautious, hesitant. She had been betrayed one too many times. The knife within her back had been wedged so utterly deep that she felt its bitter sting as an aching throb, small reminders of her past to thrill through her in little jolts of pain. She was guarded, walls had erected themselves around her heart for fear of it being torn asunder once again. Stitches could only keep their hold for so long, she couldn't afford anymore. her coat of glittering white ivory would gleam in the sunlight, muscles at ease and relaxed, she wasn't foolish enough to forsake the strength of friendship but she would never be as open and as familiar as she once had been. She had given up on that side of her life, assumed a true family simply would never be in the cards for her, life seemed to love breaking her heart.

He would rise to join her, her muscles were trim and neat, thin and built for endurance and speed, they matched her small frame. She was formidable, but only as much as her endurance and her reaction time allowed. The lumbering monstrosities could end her in one swift bite but she could weave, dodging in between bites in quick fast attacks. He towered over her, outweighing and outclassing her by several pounds. He was thick musculature, built for dominance and power and if the definition of his muscles were anything to go by... he could wield. They would fall into a well placed trot before his lyrics would grace her ears.

She chuckled quietly as the flirtations continued. Tail swinging absently and body flowing as she followed the scent, brain swiftly drumming up a clever response. She enjoyed a good game of word play. "Compliments are rare for no mate does grace my life." Her voice would carry a twinge of sadness as she remembered the two she had willingly let tame her and both had shattered her spirit. Freak and Elyas. One had betrayed her after her belly had grown swollen with his pups, the pups had never made her term, and the second had left her after pledging eternity. "You best silence your tongue, lest my growing ego scare away our lunch." She smiled gently at her companion. "Do not think of me so highly, my friend, i could turn out to be most wicked, and then you would have committed a wrong for something unworthy." She winked playfully, teasing him, her tones remaining light and airy.

She tilted her head to the side at his own derivative of her title. She tilted her head to the side, mulling over the title, it suited her, fit her well, or so she thought. With a gentle smile she nodded her head gently. "Evey... I like it." The acceptance was simple and his next words, she took with a gentle nod of her head. He could tell her as he wished, she would pressure him to do nothing. She would offer him a piece of her past in return. "I came originally from a land titled Ciroc. Born to the forests, joining the desert, then to the snow, and now back to the forest, I think this time I will stay, it seems a beautiful place to spend ones years." She mused absently, but suddenly they were upon the herd and her muscles tensed, body slinking to the ground, before politely, she looked to her companion. "Would you like to startle the herd and run off the buck, or would you like the killing blow?"



04-29-2013, 05:34 PM

The multi-colored grey wolf had seen his fair share of violence and discord, and he had endured his fair share of pain. The pain of having his heart broken by another wasn?t one of those many torturous encounters. As he paced himself to his smaller, female companion, he controlled his pace to match hers, and found himself pleasantly surprised at how easy it was. He had relaxed slightly in her company, though his muscles were still tense, and ready to fight if need be, though he did have an inkling that if he was drug into a fight, it wouldn?t be against the pretty lady that had graced him with her mere presence.

The words that she spoke fell upon his ears, and he listened attentively to them. He enjoyed the melody of her voice, and relished the notes that sprung from her beautiful jaws. ?Compliments are rare for no mate does grace my life,? she had said and he thought about how sad that was. Such a beautiful lady deserved to be complimented daily, didn?t she? Even the hardened warrior knew that, even though his own heart was hardened towards the aspect of love. He knew what was proper, and a lady, not being complimented when it was so well deserved, wasn?t proper. Her next words cause a chuckle to rumble low in his chest and he let out a small bark of laughter. How could one who looked so much like an angel be wicked?

?I seriously doubt that any part of you could be wicked, m?lady.? His voice rumbled, with an amused tone to it. No, no one so kind could be evil he was sure of that. He listened as she spoke again, accepting the nickname he chose for her, and he smiled down at her as she spoke it aloud. She talked then of where she had come from, and of her past when she had lived in deserts, snow, and finally in the forest and he found that he could relate to her. As a warrior he had lived in some of the harshest climates imaginable, from the scorching sands to the freezing avalanches, he had seen it all.

Finally they reached the herd, and before he had a chance to speak, she spoke again but he didn?t mind. She asked of his preferred position in the hunt, and he debated about it for a few moments, as he watched the herd graze. ?I think I?ll leave the killing blow to you, Evey, and I?ll run the herd, if that?s alright with you.? He voiced his preference in a calm and relaxed tone, and looked down at her. He was eager to see the skills of this lady and too see how good of a hunter she was, and it wouldn?t be polite to make her do all the running and him just simply kill the beast, would it?



04-30-2013, 10:40 PM

She would pace beside her larger, sudden companion, her muscles were relaxed at ease. She was a good judge of character and she doubted he would harm her. He had agreed to a hunt, if he harmed her at all she imagined it would be after the kill. Why take someone down when you get a free meal out of them first? Se scolded herself, such morbid thinking! He had shown her no inkling of violence or reason to be wary of his presence, she would give him the benefit of the doubt. She felt guilty of her thoughts and shook them free. She could see the heavy muscles beneath his coat and felt suddenly sad. What evils had he seen to come upon such heavy muscle? How many wars plagued his past? How many cruelties? The world was a wretched place and it darkened the most beautiful of souls. The dame bit back her frown and her questions, it was not her place to ask.

"What about you? Turnabout is fair play, is your wife a stunning warrior like yourself or is she dainty and beautiful?" He had earned a token of her life and she was curious about his own. Was he a part of one of the packs? Did he remain a rogue for a reason? Was he new to Alacritis as a whole? She was getting ahead of herself, thinking too much about too many things. Right now they were on a hunt, it mattered not what pack he hailed from or what land. If he wished to spend time with her he could, she had no obligations, no place she desperately needed to be. She would invite him back to Valhalla only if he spoke of seeking a pack. Determined not to get a head of herself she stayed quiet.

"I fear you speak truth, not a great deal of me is wicked kind sir. I try to make allies over enemies, but not many share this view." Her lyrics were soft, whimsical, neither happy nor sad, but the odd light in her eyes had them leaning towards the later. She had seen too much pain, too much death, it had dampened the hope in her heart and it showed, but just as swiftly she buried it, a gentle smile covering her face. Her gaze would linger upon the male beside her, a slight tilt angling her skull. She was enjoying his presence, his easy countenance. She felt relaxed, a strange settling of peace within the confines of her chest. Perhaps she could convince him to return, Valhalla needed more souls like his.

As they reached their destination, the ivory dame would crouch, asking politely and nodding at his response. Eyes of ice would trail to the massive buck, signaling her target, she turned to point him out and when he nodded, she smiled. "Circle around to the left and I'll come from the right? Aim for one of the back right leg, and Ill drag him down by the throat?" Her lyrics would come calm and reassured as she awaited his response.



05-02-2013, 05:58 PM
There was a certain consistency to hunting, a certain pattern one got into. From the thrumming of pads against the ground in pursuit to the heated moments of attack and finally to the screeching of the animal as it?s dealt it?s killing blow. There was certain majesty to hunting, a revelation in the kill, and that was something one couldn?t enjoy if one sat on the sidelines. Adonis reveled in the feel of soft flesh being penetrated and ripped into by his canines. He loved the warmth of the life-blood that would flow over his maw. He loved hunting, loved everything about it, for it made him feel alive.

He would pace beside the ivory dame, finding himself enjoying the conversation, rather than just talking out of civility. Her gentle teasing was a comforting refreshment, like that first drink of water on a hot summer day. It cooled the fire in his soul and relaxed him, this dame was certainly one that he had to get to know. Her teasing words about his ?warrior wife? made him chuckle, and he turned his unusual eyes on her, with a loud laugh escaping from his broad chest.

?I dare-say, Ms. Evey, that a wife certainly does not grace my life. I?ve never been graced with that opportunity, nor had much time for it.? His words were cool but had a sense of warmness about them, so as not to cut the dame out. He personally abhorred the very idea of love, romance, and all that chivalrous crap. He was a gentlemen to ladies, and complimented their beauty, but as for love? he didn?t buy it. The years of training, that told him ?love just got people killed,? had been drilled into him, so much that it was his logic, his reasoning.

When the lady spoke of not much about her being interested, his curiosity about her peaked. His well-trained gaze didn?t miss the flicker of sadness that was evident in her eyes. He wondered what heart-break this alluring damsel had encountered. He shook it off, as the conversation drifted of that to the hunt. He could pursue those details at later time, he supposed. Her thoughts about the hunt were strategic and cunning, this lady could do herself well and continued to surprise him.

He would nod his head at her thoughts and mumble an agreement, as he stepped away from her. His body?s focus turning to focus on the hunt and ultimately the kill. ?Until we meet at the kill, my lady.? He murmured as he stepped away from her, working his way around the herd slowly. The buck they had chosen had stepped away from the herd, luckily, and he was able to get between it and it?s herd by hiding in some bushes. From there he would wait to see when Evelette was in position before launching his assault.


05-10-2013, 11:20 PM

A hunt was something she tended too when her nerves got frayed. She was a wolf of battle, she didn't particularly like the bloodthirsty, kill or be killed test of strength, but she thoroughly enjoyed a spar, a spark of adrenaline, the thrill of a hunt. She was not one to be idle. She hunted for Valhalla when she did not need too, she patrolled the border for abnormalities solely because she could. She did this for Valhalla's security, sure, but she also moved because idleness did not sit well with the woman of ivory. The blue eyed dame was enjoying her walk with the larger brute. The massive male, despite his war defined body was good company and she was enjoying his respectful tones. She had not anticipated a joint hunt this day but it brought a bit of light to her morning and she embraced it openly.

They kept a fluent but easy pace, slow enough to enjoy the conversation, but fast enough to achieve their destination in a reasonable onset of time. The dames motion became fluent, liquid, becoming one with her stride in a way that only time could allow, graceful and elegant, two things the ivory fae had always maintained. Her ears swung forward, catching the sound of his fluent laughter at her gentle teasing and a smile would work its way upon her maw. It was a lovely sound, clean and refreshing, she wondered if he laughed often.

"Truly? A warrior of your caliber? You would have been tripping over your paws trying to flee from them had you been in Arkhein, my old pack. They thrived on war and power, and highly doubt, if your muscles are anything to go by, that you are lacking in either of those pursuits." She chuckled softly, wryly complimenting him in an obscure way. She wasn't sure why, but she liked the idea of teasing him, she didn't think many had before her, it was fun to see the way his mind twisted her words and responded, entertaining... it made her think.

She would nod at his play on words as they arrived and she would crouch low in the underbrush, shoulder blades heavily defined against her flesh, crystalline blue eyes locked and focused on her target, Claws flexing into the moisture. She watched her partner, slowly circle around the pack and awaited his movements, eyes lingering on the buck. In a split second he was off and a moment later she was behind.



05-14-2013, 11:58 AM

Since his arrival in Alacritis, he had discovered that the lands were lush and rich. Prey was plentiful and large, it was obvious that the wolves here were well-fed. A hunt hadn?t been in his plans for the day, neither had he planned to meet the lovely she-wolf beside him. He had actually been on his way to the pack-lands of Valhalla, a pack rumored to be large and civil. However, he was not so impolite as to turn down pleasant company, and a decent meal before seeking entrance into Valhalla.

Her words brought a smile to his lips, and he let out a chuckle at her compliment. Sparing the lady a wink as he turned to look at her again, he spoke. ?Aye, my lady. I definitely am not lacking in strength for war. I have been involved in fighting wars since I was a yearling.?

Away from the lady, his thoughts focused on the buck before them and he launched himself forward with a sense of fluid grace. Long strides propelled him towards him, letting out a snarl to push the buck forward. The buck sprang forward, veering slightly from the path he had intended the buck to take. He wasn?t overly worried, he assumed Evelette would be competent enough to compensate for the path change. He launched himself forward, propelling himself upward latching his jaws into the bucks hindquarter of the buck.

The buck bucked and kicked up, dislodging him from its leg, and he fell to the ground with a heavy thump. He laid there dazed for a second, before pushing himself back to his feet and launching at it again, snapping at its leg to hopefully break the tendon or bone to render its abilities. Hanging on to it, he waited for Eve to launch the killing blow, and hoped she?d land it soon.



05-15-2013, 12:47 PM

Evelette had migrated here with the original intent to return to Glaciem... but memories of Elyias kept her from flickering to the pack bathed in snow. She had retreated to the battlefield in hopes of being claimed and Syrinx and Adette had both found her, while she had chosen neither that day and took time alone to contemplate her decision, she finalized upon Valhalla. The pack buried in the trees and had not once regretted her decision. Today had not been a day of duties and stresses, she had gone wandering for the sole intent of clearing her head, a bit of meditation never hurt anyone and she was sorely in need of some space. Of course, this would be laid to waste the gentleman that paced along beside her had joined her company and she couldn't say she was complaining, his easy demeanor and laid back attitude was a refreshing change and she thoroughly enjoyed time spent in his company.

His past would cause her to frown, sadness dwelling in the depths of her chest as he told her how blood stained his past truly was. before she could retort, he was gone, winding through the trees and stopping for only a moment to gather his bearings, in the blink of an eye he was charging and so was she. The herd tore off, scattered and afraid. Adonis latched himself onto the hind leg of the beast, it bucked him off but he was up in a flash, distracted by the male he whipped his head around in an attempt to dislodge Adonis with its antlers and leaving his neck exposed. Evelette wasted no more time and lunged, teeth coiling around the pulsing vein and spearing through his trachea, she would drag the chunk of flesh from his throat and quickly leapt away as the scream of pain turned to a gurgle and he flailed erratically. In less than a few moments he would slump to the earth, chest rising and falling once more, before he would fall still. She would dip her maw, murmuring her thanks to the creature in a show of respect.

Evelette was panting, tired from the exertion, her breath coming fast and harsh, tongue lolling from the side of her mouth as she smiled at her companion. "I assume the thigh is your favorite? It looks like you've begun this meal without me." The teasing light would enter her tones and she chuckled softly, sometimes it was good to feel so carefree.



05-22-2013, 12:46 PM

Hanging onto the haunches of the buck, he prayed Evelette would be past in making her moved. When the buck turned his head to try to pry him off with his antlers, the lady made her move. It didn?t take long for the large buck to crumple to the ground, under the death blow of the ivory warrior, and the brute allowed himself to fall with the buck, to make sure it didn?t get away. Mid-fall, he turned so the buck wouldn?t land on him, all the while keeping his vice grip into his thighs. The creature laid out a gurgled cry and gave a final jerk and was still.

Evelette?s teasing lit met his ears, and he let go of the beasts thigh and looked up at her with an endearing smile. Blood had stained his muzzle, and teeth, and he chuckled. ?Forgive me, ma?am, but a growing boy needs to eat.?He spoke with a teasing tone, as he was far from a ?growing boy?. He pushed himself onto his haunches, and looked around at where the buck had landed. His bad shoulder was aching from being bucked off the buck, but over-all, he was fine.

?That was mighty good timing, you had there. I have to admit, it was pretty impressive.? He spoke in a low drawl, and casually, as his rough breathing slowly slowed. As soon as his muscles relaxed, he would be ready to eat, but at the moment he was to keyed up and it was only proper that Evelette got first bite, as it was her kill and she was a lady after all.



06-04-2013, 12:24 AM

They, apparently, had made a lethal team, his brute strength and power and her speed and precision had been no match for the young buck, they had taken him down with seemingly no wounds to show for it. Impressive, considering they were only two wolves, then again she had come from a warriors pack and he boasted no different the two of them should be able to kill prey with relative ease. Her strike was sufficient and Adonis's hold was strong, together they brought the monstrosity to his knees and in a few moments more he was still and silent, attending his final resting place.

She would lower her maw to the beasts thick ear, eyes drifting shut as she offered him a soft thanks for his sacrifice. A warrior she may be, but she had never lost her respect for the dead. Her gaze would shift to her companion, a smile spreading across her maw at his returned humor, a gentle laugh falling from her maw, before she choose one of his forelimbs to dine upon. "Well in that case m'dear, eat your fill, it's not as though you don't already tower over me." Her words were playful, filled with laughter.

She brushed off his praise with a toss of her head, pride had never been a sin she suffered from. "Nonsense, I did little more than aim a killing blow, it twas you that slowed him down and distracted him whilst I did so." She tore a heady strip off of the limb, swallowing it down eagerly, eyes flickering back to her companion. "Do you hope to linger long in Alacritis?" Her tone was open, conversational, she enjoyed his company and hoped, perhaps, if he choose to stay that they might do this again.
