
One Last Chance To Reverse This Curse


01-18-2016, 09:44 PM
Ooc:: Set a day or two before the Deathmatch.

So it was time then. Spring had arrived, and with it soon his children would leave the pack of Borealis to go to Fiori. As promised there would be other changes as well, primarily the change of leadership within Borealis. Cypress would exit the den he made for himself with a small sigh. Soon, he thought, soon everything would change. Whether that change was for the better or not was yet to be seen. He would breathe in, letting his gaze sweep across the lands that Borealis was stationed within. Such a beautiful land, though currently much of the gully was muddied and left trying to soak up the excess water from the snow melt.

It was strange how things changed over time. How things could seem to be but a curse. It seemed that under his poor late wife’s rule that things had been just that... A hard time for her and the pack alike. It pained Cypress to know that the pack had suffered so much, particularly their children, and yet... Yet there was still something stirring within his mind. He knew, deep in his heart, if he heard Sin’s howl again he wouldn’t be able to restrain himself. He would target the other man as a source of evil. Whether the devil or the widower died... One of them would day die by each other’s paws.

With a sigh passing his lips Cypress would call for Marina as he headed down from the whispering caves into the gully. It was time for things to change, once and for all.


Marina I


7 Years
01-18-2016, 10:07 PM

So Borealis had become a bit of a ghost town. Ahh what a shame it was. But alas, what should she expect? Greatness could not just fall into the lap of a wolf, and the femme knew that things needed to change. From here on out there would be no more leaving Borealis for any reason. The pack was a family, and those who were not loyal would be facing consequences. While Marina hated the idea of becoming a harsh dictator, she needed to ensure that her pack was not going to crumble into the dust. This was not the legacy she wished to build...

But there was time. With spring coming things were anew. A fresh year, a fresh start, and the femme would see to it that this year would come out stronger than the last. She would be taking the time soon, very soon, to visit the other packs of Alacritis. She knew that Donostrea, her neighbors, were friendly. Hell, there was a high chance that they could potentially become allies if Voltage saw it fit. Dono and Fiori were the only two packs she was on peaceful terms with right now.

Hearing the call of the current Aura Marina would move from where she’d been resting. Luckily the whispering caves were farther above ground, allowing for a dry place to sleep out of the elements. The lack of mud there was pleasant as well, making Marina quite content that she had chosen the land as one of her territories.

Traveling through the mud and muck in the gully the femme would come to stand with the pale gray and silver male. “You sound a little better. Has the fire in your heart been rekindled, Cypress?”

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]


01-18-2016, 10:21 PM

The man would turn his attention to Marina as she came to his side. She seemed to be a dutiful creature, one with pride in her heart and a mindset to do what needed to get things done. Of course he knew not about her recent conclusions about Borealis... But even he had noticed the disappearances around the pack. Members leaving for some reason or another. It made him feel bad for the rainbow marked woman. Yet she did not falter, did not cry and whine about the loss. No, she kept pushing forward. It was something he could certainly respect.

At her words Cypress would close his eyes, a small smile coming to his face. “Some days are easier than others, Mari.” He’d confess. “I miss my late wife terribly. I still grieve for her... Yet... I know that I must carry on.” Cypress would breathe out slowly.

“I... I believe it is time I truly step away from my alphen duties and take up my role as a regular member of Borealis. There is no point in delaying this longer... My so called leadership is holding you back in molding your new pack, and that is something I can not allow to happen any longer.” Cypress would allow his bi-colored eyes to meet hers. “So I will ask you one last time; are you willing to take the reins of Borealis?”


Marina I


7 Years
01-18-2016, 10:39 PM

It seemed only natural that there would be good days and bad days for the man. With some of his children headed off to Fiori she could understand. Even her little Zephyra had gone, a wound greater than any she had felt. But Marina would carry on. They all had to in the end. It was a matter of survival. ...besides that, just because their children had left their side that didn’t necessarily mean that either had been a bad parent. It meant that their children had their own lives to live and enjoy now.

The subject would shift, taking a more serious tone now. Ahh so that was what their little meeting was to be about. While she had expected that talk to come soon she knew, at the same time she’d been waiting patiently for the day. She trusted Cypress to not go back on his word and would not rush him to step down. She would fix her gaze upon his own, a firm nod given as the first sign of affirmation.

“But of course.” The female would rumble. “Though I’ve got to warn you, Cypress, there will be more changes made around here soon. I’ll fill you in more on that shortly.” The female would close her eyes, breathing out slowly. “I will place you as a Tauran. May you florish in this new position, Cypress.” When her eyes opened again they were full of a new light, a light of determination. “Come. There is much to discuss, my friend.”

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]


01-18-2016, 10:45 PM

Marina was quick to confirm that she would indeed be taking control of Borealis officially. As a stand alone alpha he wished her the best of luck. Her son, the heir, seemed like a smart kid. He felt confident that he was leaving the pack in capable paws. Though her next words would give the young man pause. More changes? Cy was naturally curious as to what these could be, and it seemed the time to be filled in on the details was drawing near. As Marina began to walk deeper into the territory Cypress would follow without a word, ears perked and gaze upon the new leader of the pack.

--End Thread.--
