
In the Darkness, Secrets you Will Find



6 Years

01-19-2016, 11:37 PM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2016, 07:50 PM by Esarosa.)

Now unsure if she should return to the valley that had just become her home, suddenly afraid of the commitment she'd made, Esarosa had decided to take this opportunity to explore, to go someplace she'd never been. It would help get her mind off of things, and hopefully give her a taste of freedom before she went home. Yes, home. Argead was now her home, and her family. But she wasn't sure she knew even one wolf by name. Okay, she could remember her Alpha's name; Mithras. But she didn't know anything about him, or anyone else she'd seen at the meeting. Besides, she certainly didn't want to be around any of those wolves now, not at this time of year; the last time she'd been around a stranger during her first heat season, she'd basically tried to throw herself at him without a second thought. Her body had acted on its own, and remembering that scenario now left her with a shudder. Lucky she'd met a man with plenty of self-restraint who stuck to his morals that night.

Sighing, she tried to shake off her uncertainty, focusing on seeking out new territory to scout. An odd, musty scent filled her nostrils and she paused to get a better idea of what it was. Unable to determine what it was, she felt curiosity flood her and so she headed toward the smell. Not far from her home lands, she would discover what seemed to be the opening to a large underground cavern - the entrance to Glowshroom Cavern. The musty, mildewy scent was strong here - not overwhelming, but there was definitely a large growth of fungus beneath the earth's surface. It seemed strange. She'd never really seen a cave like this, and she had to wonder how sturdy it was. But if there was life growing down there, then it couldn't be unlivable, right? Her inquisitive nature drew her closer... Still, caution tugged at her as she stood by the entrance peering into the darkness. The last time she'd explored a dark cave like this, the inner wall had collapsed, and had she been alone that day, she would have suffocated beneath the rubble of the cave-in.

Conflicted, Esarosa seated herself, paws itching to go down into the dark abyss, yet emerald gems glanced around the open land for... anyone. She didn't particularly want to be around anyone, her heat scent permeating the air around her... but she so wanted to go down into this cave, but she didn't want to go alone! An irritable sigh escaped her. What was she supposed to do? Unable to decide, she stood and went to place her paws at the edge of the cavern's great entrance, staring into the darkness, before turning around and pacing back to where she'd been sitting. Huffing, she sat down once more, not sure what she would do yet, but one thing was for sure, she wasn't leaving until she'd seen the inside of this cave!

"Speak" "Listen" Think