
On Death and Dying

Finch I


4 Years

01-08-2016, 11:29 PM

Everything hurt. The bleeding on the top of her left shoulder had begun to slow, her entire left leg covered in the substance. Her breathing came out in shallow gasps, and every now and then her body twitched and convulsed, limbs flailing. It didn't allow the wound to sit still and close fully, her sporadic movements reopening the moderate wound. Soft whimpers left her maw as her dreams grew darker yet, long, thin creatures poking and prodding at her fallen form. She tried to move away from them but she was rooted in place. In her nightmares she couldn't close her eyes to the demons as they raked their smoky tendrils down her bodice, laughing as she fought to recoil but couldn't move. Everything was a hazy mist, a shuttering gasp leaving her maw. Her face was contorted into one of silent horror, the usually sweet girl was trapped under so much darkness. It weighed down her innocent soul, threatening to crack and shatter it all. The poison had done a number on her mind as well as her body, at at the moment she felt herself wishing death. She wished that the shadow demons would just swallow her up, just like they threatened to do. She wished she was brave enough to fight against them and stand up, daring them to take her on. But instead she was stuck on the cold, hard ground, not even having the strength to look away. Before her very eyes the shadow demons killed her family, pulled them apart one by one as she was forced to watch. Outside of her dreams her body twitched violently, sending her back end slamming into the rock wall again. There were a series of cuts and bruised along her spine and right side from pushing into the rocks, from her body moving on its own will. A pile of bile sat not far from her head, but she couldn't even smell it. Everything was so cold, so frozen.




5 Years
01-09-2016, 12:10 AM
Delicate wings beat against the sky, wind licking each of her feathers in turn. She manuevered the sky like a fish, the sea. This was her domain, her place to fly. But it wasn't a little vacation from her broody wolfson, instead...instead, this was a request. She had to find her friend's wolfdaughter, who had been missing for quite sometime. She just couldn't say no to those big blue eyes of her growing boy, really. So she flew, while Starling followed in his earth bound form. He was slow, but it was to be expected.

They searched, endlessly. He seemed frantic, so she couldn't stop. Besides, flying was easier for her than sticking around him sometimes. But he had a heart of gold, even if his confidence wasn't the greatest. Slowly she fluttered before, suddenly, her eyes caught movement. Way down, a flicker of white and then a strange impact. Swooping down, she stared at the bird from a distance before a loud, indignant squawk burst from her lungs. Starling would look up at her as she spun in the sky, before suddenly swooping towards the movement, and his gaze would quickly follow. What he saw...he was not prepared for. Finch. The first thing that hit him was sheer panic, as she seemed to flail. Something was wrong with her...

Quickly lifting his head to the heavens he called, loudly, powerfully, for his family. He needed help, but he needed to get to his sister. Stella would swoop down, hovering close to him with gentle beats of her wings. "Vai a cercare il papà, o qualcuno ..." He said quickly, and in an instant his bird was gone. He quickly bounded down, finding the best path to her, and when he was on her he was almost...calm. Blue eyes swept her form, watching her twitch and recoil, and he couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. His eyes swept the bile, and he looked back to her so quickly. Whatever it was causing some nausea, flailing. "F-Finch! Finch c-can you hear me?" He asked in a rush, reaching out for her. He needed to get her away from the rock, needed to get her to be still. He needed her conscious, needed to know if she had eaten something she shouldn't have. And dear lord, he needed his herbs. He just hoped someone would come, and soon. He couldn't do this alone.

""Talk"" | "Italian"



7 Years

01-09-2016, 12:32 AM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2016, 03:22 AM by Lillianna.)

Finch. Where was she? Lillie couldn't find her... and oh gods, it was scaring her. What if she was dead? wounded? abandoned? Hurt? What if she got lost, stuck away from Alacritia, never to be heard from again? Farrym... Farrym had had ideas, but they ultimaintely failed, and the woman would remain curled around her feline friend, numb. She couldn't cry, couldn't whine; it was as if her body was frozen, her mind a locked tomb of emotional pain that seemed to suffocate her with each passing moment taht Finch remained lost. Each passing moment that Lillie remained motionless, not doing anything, not knowing how to help.

She couldn't take it anymore. With a jolt, she uncurled from Farrym, a soft whine making the sand cat leap nimbly up onto her pelt and cling. She leaped from the rocks that made her temporary den - the same rocks that Bass had chosen for the meeting, surprisingly - and would head for the river. Maybe she could travel to the battlefield, scope out people there, get distracted by fighting maybe, but also inquire information. That might help, and it'd definitely distract her from what was happening with Finch.

It took a while, but she forded the river, with a Farrym dangling from her mouth. She needed his quiet companionship, his sutle, soft purring. He ws a blessing; he truly was - so calm, so peaceful, so patient. Such the oppposite of her, but that was fine. He was a rock, that dealt with her and yet still looved her, and it was simply amazing. He was also her delicate fragile desert blssom, but that was besides the point.

She was nearly to the battlefield - well, sort of; she was on the edge o the Saratoga woods and Mount Volkan when a powerful call reached her ears. A blur of feathers, and she'd spot Starling's bird which paused for a fwe seconds to hover over Lillie. The bird would pass the message, and the officer would nod gratefully. "Keep going to Abaven - make sure they wake up," she added in instructions. Farrym, back on her back, nuzzled her ear lightly, and Lillianna would take a deep breath.

Finch was found, and Starling's bird was trying to find others to help... Finch was found. Quietly the russet woman would have the sandcat slide of her back, mentioning she would have to carry hm in her jaws. Before she picked him up, though, he paused. Starling's call reached her, but would it reach the rest of Abaven? Her head tipped back and she let out the lougest, strongest call she could muster. It was a message to Abaven, and to Starling - that she was on the way and that the others needed to be on. and after a brief's second hesitation, she'd do just that, running flat-out max speed for the origin of the call.

She arrived at the scene a disaster, lungs heaving as she staed at the bloody, twitching mess. "No," she whispered, horror shakinf though her body. No, it couldn' tbe. That wasn't carol. How could something happen to Finch, her precious Finch? Farrym would be dropped, and the kitten would edge toward s Finch, sniffing the wounded female as Lillianna turned to Starling. "What can I do?" Somehow, her voice was still strong. Somehow, she was coherant, and not a bumbling wreck. Somehow, she was forcing it all away for now.




9 Years
Dragon Mod
01-09-2016, 12:59 AM

She had to admit, she liked her new uncle. They were on the outskirts of Abaven, and she was showing her uncle her favorite place ever! Well, her favorite place when it wasn't all muddy. Honestly, she really enjoyed his company, and she was happy that he had come to join Abaven and be with her. While she was still warming up to him, she was trying her best. It helped a lot too that he was so patient with her, and didn't get mad because she was afraid or hesitant. They had been out for the better part of the morning, working on her hunting practice since she lacked...quite the amount of skills because her own parents had up and left. And while her uncle had been here for no more then a day or two, he had wasted no time in spending time with her.

As they two practiced, the air was cut through with a...howl? Quake immediately stopped her crouch, standing to peer across the trees as her ears fell back a little. Who was that? It didn't take long for a rather familiar bird to fly by, and as quickly as possible it told them what was happening. "R-right! Uncle Kakashi, we must hurry!" She spoke in a tone of urgency as she bolted back into abaven territory. She knew the voice, she had been told what was happening, and while she didn't know what was exactly happening, she figured that Starling might need his herbs. She was happy to have met the healer, he was the reason she chose to want to pursue healing in the first place. Once she got his healing bag, she held onto it firmly before bolting back the way she came and headed straight towards the source of the call. Her uncle hot on her heels.

It would take them several minutes (more or less?) to arrive, and Quake's fur bristled in alarm when she spotted the flailing form of Finch? Oh no! She had been missing, and they found her...but like this? What was happening? She faltered in her steps for a second as her eyes widened with horror, heart pounding rapidly until her uncle nudged her forward. Even though she wanted to shake like a leaf, she had to be strong and brave so her uncle and the others could be proud of her! A split moment later, she continued forward to Starling's side and placed his herbs at his feet. "I-I thought you might need this! W-what do you need me to do?" Was there anything she could do? She wanted to help, she wanted to take her first step in learning how to help, and she definitely wanted to try and help Finch...but how?



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



5 Years
01-09-2016, 01:11 AM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2016, 01:12 AM by Starling.)
Starling would instantly inspect the wound, the blood that seeped from her shoulder and her leg. His jaw would clench as the brother in him screamed and yelled and was frantic, wondering what had happened to her. Anger swelled within him, but never quite reached his thinking. He was calm, collected, but he had to get her to stop moving. When Lillie arrived he'd look up quickly, blue eyes deep and set as he thought, went through every herb in his arsonal. He knew where they all where, knew exactly how to find them. But there really wasn't any time to run around the territories looking for herbs. What can she do? "Hold her still." He said in a calm, steady voice as he moved away from her back. "W-we need to move her away from the rocks. I'll grab her scruff, you push at her back." He said softly, quickly, looking at his sister. Every second mattered, every second counted. This wasn't just a broken tail or an ear infection, this was something serious.

Quickly he reached over, grabbing the excess skin from the back of her neck and as gently but quickly as he could, he would begin to pull. Any scrapes that came from it could be healed, but he needed her somewhere where she wouldn't cause any harm. Once they got her to a flatter spot, not too far away but enough that if she had another violent spasm, it wouldn't knock her back into the rocks. "I n-need you to hold her, b-brace her. She's sp-spasming and I n-need her still." He said quickly, looking up at Lillie with conviction in his eyes. He wished Finch was concious....he needed information. He had some leads, her throwing up was a symptom of nausea, her unconciousness and spasming. He hoped she wasn't having a seizure, he needed...

Just in that moment a small voice pulled him from his thoughts and he turned quickly to find his new favorite saving grace. There she was, in all her tiny yearling glory, placing his stockpile at his paws. "W-well d-done Quake." He whispered softly before he looked around before he spotted it. He turned back to Quake and Kakashi. "Th-there's moss on th-those rocks...p-pick some and find some fresh water. Soak a-as much as you can. Be as f-fast as you can." He said quickly before turning back to his pile. What could he give her sister. Quickly he rummaged through it to find some bardock root and agrimony. He would have to wait for the water to chew it into a paste, the moss would probably help her ingest it. "Finch.." He called again, stepping back to her head to carefully reach a paw up to try and pull her eyelid back so he could see her pupils. "Sorella, riesci a sentirmi? Devo darvi una medicina..." Now that he thought about it, maybe some immunity boosters...

""Talk"" | "Italian"

(Permission to PP Lillie a tad was recieved)



7 Years

01-09-2016, 01:52 PM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2016, 03:21 AM by Lillianna.)

Lillianna would wait for Starling's lead, and he would give it instantly, helping her do something. She'd curl her head and tuck it against Finch's tail - which was curled under her legs - and pushed as Starling pulled. When that was done, she'd stand quietly, her blinking eyes and breathing the only break in her statuesque form; she was a bit in shock - more than a bit - but she was also determined, she had to help Finch... and could't believe this happened to her.

Eyes would shift to Starling as the healer started talking again, and she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. She. Had. To. Remain. Under. Control. Her mind was fragmenting, and she needed it to not. Those eyes opened, and she nodded. She folded herself to the ground, right on top of Finch; she'd flinch as she felt the girl convulsing and the blood from her shoulder wound soaking Lillie's fur. But she would hold the girl still, her eyes following Finch's brother.

He'd look down, and she would too - spotting a small wolf not quite a year old creeping up. There were herbs, that she had, and Lillianna felt a stark sense of relief. She remained firm on Finch, and STarling would approach. She looked up at him with tear in her eyes, but oh, she just realized how well a job he was doing, how he was saving her life. "You're s-saving her l-life," she whispered to him as he tried to get Finch's attention.




11 Years
Dragon Mod
01-09-2016, 04:10 PM

The day had been going quite well. He had opted to take his niece out for some hunting technique practice, when the tides suddenly turned. One moment, they were practicing and the next, a little bird told them something was wrong. Next thing he knew, Quake had bolted into the territory, and a minute or two later was bolting past him and urging him to follow. Even if she hadn't told him, he would have followed the kid anyway. She wasn't a year yet, but she was almost there. And he would be there for her birthday. As the pair raced towards the location of the trouble, he would slow his pace just a little to match her. With him being a lot taller and more experienced, he was quicker, and he wasn't about to leave her behind. It took them a few minutes or so finally arrive, and what he saw was a scene all too familiar. He paused for a moment as he watched the spasming girl, crimson gaze narrowed as he looked between her and the bile. A low growl rose in his throat, yes...he knew exactly what was going on, he'd seen it among his rogue band one too many times, and occasionally they used it against their targets as well. Somehow, the girl had been poisoned. Either unintentionally or purposefully, her body was reacting violently.

He was pulled from his thoughts when the healer boy requested their help, and with a firm nod Kakashi made his way to the moss. He scratched at it, prying it from the rocks as carefully and as quickly as possible, and with a gruff bark to Quake to help out, they would make haste. There was snow melt everywhere right? Finding water would be no challenge. He motioned for her to follow once they both had gotten a good chunk of moss in their teeth, and within seconds they'd found a nearby melted puddle of snow. They would dip them, soaking the moss as much as they could before trotting back to where the others were, carefully so as not to lose so much of the now precious water for Finch. As he approached behind Quake, he place his soaked moss on the ground, crimson gaze returning to Finch as she was being restrained. "I've seen this before, we have to work quickly or she'll succumb to some very permanent effects, or worse." His words were calm but sharp, an edge to it as he left Quake with Starling and help hold the flailing girl's limbs. He was careful of the wounded shoulder, but the kicking needed some control.




9 Years
Dragon Mod
01-09-2016, 04:17 PM

She peered up at Starling when he praised her for her quick thinking. She knew he would be at a loss without his herbs, a feeling she knew too well like when she felt at a loss without her family. But they had left, and in their place came her uncle. Her own saving grace, and in that process new friends like Tinaro and Starling. While she refrained from wagging her tail in the moment of praise (not that she could because of her fear of what was happening), she listened to his instructions before heading off with her uncle to collect the water. They were gone no more then a minute or two, the girl loping back to Starling as she placed her moss next to her uncle's. She watched Starling sort out what he might need, and while she didn't really know what was what, she watched with concentration so that she might be able to apply this in the future. "I-is there s-something I can do?" She couldn't just sit and watch. She wanted to help her pack mates, like they had been helping her survive.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Finch I


4 Years

01-09-2016, 04:53 PM

She didn't hear the voices over the screams.

She couldn't see their faces passed the shadow demons.

Darkness was all she knew, and it pushed her down and tried to swallow her whole. For the longest time she wanted to let it do just that, to take away all the pain and fear that swirled around her mind. It pushed her further and further into the ground, until the pressure made it feel like her spine was about to snap. She kicked and lashed out, but there was a weight over her. Finally the murmurs started to reach her, but they sounded so far away, like at the end of a cave. She tried to focus but the pressure on her brain kept her under. Her name was like poison off their tongues, it dripped down on her fur and burned like hell fire itself. Her lid was pushed open and her eyes snapped open, her mouth opening as she screamed. She screamed in sheer terror, feeling that the pressure on her body was real. There was something on top of her, something trying to keep her legs down. She kept screaming and tried to thrash under their weight, her head shaking back and forth in the ground. She didn't feel the rock behind her, but she could feel the hard ground biting into her right side. Shapes loomed around her, their faces breaking away to show rows and rows of sharp teeth. They snapped towards her, saliva dripping from their grotesque maws. Fear pulsed off of her blood coated form as her screams refused to die down. Her pupils were so heavily dilated that the black nearly swallowed all the blue, and everything took a darker tinge. Finch couldn't see Starling and Lillie's faces passed the demons that took over their forms. Her head was pounding so hard that it felt like it was going to split in two, and her terrorized screams weren't going to help.

Her body convulsed as she gagged again, but even as her stomach heaved nothing came up. Her whole stomach was already empty, and it convulsed painfully. She felt like her stomach was going to come up her throat itself. Her fear locked eyes locked onto the face of what was supposed to be Starling, but all she could see was the demon mouth. Her focus didn't last long as her eyes rolled into the back of her head, her body starting to thrash wildly as a seizure took over her body. Her screams died down to pitiful whines as drool poured from her mouth. There was no control in her movements, limbs flailing wildly as her eyes stayed rolled backwards. Her mind emptied as she moved like a fish out of water, there didn't seem to be an end to it all.




5 Years
01-09-2016, 09:48 PM
Starling's gaze would meet Lillie's when she spoke to him, and his breath caught. Deep blue irises showed the fear he felt deep inside, knowing his sister was hurt or worse. He couldn't have this be the last time they saw her, no. Not like this, she needed to survive. "Non avrei bisogno di troppo..." He whispered, his voice tight before he clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes, turning back to his sister just as it started. The scream had his eyes widening a notch, and he quickly stepped away from her face. She heaved, she spasmed, and it was clear that she was now going into a seizure. His heart thudded hard in his heavy chest, and Kakashi's voice cut through the cries and fear. He quickly looked at him, blue eyes wide before he quickly nodded. Poisoning! Who would poison his sister! Rage flared in his chest, and it only took a milasecond to jump into action.

He moved to his stock pile, staring at the bardock root and argrimony. If it is poison...she was dry heaving. He also seperated a stock of skullcap at the seizure symptoms, and quickly looked to Quake. "I a-am going to c-chew all this up for her, and pl-place it in her mouth. O-once she swallows, I n-need you to squeeze th-the water from th-hat moss into her mouth a-as best as y-you can, we need her to i-injest this, a-and we n-need her to drink." He said quickly before getting to work. Without a second to waste he ground the herbs up as best as he could and moved to his sister's side again. He would place his paw, gently, on her muzzle again so it would stay put no matter how she fought, and let the mixture fall into her mouth before reaching down to hold it closed with his jaws. He needed her to swallow it, he needed it to work. He needed her to be safe. Any puctures he might cause could be healed later. He needed her to swallow, then he needed to get as much water as he could in her. The Agrimony would help the stomach pains she must be feeling, the Bardock root to cleanse her blood and the skullcap to calm the seizure symptoms and help sedate her. He hoped this would work, he prayed and wished it would. This was his best shot. She had already expelled all that was in her stomach, so it must have worked its way further into her system. They only had moments, seconds, to be sure she was alright...

""Talk"" | "Italian"

(Permission to PP Finch a tad was received)



7 Years

01-10-2016, 12:08 AM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2016, 03:21 AM by Lillianna.)

Starling's eyes met her, and she saw her own fear echoed in his eyes. He spoke Italian, but she understood - not the words, but his eyes, his tone. He was afraid, afraid of not succeeding, feeling that he should have to heal his sister in this way. That she shouldn't be this hurt. But he was still staying calm, staying in control, staying strong.

Oh god. She started flailing, thrashing, and the red woman shuddered, the whites of her eyes showing in her own ffear, in her own terror and shock. And then.. then the scream. Agony. It echoed, echoed in the very depths of her mind, and Lillianna trembled, trembled at the sound of it. It burned her, tore into her, like nothing ever had. Evangeline ripping into her face hurt nothing like this did, and she would whine, wanting nothing more to just cover her ears, block the sound out, but she couldn't.

"Please, no, Finch, stop," she gasped, breath fast and shallow as she pushed her nose into Finch's neck fur. Please let the screaming stop; it was going to drive her insane. She was crying freely, staring at Starling, a pleading look in her gaze when the screams upruptly turned into a gag, and Lillianna would lift of her briefly as she hacked and gagged... but nothing emerged. The screams turned into whimpers, whines, but she was still flailing. Lillianna couldn't breathe anymore, couldn't see, but she curled up further on Finch in an attempt to keep her still, all the while gasping for her breath.

Let it end, please...


Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



11 Years
Dragon Mod
01-10-2016, 01:02 AM

So much was going on around him. He could feel the panic and the terror and the stress in the air, his pelt practically crackling with it all. It seemed, he was the only one relatively calm about it. Perhaps because he had dealt with these sort of situations, and the fact he was much older then these younger wolves. He was the veteran, and no matter what he would remain composed and strong for these wolves. His new pack. His niece. He had opted to hold down the girl's back legs while the red wolf sprawled on top of her to hold her down. It wouldn't do any good for one of them to get injured should this girl kick out at one of them. He turned to look at his niece, red gaze finding that she had frozen from terror and was struggling. Gritting his teeth, he quickly got up and strode over to her, his nose pressing against her neck. "You're strong. You can do this." He whispered in her ear, licking her cheek before returning to his position. If she had been able to stay strong when her family left her, he knew she could prevail today.




9 Years
Dragon Mod
01-10-2016, 01:02 AM

She watched in horror as Finch began to spasm more, convulsing and then the most horrifying scream she had ever heard in her short life. Her ears flattened to her head, eyes closing tightly as she whined and tried to cover her ears with her paws. This was a nightmare! She couldn't even begin to imagine what the other girl was going through, but it left Quake shaking and fearful. Crimson eyes opened a bit, seeking out her uncle who seemed to be the only one remaining calm and keeping his composure. How did he do that? Wasn't he scared too? She was terrified and it didn't help when she saw the red wolfess crying too. What was going to happen? What if they couldn't help Finch? Her chest started heaving as she felt panic grip her, eyes squeezing shut again. All she could hear was the screaming, and then she would jolt up with her fur sticking on end when her uncle was standing beside her, calm words piercing through the nightmare that was happening. Shaking, she nodded as she tried to concentrate. She couldn't be afraid, she couldn't run away no matter how bad she wanted to. Starling needed help, and she would never forgive herself if she left him and his sister hanging. With a quiet nod to her uncle, she watched him return to help hold down the seizing girl while she went to Starling and received her instructions.

By this point, she couldn't speak anymore. Instead, she nodded once as she tried to keep her limbs from shaking. Picking up the moss, she waited for Starling to give his sister the herbs and painfully watched as he forced her to swallow. This was her cue, wasn't it? Quake stepped forward and placed the moss to Finch's lips, practically squeezing it between her lips and teeth so that she could better get the water into her mouth. Without further hesitation, Quake would carefully squeeze the water out of the moss, trying to make sure that not so much was wasted on the already damp ground. Her nose hurt as it was pressing against Finch's jaw and Starling's own muzzle. She had to make sure to do her job right, a life hung in the balance and she would never forgive herself if she messed up and Finch was lost. It terrified her, but somehow...she would try to remain composed if only a little. Tears streamed down her eyes, however, as her heart raced. In a way, they were in a race against time here. And she had no idea if they even had enough time left.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Sparrow I


7 Years
01-13-2016, 05:44 PM
Her breaths came in ragged. Her teeth clenched around the splints and pain-numbing herbs she had brought. She was prepared for a physical wound in case Finch had fallen or been attacked. It made it hard to breath. She just couldn't catch up. Ashmedai pushed her on, but even her steps were becoming wobbly, "They're close," she called breathlessly, her paws dragging her forward. In the distance she could see them, their scents blowing her way.


Her heart felt like it stopped. She had stopped. Her sister's scent wasn't right. She could hear the screams. They echoed in her head. Those were Finch's screams. Minty eyes widened. The young woman couldn't see what was going on, her imagination was at a halt all while expecting the worst.

Finch was dying.



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
01-13-2016, 05:58 PM
Ashmedai followed the small brown girl. She drove forward even though her body was beginning to fail her. The boy urged her on, sometimes verbally, sometimes physically with nudges. She was frantic, he couldn't have stayed in his pack and just not help. He followed her, followed the scent of the Abaven wolves. He saw them all crowded around, fussing over something. That had to be her, right? That had to be Finch- Sparrow's sister. Ashmedai looked at the group as he heard the earth-shattering scream. then he promptly tripped over Sparrow.

On the ground, Ash squirmed to get up. He saw Sparrow, frozen. Ash jumped to his feet, trying to comfort her without fully knowing what was going on, "Sparrow- oh Sparrow, no, don't look, it's going to be okay, Sparrow-"
Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.

Sparrow I


7 Years
01-13-2016, 06:17 PM
Ashmedai tripped into Sparrow and she stumbled forward, the splint and herbs falling from her maw. A moment passed and Ashemdai's voice rang out to her. She heard it, but it didn't register. Finch was dying. Finch was lying here dying and no one had helped her. Nothing Sparrow had brought would help her. She was numb and she was on fire.

Past weakness forgotten, Sparrow tore towards the crowd, "What. Happened. To. Her." The broken voice echoed quietly. She saw Starling force Finch to take herbs, and with Lillianna holding her down the way she was, it wold be difficult. Sparrow moved in, feeling everything so slowly, "Lillianna, her chest, Like Harmony said, rub it vigorously. Up and down, round in circles, whatever, it can help." Her voice didn't sound like her own, she moved to the other side near her sister's neck, "Star-" Sparrow's

breath caught, her mind melting. Her brain flipped between Italian and English. She couldn't find the words, "What accaduto a Finch?" She asked. Starling clamped Finch's maw shut. The herbs. She needed to swallow the herbs. Sparrow moved to rub Finch's throat, "Like pups, strofinare il basso. Makes them swallow." She explained pointedly to Lillianna. The girl had devolved into mush. She needed to help and to let others help if Finch was going to live. Realizing her mistake, Sparrow corrected herself, "I need to rub her throat down. You need to rub her chest. Help. Her. Live."



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
01-13-2016, 06:22 PM
In an instant, Ashmedai was left behind as Sparrow took off. For a moment, he could only watch. He couldn't imagine how it was, but Sparrow was fragile, wasn't she? Their whole family was fragile. Coming up, Ashmedai saw the group acting as one. He was... impressed. Sparrow was talking medicine talk again to the reddish wolf. She needed to rub... but she was laying on the girl... She needed to swallow herbs? Ashmedai was a little lost, but he stepped forward, "Look- uh- I can help hold her down easily so you- uh Lillianna- can rub her chest so she can... swallow the herbs?" Ashemdai stepped forward, "Is that okay with you all? I'm a friend of Sparrow's, I'm here to help however I can." He didn't move to push the sobbing girl away, he just stood, waiting for her to move or for someone else to give him something to do, "I can also carry her if you need to get her somewhere else."
Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.



7 Years

01-20-2016, 06:09 PM
How was this happening? The officer was in disbelief, her mind numbing. She was oblivious, ignorant to what Starling, Quake and Kakashi were doing; she didn't even notice Kakashi at all, really. It would only be Sparrow's voice - her name being spoken - that would cause her to whip around, eyes blazing. Her lips would lift in a snarl at first, before she realized who it was, and what was happening. Quietly, she nodded, scooting off Finch's chest a bit and moreso onto her center region in order to get a paw on the girl's chest. Her position - all she could really do was paw at Finch's chest, but wolves paws weren't meant to move in circles. It was the best that could be done, and she would begin to do it. It was then Sparrow repeated herself... again. And again. And then acted as if she wasn't doing anything. Swallowing a snarl, she simply flat-out ignored Sparrow, ears flicking back against her ears.

And then another male - a wolf, whom she didn't recognize. She let out a slow, warning snarl, even as he approached and explained who he was; he could be lying, and she didn't trust him. She didn't know him. "You better not have done this," she growled low in her throat, green eyes glittering, slightly insane, and utterly focused on Ashmedai.
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.

Finch I


4 Years

01-22-2016, 10:39 PM
She was deaf to all sounds, the voices couldn't reach her down here. She was being pushed down on every side, dragging her further, faster. Her body seized and failed under the weight that held her down, but after Sparrow showed up she laid still. Very still. There were herbs in her throat and the massaging made her body respond to the motion, swallowing the chunk of plants in her mouth. Her breath was shallow, but still there. Her heart pounded too fast in her chest, almost painfully. But she was still here, still clinging on to life with all she had left. Finch was weak, but she was still alive.

Civetta let out a shrill cry from over head, and she landed by Starling. Her beady eyes looked at her dear wolf friend, hopping closer and running her beak through her cheek fur. "I lost her... this is all my fault." The tiny bird said, looking up at Starling and letting out a small tweet. She had been looking everywhere for the girl, but didn't know where she had gone. Leaning into the soft fur of the wolf, she nuzzled into the girl. "I'm so sorry."



5 Years
01-22-2016, 10:50 PM
Starling would lift his head the moment that he felt his sister swallow the herbs, his blue eyes narrowed and watching for any more spasming. It wouldn't take long for the herbs to go into effect, and she may feel drowsy or even fall asleep from it. He looked quickly to his sister and the stranger, blinking slowly at them. He nodded slowly at his sister, a small smile on his face before he looked to Ashmedai. The imperium scent was strong, and for a moment he wondered if others were coming but he was sure they had come together.

It was then that Civetta fluttered down, and he offered her a small smile. "Va bene Civetta" He whispered softly, the shakiness starting to enter his voice. He would turn to stare at his sister, watching her, waiting for the effects before he cleared his throat. "Th-thank you...e-everyone. W-we need t-to g-get her h-home." He said then, glancing around before looking at Kakashi. "D-do you th-think y-you c-could h-handle it?, i-imp w-wolf...I d-don't kn-know y-you're n-name, i'm s-sorry. D-do you th-think y-you could h-help?" He asked tentively, his voice shaking more and he...oh he had to sit down. His blue eyes grew wide as it all hit him, and he had to drop his head to keep the tears in. "Sparrow, capire tutto, per favore..." He whispered, his voice pitched. Oh Finch...oh...what happened to you! He felt so...shakey, his legs quivering and his breath vibrating. He would lift his eyes slowly to Lillianna, blue eyes wide and dark. He had...really done it. And it...this had happened to Finch. Poisoning...she had been poisoned! And he wouldn't have known...

""Talk"" | "Italian"

(Permission to PP Finch a tad was received)