
carve your name [challenge]



2 Years
Extra large
01-24-2016, 04:16 PM

Bacchus would inhale deeply as the iron tang of blood and the anticipation of looming battle prickled at his skin. He wouldn't hesitate over the border as he carefully made his was to the center of field. He felt himself incomplete living on his own, he felt a strong desire burning in his belly, he wanted power. He wanted his kin. There lie the problem and the solution. He'd take his uncle's crown, and rule those who'd raised him. Bacchus could not live under another's rule, and he would not. Though his mother's tried their hardest to raise a good natured boy, outside influence would help him to realize the full potential that lay dormant in his blood. He'd take up his inheritance today.

The tri-colored Armada would find his stoop, a boulder that jutted from the ground like it was made for him. His form would easily climb to the summit, and there he'd tilt his head back and call out for the russet Adravendi. For just a brief moment he would find himself wondering what his mother's might think of his bold move. He'd shake off the thought, it didn't matter what they would think. He had found his calling.

Bacchus v Leo for Kingship [Fiori]
round 0/3




7 Years
Extra large
01-24-2016, 04:28 PM

If not for the identity of the one who called out a challenge Basileus would have carried on with his hunt. He didn't particularly care about the dramas of this land because this land was not his home. But the one who challenged today was Bacchus, a man he'd grown to like. He considered him a friend; and such a relationship outside of the Cosca was rare for Basileus. So of course he came.

There was something about the field that Bacchus howled from that unnerved the mafioso. It was picturesque; the grass lush, the sky blue; but there was an eeriness to the air that caused Basil's hackles to rise. This was a killing field. He knew what death underfoot felt like, how it seemed to seep up from the ground and taint all who walked on it.

He reached his friend without fanfare. Basileus didn't call out his support or make a scene. Instead he simply gave his friend a firm nod and slowed to a stop nearby. His presence was his support. There was no need to say anything.



3 Years
01-24-2016, 05:12 PM

Luck had been spending most of her time nearly connected to her silver protector’s side. She would never admit but the tiny girl was growing more and more fond of him. Close proximity would do that to someone. Still it wasn’t as if she was with him 24/7, it wasn’t uncommon to wake and find him gone, sometime it was morning and sometimes he left at night and Luck would pretend his disappearances didn’t jostle her unwillingly from sleep. She would lay quietly on those nights, listening to him, for him. She always wanted to press him for information on where he was going, she always wanted to know who the wolves he sometimes returned smelling of where but her own timidity would get the best of her and Luck would feign sleep untill his form returning to its comforting place around her small frame would lull her back into the real thing.

This was- this was different though. Luck was nudged awake by her silver guardian, his nick name for her upon his lips and told to follow. So follow Luck did. The tiny Destruction trotted after Bacchus till they were wandering past lands she didn’t recognize. Luck could sense there was a difference in her shinning knight’s behavior and working on an impulse she skirted up beside him, rubbing along his side in an attempt to help calm him.

It wasn’t till they arrived at the battlefield that things started fitting together for the girl. The acrid scent of blood assaulted her senses and Luck felt herself hesitate, a small soft whine rising from her throat and ears pulled back against her skull. Her frame lowered to the ground and she tucked her tail. Not eager to be too far from her protector she picked up her pace till he stopped. Settling away from his slight rise Luck found herself waiting nervously, silently fearful of ambitions she couldn’t understand.

(Slight pp of Bacc allowed by Kat)

[Image: BNLxEGJ.png]

Absinthe 1

01-24-2016, 06:33 PM

She knew nothing of her best friend's plans, but she figured it out pretty damned quickly to be nothing good. An aggravated sigh slipped from between ebony lips as she lurched to her feet. The call was for Leo, which could mean any number of things. Was Bacchus angry that they'd been kicked out of the pack a few seasons back? Did he seek retribution? There was not saying for sure yet. If he'd been considering this lately, her best friend had been keeping it to himself. That was alright, it would be unrealistic for her to imagine that they would share everything now, if they hadn't before. Spring had fallen upon the land, marking her as a yearling no more, but an adult, a woman. Her first heat clung to her skin like a spring shed, itchy and overwhelmingly warm. The battlefield wasn't far. Alabaster toes pulled her forth with a graceful and elegant stride, as she sought out Bacchus. Her head was held high, tail swaying behind her as she walked. Violet hues glimmered in the early morning light, spring mist clinging to the earth like a lacy shawl. She'd found her Bacc again, and even though he wasn't the same as before, she still loved him with every piece of her taped together heart. She wouldn't lose him again, no matter what that meant. She'd never been to the battlefield, but there wasn't a soul in Alacritia that didn't know of it, or its whereabouts.

She arrived like a lingering cloud, floating through and sweeping over the grass with ease. Her best friend was perched atop a boulder, standing tall like a king. He shone in the dawn, coat glinting resplendent. She smirked up at him, quirking a brow. She wasn't the first to arrive. There was a rust hued man there, who seemed familiar with Bacchus. He was just as big as her best friend, but far thinner, made up of savage angles and narrow bones. She thought he was a rather stunning creature, the way his eyes stood out from this distance. Had he made all these friends while she was wandering around looking for him? Oh, wonderful. There was a pang of aggression in her chest. She wasn't used to being anything other than Bacc's very best friend. She wasn't sure she liked it. A tiny little creature, with a coat like chocolate and a mask of ivory over her features was sitting nearby. She looked like a porcelain doll, all soft edges and gentle curves. The lavender femme could smell her friend on the girl's coat. Who was this, a girlfriend he'd picked up along the way? Her cream stained features became cold as she settled an icy gaze upon the girl. The corner of her lip curved upward in a silent snarl as she approached.

She assumed a seat among the others regardless, curious to know what was going on in the mind of her friend. There was something different about him today. His gaze was darkened, expression stoic. What was whirling around in his mind right now? A slow breath shuddered from her lungs as she wrapped her tail about her pallid toes. Today was going to signal a change of some sort, and she was ready to witness it. It had been some time since she had seen Leo, and the others in Fiori. Surely some of them would come with him to witness this event. Did they think she was dead? No, most likely not. She'd lingered close to the territory for awhile, someone must have figured it out. Settling onto her haunches, the lilac she wolf waited.




7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
01-24-2016, 08:56 PM
Ok so, she was nosy.

When the call rang out in challenge, a pack challenge, Cas was quick to go snoop. She didn't know or care about the Fiori alpha who was being challenged, nor did she know or care about the wolf who was calling the challenge, but she was curious, and curiosity demanded she go stick her nose into it and insult some people, poke at some egos, tug on some tails, that sort of thing. She didn't know anyone who had already appeared - though her attention was drawn to a gaudily purple youth who made her grin sardonically. Bet she was a damn poor hunter.

With a smirk she settled herself down to watch to see who would show up, and who would ultimately come out as the victor. Surely information that Valen might need be appraised of, right?
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



2 Years
01-24-2016, 09:04 PM
Cascade's reasons for showing up at the challenge may have been less than legitimate, but Atreides' was even less so. He was, purely and simply, bored. Integra and he were the last of their family left in the pack - even the unwelcome aunt and uncle had run off somewhere, leaving them the last Armadas in Imperium, and Integra was often off busy with healing stuff. Whether training, or picking herbs, and both of those were mind numbingly boring tasks to him. But this! This was interesting. A pack challenge, right on their doorstep - well, all pack challenges were right on their doorstep, really. The young male swaggered in, but nearly faltered to a stop, head cocking to the side as he sent an intensely curious glance at the wolf who seemed to be the center of everyone's attention, presumably the wolf who'd called the challenge. He looked extremely familiar, and smelled familiar, and Trei couldn't figure out if it was a he had seen him before sort of familiar or a he closely resembled someone he knew sort of familiar. Either way this had just become much more interesting, and he was quick to drop to his haunches beside the only other familiar face, Imperium's et uxor, and settled in to watch avidly. He really wanted to know who this mysterious not-stranger was, but he wouldn't interrupt his concentration to find out. He could wait... probably.



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
01-24-2016, 09:20 PM
THERE WAS ANOTHER CHALLENGE?! Living near the battle field had all the perks. Trotting up cheerily, Ashmedai found the crowded area and plopped down. Hey, there were other Imperium wolves and, "Hey Cas, come to watch too? Wanna make bets?" he called out before his attention was dragged to the other Imperium wolf, "Hey, Atreides get in on this!" He hadn't seen who the wolf was challenging yet, but when he did, he was planning on making bets. His tongue lolled out of his maw as he surveyed the other wolves happily. The mood seemed a lot less hostile than at the death matches he had gone to, which was good... maybe. Actually, Ashmedai found that he didn't really care a whole ton what other people thought of a fight, he was usually super entertained regardless. Then again, maybe he'd feel differently if his family was weak. Oops, did he really just think that? Thinking of how strong his dad and Cascade were, Ashmedai decided that yes, he did think that and that if someone asked he might just have to tell them.
Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

01-24-2016, 09:59 PM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2016, 10:32 PM by Rivaxorus II.)

This call was familiar yet not to him. The only call he had answered was to Sin for his mother. This however was something that offended the yearling. The large male would not stumble in, his cool composure was cold and he ignored the foreigners that had come to see this show. He seemed to match the competitor on height, and it was his uncle's pack that he was challenging for. Where Rivaxorus and his family had hoped to start a new life. This man was not going to ruin that - but he would wait and see if his uncle could handle it.

Settling himself away from the others, imperium seemed to be having a swell time. Rivaxorus did not want to remain ignorant either. The prince was curious to see how a pack challenge went down. His home was not challenged for it was given away. So his two different colored eyes, showing no emotion would carefully search over Bacchus before just waiting. He wasn't going to speak, no one needed to know who he was anyway. If they already did know it didn't matter much either.

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-24-2016, 10:19 PM
It seemed that the majority of his time lately had been spent on the battlefield, though realistically most of it had actually been spent away from it on very mundane stuff like hunting and simple survival as a young wolf alone. That and continuing to treat the falcon's wounds as Lyndvarr had shown him - she was well enough now to perch upon his shoulders and glare fiercely about them... he'd started calling her Aiden, and she'd liked the name enough to claim it as her own. Realistically, he hadn't been on the battlefield that much. But the moments lately that most stood out in his memory lately had been here, watching what seemed like deathmatch after deathmatch. Even that wasn't necessarily true though - he'd begun on this path in the avian estuary, and it had all come to a head on the Vericona plains where he'd grown up, not in the battlefield. It still felt like it though, so when another call rang from the area a shiver of dread trickled down his spine, and rightly so.

A challenge for Fiori? His aunt's pack... his alpha-cousin's pack. Aiden's talons pierced his skin as she tightened her grip to hold on, as he spun in place and raced for the battlefield, but she said nothing and he took no notice of the pain. He skidded to a halt, ignoring the few familiar faces to bristle in clear hostility toward the challenger. Tor was not a Fiori wolf and his scent would make that clear if nothing else, nor did he in any way resemble the Adravendi family his mother had been adopted into (if anything, he actually more closely resembled the challenger, who was his cousin though neither knew of the relation), but his tensely aggressive stance, the way he held his head and tail high and stiff in dominant posture, spoke volumes for the protective fury roused by the caller who sought to steal his family's home.

He took a few rapid steps towards the challenger - not enough for it to seem he was seeking to answer the challenge, because that would be stupid... he was not the alpha - and arched his neck to stare at the older male. Older, but no taller than Tornach himself. "Who do you think you are to seek to steal a family's safe home from them?" he scolded the wolf hotly. "It isn't right. There's plenty of land to choose from to make your own pack. This one belongs to the Adravendis, not to some bully like you."

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!

Bright Moon


6 Years
01-25-2016, 12:54 AM
Bright Moon lifted her head as she heard a challenging howl ring out for the leader of Fiori. Someone was challenging Leo? But why? She frowned, ears pinning back in dismay. Who would try to disrupt the peace of the small, growing pack? Her first impression of this continent that it was a relatively safe place, but now she wasn't so sure. A slight panic began to rise in her chest, and she had to blink away a forming tear. It seemed that the evil in these lands was making itself known lately, and after her run in with the black-coated, red-eyed demon who had 'rescued' her from an overflowing river, she was very aware that life would no longer be the peaceful dream she had hoped for.

Though fear clawed at her belly and urged her to stay away, dainty legs took her toward the source of the call anyways. She had to be there to support her Alpha, even if she couldn't fight. She came to the battlefield and she couldn't help but to slow her pace, picking up her paws delicately as the stench of blood-soaked earth filled her nostrils. What an awful place. As she approached the group of wolves that had gathered, her heartbeat began to race, thumping hard against the inside of her chest cavity; she hoped that no one would hear it as she drew nearer. She was starting to realize that she didn't recognize anyone here. The only thing that gave her hope was the tall young man standing up against Fiori's challenger. As she looked to the bully who sought to take control of her pack, she saw the ruby red eyes. Another demon.

I shouldn't be here, she thought to herself, trying to make herself as inconspicuous as possible. Her tail was wrapped up under her belly, clearly uncomfortable around all of these unfamiliar, angry looking wolves. Who else was here to support Fiori? What was going to happen to everyone, and all the young pups, if the pack was taken over? She wished she could help to protect the pack, but this was a challenge for Leo to answer.



3 Years
Extra large
01-25-2016, 03:27 AM

Just when she was starting to settle herself into her new pack it had to get challenged for. Was there something wrong with Fiori or was the challenger just wanting to take over a random pack for the sake of having one? If he was challenging for another pack that she couldn't care less about, fine, but Fiori? The pack she had joined in order to be with her friend? The pack she had joined and left her family in the process? No, this wouldn't do. Leo had to win.

She had trekked upon this barren field before, back when Cypress had been challenged by that red-marked male. A large gathering of wolves had already flocked to the scene - some she could remember seeing at the deathmatch while others were completely new. Her scarlet eyes caught a glimpse of an alluring purple pelt within the crowd, though ignored the anomaly as she seated herself beside her friend. The challenger was no larger than she, bearing slate and alabaster hues upon his pelt. The orange alpha was still nowhere to be seen. "Yeah!" she called out after another large boy snapped at the challenger, raising valid points. "It's our home. Get your own pack!"




7 Years
01-25-2016, 12:09 PM
Amalia was looking for herbs when the call rang out, her head snapping upwards in shock. No, no! Her son was challenging her brother for his pack? What the hell was he thinking? She would never have thought that Bacchus would do this, and she felt her heart pulse too fast in her chest. She felt like she was going to choke, tears gathering in her eyes. Quickly she made her way towards her son, a mix of emotions swirling in her head. She didn't even know what to think, what to say. When she got to the challenge area there was already a group gathering, her deep blue eyes sweeping across them. There was only two wolves here she knew, her son and Bright Moon. She made her way to the female, brushing up against her larger frame. Looking up with sad eyes she tried to offer a smile, but it failed. It was then that her gaze fell on Bacchus.

The tiny woman's heart stopped, looking at the tall man standing there. He looked like her son, but he was different. There was something harder about him, something that scared her. Letting out a whine she took a step towards him, limbs wobbly. "Bacchus... what are you doing?" she whispered, tears gathering in her eyes. She tried to choke back a sob, but it still sounded deep in her throat. "How could you do this? I don't understand..." Her voice was low, hardly loud enough for others to hear. She couldn't believe it, she thought that she was dreaming. But no, here she was. This was real. Who was this man who stood before her? Ama's ears pressed back against her head, shaking it back and forth. "I just..." she broke off, her throat closing around the rest of her words.


01-25-2016, 01:32 PM

Éponine would breathe in slowly as the challenger’s howl rang across the land. This was different than the first time she lost her home. Sonticus had been given away, by a father who didn’t even dare to see them off. Of course Ép didn’t know about his fate, that he had challenged Sin to the death. But regardless of this fact this home, her new home, was being threatened. To potentially be ripped out from under her by a stranger. Éponine was less than pleased. This spoiled ex-princess was not going to just stand by and wait for things to happen.

So she went to the battlefield. Éponine would find her brother Riv already there. While not incredibly close with him, he was one of the few wolves who had her loyalty and trust. The girl was self-serving, but she did care for her siblings. Blood was a strong tie, and she had little doubt that he was upset about Fiori being challenged for as well. Though she didn’t know Leo all too well she was hoping that he was more than capable to deal with this challenge. She was putting her faith in him... And that was a big step for her.

She would come to stand by Riv, giving him her silent support. She wouldn’t join the others calling out to the challenger, nor did she care about placing bets on the victor. All she cared about was finding out the result of all this.




3 Years
01-25-2016, 01:55 PM
"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

When the challenge rang out it was as if her whole world had come to a standstill. Svetlana had been with her little ones, her precious pups, and all at once it felt as if someone had dropped a weight on her heart. She was frozen. She was afraid. Her strength, her sure mindset, had all been shattered by that single call. Unlike some of Fiori, who knew the challenger prior, she did not know him. Didn’t know what to think other than; what will happen? It wasn’t so much that she didn’t have faith in Leo, but she knew well enough her husband wouldn’t walk away from the challenge unscathed.

Svetlana would leave the children in Korrin’s care. The fox put up no argument, urging Svet to go and support her husband. She wasn’t sure where Leo was exactly. He had left the den early that morning to likely go about his normal routine. She felt sick, a knot twisting in her stomach as she approached the battlefield. She just... She couldn’t believe that this was happening. No matter how she tried to look at it her mind wouldn’t let it connect. It all felt so surreal. The thought that, potentially, life as they knew it was at risk was a very, very scary thing.

She would arrive upon the battlefield, gaze sweeping it first for her husband. Leo had yet to show, and worry gnawed at her gut all the more. Was he alright? He had to show up before this challenger, right? Then her gaze would fall on Amalia, picking up just the end bit of what she was saying. So she knew the challenger... And judging by her expression this challenge came as a shock to her as well. She looked so pained...

Without further hesitation Svetlana would go to Amalia’s side. She would gently press against the other woman, offering her support as her blue gaze sought the gaze of her husband’s challenger. There was no glimpse of hate in her gaze, nor accusation. Svetlana would take a slow breath, uttering a single word to the man as she tried to keep her composure. “Why?”

Table by:: Shelby
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
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10 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-25-2016, 02:15 PM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2016, 02:15 PM by Epiphron.)

This was the way of the world. It was, quite simply, as it always had been - power was given, was inherited, was fought for, and subsequently was won and was then lost. The cycle was something she had grown quite tired of, and while part of her had always hoped she might never find herself caught in the fray, she knew that it was destined to happen once again. She had simply hoped it wouldn't happen to Leo. The call of her grandson was demanding and she was taken aback by its forcefulness. Though she hadn't been particularly close to Bacchus, she'd never been given a chance to be - it seemed Amalia and Athena's sons were loners at heart, and she hadn't seen Bacchus in many seasons, perhaps even since she had ruled this place.

An uncomfortable sense of foreboding settled inside her as she stood, feeling a slight ache in her bones as she stretched out her stiff limbs. Something in Bacchus's voice told her this was not a friendly challenge, but something more sinister. Why was her grandson fighting for Fiori? He could very well earn himself a high rank here, high enough that he would have as much say as Leo himself, if only he had tried.

Slowly, with great effort, she made her way to the gathering. His call had seemingly ruffled more feathers than just her own, and the tension in the air was easily palpable. There was no sign of Leo, but quickly she found Amalia - who was quivering and on the verge of crying. Quickening her pace, she would seek to find Amalia's side, wondering how soon Athena might arrive. "This is not your fault," she would whisper to her fearful daughter, her voice firm. She had seen this kind of betrayal one too many times, and she knew more than most that it was not Amalia nor Athena's fault in how Bacchus had gone astray. She'd seen the same thing with Neo, and with Eos, her own blood sibling. They'd been brought up to value family above all else, and ultimately they'd gone against their own.

A heavy sigh that could not be contained fell from her lips as she leaned into Amalia. She knew Amalia would need someone to lean on, and as painful as this was for her to witness, she knew the feelings must be tenfold to her daughter. For a long moment her eyes would close, feeling confused and upset herself, though she knew by showing it she would only be making things worse. When she finally opened them again, she noted who had arrived already - Many were entirely unfamiliar, but she gave Rivaxorus a long glance, and noted that Tornach was visibly distraught himself. There was no surprise at all that Svetlana looked stunned, though she seemed to be struggling to hold on to her calm demeanor. She couldn't blame her - her own face was riddled with bewilderment and sadness and anger, all at the same time, though she had nothing at all to say to Bacchus as the others might.



2 Years
01-25-2016, 02:44 PM

Arivae had been in a deep sleep when the challenger called for Leo. If it were any other call she would have refused to move. But this...this was a challenge. And not just a challenge for some random pack. It was a challenge for Fiori. Her home, her everything. It was her birth place. This very place homed her mother when she had given birth to her. Now some fool was trying to tear it away from her, again?! Jupiter had done enough damage. Feeling that same pain overwhelm her like last time would be awful. She couldn't let this happen...she couldn't. But she had no word in the matter. It was Leo that had to fight for his home and for his family. She'd be there rooting for him every second of the way- she wasn't going to let some illness keep her from being there for him now of all times.

The tiny girl slowly moved to her paws, feeling her knees shake beneath her. Her body was already trying to pin her down even after hours of sleep. But she couldn't...she wouldn't. She needed to be there for Leo. She wearily hobbled out of her small den and stood in the sunlight for a few minutes, trying to assure herself that she'd make it there without passing out. Finally she set off toward the call, soft pants leaving her maw with each step.

She had gone on and off between slow, easy strides and walking. By the time she got there she was panting heavily and her paws were aching. But she was happy she had made it. She was exhausted, but she made it. She'd be here. The girl lifted her head and gazed around the clearing, spotting a few wolves gathered around what was probably the challenger. But was Leo here yet? She searched for him, but failed to find him. The closest she got was Svetlana who looked...bad. And Amalia was here too, looking horrified. What was going on? It was normal to be upset about a challenge but...several wolves in particular were staring at the challenger like they were a box of squished, bloody pups.

Arivae approached the cluster of wolves she knew that included Epiphron, Amalia, Svetlana, and Bright Moon. Amalia was in the center, seemingly held up by the others. With a worried look, the dark girl followed everyone's eyes to the challenger, and she choked back a pained whine. Bacchus. Bacchus...Tiburtius' brother. Now she didn't know him as well as the others might have, was the fact that Tiburtius had been so hopeful for Bacchus' return to Fiori. Tiburtius loved his family to pieces and had always hoped that his brothers would return soon. But this surely wasn't what he was expecting by returning. And she was sure Amalia was horrified as well. Everyone who knew Bacchus was probably horrified. He was challenging his own uncle that hadn't done anything wrong...why?!

With another weak whine she opened her mouth and closed it helplessly. This wasn't right...she dug her toes into the ground for support and lowered her head, feeling her chest constrict painfully. After awhile of fighting off her emotions on her own, she stepped away from the group of wolves and sat by herself, her body shaking violently. She didn't know what to do. This was beyond what she had expected. She didn't want to see this happen...Leo would be horrified! And what if Bacchus won? What would she do? What would Amalia and Athena do? The small woman whimpered and lowered herself to the ground, her dull eyes resting onto Bacchus.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
01-25-2016, 02:55 PM

Vitus was, well, interested in the turn of events. There was no doubt that his brother Bacchus had changed since they were little; it had been evident in their last encounter. Yet, when Vitty truly thought about it, did anyone ever truly stay the same? The world would mold you, change you. You grew up and the innocent way you once looked at things was lost. Nothing could last forever either; whether it was innocence or the rule over a pack. While Vitus was somewhat surprised at his brother’s call to their uncle at the same time, deep down, he wasn’t.

He would arrive at the battlefield with Carlisle not far behind him. His breathing was slow, calm, collected. Bi-colored gaze would seek first his brother, giving a small nod. A small sign of support for his decision. While he knew Bacchus’ challenge could, and likely would, upset the rest of the family he was indifferent about it. At the end of the day both Leo and Bacc would still be family and, regardless of who won, he was going home with the victor.

Glancing towards Amalia, Epiphron, Arviae and Svetlana the male would let out a quiet sigh. Perhaps it might have been better if Bacchus hadn’t challenged. Everyone looked so upset... So troubled. At least from Fiori. There were strangers there who seemed more than ready to make bets on who would win or lose. It was perhaps that particular crowd that made this whole situation feel wrong. He would sit down easily, Carlisle winging down to land at his place beside him. The barn owl would glance up at Vitus, hooing softly.

“You’ve mixed feelings about this, don’t you?” The owl would ask. Vitus would give a slow nod. Yes, he had mixed feelings about this indeed.

[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
01-25-2016, 03:09 PM
Since his visit with his mothers Hymn had been heavily considering his place, he wanted to remain connected to his family especially since Psalm wouldn’t be returning but he also just wasn’t sure. Still the idea of returning to his homelands was a tempting one and something that had played at his mind for a few days now. But that idea was now put into question.

The call had grabbed his attention immediately. Hymn had seen much change in his birth pack in his life and this was slowly becoming the background track of his life. This call didn’t really seem to hold the same hostility as the last one did and Hymn’s natural curiosity got the better of him.

The tank of a boy found his way to the battle field, identifying the growing group as the source of his curiosity. Brilliant Ceruleans scanned the crowd looking for faces he might recognize. His mothers weren’t here but that didn’t surprise him, Novel was likely too nervous to show up and Ara would be there to comfort her. Still he spotted a few faces he was sure he knew; if only from the pack when he had been a member. Many more were unfamiliar.

Perhaps the most shocking was the purple form he spotted. A part of Hymn grew momentarily excited, his tail even starting to wag before he bit down on his instinct. The girl he called Abby was seated close to the challenger’s side of the field. He longed to talk to her, to try and rekindle the budding friendship that had been abandoned when they had both disappeared but he would force himself to wander off to a side and sit by himself. He didn’t really belong to any of the camps currently gathered.

I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
01-25-2016, 03:16 PM
Cascade waited, avidly wolf-watching, but a sudden familiar and brash voice made her wince - both internally and externally. Ashmedai, cheerfully shouting about making bets and attempting to drag the perennially-amused young Atreides into it too. Eep. She walked a thin line with Valentine at times as it was without letting his son cause some sort of diplomatic incident with whichever idiot managed to come out on top in this fight. She was supposed to be his mentor - well, apparently he was picking up on all her bad traits and none of her more responsible ones. He wasn't like her - his father and his family had him set up to leap to some high position in Ala's wolf culture, he wasn't just some low-born half breed bitch. He couldn't afford to act the way she did, and Valentine would probably kill her (metaphorically?) if she encouraged his complete lack of respect. It definitely wouldn't be the right thing for a friend to do, let alone a partner. She fixed Ashmedai with a warning gaze, one brow raised, and addressed him with a flat tone she'd never used with him before. "Ashmedai, either sit and be quiet, or go home. This isn't the time."

(OOC: Excuse me posting a second time, just wanted to get it in before the fight so she can shut up and watch)
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

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Master Fighter (240)

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The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
01-25-2016, 04:56 PM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2016, 04:56 PM by Ashmedai.)
Aw man, apparently they weren't in a fun mood. Oh well. After several people bantered at the challenging guy, the person being challenged still hadn't showed. Cascade scolded him, saying now wasn't the time. Seeing how upset all these wolves were, he could understand he guessed, but whatever, "Fine- I'm sorry. No bets." he commented with a shrug, though his voice came out steady and sincere. Ashmedai worked to calm his smile. He didn't meet Cascade's eyes. Tornach had come in, angry as usual about the fighting. Ashmedai gave a sigh and a side glance at Cascade. He guessed she wouldn't want him going and trying to drag Tornach away from the fight either. Boooring... Well, he just hoped Tornach didn't get dragged into the fight. He wondered if, since it wouldn't be against and Imperium wolf if he would be allowed to interfere since he knew the other wolf. Thinking about it, he didn't really know how a lot of challenges worked and he didn't really know if he was allowed to challenge for real things unless the pack needed him to. He guessed that was okay, but he also worried what would happen if he made good friends outside of the pack. Would he be allowed to fight for them or like... no? Oh well, maybe it didn't matter as much as it seemed. Most of it depended on what the alpha of a pack decided was right... right? Speaking of alphas, where was this one?

(Posting so Ash can calm down and watch the fight.)
Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.