
Who's Your Favorite?



3 Years
01-29-2016, 07:50 PM
So it came to me that we all love the characters of Alacritis. But, for each player, we surely have a favorite of who they play right? Someone who makes us laugh, gives us the feels, or is just a pleasure to read! If interested list the following for each thing. Do as many as you can so we can all figure out who our favorites are~ :D

Player Name::
Favorite Character::
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]



7 Years

01-29-2016, 08:21 PM (This post was last modified: 01-30-2016, 08:42 AM by Lillianna.)
Alright, I'm ignoring the why's on this because sometimes I just don't have a reason xD

Player Name:: Arin
Favorite Character:: Starling
Why?:: Starling has been constantly developing, and the dynamic between him and Lillie is as precious as it is frustrating xD

Player Name:: Dragon
Favorite Character:: Avalon
Why?:: I feel like Avalon is your most developed, well-rounded character. She has her strengths, and her faults, and she's an attentive momma nevvertheless.

Player Name:: Evelyn
Favorite Character:: Finch
Why?:: SO CUTE. She's so adorable and I just wanna hold her and protect her forever.

Player Name:: Fox
Favorite Character:: Mithras
Why?:: Switched fully to Mithras because Seraphim isn't as developed. I like the way he's becoing responsible and caring, with that development.

Player Name:: Keno
Favorite Character:: Marina
Why?:: She's unique. I like how she is with Ren, and you can just feel the emotions in her threads so clearly.

Player Name::
Favorite Character:: Valentine
Why?:: I like that he's basically a chameleon - and on top of that, he's well-developed, adores his children, can be a giant marshmallow, but don't you dare piss him off.

Player Name:: Lunar
Favorite Character:: Hárekr
Why?:: He's a Viking, for one. Two, he's just... unique. I swear, he's the only character that hasn't pissed off a lot of characters (like Mercy). He's super amiable and I just like how he's written.
Lunar - Hárekr
Nyx - Kapra/ Lark
Sea - Ray
Tea - Cascade

If you're unlisted it's because I don't have a favorite for you.
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
01-29-2016, 09:08 PM
If you're not listed below, don't be offended! I just haven't threaded with you, or read many of your threads. ;)

Player Name:: Acrylic
Favorite Character:: Cesar
Why?:: He is unpredictable and so much fun to read, his inner thoughts are so interesting as well. Every single thread of his makes me laugh, all the time. Its a great pick me up to just read his threads.

Player Name:: Arin
Favorite Character:: Voltage
Why?:: He is such a well rounded character who has been through so much, changing with the flow of things. He is very emotional, and its easy to feel his raw emotions yourself.

Player Name:: Dragon
Favorite Character:: Dart
Why?:: Cause he's Bass' fluff butt! He even got Finch to like him.

Player Name:: Fox
Favorite Character:: Mithras
Why?:: Cause he knocked up a friend while on berries and had adorable puppies, who he is far too cute with. And then he goes and makes a pack, good boy. -pets face-

Player Name:: Iko
Favorite Character:: Stóri
Why?:: Cause he reminds me of me as a child. I was so jealous of my younger siblings and I always fought for my parents attention, just like Stóri does.

Player Name:: KatG6
Favorite Character:: Rhythm
Why?:: Cause I was so mean to her. I mean, Bass was. But even through that she stayed in Imperium, and then was there for Motif when she needed her the most. And her children are adorable.

Player Name:: Keanai
Favorite Character:: Lykos
Why?:: He's like a mini man, and he was able to actually befriend Mercy without her biting her head off. He's so eager to learn and just adorable.

Player Name:: Keno
Favorite Character:: Allen
Why?:: He's Bass' bff for life. And all the feels, so many feels. ;~;

Player Name:: Lazuli
Favorite Character:: Rhys
Why?:: She is the most adorable puppy ever, and so wants to be a good fighter. Plus her and Rhyme are just fantastic, fighting over a fart. xD

Player Name:: Lunarcat7
Favorite Character:: Rœkia
Why?:: Cause she is a freaking crazy poison master. xD

Player Name:: Millie
Favorite Character:: Diana
Why?:: Ama loves her little mini-me! She is so cute and her inner thoughts make me swoon, I didn't think that anyone could beat Ama's adorableness.

Player Name:: Mouser
Favorite Character:: Anais
Why?:: Its been amazing to watch her grow up and get over her fears with Glacier, and now she's a momma!

Player Name:: Nyx
Favorite Character:: Lark
Why?:: He's so unlike the rest of his siblings, its almost... refreshing? He's stubborn and angry, and wants to protect his whole family.

Player Name:: Rivaxorus
Favorite Character:: Rivaxorus II
Why?:: Even though he's awkward and doesn't like to talk much, he still tries for his family.

Player Name:: Sea
Favorite Character:: Motif
Why?:: I've watched her grow up too, find love, become a mother twice over and go through everything with Bass and his family.

Player Name:: Shadowed
Favorite Character:: Ehrgeiz
Why?:: I have a weak spot for grumpy characters. xD

Player Name:: Shelby
Favorite Character:: Athena
Why?:: Cause the way she is with Ama and her kids is just... so epic. I adore her.

Player Name:: Tealah
Favorite Character:: Tórnach
Why?:: Its been really interesting to see him grow up and become his own young man, even going so far as to refuse to join his mothers pack. His character development has been a treat to read.

My focus needs more focus.



6 Years

01-30-2016, 03:01 AM
Player Name:: Briena
Favorite Character:: Surreal
Why?:: Mostly because she's the one I see most out of your characters. She's one of those powerful but gentle, wise older female-leader type. Kind to most, but NOT a pushover and will kick your ass if you mess with her!

Player Name:: Dragon
Favorite Character:: Valentina (Okay, it was really hard to choose between her and Sin!)
Why?:: Because she is SO unique! Everything about her is awesome, from her past, to her gender change, her appearance and of course her personality. And I love her and Esa together, they're so fun.

Player Name:: Evelyn
Favorite Character:: Amalia
Why?:: Because she's so adorably sweet, and sensitive, and smart, and pretty much seems excited about everything!

Player Name:: Fox
Favorite Character:: Mithras
Why?:: Well, because he seems pretty cool, and he's the only character of yours I kinda know. His design is amazing, obviously. The way he ended up as a father, well, totally amusing! But he's so responsible about it, it's so sweet :)

Player Name:: KatG6
Favorite Character:: Bacchus
Why?:: He's totally badass. He's going to challenge his uncle for an entire pack and gives no f**** about what anyone thinks. Not that it's like he doesn't care, just that he is ambitious enough to go through with it regardless of public opinion!

Player Name:: Keanai
Favorite Character:: Lillianna
Why?:: I've never actually got a chance to interact with your charries but... I love her attitude! I've stalked a lot of her threads, just because it's always good and so worth the read!

Player Name:: Keno
Favorite Character:: Cypress
Why?:: Because Cypress is a really cool guy, and he is so strong on the inside. Everything that's happened with Arian, he stayed on his feet and he's fighting to the death with a powerful enemy. He's kind and supportive, but totally not a pushover.

Player Name:: Lazuli
Favorite Character:: Laufey
Why?:: Haven't got to actually interact with your charries... But I have stalked a lot of Laufey threads and it's always a good time. It's like he's both serious and goofy, violent to outsiders but a bit of a ham with his familiars. Have to say I've also stalked a lot of Valentine threads as well, very amusing guy, I tell you what.

Player Name:: Lunarcat7
Favorite Character:: Birna
Why?:: She's such a hard ass with a lust for blood and fighting. I really enjoyed the spar between her and Ehrgeiz, and in general I really love her attitude. She's truly a cold, hard bitch and it's awesome.

Player Name:: Millie
Favorite Character:: Diana
Why?:: She's so terrifically shy. It seems literally physically painful. And yet she's so brave, and so bright for her age. I really like her, she's going to grow into a great, unique character. Of course, it was hard to choose just one of your charries, since they're all so different and played so well, you are great at keeping each character true to who they are.

Player Name:: Mouser
Favorite Character:: Miksa
Why?:: He has always been my favorite, of course. He's so cute, shy but brave, I just want to cuddle him. Esa can't get enough of him, and she's always loved to tease him when he's being too shy, and of course talk his ear off. He's definitely quiet, and definitely a great listener. In that aspect, he reminds me of myself when I was in high school - terribly shy with no self-confidence, words would fail me but I could listen patiently to other people talk all day long. But also never deviating from that pursuit to be better, gain confidence, to learn more and to keep growing!

Player Name:: Nyx
Favorite Character:: Steel
Why?:: He's so pessimistic. So terminally unhappy, somber. So focused on survival and self-preservation. It's almost depressing. I love the way you keep him so true to his character. I've also kinda snooped around some Kaprasius threads, he seems really cool, like I would not want to mess with him.

Player Name:: Rivaxorus
Favorite Character:: Rivaxorus II
Why?:: I really love how even-tempered he is, and so strong-willed but kind, and he seems quite wise for his age. It's really neat. He's like a fresh and renewed, unbroken revival of his mother. His confidence is thriving, despite the harshness of life. I look forward to seeing how he continues to grow, and of course how the development of the brotherly bond goes between him and Xephyris.

Player Name:: Salmon
Favorite Character:: Arivae
Why?:: She's the only one of your charries I've got to interact with, but I really like her. She's a sweetheart, and I hope I get to see more of her around!

Player Name:: Shelby
Favorite Character:: Leo
Why?:: He's just such a great guy. He's strong, he seems fearless, he's intelligent, he's a great leader. Generous, kind-hearted, fair. And he's such a family man. He seems to only want the best for everyone. There's nothing to dislike about Leo!

Player Name:: Tealah
Favorite Character:: Hati
Why?:: He's just so intense. And crazy. I really like him, but I wouldn't want to get on his bad side, or get in his way if he's in a bad mood. Hoping I get to actually interact with some of your charries eventually, right now I'm just busy stalking them!



3 Years
01-30-2016, 02:31 PM
Player Name:: Acrylic
Favorite Character:: Cesar
Why?:: An amusing read. He's definitely a character in his own class of creepy. But in a good way!

Player Name:: Aislyn
Favorite Character:: Fiamette
Why?:: Though I remember Neios as well, Fia is just the character that always stuck out to me. Plus I play her sister! Fiamette is a a pretty temptress and has a simple but pretty design!

Player Name:: Aoto
Favorite Character:: Nona
Why:: I am very, very biased here because Nona is Allen's mate. But she is also a sweetheart and loving wolfess! How can you not fall in love with her? Plus Aoto creates songs for her to sing, rather than simply grabbing lyrics from somewhere. How cool is that?

Player Name:: Arin
Favorite Character:: Flails! Starling
Why:: Okay, this was one of the harder choices to make. Honestly I adore Arin's characters a lot, especially Volt, Illume, and Star. But of the three Starling is the one who has most captured my heart. His stutter, his sweet nature, his design... this little one has it going on! Plus he has a Starling companion too! Super adorbs.

Player Name:: Bee
Favorite Character:: Arsen
Why:: Okay, so though Arsen is new I gotta say he's caught my eye. A good design, plus a wolf for the mafia plot... seems like Bee is going to have a wonderful time with this bab! Looking forward to seeing more of him.

Player Name:: Blueberry
Favorite Character:: Ion
Why:: Biased Keno is biased. Ion is the child of Silveris and Emery, who was one of my baes! So naturally I fell in love with Ion like a proud parent. Seeing the shift in his personality and how he's grown just makes me want to interact with him once again. Definitely looking forward to when the brothers can have a sweet reunion and bring some awws.

Player Name:: Bluetick
Favorite Character:: Senka
Why:: She seems like she has a lot of potential as a character. Like Bee Bluetick is a newer member but I see the chance of great stories being written by their babies! While I do love Jackson, I'm going with Senka as my favorite due to actually having read her IC content. ;3

Player Name:: Briena
Favorite Character:: Surreal
Why:: Just watching her grow over the ic years has been fun. I've watched her have a family, make her own pack... lots of good things going for this girly~

Player Name:: Den
Favorite Character:: Absinthe
Why:: One of the characters I've known since she was a twinkle in mama's eye. Absinthe is another one of those pretty baes to look at and I really do like to read Den's style.

Player Name:: Dragon
Favorite Character:: Shiki
Why:: Plot babu! Shiki has held a strong attachment because of being Akemi's son, Avion's reincarnation, and a love for Thanatos! He makes my heart melt. ;w; He definitely needs so more love too~

Player Name:: Esperanza
Favorite Character:: Mystic
Why:: Another babu who I have loved seeing grow up. ;w; She just has a special place in my heart and it's always fun threading with her.

Player Name:: Evelyn
Favorite Character:: Finch
Why:: She's a sweetiepie! ;w; Finch has just been adorabru since the moment she born. Plus she brings all da feels with nearly being poisoned to death! D:

Player Name:: Fox
Favorite Character:: Mithras
Why:: Star woooooooffff. <3 He's gorgeous. Huge. Loveable. What more could you want?

Player Name:: Iko
Favorite Character:: Ashmendai
Why:: He's just amazing. xD I adore reading his posts and his threads with Mieu make my heart melt because they are just cute friends.

Player Name:: Kat
Favorite Character:: Eisleif
Why:: Adorabru little viking! Plus a smexy Kat design. ;3

Player Name:: Keanai
Favorite Character:: Ren
Why:: Forever biased. He's grown up a lot! Plus he's an alpha now, and the child of Marina's that she connected with the most!

Player Name:: Lazuli
Favorite Character:: Valentine
Why:: He's the boss man with a plan! A good, developed character who can both cause trouble yet at the same time be a family man. ;3

Player Name:: Lolaf
Favorite Character:: Fate
Why:: It's been interesting to see Fate develop since losing her family. ;w; Plus she's another cutiepatootie.

Player Name:: Lunar
Favorite Character:: Birna
Why:: Just drawn to her. Lun plays her well and I enjoy reading her stuff. ;w;

Player Name:: Millie
Favorite Character:: Zephyra
Why:: MAH BABU! Biased as a mother trucker. ;w; She big, green, and I love her to death.

Player Name:: Mouser
Favorite Character:: Aurora
Why:: Super cute! owo Many adorables~ <3 Plus pretty design! :D

Player Name:: Nyx
Favorite Character:: Áki
Why:: Tusks! owo Plus handsome and just an overall fun read~

Player Name:: Ralon
Favorite Character:: Lior
Why:: I feel Ral plays her well. ;w; Plus an old babu of mine. <3

Player Name:: Rina
Favorite Character:: Locha
Why:: Elementassss~ Plus pretty. owo Hard to arts though.

Player Name:: Rivaxorus
Favorite Character:: Arian
Why:: Many much feels. ;w; <3 -Cuddles Arian forever.- Plus Cyrian!

Player Name:: Salmon
Favorite Character:: Arivae
Why:: Just a sweet little character. :3 She's fun to interact with!

Player Name:: Sea
Favorite Character:: Glacier!
Why:: Elementas! owo Plus Glace is part of a powerhouse duo that bring feels and is fun to read~

Player Name:: Secret
Favorite Character:: Ravine
Why:: He's a sweetheart who deals with Akemi's bs. ;w; How can I not love him? {//biased}

Player Name:: Shadowed
Favorite Character:: Xephyris
Why:: Hellstrom powaaaa! But no seriously Xeph is just a neat little character and the one I follow the most out of Shadow's flock.

Player Name:: Shelby
Favorite Character:: Leo
Why:: ...cause Sveo! He's an awesome character, very sweet. A good alpha. ;w; I'm biased. Shush.

Player Name:: Tea
Favorite Character:: Chaos
Why:: Big teef! Much cute. Many awws. Just a design that I really like!

Player Name:: Toothless
Favorite Character:: Calypsei
Why:: The character I tend to find reading the most~ Plus she's really pretty. owo

Player Name:: Trynx
Favorite Character:: Azalea
Why:: Honestly the character I know more about. Plus the dramas between her and Pip.

--Collapses.-- Tried to include as many as I could on here. If you don't see your name just ask me and I'll add you. :3
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]