
[Claiming] An Omen In The Stars



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
01-12-2016, 10:42 AM
Ashmedai listened as his friend (could they be called friends?) responded, cutting off suddenly when someone else plopped beside him. Ashemdai took careful note of all those gathered. Besides the grass-girl and sunset-boy, there was nothing too great here yet. He wondered if they would make a bunch of different colored babies.

Surreal began to speak and Ashmedai listened, humming slightly every now and then at points. After a moment, he could feel Tornach's glances at him. He looked at the other with a side glance and smiled kind of a nervous smile, before cracking a full, lopsided grin. All he heard was, "Do this, or get maimed. Do that or get maimed. Don't do that unless you wanna get maimed. you have to ask before you breath or you will be maimed. Don't eat before praying to the alpha or you will be maimed." Ashmedai's trail of thoughts caused him to snicker quietly, though Tornach didn't seem as amused. It took a minute before his mind went, "Oh shit. She's serious." He had no idea the old woman could be so maim-happy, and yet no one seemed to even flinch. "C'monnn," he thought, "This is even a little crazy bu Imperium's standards and we pretty much live for fighting." He glanced again at Tornach, his expression sobering slightly. Either this pack would become very orderly, or it would crumble before the next spring.

Tornach began to back away, muttering something Ashmedai would have to ask him about later. Ashmedai offered a good luck smile to Surreal and, after a firm nod and a quick thanks, he backed off to follow Tornach.
Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.



10 Years
Athena I
01-23-2016, 02:15 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2016, 02:17 AM by Báine.)

Báine was glad to hear that she hadn't missed anything important. She smiled and kissed her litter mate's cheek before leaning her head on his shoulder and turning her gaze up to their mother to listen carefully to everything she said. It was a lot to take in, but she was sure she got it all. She was a good listener and remembered words very easily when she stopped talking for a moment. She had to make herself focus on her mother speaking of all the laws and rules instead of trying to figure out what she might like to train in. She wasn't too terribly far off from being two, but she was still a year old so she guessed she would be an apprentice for a while. That was fine with her. The Emmissary rank sounded really fun... Getting to go lots of places and talk to lots of wolves. That sounded right up her ally.

Some other wolves began to speak up with their requested ranks and things and before she could say hers she felt her brother move and suddenly he was backing away. Her head turned toward him quickly and she heard him apologize in the language their mother had taught them. Sorry? Sorry for what? And then suddenly he was leaving and her ears pinned back against her head and she hopped up. She didn't follow him, but she watched his back as he left, followed by that boy that was sitting beside him when she arrived. "Tor! Cá bhfuil tú ag dul?" Her pale pink gaze watched him worriedly and a whine left her when he disappeared from view. She slowly sank back onto her haunches and her shoulders hunched while she fought the tears in her eyes. She didn't want to cry in front of all these wolves she didn't know.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
Athena I

01-23-2016, 02:51 AM

Her mother began speaking soon after she arrived and she was forced to take her attention away from Faite so she could focus on what was being said. When Surreal began giving ranks to a select few, she wasn't surprised that Kavdaya was named as one of the master healers. Of course their father would hold the rank specifically designated for him and she wasn't even surprised that Regulus was named the Future. He was obviously the most suited for that kind of role out of their siblings. She was a little sad that she hadn't been given anything important though, after keeping their father alive while Reg and mother were gone and helping to tend to mother and Reg with their sicknesses the last few seasons. She shrugged it off. She was sure mother didn't mean anything by it and she had been a little scarce lately...

"I would like to be a healer," she said simply when her mother opened the floor for them speak their preferred ranks. It was an obvious one for her, but she figured she might as well give her an answer either way. She pondered some things to do for traditions and she added, "I think weddings would be nice to have for those that want them... And I think a celebration of some kind to celebrate the day we formed as a pack would be fun as well." Moments later she heard her younger sister calling after Tornach and she looked over to see her albino sibling looked very distraught, staring after the retreating form of her youngest brother. She frowned at the scene and got up to go over to Baine, sitting beside her and nudging up her muzzle gently with her own. "It's okay. Let him go," she whispered quietly before glancing up at her parents.

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
02-01-2016, 09:01 PM

Creed waited patiently ears flicked as he sought out the paw-steps of approaching wolves. He felt antsy and he shifted his weight slightly as he sat eagerly waiting for the meeting to start. More than anything he wanted to get a good look of all the wolves who decided to attend today's meeting. If they were to be his future pack mates he knew he'd need to familiarize himself with all of them and eventually (hopefully) make some friends out of it. Other than Surreal he found himself lacking in that department and he wasn't getting any younger.

The next wolf to approach was one of Surreal's daughters, Faite, and it surprised him when she came and sat near him. He offered a soft smile as a greeting and then continued his antsy waiting as his eyes roamed the area waiting for more newcomers. Another one of Surreal's children, a gray spotted male he hadn't seen before, a white wolf with markings that oddly reminded him of Varda, and then to his surprise Varda herself showed up which pleased him. If she was going to stay that was at least one more familiar face he could add to the list.

Finally Falk and two more of Surreal's children arrived and it didn't seem as if any more wolves would be arriving at this point. It seemed like things would be starting as Surreal took the spotlight. He grinned softly and his tail swished as she spoke. He knew she'd been waiting for Celestial to form for a long time and it felt good to know that his friend had finally been able to accomplish her dreams. Most of what she spoke of was typical pack mentality. Them being a family was expected. It wasn't until she laid out the ranks and the laws that Creed's happy face changed. He took on a more thoughtful look as he tried to figure out where he'd be best suited. There was always legionary though Creed never relished in the idea in fighting. He was a fairly decent hunter, though he couldn't heal worth a damn. That also left emissary which wasn't a bad idea either. He wasn't fast but he had pretty good stamina and could cross practically any terrain fairly easily due to living in the mountains the majority of his life.

He decided to wait for others to tell Surreal what they wanted before he chose. He firmly believed in evening out the ranks and filling in where it was necessary. He listened as the wolf, Castiel, requested legionary, the green girl, Ganja, requested a healer rank, the white Varda-look-a-like requested Legionary, and Varda requested Hunter that he began to get a good idea of where he'd be most needed.

He was a bit surprised when Tornach decided to leave without saying much of anything. He watched as the other gray male trailed after him and Creed's face took on a quizzical look. What on earth was that all about? He waited a moment longer until it seemed most of the others had spoken before he took his turn.

"Ah'd like ta be an emissary." he rumbled out loud.

Walk, "Talk" Think

ooc: loooonnggg overdue meeting post. I apologize for the length!
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[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



6 Years

02-01-2016, 09:11 PM

This was so excited! She shifted eagerly in her spot near Creed as she watched everyone arrive. There was Regulus and her sister and her father, the whole family was here! A few others she'd never met before arrived as well and Faite new that the meeting would definitely have to start soon. Not long after the last straggler had arrived her mother began her speech and Faite listened intently with her ears forward. She was as patient as she could be (which wasn't very patient) so by the time Creed mentioned that he wanted to be an Emissary, Faite felt like she was going to explode. Finally it seemed to be her turn though so she beamed up at her mother as she spoke.

"I want to be a Legionary!"

She couldn't think of anything else more worth honestly. Sure there were the higher ranks but those were for the older wolves and honestly she was content with settling for being a warrior. Sure she was inexperienced but that would be the fun of it. She couldn't wait to participate in her first spar and test her mettle against a skilled warrior. After all learning was half the fun.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



7 Years
02-01-2016, 09:37 PM
Surreal Adravendi

As the wolves that would be a part of Celestial spoke up, announcing their rank choices, the Archangel smiled. Zuriel's choice was expected, indeed. However... It was Tornach's reaction that brought an overwhelming sense of agony to her heart. Why was he looking at her like that? As he turned and vacated, the jolt went through her, a sharp breath only Regulus heard, by the way he pressed into her, and by the rumble she felt in his vibrant frame. The tears in Baine's eyes as she called after her brother only brought more agony. It took everything she had to blink away her own tears, settle her face into a calm expression, and address the pack.

"Thank you for your requests. Creed, Ganja, Zuriel, and Varda, you will recieve your ranks by default, as we are just forming. Castiel, Miksa, Faite, you will be sparred to determine your success. Baine, you will be an Apprentice by default. Kavdaya and Zuriel will both be your mentors in Healing. Myself and Castiel will be your mentors in fighting if he achieves his rank. Varda and Regulus will be your mentors in hunting." Her eyes turned to Zuriel. "Your idea for weddings is an excellent one. I'd love to put that into effect. And I certainly intend to have a celebration, perhaps including our new neighbors I believe we have, if they are friendly." The smile on her muzzle took effort to hold in place.

She gave the faces that remained a last sweep of her eyes. "Again, I want to thank you for taking this journey with me. OIt wouldn't be possible without your involvement. This concludes the meeting, but please, feel fdree to mingle, get to know one another." She had to be alone. But one more thing remained. She leapt from the boulder and approached Creed, leaning close to add for his ears alone. "Baine will likely wish to become an Emissary when she reaches the end of her Apprenticeship. Since you're the only Emissary, I'd like you to take up endurance and terrain training with her. I trust you to keep her safe. It will likely mean taking her outside the pack borders often on treks to find new terrain to practice. I think she'll like that." She touched her nose to her friend's shoulder before crossing to her youngest daughter and eldest daughters. Right now, she just wanted to hold them all close.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

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Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.