
Staring Out The Window



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
01-23-2016, 09:59 PM

Guh! It was so boring! At least there was no more snow...that much he was grateful for. And he was definitely learning his lesson...he shouldn't have run off that far, but he had. His curiosity was too much, but it got him in trouble. Was being curious a bad thing? Momma said it wasn't, but that curiosity also killed the cat...what the heck did that mean? Sighing, he moved away from the den to go and pace the borders of the Orchard. It was as close as he could get to the other parts of the territory, but he wouldn't dare overstep those lines no matter how much he wanted to. "This sucks!" He would kick at a fruit, and unfortunately for him it was way too ripe. The moment his paw made contact, he nearly exploded on his paw, leaving bits of smelly rotten fruit on his fur and his foot. "Eeww! Gross!" He stuck his tongue out, the squishy nasty fruit made him want to barf! He hopped away from the murder scene and proceeded to wipe his paw on the grass until he got out what he could. Now...what to do?




1 Year
01-23-2016, 10:33 PM

Illie moved along the Orchard, glancing around. This was a new place that she hadn't seen yet, but then again the young girl hadn't really done any exploring lately. First of all was the pain, and then...well, then the nightmares had started. If you could really call them nightmares. There hadn't been any images, just darkness, and she felt like she couldn't breathe to the point that she jolted awake out of breath. She needed to get out, she needed to see the daylight, she needed to find her answers. Perhaps that was why she ventured out that day, despite the pain she felt. It was a lot less than when she had first came here, thanks to Cascade and rest, but she still felt it. A dull ache that sometimes jolted her when she stepped wrong. She hissed as one such jolts crashed through her and she lifted her eyes to the territory around her. This was a strange place, she didn't know what these things were that littered the earth, that fell from the trees and she blinked as she stepped in a squishy thing. Tilting her head she stared down at her, its bitter scent filling her nose and her brows furrowed. Just...more things she didn't know. He lips would curl at that as a stinging filled her eyes, and she quickly stepped away from the thing and moved on. Blanks...everything was blank. Suddenly a voice broke her thoughts and she lifted her gaze to look towards the boy. Sucks? "What sucks?" She asked in a clear voice, staring evenly at the stranger. Even in a new place, without any memory or any real knowledge, Illie was brave. She smirked at him, seeing that he had stepped into the same something that she had. "Haha, maybe you should watch where you walk!" She said with a rolling giggle, finding it hilarious that he had stepped in the gross sticky thing, even though she had done the same a few moments ago.


*Note: Illie has cliche amnesia. She doesn't remembers that her name is Illie Skye, and nothing more. She will only introduce herself as Illie, and respond to that. Have fun.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
02-01-2016, 11:04 PM

"What sucks?" His head lifted in an instant as green eyes fell on the most abnormal figure he'd ever seen. His gaze widened as his jaw dropped, his stance frozen as he simply...stared. Never in his life had he seen someone like her. She looked like a piece of the sky! Was that normal!? His ear barely flicked when she laughed and teased him, and for a moment he'd forget how to breathe. How to talk. How to think, until she got closer. "Uh..stepping in these..." What were they again? He peered at the mashed up mess that he had stepped in, the rotting...brownish orange thing...what did mom call it? a peach? "I think it's called a peach...but it's rotted. So it's gross." Smart. Simple. Right? Bleh. Should he mention the fact that he was grounded and that it sucked he couldn't leave the Orchard? Probably not yet...Why did he suddenly feel so shy? It usually wasn't like him. Perhaps it was due to the fact that, for the first time, he was seeing a wolf that didn't have a normal color. Well, at least not with the shade of blue that she had. It was then his tail set to wagging a little as he crept closer, stretching his neck out to sniff at her nose. He was curious about her, that was for sure. "Who are you? I've never seen you before! What's your name?"




1 Year
02-03-2016, 02:51 PM

She stared back at him, gaze growing harder the longer he stared at her. Really, was she that weird? Then again, all these wolves seemed so plain compared. Valen was even more muted. "It's super rude to stare, you know." She said in a deeper voice, her gaze hard. When he finally spoke, her eyes turned towards the peach and she felt herself smile again. "What are they when they're not all rotted? Are they good?" She asked, tilting her head as she took a few more steps to close the distance between them. She didn't much like talking across distance, especially when they could so easily get closer. Maybe it was because of her lonliness, or whatever, didn't really matter. "Do they grow here a lot?" She asked as she lifted her eyes up to the trees, when he spoke again...and literally got all up in her face. She snorted as she lowered her gaze to look at him, both amused and annoyed at the same time. "Could ask you the same thing! Havent seen ya before, wanna play 20 questions or somethin?" Okay, maybe it had struck some nerve. She really hated that question, Who are you, and she really didn't like to be reminded that no one knew who she was. But she took a second, and a breath, and calmed herself down. Mercy had thrown away her last name, her heritage, her past, and forged a path for herself. She made her own name. Illie could do the same. It didn't matter that she didn't remember, it didn't matter that she might be so lost in her memory and her life. No. "My name is Illie Skye." She said a tad softer, smiling at this strange boy. "I guess you could say I'm new here."


*Note: Illie has cliche amnesia. She doesn't remembers that her name is Illie Skye, and nothing more. She will only introduce herself as Illie, and respond to that. Have fun.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
02-28-2016, 12:06 AM

Rude to stare? How could he not stare at someone who looked like the sky? What a weirdo...he was curious. He couldn't help that he was staring, she wasn't brown or black or even Valentine or cascade blue or purple, but literally blue! "Sorry, I've just never seen someone that looks like the sky before." She asked about the thing he stepped in, his tail wagging as amused laughter escaped him. "They're good yeah, as long as you don't eat or chew on the seed. Mom said the seeds are poisonous. But yeah, they do grow on the trees see?" He lifted his muzzle, pointing it towards a small cluster of the pinkish yellow and red fat fruits. There were a few littered on the ground, but he didn't like those ones because bugs and stuff liked to poke holes in them.

At her comment about twenty questions, he returned his attention to her and quirked a brow. She was being sarcastic wasn't she? He bet a peach that she was! "Well I haven't seen you either, that's why I'm asking! I don't really know anyone here!" He furrowed his brows in exasperation before she introduced herself. So she wasn't born in Imperium? Well, neither was he! Except he didn't know that. As far as they were concerned, imperium was home. "Illie Skye? That's a pretty cool name. I'm Dragon Ancora! Do you have any friends yet? If not...maybe we could be friends? I don't really have any and my brother Lykos doesn't like to play with me, and my other brothers are sick so I can't play with them either." He shuffled his paws in the dirt, a little embarrassed to have told her that, but it was true! Besides, he wanted a friend. And she seemed friendly...he hoped.
