
I got a scar I can talk about


11-30-2015, 07:18 PM

Hera still couldn't quite decide where she was heading. She figured that at some point she should find a pack to join, but something about joining a pack not lead by her family just wasn't as appealing as it probably should be. She knew her way around Alacritis well enough that she wasn't going to get lost, but she clearly didn't have a goal or destination in mind. She had kept the scent of that boy she had met before in the back of her mind though, wondering if she might go find his pack. He was pleasant enough to be around.

She spotted something gleaming through the snow as she was walking and padded toward it, pausing long enough to brush the snow away with one brown dipped paw to look at the fragment of metal that was half-buried in the ground. She liked coming here because you never knew what you might find. She moved on, her silver gaze absently drifting over her surroundings. Her pale ears turned this way and that while she listened for any sounds so she wouldn't have to have her eyes occupied by looking for strangers.

Speech Others Thinking


11-30-2015, 10:08 PM

There was something about wandering that had just struck his fancy. He had found Shiki again, and found that taking care of him was a rather... Enjoyable task. The other boy was lovely on the eyes, and Thanatos found his heart growing for him more and more. Poe, the raven, was turning out to be an excellent source of company for the two of them. Thanatos was thankful for his presence. His eyes in the skies were sharp, and he was able to act much faster than most beasts. In hunts he was Thany’s closest partner.

Above him now the raven flew, but Thany’s attention was focused more-so on finding whatever it was he was looking for. He knew it was food, but he just wasn’t sure what was on the menu today. Especially here, at this place. He had ventured further south than he’d meant to but that was alright. Shiki knew he’d return.

A familiar face would steal Thanatos’ attention. In the distance she was, looking around it seemed. He remembered her -- Phoebe’s girl. He would begin to wag his tail slowly, picking up pace ever so slightly. Though it was still a more lumbering pace then most would have taken. That was just Thany for you, however.

Poe would move to his side, noticing how his attention seemed to shift to the young woman. “Should I go get her attention?” He would caw. Without a word Thanatos would give a nod of his head.

With that Poe would wing back to the skies, flying on ahead to meet the silver eyed girl. He would move down before her, flapping his wings to keep himself steady as he looked at her. “Hera!” The bird cried, for her remembered her. “Thanatos wishes to speak with you.”

"Talk" "You" Think


11-30-2015, 11:14 PM

Hera had bent her head to peer at some other strange looking object in the snow when suddenly she heard what sounding like the beating of birds wings. Curious, she lifted her head, only to see a raven swooping in toward her. She jumped back with surprise, her silver eyes wide and pale ears folding back against her skull. It wasn't until the bird spoke her name that the puzzle pieces clicked in her head. She remembered the bird now, saying his name in response to him saying hers quizzically. "Poe?!"

He explained that Thanatos wanted to talk to her and she blinked before turning her head to see the brown and white male making his way toward her slowly but surely. She grinned and chuckled lightly. Leave it to Thanatos. He was the most excitable excited wolf she had ever met. "Thany!" she called happily, turning to trot over to him, her tail wagging happily behind her. She couldn't say that she had been terribly close to him before when they lived in the pack together, but she had nothing but fond memories of him so she of course was happy to see him. He was also the first family member she had seen in a very long time so that had something to do with it to. "I'm so glad to see you! How have you been?" she asked as she caught up to him, her tail still wagging as her silver eyes met his green gaze.

Speech Others Thinking


12-05-2015, 05:05 PM

Poe would wing back to the air once his mission was completed. He would head back towards Thanatos, keeping watch from above as Hera made her way towards the young brown and white male. He was never in any hurry, definitely a wolf who lived his own pace. He was happy to see Hera though, tail wagging slowly back and forth as she helped close the distance between them. Sure they weren’t the closest of family members, but family was family.

“Hera!” His slurred voice was excited, and he would gently reach out to nuzzle her shoulder. “I’m... Glad too..” Thany would glance towards the sky, noticing how Poe circled above them. “I’ve been... Well... Just... Taking care... Of Shiki.” He would smile, his gaze bright. “What... About... You?”


12-05-2015, 07:25 PM

Hera smiled as Thanatos nuzzled her shoulder. She would catch his cheek with a kiss as he leaned back again before settling onto her haunches across from him. How long had it been since she had seen any of her family? Seasons upon seasons at least she was sure. It took a little time for Thany to give his response, but in a way she has happy to see that he hadn't changed a bit. His way of talking was distinctly his own and it held a familiarity that she really appreciated. She was curious as to who Shiki was, but she would hold back her own questions until she had answered his own.

"Well, I lost track of my mom a while back. I don't really remember what happened... When I try to think about it things feel very fuzzy. But I haven't been able to find her and I've been on my own for a few seasons now. I decided to come back to Alacritis to meet back up with our family, but you're the first family I've found." She frowned for a moment at that. When she had left their cousin had taken the pack and everything seemed fine. "What happened after we left, Thany? Where has everyone gone?"

Speech Others Thinking


12-09-2015, 06:13 PM

So Hera had been separated from her mother. It was sad, but such was the way of things. The family itself had seemed to fall apart from the inside. “The pack... Grew... Quiet... Soon only... A... Few of... Us... Were left.” Thantos would sigh softly, tilting his ears back. “We... Disbanded... And went... Our own... Ways.” It was the sad truth of the matter. Their cousins had left, and well, he wasn’t sure what had happened to any of them really. Thanatos would shake his head. “I... Don’t think... They’re here... Anymore.” He would try to remain positive though, for her sake. “Then I... Met... Shiki... He is... A friend... I... Like... Him... A lot.” Thanatos would perk his ears forward, chuckling. Would she want to meet the tan male, he wondered?

"Talk" "You" Think


12-10-2015, 08:32 PM

She grew sad and disappointed while she listened to her cousin talk about the fate of their old pack. She couldn't help but wonder if things could have been different if she and Phoebe had stayed. Was their departure the straw that broke the camel's back? Or had their pack been doomed to fail anyway? Her step-father's repeated disappearances had been the thing to ruin her mother, but she couldn't place the entire blame on him or her mother or their leaving. There had been a fair amount of family still in the pack when they left... Perhaps the Olympus wolves were just not meant to hold their own pack. Not yet anyway.

She'd perk up a little when Thany mentioned this Shiki again, looking at him with interest. Hera was glad to hear that at least her cousin wasn't alone. Everyone needed a friend or two. Even if she didn't currently have any... "Well, he must be quite the wolf to have snagged you as a friend," she replied with a chuckle. "Maybe I'll have to meet him sometime once I figure out what I'm going to do now. I hadn't really considered the possibility that our family would be gone. I guess I had just assumed that they'd still be here..." She shrugged and sighed. Even if she could just find her sister... That would make things much easier.

Speech Others Thinking


02-04-2016, 09:57 AM

The news was likely hard to bare. The Olympian’s had been proud wolves, yet it seemed their pack had simply been doomed to fail. For what reason Thanatos knew only the Gods could say. It was through no single fault of any of the leaders in his own opinion. The Olympians merely drifted apart from each other. Lost their way. It was a sad, cold fact. Maybe there would be another time, another day when an Olympian would hold a pack in Alacritia. But that day was not now... And Thany knew that were it resting on his shoulders to be the one to do so it would never happen.

Thany would give a firm nod as Hera made her comment about Shiki, as well as stating that she would have to meet him. “We... Need... To figure... Out... What... To do... Too.” He would confess softly. He hadn’t asked Shiki if he might consider joining a pack... Though he personally would have felt more secure and have peace of mind within one.

“When you... Decide... Let... Me know...” Thanatos would not advert his gaze from his cousin. “Family... Should... Try to... Stick... Together.” He wanted to be there for her, and he hoped she would catch that meaning in his words.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Chrono