
First Harvest



3 Years
02-07-2016, 01:44 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Patrolling and trying to talk himself into another spar took up most of Miksa's time these days. With Celestial still relatively new, the white wolf was adamant about keeping the border secure and made it his routine to check around the lake first and round out his patrol along the edge of the plains. When he was not busy doing that, and sometimes even during, his thoughts continued to play back his initial spar that he had had with Surreal, and reflected on all the improvements he could be making to his technique. It hurt less to consider it now - after receiving some heavy encouragement, he did not feel so bad about his shortcomings - and he thought it was actually enabling him to make some progress.

But the thought of another spar was still intimidating, and he was not altogether sure who to ask to test his skill, so he tried to distract himself with the other area of study he had taken an interest in. Walks around the Vericona Plains were helping him identify the first of the plants that the Master Healer Kavdaya had taught him about, and while they grew abundantly here he was curious what else could be found in other areas.

Nearing the end of another walk around the plains' border, Miksa decided there was still enough time in the day for a visit elsewhere. His idle paws brought him southward, and as he went he noted that a fog began to develop. It was pale and thin at this time of day, patchy along the edges of the territory, but the deeper he went into the new land the more consistent it became. Yellow eyes curious and his posture a little guarded, he continued to pad forward amid a foggy but green landscape, and one batch of white blooms immediately caught his eye. Yarrow! He had been taught about that before, and though there seemed to be more of it located in the Vericona Plains it seemed a waste to travel all this way and go back empty handed.

Tan ears perked, trying to recall if there was anything in particular he needed to remember for harvesting the plant, the white wolf strode toward it intently.

OOC: Miksa is herb gathering and has no idea what he's doing - halp.



5 Years
02-07-2016, 03:33 AM (This post was last modified: 02-16-2016, 01:49 AM by Terrae.)

Terrae Elementas

The beach was still flooded, to his dismay. At this point he considered it to be normal, like as if it had always been like that. He had gotten so used to his makeshift den and garden in the prairie that he couldn't imagine himself moving back. His meadowsweet and alfalfa collected a few days back had adjusted to the new, unfamiliar soil and were flourishing beautifully. He had to be admit, he did have a slight obsession with plants. He couldn't stand seeing any wilted leaves or petals and he usually found himself admiring them for hours on end, sometimes talking to them. Who knew, perhaps they would grow faster.

On this particular day he decided to set off and expand his temporary garden - find more friends for his herbs in other words. His earthen paws carried him through arid terrains in the harsh west. It wasn't the best place to find herbs, and he planned to head back until he found a lush moor in the distance. It was worth a look, as it was the only green he could see in miles. Lumbering over, the sky began to darken as his vision clouded. Fog, he inwardly groaned. Should've known. Determined to find something, he stumbled through the strange mist, keeping his senses alert. Looking ahead, he narrowed his bronze gaze at what seemed like a herb. Yarrow! Bounding over, he almost crashed into an alabaster male who also seemed to be approaching the herb. His claws dug into the moist soil as he abruptly halted a foot away from the other male. "Sorry 'bout that," he apologised, pulling his ears back in embarrassment. He lowered his head with the intention to tear out the herb, but after second thoughts,  stopped himself. What if this male wanted to get it as well? "Did you have your eye on this?" he inquired, pulling away from the plant. They could always halve it, and if not, he was willing to search for more.

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*



3 Years
02-13-2016, 02:19 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

His attention was riveted to the plant, and his thoughts were loud as he did his best to recall everything that had been taught to him about it, though nothing in particular resurfaced regarding the best way in which to harvest it. Did he just take some flowers and stems? Should he dig up some of the roots and take it back like that? He considered how much easier it would have been to have Kavdaya there to tell him, or to be closer to her so that he could seek her out and ask, but in this instance he was on his own.

Or so he thought. At the last second his brain registered the tread of another wolf through the thick fog, and very suddenly the wolf in question was there with him. Miksa halted suddenly as the earthen colored male did the same, his body tensing as his tan ears quickly folded back against his head. That was close, he realized. They had very nearly collided. Thankfully a full run-in had been avoided, and the young white male released a little breath of relief.

As the wolf immediately ducked in to reach for the yarrow plant, however, the Celestial Legionary-in-training felt his hope sink. He had been beaten to the plant, which would mean he would be returning to the pack lands empty handed after all. It was no trouble, really - there was still plenty of yarrow growing on the plains - but he had hoped to have something to show for his trip.

Miksa shifted his weight from one side the other awkwardly, and stilled the second the brown-eyed wolf realized they both had had the same idea. "Oh, um," Miksa began, fidgeting again. Yes would have been the simple, straightforward answer, but he had already decided he did not truly need it. "No, it's fine," he assured the wolf, shaking his head as he took a step back to further emphasize his words, "I don't even know how to gather it anyway."



5 Years
02-16-2016, 01:49 AM

Terrae Elementas

Well, that was...eventful. Heart still pounding from his run and the sheer fear of collision, he avoided the stranger's yellow gaze, looking down at his own paws and the plant they both sought to collect. Embarrassment still burned in his mind; he couldn't even think about what had happened or even look at the alabaster male without bitterly regretting his actions. What had he been thinking, charging in like that? It wasn't a matter of life or death; so what if someone else coincidentally showed up at the same time seeking the same item? He had to be more careful and, never did he imagine saying this, relax. Perhaps it was his strong compulsion to rip out every herb his eyes spotted. He couldn't just leave it there growing, he had to take it back with him. Was it an unhealthy habit? He didn't know. Sicknesses of the mind wasn't his field, though he'd be happy to heal any wound regardless of how ugly it looked.

The other male hesitated with his response, and though he replied with a no, the older man knew that look on his features too well. Of course he wanted to get it. It was yarrow, a fairly important and useful herb - it helped reduce fevers if he recalled correctly. A wave of guilt washed over the earthen healer. It wasn't fair for one of them to leave empty-handed, even if he presumed there would be more growing around the moor. Not knowing how to gather it wasn't a legitimate reason, in his opinion. "Nonsense!" he assured with a broad smile and a certain twinkle in his bronze gaze. Beckoning the younger male over with his neck, he patted the soil around the herb with a mocha paw. "Come over and I'll show you how. We can split it. How's that sound?"

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*



9 Years
02-17-2016, 09:13 PM
[In sneaks the Nomad :P]
Kavdaya Of The Nomads

Other than her meeting with the healers and assorted others, Kavdaya had kept her head bent, ignoring the spring time heat cycle. Sure, she really wanted children of her own. However, that special someone hadn't waltzed into her life, and she hadn't been looking very hard. So she had kept within the borders, amassing her stockpiles of herbs. Today, however, with the season so late, she had decided to venture out to collect from the Moor.

She glided nearly soundlessly through the mist, using her nose and eyes, as well as her ears to navigate and sniff out herbs and plants. Already she had found a nice sized patch of blue flag, and several of the irises dangled from her jaws, roots gnarled and dripping from the other side. Her snowy white pelt was slick with mud, and her amethyst flecked sapphires were cheerful.

She paused as she heard voices. One was unfamiliar, but the other was her first pupil, Miksa. Kavdaya's tail swung gaily behind her as she quickened her pace, paws still light and silent. Inadvertently, she slipped up on the two, stopping just at the edge of visibility to take in the scene. An earthen male she'd not met before and Miksa stood around a stand of Yarrow. Her eyes flicked down to the many stems she'd picked from another clump elsewhere in the moorland, before she approached, making herself known as she entered on Miksa's right side with a friendly woof through the mouthful of herbs.

A respectful dip of her head was given to the stranger before she set her bundle aside and smile at both males. "Good find." Even in two short words, her Irish accent lay thick and elegant on her velvet tones as she regarded the earthen toned male. Another healer. Excellent! Her tail gave an automatic wag. "I'm Kavdaya, Master Healer of Celestial."

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: C87vX2z.png]



3 Years
03-03-2016, 01:12 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

He scooted back another careful step, expecting the earth-colored wolf to accept his answer at face value and begin collecting his prize. Besides, what real claim did he have to it anyway other than he had spotted it too? There was not even a guarantee he had seen it before this other wolf. He was ready, prepared, to accept it as a loss, so when it was suggested he be taught how to gather the plant and would take a portion of it home Miksa was surprised. A lesson in harvesting and being allowed to take a piece? That was much more than he had hoped to get.

"Yeah...yeah, sure, of course," he answered, almost stammered in his haste not to miss out on this opportunity. The thought of returning home with knowledge as well as half the harvest of yarrow thrilled him, an easier excitement compared to the nervousness that fighting typically stirred up in him. Of course, there was less at stake here with this trade, and his physical health on the line with the opposite.

Stepping in closer as the male healer - at least by now he assumed he was a healer - gestured, Miksa shifted his bright eyes from the wolf to the plant and back again, eager to learn something that he could later show off to his pack mates. He was not by nature inclined to acts of grandeur, but he did want to be viewed as helpful and open to learning, and what better way was there to prove it than by returning smarter?

He was so focused he jumped slightly when he heard the woof of his original instructor, and turning a surprised stare on Kavdaya, Miksa managed a small smile. How appropriate that she be here too. His yellow eyes scanned the plants she had set aside as she commented on their find, and as she introduced herself the healer-in-training realized he had yet to do the same. "Oh," he remarked as it dawned on him, "I'm...I'm Miksa. Of Celestial."



5 Years
03-10-2016, 01:57 AM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2016, 02:00 AM by Terrae.)
ooc: sorry about the wait!

Terrae Elementas

The alabaster male didn't sound too eager to learn something or collect the plant, but then again, he seemed rather quiet. Or perhaps he was awkwardly offended. Oh dear, maybe he should've left the stranger with the yarrow. It had been so rude of him to just barge in and expect him to share. Why, the younger fellow must have had his eyes on the plant, urgently requiring it. He should've just walked off; it wasn't like that was the only yarrow bush in the entire moor. He could've found his own without a hassle. However, he couldn't turn back time, nor was it wise to dwell on the past. Perhaps this encounter would shape out better.

As the other man leaned in to listen and he opened his lips to speak, a feminine woof interrupted him. He turned his head to rest his gaze on a smaller yet older snowy white woman who placed a bundle of herbs - yarrow in particular - on the ground beside them. She appeared to be familiar with the male - another healer? The head healer of Celestial? My, what an encounter. "A pleasure to meet you, Kavdaya and Miksa," he nodded to the woman and man, casually studying their features as their introductions spun through his mind. Their pack sounded unfamiliar, and the last time he had checked, there had been no known packs in the west. A new empire? "Terrae Elementas, head healer of Donostrea." His gaze flickered from the yarrow bush to the woman. "I was about to show Miksa here how to harvest a herb," he explained, wondering if the female would have anything else to add or even join in the demonstration. Or perhaps she was here to collect one of her younger healers. In that case, he would bid them farewell and be on his way, though of course not without his yarrow.

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*