
sometimes, you're better off alone



7 Years
Dire wolf
02-18-2016, 12:13 AM

"Speech" thoughts actions

She'd left behind her patrols for the day. In fact, she had some time until her nightly one. The sun had yet to kiss the horizon, but the edges of the sky were turning red and orange. It was a perfect occasion for adventure and exploration. It would give her something to ponder while she wandered around her brother's territory. She usually started when the moon was high. She liked being awake at night, she got to meet some interesting people, and see the strange creatures that only emerged when the moon was up. The celestial titan slipped through the entrance into the cavern. It smelled strongly of peat, and the boggy aroma was strangely soothing. The soft trickle of water from below beckoned her, promising a nice, quiet spot to relax.

A gentle kind of darkness enveloped her, shadows long and welcoming. Feather soft moss caressed the pads of her weary paws, and the roots of trees above reached out for a tangling embrace they would not receive from her. Perhaps someone else. A long sigh clawed its way from her chest, erupting from her lips in one large expression of her exhaustion. A nap sounded perfect right now, as her heat was settling upon her bones, itchy and demanding attention. She plodded further into the cavernous space, wondering if the water down here was safe to drink. Probably not. The cosmic goliath had been in a different kind of cavern when she'd first arrived, one that burned from the inside, a river of liquid rock boiling at its banks and threatening to devour any who dared touch it. The rodent she'd tossed in, out of morbid curiosity, had seen the fiery promise kept.

Her haunches landed heavily on the spongy ground, as she regarded the cavern. A nap, and then she could explore it further. The long, hot day coupled with her patrols was suddenly weighing heavily upon her shoulders. Stretching out on the ground, she laid her head on her paws. There was something to be said for caves in summer. Cool, damp, and dark. All good things in her book. Shutting her eyes, the woman settled in for a short rest. It would be refreshing, just what she would need to get through her midnight patrol. A different kind of darkness pulled her in, and the starry dame let it pull her in.


03-01-2016, 04:07 AM

ooc: sorry for the wait D:

Gethin wasn't entirely sure if there was a reason for him to walk further into the shadows as he began to make his way further down into this cave other than just to have somewhere for his restless paws to go. His expression was passive as his gaze glanced around the shadowy interior, tracing over its unusual earthy walls and root-clogged ceiling. His nose twitched at the heavy dirt-tined air as he continued on into the darkness. His eyes slowly adjusted to see a little more clearly in the darkness, the red of his eyes becoming less noticeable as his pupils took over most of his gaze. A new scent cut through the damp smell of his surroundings, one that was much more interesting and enticing. The smallest smirk twitched on his lips and he continued on, the scent becoming more and more strong and intoxicating the closer he became.

He paused for a moment as he reached a cavern, glancing first at the water and then to the multi colored woman near it. She was resting on the ground and as he slowly moved closer he realized she was fast asleep. He quietly moved around her till he was standing in front of her, peering down at her sleeping face. She was an interesting one, he didn't think he had ever seen a wolf with quite such markings. The only one close to it might be that boy he had run into a while back, but he had only been black with gold speckles. She seemed to he a whole array of purples with stars in her fur. Quite the sight to see.

It was really her scent that had him more interested in her than her fur. He stood there silently for a moment before settling onto his haunches. He was maybe a foot from her, his gaze slowly roving over her form. Quite the interesting woman indeed.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
Dire wolf
03-14-2016, 05:56 PM

ooc. I am also sorry for making you wait! *flails*

Someone was there. It was a certainty she was aware of as soon as something pulled her from her slumber. Wariness permeated her flesh, tingling between her shoulders and clawing at her chest. Amethyst eyes blinked into wakefulness, seeking the presence in the cavern. It didn't take long to find it. Not a foot from her face, an ashen male was watching her with an irritating expression. It didn't take an idiot to figure out what he was looking for. She settled a glare upon his features, lip curling at him. "What?" Gruff vocals demanded. Slowly, the celestial behemoth deigned to lift her chin from her forelimbs. The male had nice eyes.

He was just sitting there, like it was completely natural to stare at someone while they were sleeping. With her mood soured by a disturbed nap, and a disturbing man, she was off to a rough start. Heaving herself into a sitting position, she revelled in her advantageous height. While he may be big to others, she was a titan in these lands. It was delightful, especially in moments like these. Her glare turned to a glower, and she left silence to reign. Her question deserved an answer, regardless of how vague it was.

"Talk" "You" Think