
A little shut-eye will do



9 Years
02-23-2016, 12:10 AM
He supposed he ought to be getting to know Fiori now that he'd made his home here. He'd been accepted, perhaps with a little caution by the pack's alpha. It was good enough for him to know he was welcome inside the borders. He wasn't sure if he'd be noticed amongst the other wolves, and he knew he might not be well-liked. He knew already that one of Riv's friends had a little bit of angst toward him. Perhaps she'd be the only one. But for all he knew, he might not like anyone else here, either. He wasn't like these wolves. But his loyalty lay here now, one way or another, whether he had friends here or not.

Finding himself at the hot springs, he gazed around the strange landscape, his eyes scanning over the bubbling pools of volcanic water. His brows were furrowed, tension making his body rigid. He wasn't comfortable in this place yet. He didn't know any of his pack mates. He hadn't even found a decent place to sleep, thus he hadn't done so yet. His head ached slightly, his eyes burning and his mood turning foul. Padding around the springs, he wondered if there might be a place to rest on the outskirts of this area. Did anyone else hang around here? Maybe if he found someone else, they'd have an idea of some good resting spots.



3 Years
Extra large
02-23-2016, 04:26 AM

She was feeling quite pleased with herself and the morning's accomplishments. Learning the basics of fighting and a hunt, all with her friend. This day was getting better and better. Though she hadn't actually sparred, she had developed a good understanding of fighting, its necessity in protecting herself and others and the physiological motives that should help her win. She had to admit, her friend was quite smart, and she was lucky enough to have met him and followed him to Fiori. Would she have learnt the same in Borealis?

As she walked through Fiori's lands she revised what she had learnt to ensure she didn't show up clueless for tomorrow's training. Chin tucked, head lowered with spine, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward, weight evenly distributed...what else was there? Oh yes, her tail; she always forgot about her tail. Alright, so she had her defences all done and dusted, what about attacks? Well, she could slam into her opponent - preferably the windpipe - or grab a hold of their scruff or step onto their toes...all as long as she made her attacks effective. Yes, she was definitely ready.

The green-marked girl hadn't yet explored the springs, and so that was where her paws led her. The bubbling water in the distance caught her attention and allured her closer, almost calling for her to take a dip. Her limbs were feeling a bit sore from the hunt, so she wouldn't mind soaking the aches away. With her scarlet eyes set on the pools, she trotted over eagerly...until a familiar, smaller form came into her vision. Her paws slowed and features fell with disappointment. Not only had someone bet her to it, but it was Xephyris, one of Riv's friends. The one canine out of the wolf pack who she had gotten off on the wrong paw had to be right there. Well, she was already close to the pools so she had to walk over anyway. Padding over reluctantly, she sent a few silent, expressionless glances at the older male as she inspected the water, gingerly dipping her paws into the warm spring. She remained quiet for once, curious to see if she would be welcome in his presence.




9 Years
02-23-2016, 07:36 PM
It seemed the hot springs had attracted someone else, and as she got closer, Xephyris recognized the bizarre green coat - it was the one wolf he'd have liked not to see here. Anyone but her, the brat with attitude; the hackles on his shoulders spiked irritably. She'd recognized him too, as was obvious by the way she slowed her pace after spotting him. A hard glare was sent her way as she continued on her way to one of the pools - he hadn't forgotten how Zephyra had spoken about him, the dirty look she'd given at the border. He didn't take lightly to such disrespect, especially from someone younger than himself. He had half a mind to go stomping over there and push her into pool that she was investigating, and maybe hold her head under the water until she got the point. However, with a deep breath, he had to remind himself that Fiori was home to both of them now, and they were to get along for the best of the pack, even if that was the only reason to get along.

Begrudgingly, he found himself sauntering in her direction. It wasn't easy to let go of his anger, but perhaps this once he could put something like this behind him. He had no choice. Still, the tension was clear in his body as he approached her, and his great plume of a tail was held high like a banner of pride. He halted several feet from the pool she was testing with her paws, his hard silver gaze resting on her. "I believe we got off on the wrong paw," he rumbled in a gravelly tone, one brow raising in an unapologetic expression, showing clearly how unimpressed he'd been about it. "But perhaps we can try again," he suggested warily, watching her face to try to gauge her reaction, "Zephyra, was it? I'm Xephyris." He stood rigid, trying hard not to stare her down - instead, his blue-specked eyes wandered to the steaming water, flicking back to her every now and then, waiting to see how she'd respond to his approach.



3 Years
Extra large
02-26-2016, 11:08 PM (This post was last modified: 02-26-2016, 11:10 PM by Yoshiko.)

She still wasn't sure what had ticked her off about him; was there anything at all? Probably not, it was just in her bratty personality to aggravate others. Sometimes it was out of pure pleasure or the curiosity to see their reaction, though in this case she had no reason. She just did it. Well, not exactly. His general presence on that day of acceptance irritated her, perhaps because she hadn't expected to find a stranger at the border - a friend of Rivaxorus. Maybe that had sparked some competitiveness within her. She was so used to seeing the Adravendi boy with her and only her; surely he couldn't have any other friends. Being the self-centred and attention-demanding girl she was, she couldn't imagine him sacrificing some of their time to spend it with his other friends.

She could feel the tension float through the air; an uncomfortable, cold atmosphere wafting around them. Even if he had shoved her into the pool, she would have happily pulled him down with her, but that wasn't the point. Her friend had told her to respect her new pack-mates, no matter how foul of a mood she was in. She really didn't feel like being nice, though she knew it would take all of her mental energy and courage to push her hostile nature aside.

Through the corner of her eyes she stared at him as he spoke, an almost unfriendly, sulky look in her scarlet gaze. In response to his first statement, she only grunted in agreement. What else was she to say? Apologise? No, she never apologised, and that was just how it was. Apologising was for the weak, and that was the last thing she wanted to be. Nodding to confirm her name, she murmured to herself, "Xephyris." It sounded quite similar to her own name, perhaps the two would have more in common than she assumed. "You settling into Fiori alright?" Her tone remained dryly even; far from venomous though not friendly either.  




9 Years
02-29-2016, 01:02 AM
Xephyris caught her unfriendly, sulky glance in his direction. So it seemed she felt the same as he did about all of this. Her grunt in response to his first statement was taken as agreement, and he nodded his head to acknowledge it. She would not apologize, and neither would he - neither regretted the words shared at the border. He was not unfamiliar with these kinds of attitudes, after all, his own was pretty shabby most of the time. The conversation, if it could be called that, continued tensely. Zephyra nodded to confirm her name. He let a low hmph escape him. So he hadn't heard wrong - her name was indeed very similar to his own, but with a feminine ring to it.

Then came her voice, her tone even and lacking any genuine feeling; however, it wasn't a confrontational tone, either. To Xephyris, it was close enough to friendly, in fact, it felt good in a way to be around someone that wasn't so soft and open. So, he turned to face the young woman, offering a shrug before saying anything. "Not yet," he replied honestly, his tone still low, "Haven't got a wink of sleep. What about you?" He may not have been too fond of Zephyra yet, but he was still willing to hear her out and get to know her for the good of the pack. And maybe in time he would come to trust and depend on her.



3 Years
Extra large
03-04-2016, 03:39 AM

She was a little surprised to hear the man hadn't yet settled into the pack properly, losing sleep because of it. That surprise was kept on the inside, however, as her features remained emotionless except for the brow she raised with slight interest. It wasn't abnormal to not having gotten used to the pack, she supposed. For some it took longer than others. Her siblings had quite quickly accustomed themselves to Borealis, when their mother claimed the gulley as an actual territory. Unlike her, who had moped around complaining and whinging for her life to return to the way it had once been. It had never worked for her, Borealis. Many factors had influenced her leave, and the general atmosphere of her former pack had been one of them.

"I think I have," she answered with a shrug, hearing a bit more life in her tone. "I came from Borealis." Then it occurred to her that he had also came from a pack. Sonticus, if she recalled correctly, wasn't still around, but she knew it had been a empire ruled by her friend's family, like Borealis. "You're from Sonticus, right?" she asked with a slight tilt of her head, wanting to somehow keep the conversation going.




9 Years
03-05-2016, 02:04 AM

Xephyris couldn't help but to wonder what she was thinking when a brow was raised, but the rest of her expression didn't tell him much. Was she confused that he hadn't settled in yet, or did she think less of him for it? The hair along the back of his neck prickled slightly, but he wouldn't voice anything about it, as she hadn't. No need to senselessly start something about it if there wasn't anything to start. He was glad he had refrained from anything when she continued the conversation, answering from her own perspective. It sounded like she was starting to settle in. He nodded to acknowledge this, then perked up as she continued.

So, she'd come from Borealis? It wasn't much of a surprise to him, especially since she knew Rivaxorus. When she went on to ask if he'd been from Sonticus, he nodded, but there was something he should clear up with her. "Yes, I was once a part of Sonticus," he confirmed, nodding his head slowly, "That's where I met Rivaxorus, when he was just a wee little thing. I'm sure he doesn't even remember that far back." He couldn't help but to chuckle at this - she did realize that he was old enough to have known either of them as pups, right? "His mother, Arian, ran the pack then," he continued with a smirk, "But when the pack moved from the north to the west, it eventually morphed into the pack you know as Borealis, when leadership shifted... I'm not sure exactly how things played out after that, because by that time I had become part of a different empire; a pack called Hellstrom."

Had she heard of it? Did she know what had happened? Surely she had. He was sure in these lands that it was now common knowledge for anyone paying attention that Sin had destroyed Arian - even Xephyris wasn't sure of his reasons at the time, but that was the way that things had played out, and it was at that time that Xeph had met Riv as a young adult, and things had developed into the current situation. He was focused on Zephyra now, curious as to what she would say next, interested in how she had perceived things as a younger wolf than himself in all that had happened.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
Extra large
03-06-2016, 04:24 AM

Her scarlet eyes, for once observant, noticed the hairs on the back of the male's neck raise and bristle ever so slightly. Surely she hadn't offended him. After all, that was what she was barely controlling herself not to do. She could have spat in his face and bitterly laughed about that other day at the border, though knowing him, she would have started a brawl. If she hadn't stopped herself, she would have done just that. Her mind was a mad battle between her reasoning and impulses. Some days she could fight it better than others. Today was one of those days, though his hackles almost put her off. Did he just enjoy aggravating her, especially when she could be so easily tipped over the edge?

He went on to answer her inquiry, and instead of answering with a simple yes, like she had expected, he had to give her an entire history lesson. Oh well, she couldn't just tell him to shut up. Might as well listen in. Flicking her ears absently, she did her best to take note of his words, though she had to admit, his voice wasn't as pleasant to hear as her friend's. She could listen to her friend talk for days on end. This man? Maybe not for so long.

He had met her friend back in Sonticus, when he was only a pup. Ah, of course. It all made sense now. She had met Rivaxorus when they were a few seasons old, just after her mother had stepped up to create Borealis. Though she hadn't done it alone. Originally, the leader had been Cypress, Riv's father. And where had he come from? Sonticus. Now she understood everything. That was where all the strangers had come from. Borealis was just Sonticus with the addition of Marina's family. Well, wasn't she smart?

Green-tipped ears perked at the Hellstrom name, lips curling in a small snarl. It sounded all too familiar, and for all the wrong reasons. Sin Hellstrom - the devil of a canine who had won a death match against her friend's mother, the one who Cypress had challenged to the death. She never thought she'd hear that name again; she hated it. How ironic it was for one of his former followers to be right here right now, talking to her about it. "Sin," she hissed the name under her breath, disgust dripping from her cold words. "You really followed him?"




9 Years
03-12-2016, 12:33 AM

They were both time-bombs just waiting to explode - it was impossible to tell when one of them might go off. Tension rippled through the air between them at the slightest happening. Just the thought, the assumption of an insult, nearly caused things to snap between them. Merely the wrong look or a shift in body posture caused unnecessary strain. Xephyris glanced to her only briefly, knowing that she was just as volatile as he was, just as ready to let loose. His eyes once more looked to the water, watching the steam ripple upward from the hot springs. As he spoke in response to her question, filling her in on more than she had asked for, he was surprised that she listened at all, but glad she did not interrupt or blow him off. Sometimes he just needed to ramble, even if he was normally quiet, a wolf of few words.

He couldn't help but to watch her, of course, after mentioning the name of Hellstrom, waiting for her reaction. Dark amusement filled him as her lip curled in a snarl - disgust was obvious in her burning red eyes. So, that's how she felt about it? His ears perked as she spoke, her words very limited but dripping with hatred; she didn't need to say anymore. He understood her hatred, after all Sin had not been a well-loved man except amongst his own followers and family. But where was the fun and the chaos in being loved and welcomed everywhere you went? A deep chuckle bellowed from him as she asked if she'd really followed him, then he went quiet, a toothy grin upon his maw. "Aye," he replied roughly, while a shudder of excitement swept over him, "I followed him proudly, and you'd best believe I'd do it again. Surely someone like you is neither afraid nor offended by the things that Sin accomplished? Authority, taking control, striking fear into others... surely you can understand the draw to such obvious power?"

His tail lashed into the air as he spoke with conviction, his head tilting curiously, cold silver eyes no longer avoiding contact with hers. He wanted to know what she thought, and did not worry if anger ensued. Anger no longer filled him, replaced by a strange curiosity instead. He could see it in her eyes, her expressions - something within her soul was darker than most others. Though her arrogance surely aggravated him, something about her edgy attitude drew him to want to know more. Perhaps they would always irritate one another, but if they were to follow Riv, then they'd never escape each other - they'd best get used to it now, and Xephyris wondered if, once they pushed passed their obvious tension, they might actually have more in common than they thought.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
Extra large
03-17-2016, 03:05 AM

For a moment she wondered if the man had been forced into following the alabaster leader. Surely no-one in their right mind would dare follow someone as murderous and chaotic as Sin Hellstrom, not so patriotically with passion in their eyes. Yet that was what she was saw in the grey male. He didn't feel any ounce of regret, or at least she didn't see such guilty emotions. In fact, he was willing to do it again. But why? Did this man actually agree with the laws and morals the red-marked leader followed? The girl was confused, and his further inquiries plagued her mind like a stormy cloud. Offended by the man's actions? Afraid? Of course she was! They all had told her what a treacherous canine this Sin had been. Until now, she hadn't been exposed to the other side of the story, so she had gone along believing what everyone had said. Everyone else was offended, afraid, so that meant they were right, weren't they?

But what if everyone was wrong? What if Sin was a misunderstood man, just another alpha trying to find their place in the world? After all, didn't every alpha have to challenge for leadership or a piece of land every little once in a while? As she had discovered, it was all about authority and power. Only the alphas willing to fight for their place survived and thrived. The scared and weak ones fell apart. So what was so bad about him? Wasn't he like everyone else? What made this man so cruel, so dark-hearted? If she was him, she would be proud of her successes. Conquering so many territories, defeating opponents and expanding a flourishing empire - that was a leader she wanted to follow, not her own mother that could barely keep the pack afloat with her problems.

No! How can I think like that about Mum?

As she scrunched her features in a perplexed manner, his words spun through her mind, tiring her mental self. Surely she couldn't be agreeing with the man's logic. Surely not. However, with each passing moment, she found herself drawn to his story. She was torn between two sides. Was she tempted to believe it? Was she to believe what her family and friends believed or was she going to allow herself to be pulled astray? For now, she remained quiet, pressing her lips together in evident frustration. To speak or not to speak; what was she to say? What would he think of her?




9 Years
03-25-2016, 12:13 AM

The young woman said nothing, a quiet frustration about her evident in the way her lips pressed together, while her facial features seemed to wrinkle up in confusion. "Cat got your tongue?" he questioned with a very light taunt, tilting his head slightly, "No matter. I can see everything in your eyes - they give you away, you know?" Xephyris smirked, silver eyes specked with blue scanning over her expression before he looked to the pool of water again. Stubborn as she was, she certainly wasn't going to outright agree with him. But he could tell that he'd sparked some thought in her mind, something that caused her conflict. Surely she had heard the stories, the ones told by those afflicted by Sin's bold ventures. While it was true that the man's existence in Alacritia had not exactly been a friendly one, it was obvious that he had made his mark on history. He and his pack would not be forgotten, even if they'd been eradicated in a siege. Even with only a small number of wolves to fight, they had done their best to defend their home, refusing to tuck tail and flee without a bloody battle.

He glanced at her again, flicking his ears. Would she say anything at all? He guessed that she wouldn't be willing to share much with him. But that was okay, he didn't need to know everything about her. He didn't need to know how she felt. However, he was indeed curious to know what sort of soul she possessed. Perhaps he could elicit a reaction from her, whether verbal or body expression. "A quiet and peaceful life is not for everyone," he rumbled, his words becoming vague as he watched the steam curl up off the springs, "An easy life makes a wolf soft, and weak. Soft wolves want to thrive without having to fight. They expect their survival to be guaranteed if they do good, smile all the time and lead a righteous path. That's not reality - the real world is full of danger, and only the strong survive." So, where was he going with all of this? Really, he just wanted to gauge her reaction. And, if it wasn't obvious enough, he was revealing how he interpreted his own place in the world.

"Soon, I will grow tired of life here," he stated casually, looking around his environment, "It's too simple. It's too soft. But, in the meantime, my loyalty is with Fiori, and I would throw my body between a pack member and the enemy should the need arise. I'll never accept an easy existence." Zephyra had been so quiet that she'd left a wide chasm of silence for him to fill with his musings. Normally he wasn't so talkative, but in this instance he'd just found so much to say, and there was no one competing for the spotlight so he took it and ran with it. His eyes had flicked here and there as he'd spoken his thoughts out loud, but now he focused on her again, wondering if she had anything to say. It didn't matter to him if she remained silent, for she was easy to read, just like an open book. So, what would her eyes tell him, if she chose to say nothing?

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
Extra large
04-01-2016, 09:57 PM

She was planning to remain quiet, hoping he wouldn't notice any details that would reveal her thoughts. He spoke a taunting remark, making her upper lip twitch as she hardened her gaze. What was his problem? Did he just go around preaching about the deceased Hellstrom in the hopes of altering the audience's views? Well, she wasn't going to fall for it. She wasn't going to allow herself to be so willingly swayed. Alas, he found a way to read her thoughts, and an obvious one it was. The look in her eyes gave it all away, and when he told her so, she scoffed and looked away. She would never be able to admit to him how she truly felt, if that's what he wanted from her. She couldn't do that. She had to be strong. She couldn't be weak; she couldn't allow herself to pulled under.

Her silence was his opportunity to continue talking, to her dismay. She wanted to walk away and leave him where he stood, tired of hearing the same subject he ranted about. Yet, the longer she remained, the thoughts of leaving gradually diminished. She found herself drawn to his words, as if she couldn't stop listening. He spoke of a soft, comfortable life, and as guilty as she felt, she could relate to such desires. Was her life easy? Was she soft? She didn't want to be. She didn't want to be described by any of those words. Was Fiori too comfortable? Was her friend too soft? Were her family weak? No, she couldn't say such things about her loved ones.

Her curiosity piqued when he stated his opinion on Fiori, making her finally swivel her head around to gingerly meet his gaze. So Fiori was too simple, too easy, like she had thought. That only increased her confusion. Why had her friend decided to come here if it was too comfortable? "Where will you go?" The words just left her lips, and she instantly regretted taking such an interest in his plans for the future. She didn't care where he went. Surely he didn't belong in Fiori. "Will you be following Riv in his future pack?"




9 Years
04-03-2016, 10:54 PM

Watching her carefully, Xephyris was glad when she finally decided to speak. Every little look she gave, any movement of her brows or muzzle, was very expressive of how she felt inside. Still, he longed to hear it out loud, to really know what she was thinking. Why, he wasn't sure. As his silver eyes scanned over her features, he saw many emotions and thoughts cross her face. It was impossible to know exactly went on within her mind, but some things came out as clear as day. She wasn't completely opposed to the things he'd said, although she had no desire to agree with him. Very well. She didn't have to say it out loud.

At last a question would form upon her lips. "Where will you go?" The words seemed to escape her before she could stop herself, and Xephyris smirked with amusement, the tips of his teeth showing beneath his lips as he did so. "For now, I must remain here," was his only response to her first question. However, she allowed more words to form, surely only on impulse. He had a feeling she almost didn't want to ask if he'd be following Riv in his future pack. Surely, she must hope that he would go elsewhere. But indeed he would be along for the entire ride.

He nodded to acknowledge her last question. He would certainly be following the young brute in his next ventures, wherever that led him. Xephyris had little interest in joining a pack that was already well-established. For whatever reason, it seemed much more appealing to be a part of something new, to help establish something different. "Aye, I'll be following Riv," he confirmed, blinking his narrowed silver eyes, "We'll all be pack mates for a long time to come. We oughtta get used to it." His words would end in a maniacal chuckle. He knew how hard it would be in the beginning, how much they'd hate it. But after it all, it'd be worth it, for they'd finally establish a pack worth protecting.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
Extra large
04-24-2016, 01:15 AM
ooc: sorry for the wait!

Her features could hold more truth than her very words. Her initial emotions - her reaction - is evident in her facial expression, if one studies closely. She can hide her emotions by trying to keep a neutral complexion, though against someone who regularly observes the features and behaviour of others, such as this man, she was no match. She has no issues with lying her rotten way out of situations, especially over her feelings. She rarely told anyone how she truly felt, never showed them so explicitly, though there had been a couple times she had come undone. She wanted everyone to think highly of her, not as some pathetic green girl.

And just when she thought her day might shine brighter, her heart fell. Utter disappointment moulded into her features when he replied that he would be following Riv to Myriad, adding a maniacal chuckle. Well, that was just great. Just peachy. Just when she thought her life would be rid of this mind-reading brute, he had to pack his bags and follow her. Why? Was it just her luck? What did Riv see in this man? Potential? Surely not. Was she the only one who had her mind read, as much as she passionately hated it? Was it because they had gotten off on the wrong paw on their first encounter?

Though she knew there was little she could do to change the fate of events. She couldn't persuade him out of Myriad, for that would certainly end in a nasty brawl, and she couldn't ask Riv to simply kick him out. She could stay in Fiori if she was truly desperate, though she wasn't going to allow one man to prevent her from starting a new chapter in her life. She would never leave her lover's side, even if it meant learning to manage and cope with a pack-mate she disliked. "Oh, then I suppose we'll see more of each other in Myriad,"she commented coldly, edging slowly away from the springs. "Good bye, Xephyris."
