
Destruction Adopts


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
02-24-2016, 01:50 PM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2016, 01:54 PM by Evelyn.)
So with Keno leaving and Toothless poofing again, there are two Bass x Wren pups up for adoption!

First off there is Shrike, who was born to the older litter. His siblings are Finch, Lark, Sparrow, and Starling. I am okay with his personality being changed, since Keno didn't really play him much. Keno designed him, and she wants him to be renamed as well. This litter was songbirds, so I want this pup to stay that way. Also for him to stay a male. He is 2 years, born in the winter. His profile is here. Lark would also love a fighter brother! Finch is a messenger, and Starling and Sparrow are both healers/expressed interest in learning fighting. I still have some left over designs, and I will list all below.

Second is Tordo, who is from the second litter. His sister is Sandpiper, and they just turned a year old this summer. Again, I am totally up to his personality changing since he was hardly played. His profile is here. I did his design, so that can be reused. He needs to be renamed, and this litter can be any bird.

1. Adopt 9
2. Adopt 8
3. Adopt 7
4. Adopt 1
5. Adopt 2
6. Adopt 3
7. Adopt 4
8. Adopt 5
9. Adopt 6

<b>Pup trying for:</b> Shrike or Tordo
<b>Character name:</b>

<b>Design number:</b>

<b>Rank wanted:</b> Check Abaven pack page

<b>RP sample:</b> At least 100 words

My focus needs more focus.



7 Years

02-24-2016, 01:58 PM (This post was last modified: 02-28-2016, 07:03 PM by Ren.)
Pup trying for: SHRIKE
Character name: Vireo

Design number: 7 this one


Loyal + Family first, family always. It doesn’t matter if his sibling randomly killed someone. Obviously, the person they killed deserved it in some way. He won’t listen to any other explanations. He will defend his parents and siblings, both littermate and younger, with his life, and will generally be willing to give up any friend that hasn’t been raised to family-status in order to help his family. Given a choice, family will always be the answer.

Jokester + What's serious mean? Vireo doesn't know what that is, nor does he care to. He is primarily a prankster, a jokester. No one is safe from his generally awful wisecracks and teasing, though if he sees it truly bothering someone he'll leave them be. He adores those that return his jokes and banter.

Kind + Perhaps a flaw, one major trait of him is that he will help anyone in trouble, whether they be family, enemies, or strangers. It is perhaps one of the few times his joking manner will be dropped, and the completely serious and sincere side of him will emerge. He will help as needed, without any hesitation.

Easy-going + There's not much that will get this man riled up. He's laid back, and it takes a lot to get him angry. He's rather outgoing as well, so he's quite used to dealing with idiocy and can handle even the worst of children and adults with relative ease before snapping. His words of wisdom are often to just sit back and chill for a little bit before doing anything; he doesn't understand how someone could get so angry so quickly and just never drop it.

Playful + Adult or no, he loves to play. Simple as that. He's more than willing to romp around with the pups, letting them climb all over him and tussling with him; he adores children. His seemingly never-ending patience does him well. He has no problems acting silly or even stupid, and will happily convince the pups to do the same. He's as much a trouble-maker as he is a jokester and playful

Rank wanted: seconda guardia, though I want him to dabble in some field medicine, so if on the battlefield someone gets hurt he can do a rough sort of first aid.

RP sample:

Hmm, where was that little bugger? Merlin had to be around somewhere and besides, Vireo had a surprise for him he was sure the boy would love. Probably annoying the crap out of Lark, if Vireo had to guess any. Grinning to himself, the lanky wolf loped towards Lark's den. He knew the pup - okay, yearling - adored his older brother, something that Vireo found more than amusing. If there was one wolf that was not a fan of loud, boisterous, with a short temper for all of the above, it was Lark.

"Oh fratelliiiino," the man sang, pink eyes twinkling with mischief. It didn't take long to find the pair, exactly where he thought they would be. And oh look, Merlin was bouncing around. He threw a wink towards his littermate, amusement clear in his eyes. "Ho una sorpreeeeesa per teeee, fratellino!" Not at all feeling guilty for using Italian - he was making the boy learn, whether he liked it or not - he tried to bribe Merlin away from Lark and towards him; Lark deserved a break every once in a while.

translation: Oh little brotheeeerrrr. I have a surpriiiiise for youuuu.

will edit hover laterrrr



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
02-24-2016, 02:41 PM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2016, 03:34 PM by Tealah.)

Pup trying for: Tordo
Character name: Merlin (the falcon, not the wizard)

Design number: Design # Awesomepants!


Merlin is an exuberant boy, bright, vivacious and full of energy. No one's a stranger to him - he's extremely extroverted and outgoing. Friends and strangers alike are likely to find themselves pulled into a big backslapping hug and maybe even a playful little tussle. He's the furthest thing from shy you could find, and caution is not his strong suit. He might come across as something of an eternal child, though in more of a Peter Pan and the Lost Boys way than his older sister Finch. Everything's always a game, always an adventure to him.

He adores being the center of attention and tends to overdo things in order to get noticed, but he's a good sport and takes it well when others are in the spotlight, throwing himself just as headlong into supporting them. That's because it's not a matter of personal pride to him when he isn't the best at something - he likes to have attention, he likes to be the best, but he doesn't have any pride or self-worth wrapped up into it. He's a very self-assured individual, so it just doesn't bother him. That's why he's equally happy when someone else does better, because he knows that surely they feel really good like he would so that's great!

He's boisterous and very physically affectionate, probably to the great annoyance of a certain older brother, and may sometimes come across as intimidatingly loud and just plain "too much" for a more timid wolf. He'll try to tone it down out of respect for them but he finds it difficult. He just finds it difficult to hold himself back, or even to hold still at all for that matter, and his voice is naturally loud and, as he grows to adulthood, booming.

He excels in the physical arts... hunting, fighting, running, exploring... but put him in a lesson about history or healing or the stars and you've lost him. His attention wanders, and he completely tunes out and tends to retain nothing. It takes some serious doing to get him to apply himself to intellectual pursuits, though if you find a way to entwine it into something he's passionate about, or if you make it into a game or something more physical, oh he's all over that. He's not a big dumb idiot, he just has issues with engaging on that level, attention-wise.

He's also not a particularly great talker - which is to say, he's great at TALKING but he's definitely no silver tongued diplomat if you know what I mean. He has a tendency to say the wrong thing at the wrong time and manage to offend everyone in the room at the same time, and he could use a bit of work on his volume control as well. That doesn't stop him from chattering away like a magpie at every opportunity, though, constantly and with very little brain-to-mouth filter on his words.

What he does have is a huge heart. Loving, loyal, caring, and gentle, though he may have issues with expressing it. He's also spunky and incredibly courageous, extremely determined and he never gives up - which can be as much a fault as it is a virtue. He cherishes his littermate and elder siblings, and though he isn't entirely blind to their faults he accepts them completely for who they are (which is much the way he takes everyone in his life) and lavishes them in love and adoration. Lark particularly holds his hero-worship, the more war-like of the siblings and so the one he relates most to.

That said, that heart can be broken - eventually, after accepting a lot of abuse in the meantime. He is the eternal optimist, but even optimism reaches it's limit eventually. When his heart breaks, he grieves quietly, deep within himself, tending to hold his pain close to him so that nobody else sees so that it can't hurt anyone else. Instead he'll put on a brave face, paste on a smile, and go drag a friend off to play a game or go on some whirlwind adventure so that everything will be all right.

Rank wanted: Guardia

RP sample: "Lark! Lark!" The gray-cloaked pup raced up to Lark's den, skidding to a stop so close he almost tumbled straight in. "LAAAAARK!" he yapped into the den, but luckily for Lark's ears he wasn't in. He snuffled and sniffed around the den for a moment, but finally slumped down in defeat. Darn, he really had hoped to get Lark to teach him some cool moves! But he didn't know enough about tracking to be able to figure out which scent leading away from the den was the freshest, so he couldn't follow it to find him. Hmmm.

Wait, Dad would know where Lark was! Dads knew everything, everyone knew that. Merlin leaped back to his paws again as though he hadn't been giving the most pathetically dejected impression of a kicked dog in the world, and raced off again towards the den he shared with his parents and Piper. Ooo, maybe Dad could teach him some cool moves instead! "Dad! Dad! DAAAAAD!"



4 Years
02-24-2016, 04:08 PM (This post was last modified: 02-25-2016, 09:14 AM by Selíni.)
Pup trying for: Shrike
Character name: Thrush

Design number: 6

Thrush is perhaps loyal to a fault. He spreads his trust easily and it’s not easily broken even when it blows up in his face. This is especially true of his family. He loves them all very dearly and doesn’t allow himself to become wrapped up in interfamilial drama, often taking a more neutral stand as he has a hard time separating his own feelings about any given situation from his love of his family.

Because he cares so deeply Thrush hates to see his family or friends hurt and will give his all to protect them from any physical harm. He takes training seriously for that reason, he holds himself to a high standard so that he can keep those he cares about safe.

Despite taking his training seriously Thrush takes very little else seriously. He would rather spend his time enjoying life than think things over to much or allow himself to be upset. It can be a real detriment to how others perceive him as he appears to lack any sort of passion.

Rank wanted: Guardia

RP sample:  Thrush was quite quite sore, his muscles had been worked to their limit and now he felt her very much deserved a rest in the shade; which was exactly what he was doing. The lake in the heart of the pack lands was always a great place to rest after training and it had quickly become a habit of his. He breathed a deep sigh of contentment. He must have been dozing because he was startled awake by a rustling of another life in the grasses.

Unfortunately for him he wasn’t just awakened he jumped, rolling straight into the water. Sputtering and flailing for a moment he finally managed to right himself, paws treating water. Then the animal that had startled him hopped into view. It was a common robin, it’s twitched it’s head and Thrush took a moment to eye it back.

Finally the Destruction chuckled and pulled himself out of the lake. Shaking the water from his fur he considered maybe moving to a less wet napping spot.

[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png]



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
02-28-2016, 12:14 AM (This post was last modified: 03-03-2016, 09:29 PM by Valentine.)
-kicks thread again-

Pup trying for: Shrike
Character name: Pipit

Design: LINK

Intuitive - Adaptable - Thoughtful - Analytical
Pipit is as changeable as they come. This adaptability stems from a desire to find the best strategies to implement his ideas, not naivety. Problem solving is his thing; he lives in a world of ideas and strategic planning, valuing intelligence, knowledge and competence above the softer, emotional side of things. Because of this he goes about problem-solving with cold logic and hard, unfeeling reason, something that will undoubtedly put him at odds with more emotional, heart-led wolves. It's likely that this logic, delivered bluntly and with little thought to the sensitivities of those around him, will make him come across as callous and unfeeling.

Calm - Dependable - Loyal
As steadfast as they come, Pipit is the kind of guy who will back his friends and family up even he he thinks they're the looneyiest looney toon in the 'bin. Of course he'll do everything in his power to change their mind, but should that prove to be impossible he will follow them to the ends of the earth if he has to. What friends he has mean the world to him and for them he would do anything. He's not boisterous or overly demonstrative with his affections, choosing instead to show his feelings through quiet works and small gestures. While perhaps not the most exciting or fun friend, he is nothing if not dependable and rock solid, willing and able to weather whatever storm may come.

Unflappable - Reasonable - Even-tempered
It's not easy to get under Pipit's skin. He's not prone to wanton acts of rage or temper tantrums. Bitch fits and meltdowns are, in his opinion, for lesser creatures. He'd rather use his head and win an argument with reason than with volume and he firmly believes that being able to deliver his side calmly puts him head and shoulders above those who lace their words with barbs and slights. Insults rarely bother him; in an argument he'd rather be the one who comes across as knowledgeable and collected, and anyone who can't manage that is probably as infantile as they seem and thus isn't worth his anger. Of course there are exceptions to every rule and Pipit has one easily exploited flaw. Calling him Pippy is asking for a fight and only his closest friends and family can get away with it without some kind of retaliation.

Rank wanted: Seconda Guardia

RP sample: "Pippy! Eyyyyy Pippeeeeeh!" Upon hearing those words Pipit's skin flushed with embarrassment. The insides of his ears turned a shade of scarlet usually reserved for sunsets and parrots. He ducked his head and exchanged his lackadaisical pace for a hurried slink in the hopes of escaping his pursuer. There were few things he truly hated, but sitting atop the list was his name. Oh, how he hated it. Heart and soul he was a fighter, but it was hard to cut an impressive, manly figure when you were named after a twittery bird. His name may as well have been Susie.

The brute, his mood now soured, slunk to the river's edge and scuttled under a bush in the hopes of being overlooked by his pursuer. Maybe if he were really, really lucky she'd go away. In the distance he could hear her voice getting closer, that hateful, silly nickname falling from her lips with a rapidity that made it sound like - surprise surprise - the call of a bird. He ground his teeth together as she added to the call. "Heeeeeere pippypippy! PIIIIIPPITYpippitypippity! Heeeeere pippypippy!"

His eyes pinched shut, brow furrowing in concentration. "Please," he silently prayed to whatever deity might be listening. "Please let her fall into the river."

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
03-02-2016, 12:46 PM
These pups will be picked on March 6th!

My focus needs more focus.



6 Years

03-03-2016, 09:40 PM
Since all the apps are done now, I will announce the pups now! Tealah gets Merlin and Laz gets Pipit! Let me know if you guys want access to the accounts for history purposes, or just to remake the accounts.

Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.