
Second Chances



5 Years
02-27-2016, 12:47 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Callisto carried the plants outside of the den and set them down at a distance from it. Her nose wrinkled and she made a face as she licked her lips, and unable to stand being near them she stepped back. This was not like her. The scents of herbs and medicinal plants were typically soothing and comforting to her, reminding her of her chosen craft and everything that she had so far learned, everything that she could do. It was absolutely absurd to think that she suddenly could not stand the smell of them, though she had a sneaking suspicion why.

She had tried to keep it to herself, but after a tense moment of "I told you so" with Belladonna the cat had figured it out. The damned feline was just too observant, and apparently knew her better than Callisto had originally suspected. The black and grey healer tried to avoid the cat as much as possible because of it, not wanting to be reminded everywhere she went, but the slippery little annoyance was hard to shake, especially when she had something that so piqued her interest.

Which currently was the fact they had both concluded Callisto was pregnant.

"Are you going to tell him?"

Tilting her head back, the wolf peered upward into the closest tree and spotted the scrawny little black cat curled up on one of the lower branches, staring down at her. Callisto frowned. "He doesn't need to know yet," she answered, evading an actual answer to the question. How could she tell him she was pregnant when she was supposed to be out of season? How could she plant the idea of children in his head when she was not even sure she wanted anymore? I did so well the first time, she thought bitterly.

Her stomach rolled again, and retreating another few steps away from the plants Calli sat down, closed her eyes, and breathed. It can all be over if I just take those plants, she reminded herself. She had failed her first litter anyway, solidifying the fact she was horrible mother material. And yet some small voice in the back of her mind, perhaps some optimistic part that had somehow been planted there by her lucky charm, Jakart, saw it as a second chance. I can do things right this time. Give these ones the life the first pups didn't get to have. Could she, really?

Callisto sighed heavily and opened her pale eyes, feeling confused, lost, and sick to her stomach.



5 Years
02-27-2016, 01:16 PM
There was that fine moment of opportunity. Of when predator and prey had the perfect balance to be at even odds with one another. Jakart flexes his toes and stalked forwards hairsbreadths at a time. The deer chewing upon berries as it remained unaware of the lurking hunter behind it, death inching closer and closer. With a sudden burst of speed the grey wolf leapt forward and took off after the suddenly bolting prey as it headed right. But Jakart had begun the chase to close for it to matter as his jaws sunk into it's flank and both hunter and hunted went down onto the leaves. The killing blow was applied quickly and thankfully no more wounds were further attained in his time down south.

The young ungulate's life ended as it choked to death from a rending wound applied to neck, Jakart standing safely away with his bloody muzzle as he watched the doe become still. Feeling satisfied with the kill and knowing a certain she wolf would be grateful for the food he simply grabbed up the soon to be eaten meal and made his was back towards the den. Blood squelched and bubbled from his lips as he rounded the bend in the garden and came upon the sight of his lover. Laying down his prize and giving a lick of his lips Jakart quickly wiped his muzzle off haphazardly on the grass, tail held high as he hummed with good cheer. There was a strange feeling in the air as he approached Callisto where she lay away from her beloved herb stash all heaped up in a pile, Jakart however ignoring the feeling as he gave his oncemate a tender nuzzle against her cheek. If there was anything seriously wrong she would tell him in her own time, the male reclining on his haunches to patiently wait and see if she needed anything else.



5 Years
03-01-2016, 02:14 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her ears perked, turned, and her head lifted to follow suit. She heard the sounds of footsteps, as well as that of dragging, and was treated to the sight of Jakart hauling through a dead deer. Though she kept the thought to herself, it did impress her that he was able to do this, to catch larger game all on his own. If Callisto had tried herself to do the same she would have never succeeded, and, if she was being honest with herself, would have likely returned injured somehow. I'm never going hungry, she realized with satisfaction, and felt the grumbling of her stomach change. She would never understand the inner workings of her body.

The grey male strode over to her, muzzle freshly cleaned, and she accepted his soft nuzzle without rebuking it, muttering only, "You've been productive today." It was possibly an understatement - he brought more than enough food for the both of them - and Calli was sour to realize she had less to show for herself. Her head shifted minutely and her eyes lifted to the spot in the tree where the scrawny black cat still lay, calm and quiet and watching. Would she say anything? Would Bella reveal the secret they were both keeping from Jakart, or would Callisto be given that liberty?

Not wanting the potential father to be tipped off to anything amiss, her pale, silver-blue eyes settled back on him again and with a deep breath she spoke. "We'll be heading back across the bridge in the next day or two. The waters should have receded by now, so it should work." She just hoped she would physically be up for the challenge. If she kept the litter, she would be dealing with their symptoms; if she chose to terminate it, she was not altogether sure of what effects she might have due to it. Recalling the full relocation of her stores before their departure, and their new placement in the Faller's Fjord, she narrowed her eyes in question and asked, "And we'll be staying in the Faller's Fjord. I didn't look around enough before we left. What can I expect there?"



5 Years
03-02-2016, 11:58 AM (This post was last modified: 03-02-2016, 12:13 PM by Jakart.)

Callisto returned his greeting with a short quip on his productiveness, a fact that made the grey male stand a little straight as his cheek came away from hers. And as Callisto mentioned the schedule of their departure he would simply nod. The land bridge had emerged. It had been strange, really, when they had first come across the sunken strip of land that he never really felt worry for his siblings despite no means to return to them for almost two season. Between the pair they had been through a lot since then, and a rekindled relationship was what they now shared when returning to the mainland in few days.

Jakart's mismatched eyes stared into the pale blue eyes of his lover as she inquired as to what she should expect in the Fjord. There was a pause as the male thought for a moment and tried to recall the details of the territory he hadn't fully seen in almost three years."There... there are two steep cliffs covered in switchbacks and game trails," He began as memories were chased down and scoured for any outstanding details."and a river runs between them. Just a quick swim to get across." There were a few places where they could jump over rocks, however he wouldn't know if the partially submerged boulders had shifted at all with the flood of debris he imaged had swept down the fjord and carried everything away.

Watching the pair of wolves from the bush the grey one had dragged the deer through the serval eyed his prize. Not the deer, no. He would make the wolf hunt him a new one as repayment for interrupting his hunt of the small doe. But the female in the tree, that was a good hunt. A chance to impress after a life of loneliness and being so goddamn handsome with his slight ego. It had been difficult to find any females when the lands filled with wolves. Narcissus prowled off to the base of the tree out of sight from the wolves, tail flicking as he sprung up with his powerful haunches. And slipped on a pinecone. Perhaps the weight of his ego kept him from getting much distance covered even with the pointy and rolly obstacle but he returned unsuccessfully to the forest floor with a thump.

Miffed that he had grown weak with the lack of deer that someone stole and deciding on the easier route Narc's claws extended as he shimmied up the side of the tree with determination. If you fail once, try something different. Even if it meant not taking a step to the side and watching your footing before leaping. The prize never went anywhere quickly. Ear laying flat against his skull the serval quickly poked his head up in front of the black fema- Narcissus looked off to the other side of the tree branches, just seeing the tip the cats tail flickering. With a seething grunt he shifted and wished that the feline hadn't moved, hind legs flailing to bring himself up to his current branch. Powerful limbs brought the savannah cat up on the tree limb as he stood to walk over to her. Stealthily moving over to the other cats position, eyes fixed on the other feline and only stepping on a twig or three, Narcissus cleared his throat and spoke his rehearsed greeting. "Hi." He rumbled on the edge of a purr. The wolves were completely forgotten along with the stolen deer he could've easily made off with, eyes fixed upon the dark beauty before him.

"Talk" "You" "Think" "Companion"



5 Years
03-03-2016, 02:31 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Jak offered no other response but a nod of his head, readily accepting the plans that she laid out for them to return to their proper side of the land bridge. Good, Callisto thought, though she had had very few worries of him objecting at all. He never did - at least not to her recollection - and was willing to let the decisions be made for him. Was that part of his need to please, his intention to keep her happy? Would he agree to everything she wanted so long as it was what she wanted? She contemplated her condition, the secret she harbored, and still could not be sure. In this instance, she did not trust him to be fine if she chose not to keep the litter, it was simply too big of a decision.

At her request, he began to speak of the Faller's Fjord, describing for her the main layout of the territory. Cliffs, switchbacks, game trails all sounded fine and dandy to her, but would they be conducive to housing a litter of pups? If she planned to keep them - not that she had made up her mind yet - she needed a good location, one suitable for the job. River meant water, but there were stones to cross it, a path that could potentially prove useful in navigation for youth. Or dangerous. And the switchbacks? Falling. Her brow sunk into a frown as he described the place, but as she thought she doubted anywhere would be absolutely perfect. The Fern Gulley? Poisons. Her favorite part of the Stone Steppe? More falling dangers.

"Hmm," Calli murmured, preparing another question when she heard noises behind her. Twigs shifting, snapping, a tree being scaled. For half a second, she thought it might have been Belladonna doing her damnedest to interrupt them, but as she turned her head, scowl already set in place, she realized very quickly she had it wrong. There was another feline now, golden and spotted in color, and he appeared very intent upon making his way toward the scrawny black cat situated up the tree. "Hey!" Before she could realize what she was doing, Callisto was on her grey paws marching toward the base of the tree. She might not have liked the cat very much, but she was not about to let some other feline swoop in noisily and do her any harm.

Belladonna had heard the serval approach from the beginning. With her vantage point, she had been given a perfect view of the activities below, but as she spotted the other feline, and realized he had seen her as well, she had been unable to do anything but remain perfectly still. Maybe he won't come over here, the little black cat hoped, but all in vain. He had noticed, and he was doing everything in his power to get over to her. Including step and shift every twig, leaf, and branch along the way, as well as take half the bark off the tree as he climbed. She watched him in disbelief as he scaled the tree, and stared with a confused, mildly irritated look. His charming smile and half-purred greeting when at last he reached her only managed to irk her more, and with a disgruntled edge to her voice she muttered, "Excuse you, this tree's taken."



5 Years
03-06-2016, 02:46 AM

Jakart's ears perked up and he visibly straightened at the sight of the serval, even more so when he saw who was at the top of the tree. Belladonna. Callisto called attention to the savannah cat and the grey wolf was at her heels as the healer went up to the base of the tree. His brow creased with worry and gave a futile glance up at the lowest limb of the tree. Far to high up for a jump to get any sort of real purchase on the sturdiest looking limb. Not the he could anything quick enough, the serval already reaching Bella. There was confusion in his gaze as he stared up at the felines, no real conflict happening as he would've assumed while both of the wolves remained helplessly on the ground. "Bella..." Jakart warned, eyes shifting to try and fully see the serval. The cat was massive compared to Callisto's companion, tan and spotted head peeking over the branch to stare at the two wolves.

He leaned over to Callisto, his side brushing the healers as he stood closer and prepared to ward off a jumping cat. Narcissus cleared his throat and spoke with nonexistent authority at the two wolves beneath him. "I have this female here! If you don't want anything to happen to her you'll..." Jakart ears perked as Bella moved away from the serval, certain she would be caught by the desert feline. But no. As the male cat continued his rant about a stolen deer and an exorbitant list of ransom conditions, Jakart looking back the dead ungulate and rolled his mismatched eyes.

A quiet meow brought his attention forward again as Belladonna appeared before Jakart and Callisto, the serval stopping his speech and appearing confused as to how the cat had gotten away with multiple glances given along to top of the tree branch and the trio below him. A gentle nudge was given against his lover's shoulder as Jak licked Callisto's cheek. "Everyone's safe now," The serval jumped down, falling. All eyes watching the spotted limbs flailing in the air for a moment as the desert cat somehow landed on his feet. "Help yourself to the deer." Jakart offered without much care. The cat wouldn't eat much compared to him and his once mate. Mismatched eyes searched Callisto's expression now that the current distraction was over with. "When do you want to leave?" He asked. Curious and hoping that her answer would only be a few days from now. They had a long trip ahead of them.

"Talk" "You" Think "Companion"



5 Years
03-23-2016, 11:54 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Callisto paid no mind to Jakart as he stepped in next to her, wholly focused on the serval as the cat's attention shifted away from Belladonna and down toward her. Good, keep your damn eyes on me, she thought, and hoped to keep it that way. The unexpected arrival of the new cat worried her. Not once during their travels had she or her companions come across any other types of cats, and now that she saw this one she missed its absence. Whatever its intentions, it was clearly much larger than Bella, and that alone Callisto considered a threat. He better think twice about hurting her.

The mental warning she gave behind her angry scowl must have either been heard unintentionally or the cat had simply had other ideas before he had taken his perch beside Bella. The second it was noticed he had the attention of both wolves standing at the base of the tree, he began to bargain. Callisto's hackles rose at the cat's use of her companion as a bargaining chip, but as her attention shifted to the tiny black feline she realized it was pointless. With the serval's attention elsewhere, Belladonna was already sidling away along the tree limb both cats shared, and befitting of the creepy little shadow she was she crawled quickly but quietly down the back side of the tree.

As the cat strolled casually toward her and Jakart, successfully out of the presumed clutches of her ransomer, the black and grey wolf relaxed, her hackles lowering and her scowl quirking slightly at the edge to suggest a smirk. And still the serval went on. Apparently Jakart had really wounded its pride by stealing its targeted kill, and now he was being called out on it. But as Bella came within sight of the creature, he at last stopped, likely surprised and, Callisto hoped, panicked that his bargaining chip was gone. She was still almost smiling as Jakart kissed her cheek and assured each of them that there was no further danger, though as the serval gracelessly fell from the tree she could not helping thinking that cat was truly a danger to himself.

Belladonna kept her back to the new cat though despite her indifference she did stick close to her canine companions, counting on their protection now that she had seen them both jump to her defense. Calli watched her a moment, comforted by her apparent ease, and let her attention slide back to Jak as he questioned their plans. "The sooner, the better," she answered, "this trip's taken long enough." And given her pregnancy, the more time she had to prepare the location, the better she would feel too.

Am I sure about that? For a second, Callisto frowned again, retreating quietly into her thoughts. It was a big commitment, bigger than her part in her first litter. And these will be mine, no handing them off to someone else. She was stuck with Jakart already; she had every confidence this would only give him another reason to stick around. Belladonna's words played back in her head again - He has a right to know, - and as she finally made up her mind, or perhaps accepted the answer she was destined to take from the beginning, she turned sharply to Jakart and stated bluntly, "I'm pregnant, Jak."



5 Years
03-31-2016, 01:03 PM

With the current incident settled, in all of it's entirety, as the serval found itself busy with the carcass of the deer, Jakart glanced at Belladonna to double check that the cat was alright. No worse for wear it seemed, no less small in size or reduction in the she cats glare. Callisto remarked that the sooner the three, or was it four now, of them went north and back to the fjord the more convenient it would be. All the debris was likely washed away or easy to maneuver around, yes, now was a good time. Also let his brothers and sisters know that he was alright as soon as he got back.

And he was about to set off, contemplating grabbing a quick bite from the deer before deciding that it didn't really matter that much. His hunts were usually successful and it was more for Callisto's benefit than his own hunger. The serval, Narcisomethingoranother, was busy eating the stolen kill anyway. With a sigh Jakart looked north, then back at Callisto just as she spoke. The words rang true in his ears and knowing her she wasn't the type to idly joke about such a thing. But she revealed she was pregnant. It almost struck him as funny. So many times he had helped with her season that this one coupling they share resulted in such an announcement.

Jakart felt his chest tighten as he inhaled, mind racing. He would be a father. have responsibilities and worries of feeding and caring for wiggling pups. Jakart let out a whine as he turned and brought his paws came around his lovers neck. Licking and nuzzling his lifelong partner he planted a kiss on her cheek before breaking away to where their noses almost touched. "Alright. North. Ummm." He began before losing his train of thought. Overwhelmed didn't quite cover how Jakart was feeling, asking eagerly now that this news was still repeating through his head. "Wanna head out now?" His tail wagged back and forth, rump following suite. Jakart was still shocked. Fully of joy and eagerness. He made up his mind that he would first tell his buried parents before telling his siblings as another kiss was planted on Callistos lips.

"Talk" "You" Think "Companion"