
Do the boogie all night long


03-02-2016, 09:39 PM

What a change it was to come here after being stuck in that bramble filled forest before. Moving was quite a bit easier here since there seemed to be little to no underbrush whatsoever. In fact, the only life here seemed to be some thin, young trees. She peered at them curiously as she walked, her tail swaying from side to side with her hips. She had to say, this place didn't quite have the intrigue that the other did, but perhaps that was the price you paid. In order to have a more habitable environment maybe it was necessary to be a little more boring.

Livi paused to lap a quick drink from a puddle of rainwater before continuing. Night had fallen maybe an hour ago and she knew she should be looking for a place to rest for the night, but she hadn't quite convinced herself to stop just yet. There was so much to see from this new place. She hummed to herself as she glanced up at the sky, watching the sky over head as she took slow, elegant steps. At least the weather was pleasant here. The only thing she was really lacking was an interesting bit of company. Perhaps she should have hung around that other male longer...

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
03-03-2016, 03:43 PM

Grimm huffed silently to himself. It was a silent breath of irritation with his surroundings. How could this place be so insufferably boring? He had no interest in plant life. The new trees that had sprung up after the fire that'd burned down the old ones were all the same looking. No interesting wildlife to look at and no wolves to play with. Why the hell had he come here in the first place? Boredom. His lip curled in disgust at the thought. At least when he'd stayed with his father things had stayed interesting. Nnoitra always had this knack for making everything a game while teaching him at the same time. That and he had company worth having. His siblings had gone and now he was by himself.

The easiest thing to curb his loneliness ew would be to join a pack. From what he'd noticed though all the packs were soft. There was one in the north but from what he'd heard they were a bunch of religious nut bags. He'd heard of Abaven... all a bunch of softies. Imperium... he didn't have much of an opinion on. From what he'd heard they were all fighters, not that he couldn't fight, but he didn't prefer to when it was an option. From there... well the easiest conclusion was that all the packs were worthless. None of them were like Tortuga and none of them ever would be.

Night had fallen now but the male was hardly tired. So he continued his silent trek through the "forest" very much like a ghost. He had no intention of finding a place to rest any time soon. The night was silent and brought a certain eerie comfort that they day time couldn't provide. It seemed the silence wouldn't last long though. His nostrils quivered as a scent traveled to him. It was feminine, females were all I seemed to find really, and judging from the smell she wasn't a part of a pack. Instead of seeking her out like some desperate fuck he planted himself under a very pathetic scraggly tree and took a seat. She'd come to him. Or at least that's what he intended at least.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Please take note that Grimmjow is unpredictable and impulsive in his actions and has a tendency to be hostile at times.

[Image: 8tXLX5S.png]