
Prove Your Heart To Me



7 Years
02-01-2016, 10:18 PM
Surreal Adravendi

It was time to test her own daughter for the Legionary rank, and to be honest, Surreal felt a little odd about sparring her own girl. She'd tasted her own brother's blood on her tongue for the first time not long ago. He had proven himself skilled, and she had no doubt he would be a Legionary upon the next meeting.

The Archangel chose again the flat wide area next to the meeting boulder, settling into a stance and tossing a call for Faite. The howl was warm, welcoming, but held steel that said that this wasn't merely a family call. She had missed out on training her youngest first litter child. She had no idea where her girl's skill lay, but the eagerness to take up fighting reminded her of herself. A smile flickered across her jowls as she waited for her daughter to arrive.

It would be interesting to see what she knew.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



6 Years

02-07-2016, 01:45 PM

Faite was more than excited. It felt more than good to be home with her family and not just that but she was a part of a pack now too. No longer did she have to sit on that damn mountain wondering where in the hell her family had disappeared to. She didn't have to be alone anymore wasting her days away with boredom. More than that she was happy she'd get to test her mettle and try for the legionary rank she'd requested at the meeting.

She honestly was a bit antsy about fighting her mother. More than anything she wanted to prove to her that she could be as great as Surreal. Of course her only problem was she'd never actually sparred anyone before. Sure she'd lived on her own, hunted and fended for herself, but that was surely different than fighting. Needless to say she was a little nervous about it. More than anything she was nervous about fighting her mother. She knew it wasn't a serious fight but that made it all the more awkward in terms with deciding what was allowed and what wasn't allowed. She wasn't exactly keen on hurting the woman who gave her life. She was sure she'd figure it out as she went though. Instead she tried to focus on her excitement instead.

The howl soon came for the girl and Faite headed towards the call eagerly, her tail waving behind her with ease. It wasn't long before she arrived and she greeted her mother with a warm smile. She knew it wasn't a family call, but she was still pleased to see her regardless. She had no doubt this would be a ton of fun while at the same time a learning experience.

"Dia duit Máthair"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



7 Years
02-08-2016, 06:33 PM (This post was last modified: 02-08-2016, 06:34 PM by Surreal.)
Surreal Adravendi

Her daughter arrived swiftly, and a grin crossed Surreal's jaws as she saw the excitement and nerves in her daughter's eyes, and frame. This daughter, while carrying more of her father's coloring than any of the children combined, carried her mother's eyes. "Dia duit, mo iníon. Réidh chun a thaispeáint dom cad is féidir leat a dhéanamh?" She greeted with a smile, before balancing her stance, head and tail leveling with her spine as she gazed at her daughter.

"Cad iad cosaintí bhfuil a fhios agat, go dtí seo? An bhfuil tú ag cuimhneamh ar na ceachtanna ó Alsander, d'athair, agus mé?" She hoped so. Hoped that she and her family had laid a good enough foundation that Faite's memory might come through to remember the moves. There were of course instinctual defenses. But she wanted to see what Faite could do, and how much polish her skills would need before she was a formidable fighter.

[Spar begins next round :D]

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



6 Years

02-11-2016, 06:27 PM

Surreal was quick to ask her if she was ready and Faite nodded quickly. She was nervous but she knew it couldn't last forever. More than anything she was ready to prove she could hold a rank of her own, and even if she didn't pass her mother's spar test, then she'd use it as a learning experience. There was only one way to go and that was forward, even if it meant getting lots of help along the way. She knew she could have used a mentor a long time ago, but living on her own had prevented that. She'd just have to pay attention to what her mother did, observe, and then go from there.

"Ar ndóigh cuimhin liom ."
She said with a smile. How could she forget? Instead of explain to her mother what she knew she decided to demonstrate instead. With a determined gaze she spread her legs evenly apart giving her the proper amount of weight spread out between all four legs. She lowered her head and tucked her chin in to protect her throat simultaneously causing the skin to bunch up on her neck by her spine. Her tail flagged out level with her head and neck as it later would also serve to keep her balance once they actually started their spar. All the while her ears flattened against her skull and she narrowed her eyes as an extra defense. Lastly the fur on her neck and back bristled along the ridge though she realized it'd mostly serve as intimidation if this were a real fight with a stranger.

"Sin é an rud is cuimhin liom Máthair."

Walk, "Talk" Think

ooc: So I was thinking 2 or three rounds? I know you have another spar post with Cas so it can be two rounds if that's convenient.
[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



7 Years
02-22-2016, 01:18 AM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal smiled softly as her russet and silver daughter showed her what she remembered. "An-mhaith. Anois, cuimhneamh ar na ceachtanna ar ionsaithe agus licíní." And with that, she launched herself into the spar. She hoped her daughter would get the rest of her defenses into working order as the spar progressed. What wasn't remembered would be retrained, whether Faite gained the rank she wished or not.

-Spar Begins here.-

As Surreal kicked off, her head and tail flowed at a level with her spine, chin tucking to guard her throat, shoulders rolling forward over the base of her neck to guard the muscles there as her neck scrunched back into her shoulders, scruff rolling into a fatty, fleshy layer of defense over her neck, the vertebrae in particular. Her hackles rose in stiff attention from the base of her skull to the top of her tail as her eyes slid to half closed, narrowed slits, her ears flattened, and her face scrunched into a menacing, wrinkled scowl, jaws parting slightly. Her paws fell in balanced, even strides, elbows and hocks bending slightly to lower her center of gravity and loosen the joints for more fluid movements as her toes spread to expand her balance and her claws sought to dig into the earth under their paws for traction. Her abdomen tightened, core firming as her haunches coiled and released, seeking to propel herself with force at her opponent over the ten feet of distance, wishing to close that distance swiftly.

She sought to come at Faite head on, hind legs driving her hard toward the young wolf as she sought to forcefully ram the whole front of her chest into the whole front of Faite's chest, seeking to drive her daughter back, and possibly wind the girl. Simultaneously, she sought to raise her front end - hind legs squaring under her hips to support the majority of her weight as her tail flicked horizontally with the ground to act as an extra balancing rudder - both front legs seeking to snap upward from the ground and wrap around Faite's neck - just under her skull - hoping to cross her front paws over at the wrists to secure a solid grip on her opponent.

Her jaws parted further as she angled her head slightly to her right, seeking to snap her jaws shut over Faite's left ear, upper canines seeking a hold above the left ear, an inch toward the space between Faite's ears, while her lower canines sought a grip just an inch under the left ear. She sought to grip the ear with this move, while employing a final tactic; letting loose a wild roar that she hoped to startle her opponent with, hoping to distract her, challenge her to give her effort to match Surreal's.

No quarter would be given. Faite would be pressed to fight back as best as she knew how. They needed fierce fighters, and Surreal had a strong feeling that Faite could be damned scary in a fight with a lot of training. As a descendant of both Armada and Adravendi lines, it was a strong possibility.

-:: Surreal vs Faite for Legionary Rank Spar::-
Round 1/3




Extra Notes: Sorry this took so long, Oii, where has my head beeeeeen lately! And I can go with three :P We can certainly go with no defaults. Since you're knocking off the rust, and I'm a bit slower with spars lately. Ten feet agreed to by Shrap :D

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



6 Years

02-24-2016, 11:05 PM

"An-mhaith. Anois, cuimhneamh ar na ceachtanna ar ionsaithe agus licíní." She smiled softly, pleased she still remembered some of the training she'd had when she was young. She could only hope she could remember as much about attacking and counters. She shifted anxiously, eager and nervous, she knew they couldn't stand around talking forever. After all she did want to become a Legionary.


Faite decided to let her mother come to her. Her own defenses had remained. Her head ducked downward to protect her throat, eyes slit, her tail flagged out level with her spine for balance (for when she moved) shoulders tense as her skin bunched up around her neck, her ears flat, and her legs still spread out evenly as her toes dug into the ground for as much traction as she could manage. Her head lowered downward as her chin remained tucked knowing she had the best advantage to keep her throat protected since she was a bit smaller than Surreal. Her own face mimicked her mother's as her jaws parted and the skin on her muzzled wrinkled into a snarl.

Surreal closed the ten foot distance between them fast. Rather than try to dodge Surreal's attack Faite decided to counter instead. The girl attempted to rise up, hind legs taking on the majority of her weight as she leaned into the attack, claws digging into the earth for traction and her tail flagged horizontally into the ground as Surreal's chest rammed into Faite's rather harshly. The pain definitely wasn't the worst thing she felt, though she knew there'd definitely be at least a moderate amount of bruising there as the attack had been head on and she winced slightly, but let the adrenaline from the pain fuel her. Instead of wrapping around the base of her skull, Surreal's paws wrapped around the base of her neck and she felt paws lock around the spot right above her shoulders.

She could see her mother's head snaking towards her and she yanked her head away to the right to attempt to keep her ear from being latched on to so Surreal's teeth would meet only air instead of their intended target. The roar surprised her, enough to make her flinch, though she didn't let it hinder her own movements. Her jaws opened wide as she aimed her head to the left side of Surreal's neck going for the spot where the cheek met the neck. She was hoping she could get lucky and get a hold of Surreal long enough to inflict some damage before she'd eventually be forced to break away knowing full well that she couldn't keep up the brute strength tactic as long with a larger opponent.

Surreal vs Faite for Legionary Rank Spar

Round 1/3

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



7 Years
03-07-2016, 05:35 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Very good, if risky. Her daughter met her head on in the air, and as their chests collided, Surreal felt moderate bruising well over her fore-chest. The move Faite made displaced Surreal's attempt at wrapping her front paws around the base of Faite's skull, and instead, Surreal obtained a hold around the base of Fate's neck, wrists locking firmly around over the point above her shoulders.

Surreal's attempt at latching onto Faite's left ear bore no fruit, teeth snapping shut on air with an audible click even as her roar caused her daughter to flinch. She was pleased to see Faite refuse to allow the roar to distract her, though still retaliated accordingly as Faite's jaws came for the left side of her face, countering the attack by whipping her head sharply to her left and parting her jaws to seek a hold on the left side of Faite's muzzle, upper canines seeking placement over the center of the muzzle while her lower canines sought a similarly centered placement one the left side of Faite's muzzle, an inch and a half behind the whisker pad.

Her weight remained centered, her tail flowing parallel with the ground as her hind paws remained squared under her hips. Her face was a mask of wrinkles, her now silent snarl boring narrowed eyes at her opponent as her ears remained flat to her skull. Her chin, tucked with the counterattack, remained so while her shoulders rolled forward and her hackles maintained their stiff guardianship from the base of her skull to the base of her tail and spanning the width of her back. Her abdomen was tensed, core taught as an added measure of balance in her two legged stance, as her forelegs sought to tighten their grip for an added measure of support, risky as it might be to support yourself on your opponent. Her hind toes spread far apart to further aide her balance as her claws sank into the ground for traction.

It was time to press her attacks, as with the counterattack with her jaws, she simultaneously sought to thrust the fore of her chest again into Faite's fore-chest, wishing to shake her daughter's balance backward and to worsen any bruising left by the initial impact, her hind legs driving into the attempted pressure as she sought to twist her upper half to her left, Faite's right, her right foreleg seeking to press against Faite's left shoulder as she sought to topple her smaller opponent to the ground on Faite's right side. Her tail windmilled to her left in a balancing maneuver.

It was impressive and pleasing to see the natural skill her daughter had, and she was dying to see what else Faite had in store, and how her daughter would grow and learn in the coming future.

-:: Surreal vs Faite for Legionary Rank Spar::-
Round 2/3




Extra Notes:

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



6 Years

03-09-2016, 08:00 PM (This post was last modified: 03-09-2016, 08:06 PM by Faite.)

Faite's attack would prove to be unsuccessful and her teeth snapped shut on nothing but air. She wasn't prepared for the counter attack and with their close proximity there would be no dodging Surreal's next attack. Faite's face still retained its scrunched up position as the skin folded forming wrinkles and bunched up along her snout and eyes. Her eyes also remained narrowed though she doubted her mother would actually go for an eyeball as it was only a spar. So as Surreal's teeth came down on the center of her muzzle, her mother's intended target, teeth would meet the folds of her skin. It would cause a moderate amount of damage to the skin though as it was nothing but a flesh wound. The bottom part of her jaw would take a bit more damage than the top as Surreal got a hold over her entire muzzle. Looked like biting would be out of the equation. Not unless she wanted to try and rip her muzzle away but that would cause more damage that she needed so she decided to work with what she was limited with. Creativity was always a good thing.

All while their fight went on Faite ensured that she kept her defenses in place. Ears still retained their flattened position against her skull. The hair from her neck all the way down to the base of her tail was raised and shoulders rolled forward to bunch up the skin around her scruff to form a fatty fold. Tail would remain parallel to the ground ready to shift with her to counteract any weight changes. Paws dug into the ground and toes splayed out and her weight was pushed forward to lean into her larger opponent so that she wouldn't be shoved backwards or toppled over. All muscles were tense, especially in her hindquarters and her abdomen, as she strained to maintain her position of balance and force against her opponent.

Their positioning was a somewhat awkward one. So as Surreal had her muzzle she felt her move again. Surreal's chest bumped against her own making the pain on her bruise blossom. The first attack had been a moderate amount of bruising though with this it would add a mild amount of pain to go with it. That would definitely be sore for a while. Faite made sure to lean into the chest bump as she let her back legs bend very slightly to absorb some of the shock of the bump so that she wouldn't topple over backwards. All the while she continued to learn forward to try and stay upright as long as possible.

Then suddenly she felt her mother's weight shift to her (Faite's) right. Her mother's paw would meet Faite's left shoulder. Her tail flagged to the right to counteract the weight shift and her right hind leg shifted to the right slightly to put more weight there. All the while she leaned to her left to try and keep her balance. At the same time as her weight distribution, Faite raised her left front leg to try and put it on the left portion of her mother's chest. Her goal was to use Surreal's attack against her to force her weight to shift to her mother's right. While her front left leg raised she decided to try raise herself up higher to try and force her head to her (Faite's) left. It was meant as an additional weight shift to try and force her mother's own weight against her to topple her to Surreal's right. It'd cause some additional damage to her snout and jaw but she felt it'd be more than worth it if it were successful.

Edit: Overseen by Evelyn. Forgot to add in the rounds and the reason for the fight.

Surreal vs Faite for Legionary Rank Spar

Round 2/3

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]

The Judge


04-21-2016, 11:42 AM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2016, 11:43 AM by The Judge.)

Surreal vs Faite for SPAR {rank}



- All clear
Total: 10

- None seen
Total: 10

Head aligned with spine, tail aligned with spine, chin tucked, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, legs bent, toes spread, claws in ground
Total: 10

+ 1 chest slam
+ 2 leg wrap (+1 for each leg)
+ 4 bite to ear + grip attempt
Total: 7

- First round!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 47/50


- “Her jaws opened wide as she aimed her head to the left side of Surreal's neck going for the spot where the cheek met the neck.” Where exactly is she aiming? Where are her top jaw and bottom jaw trying to bite into? Maybe her top jaw is aiming just under the crook of Surreal's jaw, bottom jaw directly under her chin? Just remember to be more specific about your attacks. -2
Total: 8

- None seen
Total: 10

Chin tucked, eyes narrowed, tail aligned with spine, ears pinned, legs spread equal distance apart, claws in ground, weight adjusted for rear
Total: 7

+ 3 bite to neck + grip attempt – clarity issues
Total: 3

- First round!
(Moderate bruise to chest)
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 38/50



- “...she simultaneously sought to thrust the fore of her chest again into Faite's fore-chest, wishing to shake her daughter's balance backward and to worsen any bruising left by the initial impact, her hind legs driving into the attempted pressure as she sought to twist her upper half to her left, Faite's right, her right foreleg seeking to press against Faite's left shoulder as she sought to topple her smaller opponent to the ground on Faite's right side.” This is a lot of movement and is a little hard to follow. -2
Total: 8

- None seen
Total: 10

Weight evenly placed, tail aligned with spine, legs evenly placed, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, chin tucked, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, toes spread, claws in ground
Total: 10

+ 3 bite to muzzle
+ 1 leg wrap + 1 for each leg (continuing to hold grip) – 1 for clarity issue
Total: 4

- 2 moderate bruise to chest
Total: 8

Total for Round Two: 40/50


- “The first attack had been a moderate amount of bruising though with this it would add a mild amount of pain to go with it.” Did it become a more severe bruise? -2
Total: 8

- “Faite made sure to lean into the chest bump as she let her back legs bend very slightly to absorb some of the shock of the bump so that she wouldn't topple over backwards. All the while she continued to learn forward to try and stay upright as long as possible.” Because this has to do with your opponent (leaning against them) it must be attempted. Any and all movement that involves your opponent must be attempted or it is considered power playing. -2
Total: 8

Lips snarling, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, tail aligned with spine, claws in ground, toes spread, weight evenly spread, legs spread.
Total: 10

+ 1 leg wrap
Total: 1

- 3 moderate punctures to muzzle
- 3 severe bruising to chest (decided by judge)
Total: 4

Total for Round Two: 31/50


47/50 + 40/50 = 87/100

38/50 + 31/50 = 69/100

And the winner is...

Faite must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


Moderate bruise to chest will take 5 OOC days to heal.

Moderate punctures to muzzle will take 2 OOC weeks to heal, high possibility of scaring
Severe bruise to chest will take 1 OOC week to heal


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

Really good fight! Just watch putting in too much movement, and try to throw in more varied attacks.

You did really well! Don't be discouraged, you should see some of my rusty fights oh man. You need to toss in some more defenses, and if you have questions about them just skype me! You also need to toss in more attacks, but because of their odd position I get that. You may miss attacks by rearing up, but this is also going to make you lose more attack points (I find) in later rounds! I know that Surreal had her muzzle so it kind of pinned you up there, but in your first round you could have had her dive forward and trying to go for her belly, which would have displaced the bite. You have to be more specific with your bites too, stating just where you are trying to bite down. Um, I think that's it! But yeah, you did good. <3 I hope these notes help you in later fights!

- By [Evelyn]