
Sun and the Stars



5 Years
03-05-2016, 09:58 PM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2016, 03:30 PM by Evelyn.)

This I swear by the stars
Stars in your multitudes, scarce to be counted, filling the darkness with order and light. You are the sentinels, silent and sure, keeping watch in the night. You know your place in the sky, you hold your course and your aim. And each in your season, returns and returns, and is always the same. And if you fall as Lucifer fell, you fall in flame

Sprawled across the top of her cliff, Caeli let out a soft sigh as she flipped to her back. Paws dangled over her black chest, her head laying to the side as one orange eye looked up at the sky. It had only been a few days since she had made her way back home, and she hadn't made much effort to say hello to all her siblings. Slowly yet surly she would make her rounds, but for the moment she was just enjoying her time here. She was getting used to being back on her cliff, and relaxing with the comfort of her family behind her. After she settled back into her routine she would make sure to tell everyone she was home, if they had not heard her howl in the first place. There was a lot that Caeli needed to repent for in her past, she knew that now. It took her leaving to realize that all she needed was right here the whole time, she had just been blind to it all. Hopefully her other siblings who left would realize that soon enough.


Caeli Elemantas



8 Years
Athena I
03-18-2016, 02:15 AM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2016, 02:16 AM by Solaris.)

I think I've lost control

ooc: it didn't really say, but I'm assuming it's night cause stars lol

It wasn't often that he was awake after the sun went down. He'd much rather wake up and go to sleep with the sun. But here he was, wide awake. He wasn't entirely sure why, but there seemed to be nothing to change it now. He got to his paws with a little shake of his fur and he padded quietly through the family's cave to make his way up to the cliff. He figured if nothing else maybe he could find his twin and spend some time with her. Even after her return it seemed like they hadn't seen much of each other. He knew that was mostly because of their differing sleep schedules. It was hard sometimes, knowing that he was so attached to the daylight when most of his litter was so attached to the night.

When he reached the top of the cliff he quickly noticed that Selini was no where to be seen, but he was pleasantly surprised to see his starry sister laying near the edge of their cliff on her back. He smiled as he padded over toward her, his tail wagging behind him. He had heard her howl when she returned, but he hadn't had a chance to really speak with her yet. "Well hello there, starlight," he greeted happily, coming over to settle on his haunches beside her. He tipped his head up toward the sky, peering at the sky as she had been moments before. "Anything interesting in the skies tonight?"

please don't hold me back



5 Years
04-04-2016, 03:15 PM

This I swear by the stars
Stars in your multitudes, scarce to be counted, filling the darkness with order and light. You are the sentinels, silent and sure, keeping watch in the night. You know your place in the sky, you hold your course and your aim. And each in your season, returns and returns, and is always the same. And if you fall as Lucifer fell, you fall in flame

She was too focused on the stars to hear her brother's approach, and nearly jumped out of her skin when he sat down beside her. Letting out a soft breath, she waited for her racing heart to calm before she smiled up at him. Her paws flapped at her chest in a sort of wave, orange eyes falling on his yellow and black features. "Sunshine!" she chirped happily. He asked what was in the stars, and she turned and looked back up at them, looking and nothing in particular. "They are speaking of the changing of seasons. Summer is almost over now, and soon the clouds will come and cover my view again." Caeli said with a pout. It wasn't that she blamed the season, but she was sad when the clouds covered the sky and blocked her from seeing the stars. That is when she wandered aimlessly, unable to truly sleep at night. Sighing, she turned her head back so that she could look at Solaris. Her ears flickered back slightly, unable to really fold in her current position. "You know Solaris, I do want to apologize. I know that I often said that I felt left out with you and Selini, but I know now that I was creating my own gaps," she said softly, her gaze searching his own. "I'm sorry for trying to put that on your shoulders, it wasn't right of me."

Caeli fell silent then for a moment, turning back to look up at the stars. "Where is Selini anyways? I know that I just got back, but I haven't run into her once yet on the cliffs." She asked, taking a peek at him out of the corner of her eye.


Caeli Elemantas



8 Years
Athena I
04-04-2016, 07:54 PM

I think I've lost control

Solaris chuckled softly as his sister greeted him with his little nickname as well, telling him all about how the end of the summer season would bring the clouds that would crowd out her view. He could agree, he didn't like seeing the end of summer either. He loved the warmth and extra sunshine the summer brought with it. His eyes traced the stars that he rarely stayed up to see, but when Caeli spoke again he dropped his gaze to meet hers. "Not to worry, Caeli," he assured her with a small smile. "I really am just as much to blame. A relationship is a two way street." He had been just as distant as any of his celestial siblings lately. it wasn't until recently that he had really made any effort to push past his own insecurities to try and reach out to any of his siblings besides Selini.

She asked about Selini and he hesitated before looking up at the sky again as well with a heavy sigh. "I don't know... I thought I was just missing her. Her being awake at night and me being up during the day you know. But if you haven't seen her up here either then... I really don't know." His ears flicked back against his head. "It took me such a long time to get over her being gone the first time. Then she comes back and is hardly ever present... I don't know how to take it.

please don't hold me back