
Make no Sound[Claiming]

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

04-04-2016, 06:26 PM

ooc: Purchase for the claim Here

Rivaxorus made strides towards this land, he would ask his own members where they wished to live but for now the main task was claiming the area. He hoped that Ren was doing well, and later perhaps he would find him for zephyra if she wished. It also crossed his mind in wonder if Holly was still around. Either was the large male stood in the gulley, great and powerful feeling. As he raised his head in a howl. It would and could be dangerous, a call for his allies - a call for any loners that might have been interest. Along with his own.

Lowering his head he took a deep breath and stayed alert. This was it, it was almost surreal. Myriad would come to life in an abundant of colors. All for him and his family, he'd be determined to keep it safe. Protect it from harm and let it flourish. With a flick of his gray tail, he kept a straight stoic face. Muscles slightly tense, but relaxed enough to show his confidence. This was it.

"Talk" "You" Think


04-04-2016, 07:29 PM

Ever since she spoke with Rivaxorus about joining his pack she had been waiting anxiously for his call. A bundle of nerves had settled in her stomach over the whole situation. She didn't know him terribly well and she had no idea who else he had recruited. It felt so strange to be under a wolf that wasn't her family or to even be a part of a pack that wasn't a majority of her family. All the same, she had given her word and she wasn't the type to go against a promise once she had made it. Her head popped up and her ears perked when she heard his voice. She shook out her fur and took a deep breath before trotting toward the call. Luckily she wasn't too terribly far from where he called from. She arrived a short time later, spotting his tall form among the trees and ferns. She gave him a small smile and dipped her head respectfully. He was her alpha now, she had to remember that. She settled on her haunches, expectantly waiting to see who else would be joining them.

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
04-04-2016, 11:31 PM

Xephyris had been following the young man at a distance. Something about the way Riv had strode away from Fiori lands told Xeph that now was the time that the boy would make his claim and forge the pack he'd dreamed about. When he heard Riv's howl calling to his followers, Xephyris would go swiftly toward the source. As he drew closer, his silver eyes would spot Riv's tall frame through the trees. He was surprised that they'd ended up in such a humid, tropical place, but the gulley was certainly an abundant piece of land. Every inch of the ground seemed to bloom with ferns or flowers, with great, healthy trees towering above it all. Perhaps it could make a good home, unless Riv had other ideas - Xephyris didn't really care where he ended up, he could adapt given enough time.

At last Xephyris arrived, dipping his head to Rivaxorus II, offering a little smirk. Then his eyes would drift to the the unfamiliar form of a female standing nearby. He couldn't help but to let his eyes wander over her frame, examining her stunning alabaster coat and feminine curves, his silver gaze finally resting upon her own silver eyes. He let a small, wicked smile cross his maw, his long tail waving behind his haunches, before he looked back to Riv. Too bad the stranger was quite a bit taller than himself, otherwise he might pursue her. But then he thought of Soleil, and he could have sworn his heart skipped a beat - her scent was still wreathed into his coat, and he wondered what she was up to now. Everything would be perfect if she was here right now.

Trying to fix his mind back to the present moment, he found it difficult to focus as he waited to see who else would arrive. But as long as he kept scanning his environment and taking in the new scents, busying himself, he wouldn't be too distracted by straying thoughts.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
Extra large
04-07-2016, 04:32 AM

This was it. She was leaving Fiori, where she had only stayed for a couple seasons, and branching off to a new empire...conveniently in the same territory as her old family home. First Sonticus, then Borealis, now Myriad. It seemed this gulley held too many memories for her liking. Oh, the irony. But she knew it had been done with good intent. After all, it was better than her friend challenging for leadership and overthrowing a peaceful pack like what had happened to her former alpha when they had first joined. It would have been more exciting, more eventful, more dramatic, though that was the chaotic side of her shining through. She had to remain righteous in her mind, and that wasn't easy when the grey male appeared alongside her friend (or whatever they were right now) and an unfamiliar alabaster female. Jealously sparked within her as her lips twitched in displeasure at the sight. Who was she? Did Riv know her? Did he like her?

She had already arrived at the gulley before the rest, as she had answered her brother's call when the pack had finally died. It had lived its final breath and shrivelled away. He had carried on their mother's work for as long as he could. Though he was still a loner, it felt like he was no longer a part of her family, and that left her with pretty much no-one. That was alright, she didn't care. She had felt so much emotion, overwhelmed with grief and anger and depression and everything in between that she no longer felt anything at all. She was numb, void of any emotions. Her life was always tossed into some trauma that it seemed like normal now. She just accepted it.

She stood tall beside the russet male, giving into the urge to nuzzle into his neck. Everything seemed complicated these days, even their relationship. Though regardless of what they had been through and what they felt for each other, she was certain of one thing - that she was proud of him.




5 Years
04-07-2016, 03:22 PM
Everything had seemed to move quickly and smoothly, despite the change in season and time. It felt like it had just been yesterday that he had arrived in the mangrove and had been accepted into the pack by his uncle Leo. He had never even properly prepared a den for himself instead he had used makeshift spots and remained outside in the warmer weather. He knew the day was coming, but he didn't think it would be this soon.

He was nearby the boarders when he saw Riv march off, his thoughts elsewhere and he seemed to be on a rather important mission. Moments after he had caught an older male swiftly fallowing his trail. The male was somewhat familiar to Jackson, but a proper relationship or meeting had not happened. Jackson was curious and even the slightest bit suspicious as to what the two boys were up to. Dropping what he was currently doing, he swiftly fallowed the two of them.

Keeping his distance he let the two get away from him a bit, but fallowed their scent trail with ease. The destination was quite the distance, but he was young and was easily able to keep up with the larger males. The territory they entered made Jackson stop in his tracks. The border marking was faint, yet vary familiar to him, the the lack of scent was confusing him. It took a little while before Riv's call beckoned him fourth towards where the others were gathering. The time was now, Riv was claiming this recently abandoned territory for the pack he dreamed of and life for Jackson would once again change.

Moving up to the gathering his tail gently wagged seeing three others here so far. Moving forward to a good spot he took a seat and waited for his brother, his alpha to speak.
[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]


04-11-2016, 08:10 PM

She knew what had happened...and she was having a hard time processing it. Their home was gone, and in its stead was the sound of another calling. She knew who it was, somewhat. He had been in the pack before, the son of that guy that vanished right? Flicking her ears, she was unsure about what to do or what her brother planned on doing. But her sister would be there right? She had left with the boy, after she should be there..or so she hoped.

Moving slowly and with what seemed like all the hesitation in the world, she arrived to see others already gathered. Lightly pining her ears, she spotted the form of her sister standing next to the one who called. And however much she wanted to go and curl up at her sisters side for reassurance, she remained at the back of the group wide eyed and waited.




2 Years
04-12-2016, 02:52 PM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2016, 02:53 PM by Ren.)
He had thought long and hard about joining Myriad - his sister's pack. His sister's... and Rivaxorus'. It was an interesting thought, and one he had not quite expected. Did he want to join a pack? Did he want to be under the rule of another? Not... really. But could he leave his family? He wasn't so certain about that.

The call for Myriad came shortly after his own call to disband - that, as well, also made him wary, and uncomfortable; how closely had he been watched? He did not trust the boy who laid down the claim, not one bit.

But family was everything.

Sighing deeply, the former alpha made his way towards the call. He would be one of the last to show, no doubt, if not the last, and he could not say whether he would stay or go. But for now, he could not abandon his sister - not after seeing the plea on her face, the gentle whine in her voice.

When he arrived, things were quite interesting; there was the boy, his sister, and two others - and... Nixie. Discomfort flashed in his eyes - where had she been? Why was she here now? She had not even responded to the disbanding call. Turning his head away, he approached Zephyra, cyan eyes trying to meet her multicolored gaze as he stood not far from her. He said nothing, nothing at all; he merely waited.



6 Years
04-12-2016, 03:19 PM

She was late.

In her defense though she'd had no idea that her newest acquaintance would be calling to claim his pack so soon. The call for the one disbanding had only just been released before Riv took it upon himself to stake his own claim. Not that she was complaining, but it left her desperately trying to catch up. Shed never been a part of a pack before and even though she was more than nervous she was also a little excited. Maybe this would be fun? It couldn't hurt to try.

Of course considering there was no warning the blind wolf had no idea where she was supposed to be going. It wasn't until Nox let her grab lightly onto her tail to lead her that their pace quickened. It didn't stop them from being late, but it did save her a little bit of time that they already didn't have.

The turn out for the meeting was larger than she'd anticipated. The snow leopard and Armai stood on the fringes of the group and she sniffed. There was seven others here, nine if you counted her and Nox, and among them she could pick out old pack scent. Seemed like some of them were a part of the same pack Riv had been in and out of everyone gathered she knew no one but Riv. That was just great. Suddenly feeling very self conscious she shuffled closer to Nox and took a seat, still giving herself distance from everyone else, waiting for Riv to get on with however this whole pack nonsense proceeded.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

04-12-2016, 07:38 PM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2016, 07:54 PM by Rivaxorus II.)

Rivaxorus was almost surprised, more wolves than he thought had shown up. Although suspiciously he saw Ren coming close. Rivaxorus had nothing against the male, but the feeling of distrust would be mutual for the time being. In his eyes respect would be given, but he found it hard considering he didn't know him. As for Nixie it was the same, however his heart swarmed. Zephyra's family was here, if anything at all it showed they still cared. Armai as well, the blind woman he had a run in with, had shown up. As soon as he figured it was time, he brushed against Zephyra before clearing his throat to speak.

"First of all, I'd like to thank you all for coming. Since I see some new faces, I'll let you know that I am the new alpha of Myriad Rivaxorus II. If you're all here I want to safely assume you are interested in joining. With this I'll leave introducing yourself to each other to your own devices." He wasn't very good at speaking it seemed, especially since he normally was more used to one on one. Or showing how he felt far more than telling. "I will however introduce my mat Zephyra. She will be my second in command, so she has just as much authority as I may have. Keep in mind I'm not here to constrict you, but as your leader you should listen."

His tail flicked for a moment. "I will now explain the ranks." (Everything you need to know is on the page HERE) As Rivaxorus went on to explain the ranks. He also touched base with the rules and any other information that might have been included that they needed. "So I'd like you to voice what you wish your starting ranks to be. I expect to see a lot of things from all of you. You're potential is great, let's not waste it on lounging around. If you have any questions I am here to answer those as well. For the time being we will be moving to the weeping woods. The next season after you've all had a chance to settle. We'll decide if we wish to stay or not." Rivaxorus looked to Zephyra. Hoping all of this satisfied her.

ooc: Okay guys, you have to respond if you want your wolf to get a rank! I won't put a limit but if you don't have it done by two weeks Rivaxorus won't be happy iccly. All the information Riv explained is ON the pack page. Ranks/rules. Any ooc questions feel free to pm riv.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
Extra large
04-12-2016, 10:34 PM

More canines arrived, most unfamiliar to her studious gaze, though she paid them no heed. She merely observed them as they seated themselves around the soon-to-be alpha, examining their facial features and overall appearance. But that was it. However, there were two wolves in particular that took her interest. She almost couldn't identify her brother's scent, which had once carried the thick, underlying musk of Borealis. Now it had faded away. She wasn't aware of his presence until her prying eyes caught a glimpse of a slinking ebony figure, lurking like a shadow behind her. He said nothing, nor did he make any further moves. The same applied to her sister, who she assumed had to have followed their brother. She offered them a small smile, though that was it. She wanted to run up to them, smother them in kisses and wag her tail excitedly, exhilarated over the fact a few of the broken pieces of her family remained. With their lack of a familial bond, she couldn't do that.

Momentarily, Rivaxorus' voice rang across the crowd, resulting in a hushed silence. From that moment on, he was their alpha, her alpha. Myriad was born. Seated still with her spine straight and head held high, she listened to his words, trying to remain in a regal position. She was the queen, after all, and she had to act like one. She was second in command, and those words with the heavy responsibility weighed her confidence down. Dread boiled in her stomach. Oh my, second in command. That sounded important, too important for her liking. She had always wanted to be the backbench of the pack, perhaps a head fighter, but nothing more than that. Would she even make a good queen?

When it came for her to be introduced, the Adravendi addressed her as his "mate". Woah woah woah. Hold it, mate? Scarlet eyes narrowed in confusion and green-tipped ears perked. What had he said? Had she misheard? Were they mates now, without even asking for her approval? Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Great, now everyone would think they're mates, especially her brother and sister, when she wasn't entirely ready for a mate yet. Why couldn't he have used a more suitable word? "As queen, I'll serve Myriad and its people well," she ensured with a dip of her head, trying to hide her earlier surprise. Her gaze flickered back to Riv as he continued on to explain the rules and ranks, asking what each member wished to be. She only nodded, hoping she would be able to speak with him in private after the meeting.



04-12-2016, 11:43 PM

Hera's silver gaze glanced from wolf to wolf as they slowly filtered in. She was mildly surprised by how many came to answer this initial call. She didn't know any of them of course, but that was on surprise. The only way she would have known any of them would be if one of her family suddenly showed up, but the chances of that happening were slim to none. Something that did catch her eye however was the number of wolves with vibrant touches to their fur. A woman with splashes of green, another woman with bright blue along her back, a large man with a blue-hue to his whole coat. It was obvious they were family from the way they looked at each other and the similarities in their appearance. It brought up a curiosity that she hadn't thought out in such a long time, one surrounding the father she never knew. She was quick to shove that out of her head. That was something that she hadn't thought about in ages for good reason. She just couldn't help but wonder what it was like to hold some kind of physical similarities with their siblings.

Rivaxorus began to speak and her pale ears turned toward him to listen. Her gaze glanced to the green and black woman that was glued to his side when he mentioned that his mate would be his second in command. A single brow raised and a slight, amused smirk touched her lips as she watched the expressions that flickered across the woman's face. Was that a bit of miscommunication she saw? How adorable. Once Rivaxorus finished what he had to say and his little girlfriend added her two cents about serving the pack Hera spoke up. "I'm Hera Olympus," she said first to the group since the only one here that knew her was Rivaxorus. "I suppose the Tatakai warrior rank will work. For now. I would like to challenge for a higher rank eventually." It was hard enough for her to accept that she would be lead by someone who was not of Olympus blood. She didn't want to risk having even more wolves above her.

"Talk" "You" Think


04-13-2016, 12:18 AM
More arrived, including her brother whom she could hardly look at. She felt bad for not showing up when he called to disband...but the truth was, she didn't know what to say to him. She felt useless, especially after her mom and her sisters left, she just felt...helpless. She didn't feel like she had a strong bond with him either, but maybe it was because after everything, she had chosen to distance herself.

However, as Rivaxorous spoke and told them about this new pack, she raised a brow and wore a shocked look when he said that her sister was his mate. She turned to look at Zephyra, and it seemed like she was surprised too. But...why didn't she say anything? Did Zeph hate her that much that she didn't even wanna tell her? Pulling her ears back, nixie frowned for a bit as she barely listened to a couple others speak. What rank did she want? She supposed she was small and agile enough to be a messenger or something..."Umm...can I be a Suta?"



9 Years
04-13-2016, 12:41 AM (This post was last modified: 04-13-2016, 12:43 AM by Xephyris.)

Xeph's silver eyes flicked toward each new wolf as they approached, and he was surprised by the amount of followers that Rivaxorus II had accumulated. Quite resourceful for such a young wolf, but it was a good thing for all of them. The gray-coated man grinned to himself as he noticed the wide array of young women around him. He would have to get acquainted with them after the meeting. His attention flicked to his new alpha, listening intently as Riv explained the pack rules and ranks, and where they'd be living. He couldn't help but to give a small nod to each statement, becoming quite eager to pick a rank - he already knew what he wanted, of course.

When their leader was finished speaking, it was time for Zephyra to say her part, and Xeph looked at her with a neutral expression. Although, he was amused to see that she looked a little shocked at Riv's announcement of her rank as Queen, as his mate. Heh, young wolves, he thought to himself gruffly. At last it was his turn to speak up - but someone beat him to it, and his narrowed silver eyes turned to look at Hera as she introduced herself, taking claim to the rank he desired, which fortunately was not limited. However, she ambitiously added that she would seek to challenge for a higher rank. Xephyris' attention was not drawn away from Hera when another young woman spoke, almost too quiet and hesitant to hear anyways.

The man stepped forward and now directed his gaze at Riv, his long and thick tail waving high into the air, seeking the spotlight now. "I desire the warrior rank, Tatakai," he proclaimed, his voice rumbling eagerly, "Perhaps later, I will also seek a higher rank." Silence fell over him then, as he awaited the rest to state their desired ranks, and for Riv to speak to them each in turn.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



6 Years
04-13-2016, 03:44 PM

She and Nox seemed to be the last to arrive. She could sense some tension coming from her companion from the amount of unfamiliar faces around them. She was thankful the cat had come with her though even if wolf packs weren't always her favorite. She was a solitary creature after all.

The meeting was soon underway and she listened as Riv began by introducing himself. He seemed, to her at least, a bit nervous which was interesting. For probably the millionth time in her existence Armai wished she could see. She was more than curious about the mate Riv was introducing. That and she wanted nothing more than to see the faces of her new pack mates, but she settled for their smells instead. She sniffed the air and took in each of the separate scents for later. She'd have to match up names at another time with all the information going around.

The rules seemed simple enough as were the ranks. Nothing about any of it really concerned her. So she sat patiently not wanting to interrupt anyone as they stated what ranks they wanted. Some of them already seemed quite ambitious. The female, Hera, seemed keen on a high rank already. Then a female spoke up but she didn't hear a name said. Then a male also wanting the same rank as the female Hera. Well, her decision was easy at least, even if speaking in front of a bunch of people wasn't exactly her strong suit.

"I'd like to be a Doku." Well she hoped she said that right. She hadn't been expecting the names of the ranks to be so strange and foreign.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.



6 Years
04-14-2016, 09:33 AM

Soleil had arrived much later than the ones standing about talking amongst each other. To her their words were all gibberish, nuch like the words Xeph had spoken. In fact she was pretty sure they were the same. Out of the eight wolves in the group, the one that interested her was none other than Xeph himself. It was not the call she had come to but rather Xephyris scent she had followed.

She hadnt arrived in time to hear the male's speech to the group, not that she'd have understood a word he said, but she had gotten there just in time to see Xeph's attention locked on a woman that was not her. Hell he was surrounded by other woman. The fur on the back of her neck would stand on end as Soleil stood a good distance away glaring at the other woman.

As the wolves in the group took turns talking Soleil could thing of nothing but how jealous of that woman she was. Xeph was hers and she wanted all of the attention he was willing to give...she wanted it even if he changed his mind between the time she had marked him as hers and now. The only thing that woukd break her concentration was Xephyris' voice. She didnt know what he had said, didnt care even. All that mattered was that his attention was no longer on the other woman.

Another woman would say something just as Soleil found herself moving toward Xephyris. It was time for her to make her presence known. She would go strait to Xeph sit and lean into his shoulder as if she had done so a thousand times before. She didnt bother trying to talk to anyone, she figured no one would understand her anyway.



5 Years
04-14-2016, 04:20 PM
Jackson remained alert, his tail still gently wagging as he watched the others gather. Most faces were strange to him he assumed that Riv had met with them all at one point. He felt rather excited for the start of this pack. When things started his noticed a lack of appearance from three of his siblings. Razor, Holly, and his second sister were all missing from the meeting. A small sigh left his lips before turning his attention back to Riv and Zeph. He intently listened to the words that were spoken and as others listed what ranks they would like he stewed over his. He really had yet to figure out what he was really good at, but he knew a change in rank wouldn't be a problem. He figured the easiest to go for would be Suta and one more was already in the rank with him. He waited until everyone was finished before looking to his brother and Zeph

"I would be honored to take on the rank of Suta," he said with a smile.
[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]