
If Rain Is What You Want



6 Years

04-17-2016, 11:38 PM

Everything seemed so quiet and dull lately. For the energetic young female she didn't know how to handle it. Regulus and her mother were sick and her mother was expecting a litter soon so she was confined to her den for multiple reasons. She debated on heading towards the battlefield to find an opponent to spar but she was reluctant to travel too far from home with her family being sick. What if something happened and they needed her? Not that she expected something to happen but she wanted to be around just in case. She definitely couldn't wait to be around for when her new siblings would arrive. She was going to be a big sister!

She felt comfortable enough to travel a little ways away from the pack-lands. More than anything she wanted to explore and she couldn't get rid of the proverbial itch she felt. With her heat being in full swing it was quite irritating for her as well. This was the second time for her now and it was annoying the living daylights out of her. So it was just one more reason for her to escape before she felt like she was going to go crazy.

So when she'd set off she had no real plan in mind. She just let her paws do the leading. It wasn't until it started to drizzle that she decided to duck into shelter. It wasn't that she minded the rain but with it starting to get colder and with everyone getting sick she didn't want to add to the count. It was a cave that she'd originally wandered in to but it wasn't long before that she noticed the sound of running water. She traveled farther with curiosity now taking over and she kept going until a beautiful sight met her gaze. It was a stream underground! She'd never seen anything quite like it. She stared at it for a moment before sniffing the air. Everything smelled so earthy and wonderful. She finally padded over to the stream and then waded in about chest deep and just stared around in awe. She definitely liked this place and at least the water was helping her soothe her heat cycle. She really was tired of it already.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



3 Years
04-18-2016, 05:25 AM
The brute had become rather tired of the darn blindness that surrounded his eyes. Though he could see color out of his right eye, it was a complete bother that the color he had seen was only blurry and hard to make out what animal, or plant that he was looking at. It had troubled him nonetheless that he had been more careful when confronting the brute that had taken his family away from him. However, the rain that began to plummet down onto the ground and onto his coat, made the brute smile slightly in happiness. He enjoyed the rain, and he remembered playing with his son's in the rain many times over since the place they once lived had rained continuously. He sniffed the ground, happening to come across what appeared to be a little cavern. The sound of rushing water egged him onward, and perhaps he could even find some minnows or other fish that he could gobble up.

He walked forward, smelling the scent of the water, and what seemed to be moss, but Roviathin was not really sure on the matter as he gave a small sigh and lied down on the shore. His scars were bothering him, still burning and itching, and it had been over a month since the incident had occurred. But, however, he would smell the scent of what seemed to be another wolf, a female nonetheless since he could smell the scent of her heat cycle. He was not one to rape a female or hurt her when it could be avoided. Especially with his loss of vision that was the last thing he wanted was to fight.

He could hear the sounds of the water and someone moving around, probably the female wolf that he had noticed the scent of only a little bit ago. He would stay calm and kept lying down on the shore, not wishing to interrupt her until she had come over to talk to him if she wanted to. If not, he understand on the matter and looked into the water, sniffing around and hoping to maybe catch a scent of a fish or two in some way.



6 Years

04-18-2016, 01:29 PM

The young female didn't realize she had company until she heard a sigh as someone else laid down on the riverbank. By then she was already neck deep in the water with her head down letting the water rush against the under part of her jaw. Startled she raised her head, water droplets falling from her fur, as she zeroed in on her unexpected guest. She studied him for a good minute taking not of the missing eye and the scars that dotted his body. She concurred it had to have been a pretty messy fight for him to have so many battle wounds like that. Other than the obvious marring he wasn't bad looking. The various grays and blacks on him gave him a simple yet rugged appearance mixed with the scarring.

She watched him for a moment longer as she sniffed the air for something. She wasn't an overly wary creature and curiosity often got the better of her. Nothing about him seemed threatening to her so she waded over to him and climbed out of the water and shook her pelt free of a good bit of water. She'd remained a good distance away so as not to get him wet out of courtesy but she edged just a bit closer once she was done.

"Hi." She said in a friendly tone, offering a slight smile. "I'm Faite. What brings you here?"

She had to admit she was nosy. More than anything she wanted to know how he got all his scars but she refrained for the time being as she was trying her best not to be rude. Her previous question at least was a genuine one. She'd thought that this place was rather out of the way so it was hard to imagine she had company. She wasn't complaining though assuming that he was friendly. She was lacking friends lately and boredom wan't her favorite thing in the world so she was definitely hoping he'd be nice.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



3 Years
04-18-2016, 02:41 PM
The brute had thought of his family more than anything before closing his eyes and taking in the scents of the water, as well as the dame that he would soon notice had gotten out of the water. He could hear the sound of her pelt being shaken off, and the sound of her approaching him before she spoke. She sounded rather kind and had a genuine curiosity about her that it made the brute smile inside. Though he could not make out any facial features, but she sounded rather kind and beautiful to him. She explained that her name was Faite, a rather nice name. And when asked why he was here, she gave a deep sigh.

"I suppose something was leading me here, Ma'am," he explained, his deep voice speaking to her with a small smile spreading across his maw. "I am a nomad you see, and I suppose some relaxation and exploring instead of wandering anywhere my legs take me would be a good change of pace," he would chuckle. "My name is Roviathin, but some just call me by my last name: Kargo," he would say as his voice spoke in a genuine and gentle tone. "May I ask the same question to you, dear Faite? What brings you here?"



6 Years

04-18-2016, 08:45 PM

"I suppose something was leading me here, Ma'am,"

Oh... oh.

No one had ever called her Ma'am before. It made her sound more important and special than she really was. It made her sound older too which she wasn't sure she liked. Still she knew he was being polite so she accepted it. Feeling like he was definitely friendly, she took a seat near him settling her damp haunches against the mossy ground. He was smiling softly and she couldn't help but want to know he found so amusing. (If he found anything amusing at all or if was just smiling just to smile.)

"I am a nomad you see, and I suppose some relaxation and exploring instead of wandering anywhere my legs take me would be a good change of pace,"

So he just happened to come across this place by chance. How interesting.

"My name is Roviathin, but some just call me by my last name: Kargo,"

Roviathin. He had a very interesting name, one she hadn't ever heard before at least, and she decided she liked it. She wasn't sure how she felt about his last name. It didn't seem as exciting as his first so she nodded and decided by what she'd call him. He then turned her own question around on her and she shifted where she sat. Guess she'd have to wait until later to ask about his scars. Oh well.

"Things have been pretty quiet in my pack lately so I decided to get out for a bit and explore before I need to go back. I just happened to choose a cave and I'm glad it was this one. I've never seen an underground river before."

She paused for a moment, the questions seemingly burning a hole in her brain. She really had to work on getting a filter so she didn't say everything that came to mind.

"Are you completely blind? Or can you still see out of your one eye?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



3 Years
04-18-2016, 09:04 PM
So Faite was in a pack? It was good for a wolf to be of a large family and community, able to tell stories and to even have friends who would be there for you for life, and possibly even some enemies down the road, but, at least for a pack you count on them to help you when the going gets rough. His one good eye shifted around him when he was asked a question about his blindness. Roviathin knew this question would be asked at some point during the conversation, so he did not mind answering her question since they had only just met and it was only polite. Though, she did seem like the curious one, and it fascinated him nonetheless.

"Well, I can kind of see out of my right eye, but, everything is a blur even though I can make out colors despite the blurriness." He would smile and would happen to sniff the water as his stomach gave a small growl as he looked to her and then back to the water, dipping his mouth into the frigid water, however he kept his nose above it so he could breath. That was when he could feel slippery scales against his canines as he chomped down onto the fish, piercing its body and breaking the spine thus killing it instantly and placed it down in front of him. He turned to what he thought was the position that Faite was located and pushed the fish over to her, believing that it was polite that a woman eat first for it was what he had always done for his mate before her death. "Here, you can have it if you would like. I can always catch another."



6 Years

04-18-2016, 09:42 PM

He wouldn't seem to mind her question about how much he could see and that pleased her. She really couldn't help herself when it came to her own curiosity for things that weren't her business. He answered her and she couldn't help but wonder what it was like to be able to only partially see the world. It could have been worse for him though. He could have been born like that and never given the opportunity to see how pretty the sky could be on a bright day. Or the vibrancy of the flowers in full bloom during spring. The fact he wasn't completely blind was a blessing in itself.

She'd watch him with interested as he sniffed the water and a growl accompanied the sniffing. She glanced towards the water and she grinned softly to herself as she realized he must be hungry. Before she could offer to go fishing with him though he slid his head down into the stream. She watched curiously with his method and it wasn't long before he managed to snatch a fish up in his jaws killing it instantly with a quick snap of his teeth. What she wasn't expecting was him to place it in front of her. She gazed at him with a surprised look automatically shaking her head.

"Thank you for the offer, but you go ahead and eat it. I'm not particularly hungry and I can always catch my own." She paused for a moment before adding. "We have a lake back home with plenty of fish in it. And plains as well that's teeming with prey. I think you'd like it."

She loved it at least. The territories they had claimed were beautiful and healthy for the pack. Already her mind was running wild about bringing this male home. He seemed to be a decent fisher and she was already thinking about how Varda could use the help with hunting. Of course her mother would have to approve of him first and test him to see if he'd be a good addition, but if he passed that he'd be all set. If that was what he wanted at least.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



3 Years
04-18-2016, 09:52 PM
He would smile and listen to her explaining that she was not hungry and that he could eat. He nodded and lied down, beginning to munch away on the slippery morsel as the bones cracked underneath his canines as he gulped down the meat. His one good eye would look to her as he gave a gentle and calming smile as he spoke calmly and curiously. "What is it like being apart of a pack, Faite? I have not been in a pack myself, only a small group which consisted of my mate and two sons. Sadly, they are gone from my life now, but I hope to find my missing son someday whether it be in this world or the next. I apologize for blurting out what was on my mind, it will not happen again," he would close his one good eye and heaved a small sigh before looking in the direction of the lake.

"Well, I guess sometimes the right path in life is not always the easiest one, but sometimes if you take that road you are bound to find something wonderful on the other side." He would smile, "My mother had told me this when I was a pup. I was always teased due to the fact I was the runt, and my brothers would always joke about it sometimes. My sister was really the only one who was willing to teach me about life, and even taught me the fishing technique you just witnessed," he would smile and looked back to her, "Well, it's good to have met someone who I could, possibly, think of as a friend. That is if you want to be friends."



6 Years

04-20-2016, 08:41 PM

He asked her what it was like to be in a pack and Faite excitedly opened her mouth only to shut it again as he continued speaking. As eager as she'd been to tell him all about how great she found it to be (as well as an in depth reason as to her thought process about it) she also was aware of how rude it was to interrupt someone while they were talking. She wasn't too keen on irritating her new acquaintance so she waited patiently until he was finished speaking.

Err... well she would have felt patient up until the point he mentioned that he'd never lived in a pack but he had lived with his mate and his two sons. Her eyes widened at this and she glanced around for a split second to see if someone had followed him in. Was she with him now? Would his children come along? Her eyes stopped roaming the second that he mentioned that they were gone. A frown began to crease along her lips and she realized she genuinely felt bad for him. The way he spoke made it seem like he'd lost his mate and one of his sons. One of them was missing to top it all off. She couldn't relate to him about losing a mate but she knew the pain of missing someone. When her mother and Regulus had gone missing she'd left to try and find them only to get lost herself. Her family had missed her for a long time before her Uncle Castiel had found her. Now Castiel was missing.

"It's fine." She murmured softly in response to him. He didn't have to apologize for talking to her. He clearly was still hurting from it and she didn't mind listening if he needed someone to vent to.

He certainly did give her a lot to think about. She'd practically learned a lot of things on her own after a certain point. Surreal had taught her the basics of hunting and fighting, but when she'd gone off on her own to look for them she'd been left alone for months to fend for herself. It was survive or die. She'd obviously survived but it certainly hadn't been easy for the young female. It seemed like it hadn't been easy for him either. A smile cracked along her face as he spoke of him being the runt of his family. He was larger than her so it was hard to imagine him being a runt. He finally finished speaking, ending his thoughts with a question about being friends, and she grinned broadly.

"I'd love to be friends!" She said rather excitedly. She was lacking in the friend department. Sure her family was her friends but they were also family. They were expected to be her friends, even if they could get annoying. "To answer your question though, I think it's great to be in a pack. Most of it's my family but there's a great sense of community and we're all really close. Or so I'd like to think at least. We all hunt and train together and when it's all said and done we're all there for each other through thick and thin. I couldn't imagine not being a part of it."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



3 Years
04-20-2016, 09:46 PM
He would smile and listen to her speak, happy to hear that she had agreed to be friends with him. She seemed rather nice to hang around with. Listening to the running water as well as her explaining about her pack life. So, it was like a small community of both friends and family coming together as one, fighting through tough times for one another and being strong. Though he was rather hesitant to be in a pack the thought had crossed his mind on more than one particular occasion. He would close his eyes, nodding as he took in the words of the woman and what she explained about her pack. The water that flowed freely around them reverberated in his eardrums, almost like a calming melody to behold.

"Perhaps a pack would be nice to live in again, that is if any would accept me due to the blindness that inhabits my eyes," he would chuckle and look to the water once again, "I was actually told a rather interesting story on how water came to be, but though I know it is only rain, the story had fascinated me when I was a young pup." He pondered on the story, and the thought of it only made him smile. How he wished he could have told it to his children, hoping that one of them was still alive and doing well despite the situation, praying he would find him again.



6 Years

04-21-2016, 02:17 PM

"Perhaps a pack would be nice to live in again, that is if any would accept me due to the blindness that inhabits my eyes,"

She was a bit surprised when he said this. It had never occurred to her that other packs wouldn't accept blind wolves. She'd grown so accustomed to her own father's blindness now that she almost forgot that other wolves didn't view it so kindly. She was aware her mother was helping Falk learn how to deal with his weakness and change it to help him with his other senses. The spar they'd had together to teach him how to fight blind was proof of that. Certainly if there was a will there was a way.

"My father was blinded in a fight so my mother has been helping him. I can't speak for the other packs, but I know at least a couple of them might accept you and even work with you on it. You could always come back with me and talk to my mother. She's the Alpha."

It was an open offer at least. She could say that Surreal would accept him into the pack but it was worth a shot. At the very least he could talk to her about how to compensate with his other senses since he no longer had his eyesight. It would be a learning experience for him. That would be up to him though. For now she was content to let him talk and she listened as he spoke of a story about how water was created. More than intrigued her ears perked up eagerly.

"I'd like to hear the story, if you don't mind telling it."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



3 Years
04-21-2016, 03:08 PM
He would look to her and gave a gentle smile, his eyes shimmering with kindness and sincerity. At least she was willing to bring him to her alpha, and he would keep the smile upon his maw as he began to his story. "The God, Fenris, had been raised and nurtured by a loving parent, Anu. She had taught him the ways of being a God, and showed him that his power should not be taken highly. Well, when Fenris became older, he had been exploring the lands of earth, seeing that some animals were quickly dying off, and it caused a strain on Anu due to the fact she was the one that created life on this world." He would breathe and think a bit more on the story before continuing.

"Well, due to this strain, Anu had grown incredibly ill. Without her, life would not continue on this land. Fenris was depressed, due to the fact that Anu had soon passed on and with her dying breath, she had allowed the other animals and life on Earth to have babies and raise their children." He would smile thinking of the story even more before continuing, "And, due to Fenris' sadness, he would cry as rain and had filled and brought plants and lakes onto the Earth as rain, as a way to renew life and replenish the world with new plants. Thus, it was also called a time of renewal and a time of new beginning," he explained, looking up to the entrance of the cave. "I was raised by a Lynx after my parents had abandoned me, so she was more of a mother to be more than anyone." He would laugh at the thought, a smile still on his face.



6 Years

04-22-2016, 09:18 PM

Faite sat back and listened intently to his story with a smile on her face. It reminded her of when she was a kid and there would be stories told. Granted she'd never heard this particular story so it was different but that definitely made it more fun. The feeling of being a kid again brought back fond memories and it made her feel all fuzzy inside when she thought about it. She couldn't ever picture herself growing old and being the one telling these stories. In her mind she'd always be a kid at heart and enjoy being told stories instead.

He was pretty good at changing the subject at a moment's notice. He'd barely gotten his story out before he mentioned he was raised by a lynx. Her brows furrowed at the thought of his parents abandoning him. Why on earth would any wolf abandon their baby? What possessed parents to do such an awful thing? She couldn't fathom the idea and it hurt her head to think about it so she tried to focus on the positive. He'd at least had a mother to take care of him, even if it wasn't a canine, so that was always good.

"What was it like being raised by a cat?" She questioned him curiously.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



3 Years
04-22-2016, 09:26 PM
He would smile as he focused in on what appeared to be her own eyes. "It was rather interesting, for she had taught me many various methods of hunting, and even fishing like what I have shown you a couple moments ago. Though she did not follow me to these lands, I was rather happy to have her as my mother," he would explain as he would stand up and looked around before smiling at her even more. "May I ask what your childhood was like, Ma'am? If it is not something you do not wish to talk about, you do not have to tell me." He would explain as he kept his eyes focused on her. Her voice was rather elegant and nice to hear, and though he could see bits and pieces of what she looked like, he thought she was rather gorgeous despite not seeing a full view of her.