
A Cold Cloud...

Knight Cloud

06-13-2013, 04:10 AM

Snow crunched under his pads as he wandered through this desolate land. Already he had snow encrusting his eyelids and the rim of his nose...icicles hung from his jaws like a saber toothed tiger. He stopped, glancing around to check his whereabouts, but there was nothing close by that indicated life even existed out here...
He knew not where he was, no landmarks or tracks or trails to follow. He stopped, chest rising and falling heavily as the cold air bit his lungs. Naturally, he was used to the frosty air and biting temperatures of this terrain...he was born in one of the coldest parts of the Earth after all.
But things weren't as easy anymore...he hadn't eaten in four days.
His strength, or what little of it he had, was leaving him rapidly the last few hours. He hadn't scented so much as a mouse out here in this frozen land...behind him, he had left behind the Sea. Before him to the South, lied towering snow and cloud capped mountains. A shiver ran down his spine...was this it? Did he wander into his own frozen tomb at such a young age? He shook his body, sending snow everywhere around him and trudged on for a while longer.

His legs became shaky, he had been walking for a little over 2 hours now and his energy was spending. He had fought a few deep snow drifts, as if the land was determined to keep him from continuing on...
Snow shifted underneath him with the next step, sending him muzzle first into the cold bitter powder. He attempted to push forward, trying to force his legs to stand but his body refused his every command. He lifted his head, resting it on the snow as he stared into the this is how he would die? The Element he had grown up in, would be the one to kill him...

The wind howled, biting into his skin now that his fur was soaked by snow. His thick coat would not help him, now that it was saturated with the cold wet beauty. He sniffed, his body shook, his strength ebbing...


06-13-2013, 04:36 AM

[Image: feralfirsttable_zps6502ba17.png]

How long had she been trudging through this frozen wasteland? Too damn long, that?s for sure. Feral had been born and raised in the mountains, having left before she could experience a true winter within the depths of the peaks. All her life, all she had known was warmth. And yet there she was, wandering through a valley of glaciers, chest deep in an endless sea of powdery snow. The youth was a creature of pride, so she would never willingly admit to just how taxing moving through the frozen substance truly was. No, she would simply keep trekking, head and tail held high, orange eyes blazing in silent determination. No way was some solidified water going to best her, not so long as her name was Feral. And, well, it was, last time she checked.

She couldn?t even recall her reasoning for heading north in the first place. Something about a stranger commenting on how rigorous the terrain was? The darkly hued she-wolf wasn?t above admitting that her thirst for a challenge often got the better of her. Nor was she ashamed to acknowledge that maybe, just this once, she should?ve let sleeping dogs lie?or, in this case, stayed the hell out of Dodge.

Just as she was reaching the crest of yet another hill?how many where there, I mean really-- the wind shifted, practically throwing a foreign scent right in her face with its howling intensity. Hmm, and here she?d thought she?d been the only one reckless enough to brave the elements that particular day. Looking down from her vantage point, she could just make out the snow crusted form of another wolf, its earthy coat nearly lost within the unforgiving blanket of white. The brute didn?t look like he was doing so hot?hah, a pun?and judging from the way he was practically face-planted into the snow, he wouldn?t be moving much farther. Now, she was no expert on cold weather, but the idea of staying still in such an unforgiving place couldn?t be good. Didn?t the guy know he was doomed to become a wolf-cicle if he didn?t get up? Apparently not.

For some reason beyond her depth of understanding, she felt compelled to help the brute. Feral very rarely showed her caring side, and for it to be rearing its ugly head for a stranger of all things was a mind blowing concept. And yet there she was, making her way towards him as quickly as her long legs would allow, a curious fire glowing in her eyes. "Oi, buddy, you alright?" came her inquiry, her tone just as clear and commanding as ever. Now that she was able to get a closer look as him, she could see just how violently he was shaking. The guy looked like he?d been through hell and back, before being tossed in a puddle or two. Pathetic, to say the least. But it only tugged at her heartstrings all the more?darnnit, why did she even care in the first place? With a defeated sigh, Feral crouched down in the snow beside the soaked stranger, pressing her warm flank against his chilled one in hopes of transferring some of her body heat through the contact. Hopefully he wouldn't kick the bucket just yet; she wasn?t too keen on wasting her time on a lost cause.

" speak "
" thought "

Knight Cloud

06-13-2013, 02:32 PM
Knight's head shifted when he felt something touch him. Dazed, and his senses dulled from the cold, he couldn't tell what or who it was...he had heard a voice just now, but he wasn't sure if it was real or not. He shifted his body closer, his pelt feeling the warmth of this stranger. His eyes opened as he forced his head to move to see who it was that decided to take pity on him. Upon glancing at this wolf, he saw that it was a She, and She was covered in scars...where did she come from? There was nothing for miles around as far as he could tell. Was he dead!? He must be hallucinating about this...
"Wh...who are you? Am I dead? Where am I?"
He attempted to sit up, though his bones and muscles protested fiercely, he ignored the plea. The ice that had encrusted his body cracked and pricked his skin like a thousand needles trying to pierce into his soul. His legs shook, followed by his body as he shook violently then he ever had before. The wind ripped at his face, causing his eyes to sting with pain as thicker snow fall tore at him, causing him to stumble sideways.

"We have to get out of here..."
He said through clenched teeth as he struggled to stand again. Maybe now that someone else was here, he figured salvation wasn't as far as he thought. But he wasn't from these parts, so he had no idea where to go or where this stranger came from. Sitting in a hunched position as cold racked his body, he turned to her again."Where did you come from?"


06-14-2013, 04:59 PM

ooc// Can Pea play too? c:

{ Capir Asavari }

Capir stood at the bottom of Frozen Field, inhaling deeply as he prepared himself for the trek to the top. Things were quiet in Glaciem, so the warrior decided to take a day to hike up to the top of the glacial peaks just outside the Glaciem territory. With a sure step, he began moving forward at a brisk pace, steam streaming from his nostrils. His ears twitched back and forth as the squalling calls of terns and petrels rang out above him.

Capir loved getting out and exercising by himself. His involvement in Glaciem was not so much to meet any social needs, but to have security. One couldn't survive in the frigid north without the help of others, and there was no point in asking others for help if you had no intention of pitching in yourself. So, every day, Capir worked his muscles and honed his skills.

He got pretty far up before he spotted movement further up the rolling slopes. A dark, wolf-shaped figure lay huddled in the snow. Another wolf shape stirred beside the first one, this one slow and stiff in its movements. Capir's brows lowered. Wolves should definitely not be lying down outside in this weather. He picked up his pace, pulling himself up to full height as he approached the two wolves, his face blank and emotionless.

"Are you two in need of assistance?" the silver wolf questioned. His blue eyes scanned the shivering wolf's frozen fur and, although his face remained stoic, concern welled within him.

Knight Cloud

06-16-2013, 08:00 PM
oc// Yes pea can, all are welcome :3

Just as soon as Knight had finished speaking, he heard another voice nearby. Whipping around from surprise, he faced the stranger and stood at full height...though he didn't seem very intimidating now that he looked like a bedraggled wolf. His fur clung to his skin, bones protruded sharply from his sides and his fur lost all shine. He felt much smaller then he actually was, making him feel unsure around two stranger wolves. His neck fur rose slightly like a snake wanting to strike. He felt unsure and vulnerable now...he wasn't at full strength or right state of mind to protect himself, or fight...much less run if it came down to it.

"Who are you? Where did you two come from!?"
He whipped his head around to look at both, wary of an ambush...were they together? Then again...they they didn't appear hostile...perhaps they just wanted to help him...if they wanted to kill him, they would've done it already. Clearing his throat, he remained in a defensive wary stance.
"Where did you come from? I...I am in need of help..."
His body shook violently, another shudder racking him. Though his pride hated to admit, he needed dire help right now...otherwise, he would die.