
Her Voice Resides



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
04-17-2016, 01:35 AM

This is where that howl had come from not too long ago, a few days? A couple of weeks maybe? She scouted the once marked territory, the remnants of what once stood here faded. Gone was the legacy of Arian and Cypress, gone were those who had taken up the mantle to disperse into the world. Did Valentine know that this pack had fallen? Probably not if it wasn't important. Crossing the lines that no longer held this place off limits, she moved ahead to see if anyone else still lingered. But all she came to find was silence, emptiness as the scents of her god child and her pack were gone.

The autumn air was cool and crisp, the plants that stood vibrant and pretty now fragments of their former colorful selves. Her paw steps were heavy as they crackled the fallen leaves. Who else might follow this path? The lands were growing quiet, and she didn't know if it was a good thing, or a bad thing.

"Talk" "You" Think


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5 Years
Dire wolf
04-17-2016, 01:49 AM

It was a shame really, she wanted to believe she could help. However the land became raw as soon as Rivaxorus had laid claim and left. Just before she was going to join the pack - however she felt no reason to follow the young male. Nor did she think he cared much for her regardless, sticking around the area just left her with a home for the next few nights. However surprisingly, the scent of Avalon caught her interest. The woman who bested her in battle when Amachi had thought she was ready to move on. Her skills as a warrior had grown rusted, but she had no desire to make them new - not when there was no cause to be fighting for. She had enough for her own survival.

The beast decided to approach, Avalon didn't know it but Amachi liked her. She no longer associated with hellstrom family - in fact it almost felt like they themselves were a whisper. "Rivaxors II claimed these lands - he made a pack called Myriad and then returned to the weeping woods." Amachi said in a clear voice to Avalon. She didn't approach fully just yet, giving the female her space. Her gray eyes glanced over. She seemed to be doing well - that was nice.

[Image: 11ludc3.png]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
04-17-2016, 02:09 AM

The silence would be broken, the scent of one very familiar being coming into her field of vision. Avalon's ears swiveled to listen, and she was unsurprised by the news. She knew this, for not long after hearing the call to disband, came the call of a new pack in the making. Rivaxorous had done it, and she was proud of him. She nodded, watching the giant woman, studying her. And yet, she found nothing different then the last time they'd seen each other on the battlefield.

Sitting down, she invited Amachi to come closer if she wished. "I know. I heard both Ren's call to disbsnd, and Rivaxorous' call to pick up the pieces." She tilted her head then. If Amachi knew all this too, then why hadn't she gone to follow Riv? Was she waiting for something? "Despite knowing that, you chose not to follow a new leader? How come? " She was genuinely curious.

"Talk" "You" Think


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5 Years
Dire wolf
04-17-2016, 02:16 AM

Amachi felt a little glad honestly, Avalon had invited her to come closer. Getting closer, but still remaining a comfortable distance for at least herself, she sat down. Well, it was a good way to break the ice otherwise. Avalon asked her - why hadn't she chosen a new leader. Riv? Well, she could give her reasons. "For once in my life... I'd like to choose who leads me." She stared off into the distance. Her ear flicked, yes that was it.

"Arian and Sin took me in thinking I would be an asset to their forces. After returning home and then coming back to alacritis... it took me that long that I realized I didn't truly trust them." The usually unemotional female looked to Avalon and gave her a smile. "You are one of the few wolves Avalon - to treat me like I am a person instead of a tool. For that I am thankful." Amachi gave a bow of her head. It really did take a lot.

[Image: 11ludc3.png]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
04-17-2016, 10:55 PM

Amachi's response surprised her, and it was evident in the way her own brow quirked and the look on her face showed surprise. Amachi always seemed to be the kind of wolf to follow blindly. And she had, twice or so she thought. At least, she had been with Arian and then later followed Sin. And Amachi had admitted her feelings about it. She looked at the bigger woman, amber gaze steady as she watched her. Avalon was quiet as Amachi continued, surprised even more when Amachi showed her such a great amount of respect and thanked her.

"I believe everyone has a purpose and can choose their own path. It's not laid out in stone, and our lives are not controlled by anyone but ourselves. You don't need to thank me, Amachi." Despite Avalon's anger the day she had come across amachi for abandoning the pack, she had come to the realization that one could do whatever they wished as long as they thought it was the right thing to do. As long as it was what they wanted to do. She had grown fond of Amachi, their paths had crossed many times, and was glad to call her a friend. "What are your plans now? "

"Talk" "You" Think


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5 Years
Dire wolf
04-18-2016, 02:22 AM

Avalon's words were curious to the female. She had been brought up very strangely herself anyway. an orphan who was simply passed around because of her size and markings. She had lost a litter, lost a mate, and then that was what started her path towards alacritis. Amachi at one point wanted to be married to a king she felt so strongly about. Her gray eyes moved towards the ground then towards Avalon. "I think you deserve my thanks. I never had a family before, I was an orphan and raised to be a shield and a warrior. You're the closest thing I'd ever get to a mother, sister, anything." it was rare for her to speak of her past so a little she considered Avalon lucky.

"My plans?" Amachi asked for a moment. She hummed slightly, she wasn't quiet sure. "I'm not sure, haven't had the time to think about it. I don't do well with anyone and I'm tired of leaving pack to pack. My fighting skills have gotten a bit rusty as well." Amachi stretched out her shoulders. With a bigger body came bigger responsibilities of taking care of it. She was sure Avalon knew that much, but Amachi was almost the biggest thing on ala. Only her and a few other wolves - matched up to her in height.

[Image: 11ludc3.png]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
04-20-2016, 02:12 AM

Despite her telling the woman she didn't need thanks, Amachi would insist. So she would dip her head, smiling as the woman explained why. She knew amachi to be a follower, always going with whatever the agenda was. And to her surprise, Amachi was an orphan too. Just like her. Avalon and her siblings had become orphans since her parents had left, no parental figures or role models to guide her. Nope, she'd learned it all on her own through her experiences.

When it came to the question she had asked, the titan woman seemed unsure. Avalon tilted her head a little, a thoughtful expression beginning to form as Amachi answered. "Amachi, I would like to extend an offer. I plan on claiming land in the north, if you'd like, you're welcome to come with me." In fact, she hoped the woman would accept. She wanted those that she trusted to be with her, to help her shape a home they could be proud of. "There's very few that I truly trust in this world, and you're one of them. You're more then welcome once Glaciem is born, which I hope is soon. Do think about it, will you?"
"Talk" "You" Think


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5 Years
Dire wolf
04-21-2016, 12:34 AM

Now that Amachi was hooked on Avalon, she understood why she kept coming back to Boreas. After seeing her god children it had dug up painfully happy memories within her of her past, and then she wished strongly to return to these lands. Taking her time - with how hard it was - to be forgotten. Her fear of being forgotten was quickly crushed when she ran into Avalon again. With Amachi's mind not in the right place she had bested her in battle. As Avalon spoke though, Amachi's previously vacant eyes had brightened. Even if she had been a lot more fruitful than before, her attention turned to Avalon blinking for a moment. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked away to hide the sudden rise in her emotions. She tried to hard to keep calm.

Avalon trusted Amachi? That was something she always thought she could never live up to. Caught up in her own life, she did only follow what she thought was best for her and those who were close for her. Since arriving here, all that had been close was herself. Her ears pulled forward and her jaw clenched up. The silence was dragging itself out, making Amachi dig through her thoughts for answers.

At least Avalon would appreciate her. Feelings that Amachi didn't know how to handle about that fizzled up. Trust was not something she gave out easily, and when she did she was stuck like a leech. It became the feeling of never wanting to let Avalon down, never wanting her to feel strife cause by Amachi's own paws. Her ears pinned to the back of her head as she shut her eyes, hopefully Avalon would notice that she was thinking long and hard about the decision at hand. The pack hopper was loyal - but to the extent it depended on the wolves she was with. Please let the gods grant her mercy.

Amachi raised her head, giving a soft sigh to let the air escape from her maw. Only slightly did it open, as her ears raised again relaxing. Her gray eyes opened and they turned to look at Avalon. "If you'd have me... I'd like to stay." she said rather simply, the words almost getting caught deep into her throat. She was learning all new things, among others she wasn't presented to before. Her body ached with the familiar feeling of attachment. As her paws shifted a little, she would not discuss her discomfort of her own anxieties of course. As mild as the woman seemed on the outside, there was a lot underneath her as well.

"Why do you trust me Avalon? Of all the wolves, we barely spoke to each other. I switched between Arian's pack, and sin's pack - before returning home to see my god children. Then returning only to run into you again in a spar." She was curious. "I'm glad.... but I've always been someone too nervous.... too scared that others would run away if they knew more about me. I close myself off, and then when I do get attached to someone. Like you. It's hard for me to let those feelings go." Amachi's eyes looked at the ground thoughtfully. "I really realize now, that I want you to like me." she laughed. Not in a romantic way of course - that was the least of Amachi's worried. It was all those platonic feelings, friendship even that swirled around her. She certainly hoped her honesty didn't drive the other girl away.

[Image: 11ludc3.png]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
04-21-2016, 01:21 AM

She waited for amachi to speak, and for a moment Avalon thought that maybe what she was asking might have been too much. Her thoughts lingered on the past between them, remembering the first day they'd met each other. The intricately marked woman was an odd one, a mystery that she felt compelled to solve no matter how long it took her. Amachi reminded her of herself in some ways, like the reservation of her feelings and not showing too much before having that trust bond with someone. She'd known amachi for a while now, and while they weren't super close, Avalon liked to build relationships with those that she felt would last and that she could count on.

And on that note, she knew amachi was loyal when it came down to it. While she had followed the stronger one in the past, Avalon believed she could prove to be a strong and respectable leader. At last, a sign of life would flow from Amachi as she spoke. Avalon looked at her, a small smile forming as she nodded. "Of course, why else would I ask?" She laughed a little, realizing then that those she'd been asking lately were people she really trusted, provided they weren't related to her, anyway.

When the woman asked why she trusted her, Avalon didn't have to think twice about the answer. She giggled for a moment as she looked up at the sky. "Because, we have a lot in common. Even though we may have different ideals and such, you remind me a lot of myself, how I used to be. I trust you because you deserve to be trusted, you deserve to be given that chance to be trusted, and I'm not doing it to use you either." She looked at her again, a friendly smile showing. "I don't care who you were in the past, or what you did. I was an orphan, abandoned and left to fend for myself long before I was ready. Because of my fear and my naivete when I was young, I was enslaved for a couple of seasons, but I was rescued. After that, I'd been so fearful and insecure in my abilities, that I let it control me."

She stopped for a moment, thinking about the events that brought her to this point in her life. "My point is, Amachi. That only you can control who you are and what you want to be. Others in your life can help shape that, but ultimately it's you who chooses. And as for you wanting me to like you? I do. You're interesting in a unique way, if I didn't like you, I don't think we would be having this conversation." She playful nudged her shoulder with her nose. She reallydid like her, and she wanted her to know it.
"Talk" "You" Think


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5 Years
Dire wolf
04-27-2016, 02:47 AM

She swore that her heart had skipped a beat, the sound of Avalon's voice was relaxing to her ears. As if in a frozen box and that was the warmth. Though Amachi could be a bit poetic in her head, she could describe it in a number of ways the friendship she felt. It wasn't easy for her, clingy, unmasking it all. This was only one layer of the beast - and Avalon had much more to uncover. Of all her flaws and perks given, Amachi gave herself a thick wall to crash down because of the fear she held inside of herself. Amachi did not believe her and Avalon were the same, maybe to a degree everyone was - but she didn't see herself in Avalon. Amachi loved the mystery of it all, and giving a shivered breath she listened intently as the woman continued.

A past, it defined them like a red flag. Well what happened to Amachi, where she fell in love with a man that was nearly beyond her reach. They fell in and out of every situation together, and at the slightest chance... he died along with his unborn children. A bitterness didn't fall over her over it though. His other children existed and they felt all the same like her own. That was only made possible by the mother of those children of course. Amachi hadn't exactly been a slave, but it almost felt like it. There was where she fell short, she found no reason to feel bad for Avalon. Unlike Arian - who she knew also used to be a slave. Avalon had rose above - her strength shone through her very clearly.

The last part of Avalon's speech though, made Amachi raise her head. Her breath nearly escaped her and she tried not to choke on her own emotions. This was Amachi's almost exact words in her head, maybe they were more alike than she thought. A smile broke her lips, one she didn't really show anyone. She let out a stifled laugh and brightly looked at Avalon. Shutting her eyes for a few moments as she finished speaking. Amachi couldn't help the slight wag of her tail. Gently poking her nose against Avalon's shoulder. She wouldn't cry, but she was extremely happy. "You're an irreplaceable friend Avalon."

[Image: 11ludc3.png]