
Take a look at the one you're with



06-13-2013, 12:10 AM
This thread will probably get Mature. Read at own risk.

Brilliant red fur was easily spotted as the she wolf waded through the tall grasses. The wind caressed her fur as her long legs moved gracefully along the ground. Her face was in a neutral state, though it really should have been more obvious how uncomfortable she was. Levada was trying to run from a phenomena that could not be run from no matter how hard she tried. It was her season of birth, and so her body decided it was time to reproduce. Her heat was running rampant, and she hated it.
Her body longed for a mate more than she could stand, she wanted to satiate it more than anything. She knew she had an addiction, but this was really getting a lot worse than she had anticipated. A sneer came over her face, where was her brothers when she needed them? They would be up for a little bout of fun. No though, it just so happened that she had no clue where they were. A moan of agony rolled out of her jaws as she stopped her lope. She didn't want to move, she just wanted someone inside her so bad.
The feeling of want welled up into her chest and before she knew it a howl of summoning poured from her mouth, its intentions obvious. She needed a suitor now. Her aching loins would not have it any other way.


06-13-2013, 12:28 AM

Damn females and their fucking heat. The only thing it worked for was to make them horny and much easier to subdue and force. Other than that it was a pain in the ass as far as he was concerned. He didn't want to reproduce, didn't want to spread his seed, he just wanted to fuck his sister, the one woman that would always belong to him. But she was in her fucking heat and didn't want to conceive bastard children. He could give less of a flying fuck about children. He would send the damn things back where they came from the moment they were spewed. They were easy to dispose of, so why the hell was she so fucking worried about it? Demyan was done. He left his sister to her own devices, reminding her that sooner or later he would have her, heat no heat.

He'd wandered off in an effort to get his mind off the fact that he wasn't going to relieve the burning in his loins that night. But, maybe he would be able to. The heady, pungent and alluring scent of another female in heat hit his nostrils, stoking the fire once again. Another bitch to fuck. So he would get his way after all; willing or unwilling. The powerful brute tracked the scent, cords of steel rippling smoothly beneath his grey exterior, a obvious display of his power and strength. Whoever this female was, she was going to be used tonight. And there was nothing that would stop him from getting what he wanted. His massive paws carried him to a new area, this one chock full of grass that well gargantuan height, nearly dwarfing him. It didn't affect the hellion, instead causing a sinister smirk to twist his jaws. All the better to hide him with.

Cyan pools were attentive as they scanned the billowy, tan grass swaying before him, searching for the dame responsible for the heated scent. There. A swath of red among a sea of tan. She couldn't stand more if she tried. Tail lashing with anticipation, the brute slowly made his way towards her, gait confident and sauntering, gaze intent on her tiny, lithe frame, picturing himself dominating her, taking her, fucking her until she didn't know who she was. He needed this more than anything right now and he was about to get it.

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06-13-2013, 01:25 AM

She was definitely ready for the approach of another wolf, but she was not expecting him to be right there as soon as she finished her howl. That was quick. She liked liked that. An amused smile came upon her face as she took him over her eyes looking him up and down as best she could in the grass. He was big, that was good, she hoped that size was mirrored in other places. Her ears perked up as the thought of her next fix. Here he was standing right in front of her, a pale rescuer from her torture.
She knew he could see her eyes looking him up and down. He was not here on accident, he had a nose he could very obviously smell the sickly sweet call of her scent. He wanted the same thing as she, but probably not as bad. A scrutinizing smile fell over her thin face."Oh my," She let her throat take in a short gasp, "You'll do." Her tail wagged slowly back and forth, causing her hind legs to move in agitation. Oh how she wish he would just jump on her, there were always so many pleasantries. She hardly cared what her name was at the moment let alone what he called himself.
He would be much different from the usual light weight men she was used to. Her brothers were all short in stature, this one though, had many inches on her. She would have to be cautious with this one, she was sure she didn't wish to lose her life over a quick roll in the hay. But my my he was a gorgeous specimen. She could just imagine his large form towering over her, her scruff gripped tightly in his jaws. A gasp almost fell from her lips as the anticipation weathered her resolve to not jump her willing seducer.



06-13-2013, 02:03 AM

Her call had barely registered with him, he'd been too intoxicated with her sickly sweet scent that he hadn't registered that she'd called for a man with a purpose. And of course he was that man with that specific purpose that she required at the moment. He didn't waste time, making a timely haste towards the summoning dame, his expectations were clearly met, if not surpassed. He hadn't imagined the woman summoning him to be this fine. What a beauty. Fine red pelt and eyes like sapphires. He'd scored good on this one. He could already see himself dominating her petite frame, teeth sinking into her delicate scruff as he showed her what a real man felt like.

He could see her eyes appraising him, running the length of his body, observing and taking him in. He knew what he looked like and he knew he had good looks, but those good looks of his masked a hidden demon underneath, one others only saw when it was too late. Would she see his demon? There was no way of knowing. Her thin lips upturned into a scrutinizing smile as she gasped, completely approving of him. A sarcastic smirk twisted his pale jaws, cyan gaze intent on her lithe body, the burning between his hips begging for it. You're not so bad yourself. he growled huskily, powerful stilts closing the gap between the two. There was no time for formalities or introductions. Wastes of time those were. They needed to get down to business and they needed to get down to business now.

He approached her without hesitation, power rippling off his frame in waves as he brought himself to stand before her, his large frame towering over her dainty one. A giant amongst dwarves. Predator and prey. He tucked his chin against his massive chest, cyan pools staring down intently into her own azure visionaries, waiting for her to present herself to him so he could take what was his. If she didn't willingly present herself, then she would see how things went for her.

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06-13-2013, 11:42 AM
ooc- I have to throw her in this one ;p

After her brother had left the beach, leaving them both wanting, she had gone off on her own, hunting. It was dead of winter, snow covering the ground. It made seeing tracks easy, but trying to find prey was another story. Her stomach growled impatiently. She wanted at satisfying meal. Coral eyes darted around, nostrils flaring to pick up any scent of prey. And boy did she pick up a scent. A bitch in heat. So thats what a woman smelled like during her season. It was absolutely intoxicating. She changed her course, deciding to pay the woman a visit. As she got closer a welcomingly familiar scent teased her nose. Demyan. Lips curled back in a silent snarl. Typical male, always looking for a piece of ass. She was going to crash little party. Two toned plume flicked with irritation at her hocks.

It didn't take long for her to find herself in a field of tall grass. She pushed through, following the bitches scent with ease, it was like a beckon. She stumbled across her brothers trail where he had flattened the grass. Following in his steps she reached the pair in less than a few minutes. She paused for a moment, taking in the sight of red bitch that her brother towered over. "Well, well, well." She cooed, eyes narrowing her slits as she threw daggers at her brother and this woman. He thought he could go do whatever he wanted and then spoil her fun? He was sadly mistake. This woman was going to lose her throat if she didn't leave.

Coral eyes began to boil with rage and lust. Damn her heat making her so horny. She slunk forward. A predator watching her feeble prey crave her brother. She came to a stop on the other side of the witch, cornering her between herself and Demyan. Jewels cast over the tiny woman, soaking her red pelt, eyes blue like the ocean. Crown lifted up high, glaring at her brother, "Looking for a whore to satisfy you?" Her voice silky and smooth. Who in the hell did he think he was?



06-13-2013, 11:59 PM

She could see how riled up he was becoming, her scent and body calling out to him like a lost love. This was far from love though, about as far as it could get. All she craved was his giant body to overcome her and quench the flame of lust in her haunches. The whole purpose of their encounter was that, he cared not for her and she not for him. They just wanted another's bodies. He brought himself closer to her, his big form alluringly close.
What a powerful animal he was, just what she needed to get the next dose before her burning got any worse. Levada wasn't even sure if it was possible to be any worse than she was right now. She couldn't help herself when it came to needing another wolf to pleasure her. She was having awful withdrawals and her heat was just making it that much worse. She was tempted to just turn around and offer herself up to him, but the art of teasing was always so worth doing. "Oh as eager as I am it seems, but the high is so much more intense with a little chase.."
She was going to start taking off, wanting him to have to catch his prey. It seemed another stranger had other ideas. Suddenly there was another pale she wolf in their midst, and she was obviously pretty pissed. Levada let her posture change, instead of feeding off the aggression she just turned on the seduction. There was plenty of voracity to go around. She didn't want to say anything since she had not been adressed, but she would have plenty of time to negotiate.
She shifted from the pulsing that ran through her body, it's ache consuming her thoughts. She didn't want to deal with drama right now she just needed her drug. She clenched her teeth to keep a cry from being loosed. The longing that rippled through her was getting unbearable.


06-14-2013, 12:36 AM

She was a tiny little thing, so fragile looking it was like if he breathed on her too hard she was just fall apart. She so much smaller than him, certainly a lot smaller than his sister. Would she be able to withstand his weight once things got started? She would have to because he wasn't about to go anywhere. She had already shown her interest in him, which was pretty much a yes-come-fuck-me invitation. He wasn't about to let a free piece of ass get away. Not without a fight anyway. Not there would be much a fight to begin with.

And then her silky words were teasing his ears, her plans just a little different than his. So, she wouldn't present herself, but instead make him work for it? Work for it. He could've scoffed at the idea. Demyan didn't work for anything. He just took what he wanted whenever he wanted, no matter the circumstances. This wouldn't be any different. But just as she appeared to be taking off to begin the fun, someone decided to show up and crash the party. Cataleya. His darling sister. Of course she would've followed him. Jealous bitch.

He feel her irritated gaze throwing daggers at his shoulders before he even saw her. Clearly, she wasn't to fond of the idea of him fucking another woman. Typical. Her lighter figure slunk past him to stop on the other side of the fiery woman, trapping his potential prey as she questioned his motives. If I can't fuck you, then I can find someone else that I can. Like this sexy vixen right here. His voice a deep, sexy timbre, rolling out as a rumbling growl. The red woman before him showed no signs of fear or anything of the sort, but instead seemed to welcome the situation of being two heated lupine. Would his sister engage for a group fuck or would she chase the red woman away and let him fuck her?

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06-14-2013, 02:05 PM
She had caught the end of the vixens word. She almost wanted to laugh. Her brother didn't chase anything, unless it was his next meal. After her entrance, the red bitch fell silent, a smart decision. Her brother met her glare evenly, speaking that he would fuck someone else if she wouldn't let him. She looked down her muzzle at the dame that was but writhing on the ground, desparate for her brother to fuck her. "Well then dear brother, two can play that game." He was to possessive, to arroggant, to allow another male to claim her. Lips curled back in a nasty smile. She would chase off this bitch and leave him be, wandering off to find her own pleasure source.

Gaze cast down on the woman, she looked so tiny between the two siblings. So breakable. Yet she welcomed the both of them. Not even speaking a word against being called a whore. Perhaps she had accepted that she was? "Tell me, my dear, what makes you so worthy to think you could fuck my brother?" She purred, closing in on the small dame. Crown tilted to be able to look straight in sapphire pools. Now she directly addressed the woman, ignoring her brother anything further he had to say.



06-14-2013, 05:08 PM

At first Levada had thought that possibly the she wolf who interrupted them had been the bigger male's significant other, it turned out that they were a bit more similar to her than she originally imagined. A brother and sister pair it seemed. She was beginning to get a clearer picture with each word that was exchanged between them. She was not so lucky to be kept from the she wolf's harsh gaze, attention was quickly brought back to her. Maybe she would run off and have some other male cure her withdrawal. He wasn't quite worth all of this drama.
She just let an aloof smile fall upon her lips, all she wanted right now was someone to fornicate with, and if neither of them were interested she was ready to get on with her life. She had an itch that needed scratched and it was beginning to look bleak that she would get what she needed from these ruffians. Her eyes were stared into by the bigger she wolf, Levada remained calm. "I'm what ever he wanted me to be." She stated plainly, "I have no intent on causing problems." She laid no claim upon him, she just wanted him on top of her. His sister was something to look at though, while he was strong and masculine she was a warrior of incredible grace. "Though if you'd like to ditch him you and I could go find a quiet spot." She was still up for more than one, "If it's a jealousy thing though i'd happily do both of you." She shrugged, hopeful this wasn't all a huge waste of her time. She was sure by now the sister would realize how accurate her previous description had been. She tilted her head slightly to the side wondering what would come as a result of her lustful call.

"talk like this"


06-14-2013, 05:22 PM

She had no fucking business coming around and ruining his fuck. He was the one who went around and ruined her fun, because she belonged to him. She was his and he controlled her. She didn't control him. Just because she'd go around throwing jealous fits didn't mean he was going to turn down a free piece of ass. He'd be stupid to do that. She needed to learn that he was the one that called the shots around here, not her. Including when and you he was able to fuck.

Well then dear brother, two can play at the game. came her response. Obvious, she wasn't about to leave any minute now. Fuck damn her. She was going to come around and bitch at him because he'd gone off to find another bitch to fuck when she didn't want to fuck him? She'd done this to herself. If you would've let me fuck you, then I would not have needed this woman's services dear sister. But since you did not relent, I had to find satisfaction elsewhere. He snarled in her direction, despite the fact that she had already turned her attention towards the fiery woman between them. His length was throbbing painfully between his hips, begging to take one or both of the women in front of him. He had no problem with that. As soon as his sister either shut her fucking mouth and allowed him to fuck her and the red woman or she left and let him and the vixen have fun.

He watched with measure patience as the red woman turned her attention away from him to focus on Cataleya, offering up that she could do both of them. That would be fucking amazing. Have the red bitch on the bottom, his sister ontop and he ontop of both of them, fucking each one at the same time. The throbbing in his length doubled and it took his every ounce of restraint not to just tackle both and fuck them until they both stopped talking.

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06-16-2013, 12:11 AM
She ignored her brothers words and snarls. Her focus solely on the woman as she spoke. She laid no claim on her brother, only wanting him to service her. A slow smile spread across her face at the red woman suggestion. It was so tempting to sweep her out from under her brother, forcing him to seek out another, and to stumble upon another might take him some time. And by the looks of it, he didn't want to wait any longer. Brows lifted at the woman's final statement. A bold statement at that. "That sweet little mouth of yours might get you in trouble one day" Her purr a subtle threat, batting her eyes sweetly at the unsuspecting woman. Crown tilted to the side as she thought. Normally she didn't bed other woman, preferring a man to satisfy her needs. But she wouldn't miss the chance to taunt her big brother.

Hot gaze flicked briefly to Demyan, eyes glittering with wicked need. "However, I find your suggestion to sound absolutely delicious." Gaze never only wavered from the red woman's eyes, lips curling back in a sneer, words rolling off her tongue like sweet nectar. This would be good. Soo good. She would leave with this witch, fighting her brother off if necessary. He wouldn't find release here today. He'd have to seek solace else where. Legs moved forward, stepping in between her brother and her new found prize. It was then that she met his cyan gaze, eyes dancing with pure delight. "See you around dear brother."



06-19-2013, 12:51 AM

The tension in the air had gotten quite heavy. Levada would have been more effected by it had her attention not been preoccupied by the awful fire that was stoked with in her. All of her attention could be nowhere else but there, the intensity would have nothing else. Her capability of control was slowly shrinking.
Her slight bit of logical thought processed the words that the she wolf presented her. The words brought slight clarity to her mind, but the unsaid words brought more. She had to keep focused on her surroundings. Dangerous waters were being tread into. Her surprise was only evident in the slight difference of height in her brow. The she wolf found her offer quite acceptable. She would not be enjoying the brother on this day, but rather the powerful she wolf.
Suddenly the pale she wolf stepped in front of the big brute. Levada's paws backed her away a couple paces. She wasn't quite sure what would happen in the next few moments.

"talk like this"


06-19-2013, 06:23 PM

The throbbing between his legs was quickly becoming a throbbing that was consuming his entire being. He was getting irritated, pissed really that his stupid bitch of a sister was coming to take this willing woman away from him to do god knows what to her instead of letting him fuck her. He wanted to rip into her, to force her to submit and half kill her just to show who the fuck the boss was around here. She was no one to walk around thinking she would control him at her whim. She was even more stupid than he gave her credit for if she thought that was going to fly with him.

Demyan stood before the two females, gargantuan frame shaking with repressed fury as he watched Cata take the vixen from him, only to step in front of the fiery woman, who had taken several steps back and throw it in his face that she was leaving with her. Pale lips curled back over sharpened dentures as the brute pushed himself right up against his sister, a deep, booming snarl erupting from his larynx as he stared down at his sister. You stupid bitch. He spit, tail lashing quickly behind his hocks, muscles flexing as he tried to restrain himself from jumping on his sister and ripping into her the way she deserved to be.

OOC: terrible post Dx

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06-19-2013, 07:44 PM
You stupid bitch. Lips curled back in a sneer, she never cared if she was called a nasty name, it had no affect on her, especially coming from her brother. He pushed into her, snarling, his frame quaking with barely suppressed fury. "Such petty words brother." Lyrics flowed freely from her jaws, spoken like velvet with a touch of amusement. She swung her hips away from him, turning slightly to face him a bit better. Crown tilted up to meet his gaze, coral eyes flaming. Lips twitched in a faint snarl, ears went flat against her skull defensively, her taunts would only test his resolve in not attacking her, which wouldn't last long. The red woman had backed away, giving the pair space, probably a good idea for when a fight broke out. It wasn't a matter of 'if', but 'when'. He was furious with her, and she loved it, but the moment his fangs connected with her skin in such a negative way she would unleash her hellion, reigning down on him in the same manner in which he wished. She knew what he was after. Her submission.

Her chin tucked slightly, protecting her throat. Beneath her pelt it was already marred with small scars from her brothers love bites, along with the back of her neck, but she also held scars from their more gruesome fights. Fight were the two snapped, ripping into each other out of fury and blood lust, craving the other others submission and blood. But each only ever walked away with one thing. The others blood staining their tongue and pelt. She would never submit to him. She had no reason to. He though he was a god on earth, walking around commanding everyone to bend to his will, expecting his woman to roll over and spread their legs to him. Bastard. It was the only thing she loved and hated so much about him.

Plume twitched at her hocks, eyes daring him to challenge her. Their fights usually ended in him fucking her,rage still seeping from his pores as he did so. "If you'll excuse us, we have some business to attend to." She took a step back, oculars locked on his, searching for the slightest of movements that would clue her into his attack. She knew him far to well to know that he would never let a woman slip from his grasp at the paws of his own sister. All hell would be unleashed. It was about time anyway that the two battled it out. Being surrounded by packs forced their killings to stop, or at least slow to an unpleasant rate, tension bubbled within her, and her heat did not help at all, only making her desperate for a man and his blood.



06-21-2013, 12:11 AM

Her ears flattened against her russet head, the agression that sat in the air was starting to get to her. She was quite glad she had taken the steps away from the two. It was quickly becoming more heated than she was comfortable with. The rogue male was shaking he was so angry, an amused smile fell upon her lips as she did not want to be in range of him once he let loose. She was a runner and not a fighter, with enough distance she would easily out run him should his aggression turn to her. She imagined he would not even care about her if his sister was still in the picture. So she led herself to a safer place where she could watch the show, and she half debated about wandering away. Maybe she would be able to find a suitable partner. Maybe one of her own brothers..
She decided against it though, wanting to watch and see what happened. The she wolf was incredibly fired up, and she was sure things would get interesting. She could hold herself still long enough, hopefully the end result would be to her favor. Her body shook similarly to the pale beast's but for much different reasons. The agony swam through her veins as she gritted her teeth, the longer she waited the more intense the release.

"talk like this"


06-21-2013, 04:04 PM

He was a gargantuan beast, bigger than most other wolves if not all. Power oozed from him frame, evident in the well sculpted, steel like cords of muscles that were bound about his forelimbs and hindquarters, strapped across his chest and draped across his shoulders. He was a man built for power, domination. He was the epitome of a man. Everything that a woman wanted in man he had it and he displayed it with pride. He craved for blood, for the pitiful screams of someone who had realized far too late that help was never going to come. That's what he should have been hearing from the red bitch and his sister. Their sniveling cries, begging for him to stop, to spare their lives. But instead he was only getting the bitchy comebacks from his slut of a sister and silence from the red dame he'd been about to fuck. Shit like this irritated him to no end.

She knew what she was doing to him. She knew she was pissing him off, bringing to that the point that was the point of no return. She was provoking him, chiding him. He knew that part of her liked him seeing him so riled up, to see the demon inside of him unleashed, but it wasn't always a good thing for her. Most of the time, when the demon was unleashed, it was always at her because most of the time, she was the one bringing it out. Like now. He didn't want to fight with her, he just wanted to fuck her and then fuck the red bitch behind her. A simple fuck was all he wanted and he couldn't even get that. She had to come in and ruin everything for him. Such petty words brother. Pale lips curled back against his ivory fangs, a snarl erupting from deep within his chest, whipcord lashing dangerously behind steel colored haunches. He was so pissed off that he was beyond words at this point. He just wanted to rip into her and fuck her into she was crying and pleading with him to stop.

He could see the challenge in her coral eyes and he didn't deal well with challenges, especially from Cataleya. Not before I attend to you first. he snarled as he threw himself back up on his haunches, raising the front half of his torso lifting up off the ground. The gargantuan brute brought his right foreleg down, talons aiming to strike down at her pretty face, ready to leave her with some nice little marks to stare at for the rest of her life. A reminder of how fun it was to piss him off.

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06-21-2013, 04:35 PM
She could practically feel the rage that rolled off him, the quivering of his muscles, the raw anger in his eyes. His pride and arrogance always got the better of him. He was worse then she was. He demanded obedience, which he never got. He had yet to break her, to make her beg for him to stop, she suspected that it was a possibility to happen one day, but not yet. His tail whipped behind him, lips curled back over his fangs, he was beyond words, all that would come now is his actions. Ruthless actions. She would remember this day, that was for sure. The only good thing that would come of it would be him fucking her and maybe even the red bitch if she hung around long enough. She didn't have to look to know that the woman had moved a safe distance away, keeping space between herself and Demyan, ready to flee if necessary. Cat didn't care if she stayed or left, all that held her attention was her brother, his threatening presence looming over her. Many would cower at his feet simply to escape punishment. Not her though, she never seemed to learn.

Not before I attend to you. It was her only warning. She watched at her brother reared up, his claws reaching out, aiming for her flawless face. A snarl ripped from her jaws. She mirrored his movements, rising up on powerful hind legs, her chin tucked to protect her throat as his claws struck her chest, ripping into her. A fire lit inside her. Ears pinned themselves tightly against her skull, tail flagged behind her, balancing her, eyes narrowed to slilts. Front paws came crashing back down on the earth, legs moving to widen her stance. She was still close enough to strike back. She threw her weight forward, jaws parted, ready to connect with the left side of his neck, just below his jaw. Should he move, she would swing her hips out again, keeping her hindquarters away from him, attempting to stay facing him. Should her attack be successful, her grip would tight on the tender flesh, paws would stay planted on the ground, while she tossed her head back and forth, tearing into him. Her intentions only to leave him a little remind of just who his sister was. It seemed to slip him mind that she was just as much a cold blooded killer as he was.


06-21-2013, 08:21 PM

She was the most hard headed bitch on the entire planet! How many times would be have to beat her and fuck her for her to learn that he was the one that called the shots. She was a female physically weaker than her, therefor inferior. But fuck dammit, she wouldn't fucking learn! She just loved provoking him, over and over, bring out his demon, getting beaten and then having her brains fucked out. Well not this time! This time he wouldn't be out to fuck her, but to make her submit. She would learn that he was not someone to trifle with, regardless of him being her brother. Being siblings gave her no special rights over him, but there was no double standard to that. He would and could control her as much he wished and she couldn't do a damn thing about it.

His powerful right paw came down swinging towards his sister's face, aiming to fuck up that pretty little face of hers, give a few scars to remember him by, but the bitch had other ideas up her sleeve. Cataleya reared, mimicking his posture, thought keeping her face tucked in to protect her throat. Instead of gauging her face, his claws sunk into her chest, but not deep enough. They scratched the surface, leaving shallow scratches behind as he dropped down, quick on his paws as he bounced back up his toes, bringing his upper half up and away from the ground once more, just in time as she lunged towards him, aiming to grasp beneath his jaws. Haunches tensed, steel-like muscles bunching together as they held up his weight, onyx tipped whipcord streaming out behind him for balance. A roar of fury erupted from his jaws as her teeth made contact with his flesh, though they missed their intended target, instead latching onto the front of his chest just above the place where his left foreleg connected to his chest. Using the close quarters to his advantage, Demyan brought his paws up to grasp his sister around the shoulders, holding him to her as he brought his agape jaws down towards her nape, aiming for the top of her neck, right between her ears. Chin was tucked in towards his throat for protection, powerful shoulders rolling as they scrunched the scruff around his neck for even more protection, audits pinned flat against his skull, cyan gems narrowing in case she attempted to gauge his eyes out. Hind limbs were planted firmly against the ground, tail streamline with his body for balance as he attempted to a get a good grip on Cataleya. Were she to move he would grab ahold of the closest piece of flesh, looking to inflict the most amount of damage possible.

OOC: It has become a spar guys XD

Rounds: 1/3

Attacks: Reared up, embracing Cataleya with his forelimbs, wrapping them around her shoulders as he holds her against him, aiming to clamp down on her nape, right between her ears.

Defense: Chin tucked against his throat for protection, audits pinned, eyes narrowed, hind limbs firmly planted and tail streamline for added balance

Injuries: Bite to the chest

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06-26-2013, 05:21 PM
This was something she lived for. The thrill of drawing someone else's blood, even her own brothers. They each attacked with their own reasons. Hers? Simply to taunt him, nothing more. Oh how he hated it when she fought back. His arrogance and pride ran freely, often getting the better of him. He craved power, just as she did but she had learned patience in getting what she wanted, rather than just using brute strength. His attacks came quickly, allowing for little time to think. Allowing instinct to take over, thoughts cleared, focusing only on her brother, the movements he made, every twitch of a muscle. Nostrils flared, breathing slowed and deepened, providing her lungs with necessary oxygen. Adrenaline flooded her system, heart pounding her chest. His blood teased her tongue as she struck. The world frozen around them. The winter chill that shuffled the tall grass went unnoticed, the cold ground went unfelt. The blood rushing in her ears pounded loudly, her brothers breath close enough to tease her pelt, she could feel every touch as his body connected with hers in violent ways. But the only thing that really matter was his blood on her tongue.

Her attack fell short, landing instead at the front of his chest, just above where his limb connected with his frame, where little damage could be done other than ripping away flesh. His roar vibrated through her skull, his control slipping from his grasp. With such close proximity to his jaws, audits remained tucked tightly against her skull to avoid being bitten, tail remained flagged out behind her for balance, straight with her spine. She released him, preparing to jump back and away from him, his legs came snaking their way around her shoulders, intent on locking her against him. As strong as he was, his forelegs couldn't keep all 115 pounds of her against him for long. His intent to cradle her against him, left his weight on his hind legs. As he stood four inches taller than her, her skull was below his jaws. In order for him to grab onto her neck, she would have had to keep her head tucked against his chest but rather she dropped her torso low to the ground lurching forward in the same fluid motion,, bodice scrapping the earth as her crown tilted upward, jaws gaping to grab a hold of his tender belly, her intend to grab and hold on. Her attack would leave her haunches vulnerable to attack, so she tail tucked tightly between her legs for protection against his jaws. She didn't manage to go completely unscathed, she waited a fraction of a second to long, his fangs nipped her scruff, her weight ripping the skin from his jaws, a low growl of agitation rumbled in her chest as the click of his jaws rang in her ears, blood seeping from the wound, that normally would have been small had she not ripped her scruff from his jaws. Her intent was for him to become unbalanced by the sudden disappearance of her figure supporting his paws, for him to baffled just long enough that she could get a good grip. And that she would come out on top, no matter how bruised and bloodied.

Round 1/3

Attacks: Drops torso to the ground, leaving haunches in the air, angles her head/neck upward with open jaws to grab his belly and hold on

Defenses: Ears pinned, tail straight out for balance and then later tucked, eyes narrowed

Injuries: Small shallow cuts to chest. Bit to the scruff.

OOC- Im assuming that since he wrapped his paws around her, he reared back up, leaving most of his weight on his hind legs and his belly exposed to her


06-26-2013, 07:27 PM

Fights between the siblings weren't uncommon. If they didn't fight there would obviously be something wrong. It was like their way of showing each other affection, though it was the most twisted and brutal affection that there was. In a way it was how they showed each other that they loved each, although neither of them actually spoke those three words out loud to each other. Neither of them were sentimental, so stuff was like that unnecessary from them. But now, this fight was different. They weren't fighting just to fight. He was fighting to see if he could finally beat some sense into her and finally get to submit to him, like she should have always done. She had to learn sometime, and now was as good a time as any.

Forelimbs had come around, trying to wrap around his sister to keep her pinned against him, but he had slightly misjudged her skill. His intended plan failed as she ducked beneath him, launching her frame down towards the earth and his soft, vulnerable underbelly. But his jaws managed to snag her scruff, but only for a moment as her downward momentum ripped her flesh from her jaws, allowing him to come away with part of her scruff between his teeth. It was a small victory, but he didn't have time to think about it. Cata was moving towards his belly, a very vulnerable area, not to mention extremely close to where his prized jewels were. He knew that she probably wouldn't want to separate him from them, since after all they gave her pleasure unlike anyone else, but there was still that worry that in a moment of rage she would try to emasculate him. In which case if she tried, he would rip her womb from her, starting from her ass all the way into her belly, taking from her what defined her as a woman if she dared to take his manhood. If he went down, she was sure as hell going down with him.

Demyan's front half was coming down, the failure of his grasp to her shoulders allowing gravity to pull him back down towards the ground. As he came down, an idea struck him. Her shoulders were completely exposed to him, and since he was still up in the air, that gave him the advantage. Using her downward momentum against her, the gargantuan man placed both forepaws across her shoulders blades, using his powerful shoulders to aid her falling momentum, aiming to push her down into the ground and essentially pin her. Despite this, she was still able to snag him, her fangs raking across his underbelly, ripping his flesh apart. He hissed at the contact, jaws clenching together, but he ignored the pain, focusing on getting his attack to work. Plume remained level with his spine, chin tucked against his chest in case by some lucky chance she were able to wiggle back out of his grasp and go for his neck once again. Hind limbs were splayed, haunches taut in aiding for his balance, helping to keep the aim for his forelimbs true and steady.

Rounds: 2/3

Attack: Using her downward momentum against her, he's aimed his forepaws towards her shoulders, looking to push her down onto the ground and pin her.

Defense: Tucked his chin against his chest, haunches taut, hind limbs splayed and tail streamline for added balance

Injuries: Bite to the shoulders and a gashes to his underbelly

OOC: that would be correct. and since she's ducked down towards him, she's left her shoulders exposed to him

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