
Internal Clock In Smithereens



9 Years
04-30-2016, 09:19 PM

Heavy foot steps dragged across the snow, labored breathing the only sound in his ears. He felt...strange...his vision often fluctuated from blurry to dark, to seeing things that weren't really there. He had passed by a dead wolf miles ago, no signs of a struggle and no traces of attack...just...a small amount of blood around the wolf's muzzle. A violent shiver took hold of his body, forcing him into the grounds cold embrace. A cough took hold of him, his throat going raw from the fits. His vision began to flicker, ears twitching as the male looked up. Eyes widened for a moment, throat tight and body stiff as he stared at the figures.
Staring at him from a distance, his past. Kyung stood there, his brothers familiar ebony form watched him. "K-Kyung?" Was it truly? Last time he'd seen him, it hadn't been a very heartfelt reunion. He was convinced his brother hated him. When the mirage made no move nor indication that he'd heard his words, Rin lowered his head and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, Kyung was gone. Only to be replaced by Isardis. Rin's eyes widened as his sires ghostly form stood and sneered at him. His ruby gaze penatrating his soul. He looked away, afraid to look up again. But he did, and this time, he was truly afraid.

They were all standing there. All the ones he'd let down. His mother. His brother. His sister Irune. Others whose names escaped him. They stood there, staring. But what terrified him the most, was the way their fur seemed to be falling off, the rotting flesh exposed beneath. They began to murmur, and almost instantly the voices turned into screaming. Terrified as they began to charge at him, he scrambled to his feet and ran as fast as his exhausted body would carry him. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! Forgive me! I'm sorry! " He cried into the wind, afraid to look back.

Up ahead, he saw the opening of a cave, and when he looked back, those figures were still on his tail. He pushed himself to go faster, and the moment his feet touched stone, the voices stopped. He came to a halt, breathing heavily as he turned to see if they were there. Nothing. Heart pounding wildly, a sudden coughing fit took hold, blood flecking the ground. Before he knew it, the ground got closer to his face...the male had gone unconscious.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



5 Years
05-03-2016, 12:09 PM

She had been wondering the north now for a few days. Hunting here and there, reminiscing in old memories, some bad some good. But the caves she had not visited very often. Though she had grown, she still held an adventurous side to here, along with still being hot headed. Nose to the ground she moved at a steady pace, tail waving high like a banner swaying back and forth. Suddenly she halted, that scent she knew but it was tainted. Lifting her head up, brows creased in worry. She only wasted another heartbeat before she took off in earnest to hunt down the owner of the scent.

There in the distance, she saw him, running from something but she couldn't tell what. She tried to call out to him but her voice faltered. How long has it been since she spoke? Would he remember her? Would he hate her? She huffed before sprinting after him. Something was wrong, her brother needed her. She reached the cave just in time to see the male crash to the ground. She yelped in alarm before rushing to his side. "Rin? Rin!" She nosed his cheek and at once noticed how warm he was. Ears laid back as she gazed over him. He was sick, very sick.

Looking around the cave for moss and water, she gathered as much as she carefully could. Bringing it over to Rin she gently dabbed his forehead with a dampened moss ball. "Please wake up Rin...please"



9 Years
05-04-2016, 11:13 PM

That voice...he was dead, wasn't he? The plague that had been taking over the lands. He hadn't heard that voice for years...and if he wasn't dead, he was dreaming. His mind was full of darkness, distant memories coming back to haunt him as faint voices grew louder and louder. His internal clock was running out of time, he was sure of it. He felt...something. barely, but it was there touching his head. Breath wheezing, he struggled to open his eyes, body struggling to move as they fluttered open. His vision was blurry, but the darkness that threatened to overwhelm him was welcoming.

Translucent green eyes became focused and unfocused as he painfully shifted his head to see what was standing over him. Was it the reaper? No. Something else. With a last ditch effort, he strained to see clearly, and what he saw nearly stopped his heart. "Irune?" His voice was hoarse from not being used for so long, his mind unable to comprehend what he was seeing. He hadn't seen any of them for so long, but he remembered every single one of them. Had he finally crossed to the other side to meet them?



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



5 Years
05-04-2016, 11:47 PM

Worry creased her brows, her tail hung limp at her hocks, and ears twitched restlessly. She needed to get him herbs. She had to bring the fever down at the very least. She couldn't treat him if he was knocked out cold from fever. She had to ask him what else was going on with him. She groaned softly till she saw him move slightly, trying to fight off the blackness "Its ok Rin, I got you. Just you hang on brother! You better not leave me when I just found you.." She said softly. She heard his feeble voice call out her name before she lost him again. "This isn't good.." She muttered to herself.

Her brain racked over her knowledge of herbs in the area, or at least in the north. It had been a long time but she remembered the lessons her mother taught her long long ago. "Hang in there going to get you herbs. Please just hang on.." She said softly. It was then she noticed the splatters of blood on his lips and on the cave floor. This didn't look good. She had to go now to find the herbs she'd need. She made sure to leave a moss ball soaked in water by his nose to drink incase he did wake up. Turning she pelted out of the cave and throw the north. Her first mission was to get Boneset, Meadowsweet, and hopefully Elderberry. First thing first was to get that fever down, get him hydrated and hopefully some much needed food.

It felt like hours and hours till she started her trek back to the cave. Blessed the north for being forgiving and her mother's lessons. She had found plenty of Boneset and Meadowsweet and a precious tiny amount of Elderberries. The whole time she kept worrying about her brother. She had never seen a illness like this before. She wished she knew another healer right now close by to ask for help. But they were on their own. It would be up to her to pull all she knew together, and all of Rin's strength to get through this. Entering the cave she'd lay the herbs down before checking on Rin and dabbing his head with water again. Had he woken up at all while she was gone? "Rin? Can you hear me? I need you to help me fight this illness. Its gonna take a lot of strength on your part brother.." She doubted he'd waken to her words, but she was slightly hopeful.