
Everything Ends



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
05-03-2016, 06:48 PM (This post was last modified: 05-03-2016, 07:39 PM by Tealah.)
Cascade lifted her head to another sunrise, and she ached.

It had been so long now since the disease that ravaged their pack had caused Valentine's mind to crumble under the hallucinations. Since he left. Since her oldest son, the pack's heir, had left to follow him. She'd pushed herself to keep the pack together, to keep going through the numbness and exhaustion, despite being alone and lonely, despite the illness that even now held two of her children in its grip. She didn't know where everyone was anymore. She couldn't patrol the borders, and hunt, and take care of her children, and do all the thousands of other things that all the pack members should have been doing. She wasn't an alpha. She'd never be an alpha. She had no claim over Imperium or the loyalty of its members. Hell she wasn't even Valen's mate. She was just... whatever she was.

It was time to admit defeat.

Imperium was dead.

She was surprised at the swell of bitter grief and abandonment she felt in that moment. She, who had always prided herself on her independence. She, who didn't need anyone. And yet, at that moment, she would have given up everything to have Valen back.

Just one moment, as her chest ached and her eyes burned, her throat catching on a keen she wouldn't utter.

Then she took a deep breath, and moved on. She was still alive. Her children were still alive. They would move on, and they would continue to survive. She had been fine before Valentine. She would be fine now. If Valentine ever came back, well, she would cross that bridge when she came to it. Losing her best friend did not mean the end of her life.

Heaving herself to her slender legs she peered over at her sons. Phim had been steadily improving and was probably well enough for what she had in mind, though Chaos was only just now on the mend. She gave a soft woof to call Vana's attention from where she was tiredly making up a new batch of herbs for Chaos, then lifted her head in a howl to call together what remained of the pack. It was time to end this.

OOC: all former Imperium members are welcome to post here, or not, if so inclined, or whoever else has an interest in Imperium or whatever. Cas is breaking the bad news.
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
05-03-2016, 07:27 PM
How many regimes had she seen fall? How many packs had she been a part of? Birna closed her eyes and sighed, she had never expected Imperium to be the next to fall but it seemed fate had another plan. Valentine and many others had fallen ill and despite the healers best efforts the Rex had lost his mind and gone skipping off into the sunset. No one could find him. After Valentine left the pack had fallen to pieces and more and more members were going their separate ways. It was over.

Birna gazed at the sunrise but all she could feel was defeated. Was it even worth joining another pack? Was this a sign that maybe she should go and try to find her brother? But where would she even look? Birna knew it was foolish to think they’d run into each other again. The last goodbye’s they’d said had been final and she’d taken the parting into her heart and accepted it but as the warrior woman sat on the knoll gazing out at the sky she couldn’t help but realize how painfully lonely she was. Birna had always seen herself as a lone warrior, a survivor, someone who wasn’t diminished by solitude. Now that felt like a lie… but she’d endure. She always did.

Getting to her feet Birna turned to start making her way north when she heard the despondent call of Cascade. She flinched. She couldn’t imagine what the other woman was going through. Unlike her Birna had no strong ties or family in the pack. Though she did have a fondness for the children of Imperium… she couldn’t deny that she would miss them terribly but she wouldn’t linger here. The story was closing on this chapter, it was time to begin another. Birna found herself moving toward Cascades call, uncertain what she was doing or what she would even say.

“Cascade?” Her voice was soft as she approached the other woman, pity in her eyes despite her efforts to remain impassive.
[Image: 262ny8g.png]



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
05-03-2016, 08:23 PM
Somewhere, she knew it. She felt it. She felt it like she felt the sickness settling into her bones. This had been her home the longest, and she had felt like it would be her home until she died. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Esti moved toward's Cascade's call. When she came upon the woman, she found she was unable to smile. Her mind felt mixed. She was free, but with that freedom, she lost her rank, her home, her everything. She had just turned two when she joined Imperium. Ashmedai had spent his whole life in Imperium. Esti wasn't sure what else to do. She didn't know what to think about this, and she was sure it showed. She looked from Birna to Cascade, the two strongest warriors in the pack, in Esti's opinion. She let out a soft sigh, "So... Now what? Is there anything?"

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

05-03-2016, 11:43 PM

The call told him something.... Imperium had fallen. Or so what from he gathered, after all from the sound of the woman's voice he could only guess. Maybe it was wrong of him to be here, but Imperium had held him in awe for the longest time. It had been Avalon's home for a portion of her life, and Birna who he rather enjoyed the company of had lived there. Now that it was gone, he could only imagine how the members felt. When such a kingdom as this was scattered, it was a sad reality that all packs met. He knew one day Myriad would not be around, he could only hope that his pack flourished for as many generations as it could.

The large male would keep his distance, he was here to pay his respects nothing more. He wouldn't give his apologies either, these wolves didn't need the pity. His bi colored gaze moved across to Birna for a moment. He dipped his head to the small gathering so far, mainly focused on the woman who called the meeting. Funny thing, he wondered if she would look at him in disdain. After all his mother had been a fool so it was safe to assume many would think he was a fool. Oh well, his tail flicked behind him. He wouldn't speak unless spoken to.

"Talk" "You" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

05-04-2016, 11:25 AM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2016, 11:27 AM by Mercy I.)

She had been desperately clinging to the hope that Imperium was not ending. She had given everything to this pack, and had worked even harder to prove herself. Mercy was still patrolling the borders, making sure that the markers were fresh. This would not be the end of this pack, not after all she had done. She had quite literally put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into this pack. A lot of blood. Now, now there was nothing. She was a raging ball of red hot lava at the moment, her claws tearing into the damp ground. When Cascade called she looked up, abandoning her patrol and cutting towards her howl. She took her sweet time getting there, she knew what was about to happen. She could hear it in the way the woman called then together. She ignored the mist in her eyes, focusing on the bitterness and rage that stirred in her belly. Mercy didn't want to let go, this place had been her home for so long. It had helped her grow strong, to put that fire in her belly. She had wanted to better herself for Valentine and Imperium, for every member within it.

She made it to the small gathering, eying Esti. Well that would be one bitch she wouldn't miss. Her purple gaze rested on Birna and Cascade for a moment, her heart skipping in her chest. And then there was a brown guy, his scent strange to her. A snarl ripped in her throat as her hackles raised, and she turned and stalked towards him. "What the fuck are you doing here? Do you just walk across pack territory any time you like? What the actual fuck do you think you are doing? I could maim you right here and now if I wanted to. Get. Out. Now," she said with another growl. She tried to get right up in his face, her ears tight against her head as her lips curled back. Drool dripped from her maw, her anger clear. If he didn't make a move soon, or if anyone said anything to stop her, she would probably attack him. She was pissed off, and upset over the loss of her home. "This is still a pack at the moment, and you just crossed over our borders. Some nerve you have, you fucking idiot," she roared.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

05-12-2016, 09:37 PM

The boy would stay relatively calm. Despite her proximity, he was not phased. He knew that they were hurting, if not one, all of them. Their scent borders were fading, but if this woman wanted to hold onto that for just a bit longer. He was not going to hold that against her. He needed only to dip his head to cascade, stepping away from Mercy as he looked at birna for a moment. "Birna you're welcome in my pack should you consider it." he would give no apology. They didn't need his sympathy. for all he knew, Cascade could bring them together.

Turning away he started out of the territory. Best not provoke the white female more already and be done with it. Quickly leaving the territory behind in stride, he didn't look back. Heading back home towards the willows. A sigh escaping his lips, he wished all of them he honestly did. Even if he didn't deserve any say.

-Exit Rivaxorus-

"Talk" "You" Think

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
05-30-2016, 06:51 PM

Birna remained silent as the others entered the scene as she wondered what would come next and what Cascade would say. While she’d more or less already made up her mind that decision was not set in stone and part of her was very reluctant to move on from Imperium. Surely it wasn’t really over? Perhaps just resting awhile? Birna resisted the urge to shake her head as she dislodged those thoughts. They were idealistic and of no use. Everything was quiet til Rivaxorus showed. Birna’s eyes would narrow at the young man. He was taking a hell of a risk coming here and for what reason? She did not bother to speak to him nor defend him as Mercy went off on her tirade as she felt it really wasn’t her place any more. Hell, she didn’t know what to feel about anything anymore. Rivaxorus spoke and she nodded slightly, embarrassed at being so publicly singled out but at least she knew why the young man was there. He sought to bolster his own ranks by recruiting the might of Imperium’s scattered forces. “It was foolish of you to come here. While I appreciate the offer Rivaxorus, I intend to live the life a loner for now. I have ridden the rising and falling tides of several packs and I am in need of a rest.”

[Image: 262ny8g.png]

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
05-30-2016, 07:12 PM
He knew it was coming. How could he not? He knew even before his mother called on Cascade. It had only been confirmed when Cascade responded, instead of Angelus or Valentine. It was then that his mother and siblings didn't truly understand his reason for staying; why would you stay in a dying pack, leaving your family? But then, he wasn't sure if any but his mother actually understood what was happening at the time. Lykos took his sweet time arriving, appearing as Mercy went off on a male - a male of another pack which he did not know. Imperium was not yet disbanded, and he knew that several of them had still kept the borders strong - the call was not official, though soon it would be. Mercy was within her rights, he believed, though he himself stayed silent as the male singled out Birna... and then left. His gaze switched to Birna, who politely declined, explaining she wished to be alone.

Ah, if only he could do the same, but it felt as if he had a duty to the pack his mother started. He made no promises to go there if Imperium fell, yet it felt like it would be a betrayal if he went to another pack. And so he would go there, after this. The boy sighed, his gaze turning towards Cascade, waiting for the inevitable.




7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
05-31-2016, 12:48 PM (This post was last modified: 05-31-2016, 12:50 PM by Cascade.)
It wasn't surprising that the wolves who straggled in to her call were few. That was the largest part of the problem, wasn't it? That so many wolves had simply drifted away when Valentine had gone. She shrugged off the pity, the pleading gazes. She didn't need pity, and she wasn't the pack mama to comfort everyone. They could either manage or not on their own. She wasn't Valentine. She was just herself.

And of course it didn't take long for the vultures to start circling, either, with an almost-familiar form trotting in like he belonged there. It took a moment to place his features, letting Mercy's typically furious reaction wash past her, but when she did she snorted out an incredulous laugh. With those features this could only be one of Arian and Cypress' whelps from Sonticus. "Awful ballsy to come wandering this way to try stealing wolves from me, brat," she drawled with a half-grin that had more of threat than amusement in it. It was hard to find a whole lot of amusement right now. It felt more like rage was the only way to cope, though she knew it wouldn't last. She would survive until she recovered, but she had to wonder if Ardent itself would. "I wonder if your mama ever told you the story of how Birna and Valentine and I went on walkabout in your pack's ship and none of your family had the brains to figure it out until after, eh? I mean, before she died and all." She kept her teeth bared in that false grin until he'd taken his ass out of the group, then turned her attention back to the wolves that actually mattered to this. The loyal few who'd stayed when all others had strayed. Sad, wasn't it? That there was such a small core group left.

"Valentine probably isn't coming back," she began bluntly. "And I haven't heard anything from Angelus either. I hope he's found his father, but I can't guarantee anything. I can't ask any of you to stay here and try to make things work when there's no leader to hold you together. Imperium's dead." She had to ignore the way Chaos flinched as though struck by the words, the way Vana's eyes welled up with tears that she was just too tired to cry. They'd recover too.

"I won't be joining another pack, so don't expect me to lead you somewhere if that's what you're hoping for. I'll be staying here. I've spent more of my life here than anywhere else -" and it was where all her best memories of Valentine, and their children, had all taken place, and the one place they'd probably come back to if they ever did come back, and she wasn't interested in not being there if they did "- and I'm not interested in starting over in some weak, cowardly little pack that's hoping some of Imperium's shiny might rub off on them if they steal enough of its old members. I'll survive just fine here with anyone who wants to bunk here. If times get tough I'll raid packs. It's not like there's anyone down here who could put up much of a fight if it came to it."

She grinned again, relishing the idea. Even if it was just her and a couple of her kids. Really, it would be easier to support a small group of rogues than it would have been to support a full pack anyway. "Anyway I'm not going to hold anyone here and I'm not going to tell anyone what to do. You do what's best for you." With those last words she gave a sharp, decisive nod and that was that.
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!