
Are You A Saint Or A Sinner? [M]


06-12-2013, 08:06 PM
This was such an interesting place. There were so many unclaimed lands to explore. Perhaps many that had never been bathed in blood. Lucky them that Demyan had shown up to paint them nice and pretty with the blood of the unlucky. He'd only been in this new place barely a day and he was already wandering around like he owned the place. Mind him, he wasn't stupid enough to go waltzing around into claimed territories and prove the wrath of a territorial alpha. Although the concept was very tempting and not to mention sounded like a very entertaining thing, the gargantuan brute had other things on his mind, aside from his favorite past time of course; Cataleya. The little devil. She was a sinful little creature, finding pleasure in the killing of others as well as other things involving her only living sibling. The siblings had an interesting relationship, one outsiders would probably consider taboo, given that it wasn't the norm for society. But how else could they when they've spent every waking moment together, -not counting the times Cataleya escaped his clutches of course- with no one else but themselves for company. He was a man and she a woman. They couldn't help the way they were hard-wired. The world be damned if they thought their relationship with unnatural. They could always have a nice little chat with him and his pearly twins. He didn't mind.

Cyan windows were attentive as his massive paws carried him to a new area, this one a beach unlike the willows of the prior day. It was a very unique looking beach, not light and sandy like he'd been told about before during his puphood. This one was dark, void of color, the shore darker than the night itself. It attracted the hellion like a moth to a flame. It seemed like the perfect place to paint with blood. And then something interesting caught his eye. The sun was just beginning to set, its retreating rays skimming across the surface of the obsidian beach, setting the midnight stones afire. Not literally of course, but the color reflecting off of them was truly magnificent. Demyan walked towards the water's edge, his grey paws nearly disappearing within the darkened shore. He stopped after several paces, the icy water lapping at his heels as he allowed his eyes to fall again to the shore, watching as the reflecting lights danced across his steel-colored pelt, drawing flames across his torso. He laughed, a cynical, throaty sound. Fire on him. What an idea. But within seconds the novelty of the beach began to wear off and Cataleya was back at the forefront of his thoughts. He wanted his sister and he wanted her now. She was smart not to deny him her presence. The giant of a boy tilted his skull back towards the darkening heavens, pale lips parting as a rumbling call erupted into atmosphere, calling forth his sister. It echoed over the landscape as he dropped his head back, cyan occs dancing across the beach, awaiting her familiar light grey figure to appear, midnight dipped plume swaying between his hocks as he waited with measured patience.


06-12-2013, 08:32 PM
There was so much to see in this new land. So many unclaimed lands that were trespassed by rogues. Rogues that could easily go missing. Lips curled back in smile at the though. No she would wait. She would be patient. She would search for the perfect one and wait. Wait until it was perfect. Her thoughts were shattered when a deep baritone howl reached sensitive audits. Demyan. She was happy to have him back, that he finally decided to catch up with her again. She'd have to remember to cover her trail better next time. She was relatively close so her steps remained unhurried as she weaved her path to her brother. Paws imprinted on the ground with each step, the earth giving way beneath her weight. Hips swayed gently, stilted carried her gracefully, shoulders rolling with each step. She always came when he called, but today she took her time, he had after all ruined her fun with the brute she met in the woods. He could wait.

Her course brought her to a beach. But not the one she had heard of as a pup. There was no soft white sandy and pristine blue waters. But rather the sand was black as night, the water along with it. How odd. She had made her entrance behind her brothers position, but she made no motion to hide herself. There was no point in trying to sneak up on him. "Demyan." She purred as she approached, rubbing her bodice against the length of him. Oh how she missed him. Craved him. Fangs nipped along his side until she stood before him. Crown tilted upward slightly to meet his cyan gaze. The setting sun turned his pelt a fiery red color, as though he currently stood in hell. "You called?" Lyrics dripped honey. She knew why he called. He wanted her. He always wanted her. And oh the games she could now that she was in heat. She loved toying with him. He may never admit but he was her plaything.

She was curious to see what he would have to say. Not only had she kept him waiting, but she would continue to taunt him. "So tell me, what do you think?" Silvery plume flicked behind her, curling over her back, gesturing to their surroundings. She had brought them here. Turning away from him, she let her tail tickle the underside of his jaw as she walked to the water edge, letting the frigid liquid caress her toes. She tossed him a look over her shoulder, waiting.


06-12-2013, 09:07 PM
She loved to test him, to drive him to the point of no return, but he loved it all. She was sin incarnate and she was his sister. She belonged to him. She was to respond only to him, to bow beneath him and his unmatched power. She was his to control and do with what he liked and he didn't care if she didn't like it. She was going to be his until the day that she died and even after that. Even if he had to chase her down to the depths of hell she would never escape him. She could run and hide as much as she wanted, but Demyan would always find his bloody siren. There was no corner to far, or to dangerous that the hellion would not brave to drag his sibling back to his side. Despite thinking himself a god, he knew he was just as vulnerable to his sister as she was to him. She was a seductress and he was a man; he was not immune to her ways and she knew that. And she took every opportunity she had to use it against him.

She took her time answering his call, apparently still sore with him about having ruined her fun yesterday with the two buffoons. She could be irritated with him as much as she wanted, he didn't care. She was in heat and no other male that wasn't him wasn't allowed to touch her. They would have to go through him first before they could even think of getting even a sliver of her. After what seemed like hours, her light grey silhouette finally came into view, slithering its way towards him, approaching him from the rear. She purred his name, venom laced honey as she rubbed her body the length of his, nipping at his sides, his abdomen clenching in response. Cataleya. he growled huskily, taking a good nip to the base of her tail as she walked by, his cyan gems seeming to become alive with a hot fire. Damn her and her feminine charms. She knew better than to tease him and yet she did. She loved stoking his fire and he couldn't deny that he liked it too, despite how irritating it could be at times.

You called? she whispered seductively, her voice smooth as silk. The teasing never stopped. She was not stupid. She knew why he'd called but still she choose to play the oblivious card, as if she were a completely innocent little girl with no devious intentions in mind. She could surely look the part but her brother knew her better than that. She padded away from him, plume whipping beneath his chin, making his jaw clench as a suppressed growl rumbled in his chest. I think you're a taunting little tease. he snarled dangerously, striding up beside her, incisors nipping at her haunches as he made a trail of bites up her spine, down the dip between her shoulders until he'd hit her neck, at which point he grabbed her scruff. His grasp was firm, not nearly hard enough to break the skin. He pulled back, causing her crown to tip upwards towards the sky as he held her there, relishing in his moment of power. She was a fool to tease a man of his size. He could take her with no resistance, whether she was willing or not but he choose to bide his time, see how far she would take it. Two can play at your little game sister. he growled into her fur, releasing her scruff as he pushed his massive chest against her, towering above her as he allowed his gaze to fall on her, a pounding having awakened between his hips.


06-12-2013, 09:52 PM
Cataleya. Her name fell from his lips in a husky growl. She suppressed a shutter as his fangs connected with the base of her tail, not hard enough to break the skin. Yet. A devilish smirk lit up her features. She knew how she frustrated him, how she ignited a fire that couldn't be tamed. She loved it. She loved the quiet power that she held over him. She'd be damned if he thought he'd get another woman by his side. She'd rip her throat out.

I think you're a taunting little tease. His snarl was evident, his voice coming closer. She once more felt his fangs against her skin, making a trail from her haunches the her shoulders. For a moment his nips disappeared, but before she could turn, his jaws clamped down on her scruff, not hard enough to really hurt her, but she knew what he was doing. Tripping over his power again. A growl rumbled through her chest, lips curling back in a snarl. "Now now brother, don't forget who you're playing with." His jaws released her, his chest pressing against her side as he towered over her. Moving with lightning speed, her head swung around, latching on to the side of his neck, just below his jaw, her fangs aiming to tease his jugular. While she would never actually kill her brother, she reminded him on occasion that she would not be his rag doll. No matter how far he pushed her.

Releasing her hold on him, she stepped away from the waters edge and the massive brute. Staying just outside his striking range. She knew how far he could throw his massive frame, and she used her knowledge to her advantage. She circled around him, flicking her tail back and forth. "You want a game?" It was rhetorical question but her words fell like a silk noose. She nipped at his haunches, this time hard enough to break the skin, drawing a few drops of blood. And she bolted. She tore off down the beach. She was lighter than he was, and therefore faster. She knew he would have a harder time keeping up. Something so large could only move so fast for so long. She was determined to win this game.

ooc- ran out of ideas in case you didnt notice lol XD a little rushed


06-12-2013, 10:19 PM
Fuck damn her! The little tease. His blood boiled, thundering through his veins as adrenaline spiked through his system. Damn her, how he wanted to just take her! She needed to be taught who was really in control. She was a woman, but he was the man. He held the power. He was so much bigger than her and a force to be reckoned with. She was to submit to his whims, not the other way around. He tortured others for fun but did not appreciate torture being dished out to him in return, especially not the kind that his darling little sister had in mind. The damn wench. He wanted to rip into her, to make her cry out in pain as he forced himself on her, as he dominated her and proved that he was the more superior of the two. She would learn. One day she would learn.

She would growl at his touch, fighting his hold on her scruff. Her fight didn't last long, his teeth having released her as she reminded him who exactly he was dealing with. But before he could get into a unbreakable hold, the little bitch moved around him, her movements quick as she struck towards him, canines taking ahold of his throat, exactly at his jugular. He was torn between rage that she was retaliating against him and the burning need that was pounding between his hips. Her teeth did not pierce his skin, but she merely added pressure, using his weak spot against him before dancing away to safe distance, well away from his striking distance. The little succubus. She began to circle him, furthering the taunting at her retaliation. You want a game? came her silky challenge, followed by a hard nip to his haunch. He could feel her dagger pierce his flesh, drawing blood. Oh now he was heated. His blood was like liquid fire inside his veins, cyan pools raging. This little bitch.

But before he could turn around to get a hold of her she bolted, her smaller and lither frame sprinting across the darkened shore, carrying her away from him. Demyan snarled in frustration, whipcord lashing dangerously in frustration, the steel cords of muscles protruding against his grey pelt. He wanted to chase after her so badly, but he knew it would be a futile chase. He was built for fight, not flight, where are she was for flight rather than fight. No, he would not give in to her little game. He would go to her, she would come to him. He would teach her to obey him, whether she wanted to or not. The giant hellion stood his ground, frame tense with pent up frustration, waiting to see how long it would take his sister to realize that he had not given chase.


06-12-2013, 11:19 PM
She could hear his frustration, practically feel it in air. He wanted to dominant her so badly. That she could not allow. Would not allow. One day he would have to accept that. For now she would string him along, toying with his desires. But she had her own desires that she wanted satisfied. She wanted to feel his fangs scoring her flesh as he pressed against the length of her back. But she couldn't. Not now. Not at the risk of carrying his young. Could she really fight off his advances for a month though?

The thundering of his paws never came, slowing, she came to a stop across the beach from him. Head head high, her tail waved like a flag. A smirk tugged at her features. He knew he couldn't win if he chased after her. The massive brute had stayed rooted in the spot she left him in. Cyan eyes boiled with barely suppressed frustration and anger. "Giving up already?" Words taunted him, soft laughter bubbling in her throat as she pranced around the beach.

She slowly made a path back to him, retracing her steps. She paused in front him, eyes glittering with unbridled amusement and desire. Tilting her muzzle upward, salmon ribbon gently caressed his jaw, soothing his anger. "You know you can't bury yourself in me while I'm in heat." Words were spoken softly into his ear, followed by a soft tug. She rubbed her lithe body against like a feline, mixing her sweet perfume with his own scent. Turning her vibrant coral gaze up at him, she assessed his frustration, muscles coiling for if he lashed out.


06-12-2013, 11:47 PM
She was fucking drug to him. The most powerful and the most potent. He was hooked so hard on her that there was no way in hell that he would ever contemplate giving her up. Giving her up meant that she would be at the mercy and disposal of other bastards and merely the thought sent bile rising into his throat, stoking the raging fire in his core. No bastard that wasn't him was going to make a single pass at Cataleya. It was not allowed, unpermitted, completely forbidden. He would torture the fucking shit out of the son of a bitch that thought even for a second he could lay with his sister. He would make sure that no one else but him would touch her.

After several moments it seemed his darling sibling finally realized that he had never given chase, but instead held his ground, allowing his burning cyan gaze to trail after her. She slowed her pace, coming to a stop halfway down the beach, turning as she noticed that he hadn't fallen into her little game. He could the see the smirk twisting her devious lips, causing another snarl to twist his features in frustration. Giving up already? She taunted from a distance, prancing around like she was a fucking queen. Her laughter didn't help the situation, instead only aggravating him even more, strengthening his desire to take her right then and there, her heat be damned. If she conceive spawn of his he would eradicate them no problem. He didn't want seed from him running around. Children were useless and always got in the way. They were nothing but a waste of breath for Demyan and he wouldn't hesitate to rid himself of them.

She retraced her steps back to him, just like he knew she would, stopping before him, her hot gaze fixing itself with his as she caressed his chin, trying to soothe him. It didn't work, merely enraging the fire burning between his hips, making him that much more desperate to bury himself inside of her and give him what they both needed, but she didn't want to carry his spawn. Then stop fucking teasing me. If you know I can't, then restrain yourself because if you keep at it, I will fucking take you right here and now, your fucking heat be damned. he growled threateningly, his baritones husky rumbles as he felt her tug at his ear, her body rubbing against his own, her heady scent filling his nostrils. Demyan craned his neck around to look at Cataleya, the desire in his cyan windows unbridled and fierce. He wanted to fuck her and he wanted to fuck her now.


06-13-2013, 12:33 PM
She watched as he snarled in frustration. He hated the way she taunted him, hated the power she held over him. But then they both held a power over eachother. He could satisfying her in ways no other could. And she'd be damned if another woman thought they would bed him. He belonged to her and no other. He thought he had some special power simply because of what hung between his legs. She nearly scoffed at the thought.

Then stop fucking teasing me. She heard his threat loud and clear. Laughter bubbled in her throat once more. Oh but Demy, you know that I can't" Calling him by his nickname, spoken innocently, eyes widening for affect as she looked up at him. The desire that shown in his eyes was over power as he met her gaze. Enough to make her legs want to tremble and for her to give into her desires. The ruthless bastard would kill any pups she ever had, if he didn't rip her womb from her belly first. A whine of frustration fell from her lips, darkened lips curling back. "I hate this." Words each spoken with enough venom to kill. Two-toned plume lashed angrily behind her. It drove her mad that winter was barely half over.

She turned away from him, heading back up the beach to the edge of the midnight sand. She wanted to hunt and then sleep winter away. Plopping her haunches down, she stretched out, laying her entire across the earth. Rest her muzzle on her jaws, she watched her brother. Waiting for him to either join her, or take off to fulfill his own agenda. Hopefully he wouldn't take off up just yet, she had after all just been reunited with him. She wasn't done with him just yet.


06-13-2013, 03:57 PM
They both tortured each other to no end, knowing that only they could satisfy each other in ways that no one else could. It was maddening to want her and being unable to have her. Well, not so much that he couldn't have her because he could if he really wanted to, just more like she wasn't going to let him have her because she didn't want to bear bastard children if she turned out to conceive. She knew he would take care of the little rats and still she resisted him. He knew it was burning inside her too, the need for him to fuck her, but she was so fucking stubborn in denying it. It frustrated him to no end.

She laughed at his threat, as if it were the funniest thing in the world. Oh but Demy, you know that I can't Demyan snarled, his pale lips curled up and over his dentures at the mention of the annoying nickname she had come up with for him. His name was Demyan not Demy. And bull shit she couldn't stop teasing him. She very well could but she chose not to. The intensity of his gaze was not lost on her, he could see the slight tremble of her legs, how her resistance to him was on the verge of crumbling. How much longer could she resist him? She still had several more weeks to go before her heat was over. Would she be able to last that long? The hellion wasn't sure if he would be able to last that long. A frustrated whine slipped from her inky lips as they curled back over her own teeth, venom lacing her words as she spit them out. I hate this. She wasn't the only one. You don't think I don't? Standing here with this burning need to fuck you and you denying me what you and I both want. His voice was like ice, cold and just as sharp. Damn her fucking heat.

Cataleya turned away from him, marching her smaller frame back up the midnight beach, plopping herself down just before it ended, coral gaze intent on his figure as she watched him. Demyan growled to himself, powerful limbs carrying him after his sister as he approached her from behind, nipping at her haunches as he brought himself to tower over her, all four limbs splayed out around her, almost like a cage. He lowered his hind quarters, allowing the hot, needy length of him to brush against her, to show her just how much he wanted her, knowing that she wanted him just as much. The brute crouched down, lowering his muzzle to her neck, nipping at it, licking it, trying to convince her to give in to her desires. He knew how much she wanted to.


06-13-2013, 04:49 PM
She brushed his icy words away with a growl. She didn't want to listen to anymore of his whining at the moment. Her heat didn't help the matter. She craved his touch so desperately at the moment. Had it been any other time besides winter she would have given in already. She held little power when it came to her body against him. It surprised her that she had held out this long, though it was probably because she was too busy taunting him and enjoying it. Sooner or later she'd have to take her frustration out of something. Or someone. She was eager to start claiming lives in this new land. To make others quiver in fear at her name.

She watched his approach. Powerful legs propelling him forward, muscles ripping beneath his pelt. He didn't stop until he had caged her in, towering over her like a predator ready to devour its prey. He nipped at her haunches and at her neck, followed by soft kisses in attempt to break down her wall. Rolling onto her side, she craned her neck, nipping his chest and his throat, a low rumbling starting in her chest. She felt him brush against her, teasing her, encouraging her resolve to snap, sending a shiver up her spine. "Demyan." She purred his name in warning. He had better stop. It felt like she was on fire, like she was going to explode. She couldn't keep this up much longer.

She was stuck. She couldn't stand, there was no way she could lift his massive frame. She inches forward, moving away from him. Despite that she knew it would be a futile move. He had her right where he wanted. He was just waiting for her give in. To quit being stubborn and allow him to fuck her senseless. And how wonderful it sounded at the moment. Her nips became harder, followed by a quick lick. A growl vibrated in her chest.


06-13-2013, 05:48 PM
There was no way she would be able to hold out for the rest of the season. It was impossible. He knew her too well. Despite the resistance in her words, her body was screaming at him to take her. She was stubborn in her rejection of him, but he knew if he pushed enough, she would eventually give in. She wanted him, he wanted her, there was just no other way around it. They needed each other now more than anything. If she ended up not giving him what he wanted, then he would retreat elsewhere to find somewhere where he could get it, regardless of how she felt about it. Either that or he would find something or someone to torture. Both worked.

She didn't move from beneath him, allowing her body to roll on its side as she craned her neck towards him, nipping at his chest and his throat, rumbling quietly. He could feel her body begin to respond to his teases, see the shivers that racked her spine. She purred his name, a subtle warning, but Demyan took no heed. He didn't want to stop and he wasn't going to stop. There wasn't much power to her words so the hellion cast them away like nuisances. She would not fight him, not when he had her like this, so vulnerable and completely at his mercy. He knew he had her where he wanted her and it wasn't like she didn't enjoy the position either.

She tried to move away from him, inching her way forward but he was right there, pulling his limbs in closer until he was physically trapping her with body. She continued to nip at him, the force behind them becoming stronger, a soothing lick presented after each nip. A low moan vibrated in his chest as he lowered himself more, allowing his length to probe at her entrance, sliding it teasingly against her. If she was allowing him to do this he knew it wasn't going to be long before he fucked her. His own nips were given to her throat, sharp painful ones, knowing how much pleasure she derived from pain.


06-13-2013, 07:46 PM
He ignored her warning. Pushing her farther and farther over the edge. He had pulled his limbs closer together, trapping her body beneath him. She was well aware of the fact that she was at his mercy, with nowhere to go, trapped beneath a man that didn't know the definition of mercy. Heart pounded in her chest with growing anticipation. He wasn't about to let her go. She heard and felt his moan vibrate in his chest. She could feel him teasing her, pressing into her only enough to give her a taste of what was to come. His own nips becoming more frenzied, becoming harder. Each connection his fangs made with her skin sent electricity through her. It was becoming harder and harder to bare. He wasn't going to stop she knew it. Even she did manage to get him off her today, she had weeks of dealing with this. Should he find some whore to satisfy momentarily, he'd always come back wanting her.

Rolling back onto her belly, she pushed herself up, her back rubbing against him as she slide out from beneath him. Or attempted to. Picking up her paws one at a time, she made her own path around the cage he had created with himself. Her movements where quick and calculated. If she was quick enough then she would be free. If not then she'd only succeed in angering him, adding more fuel to his fire. Thats what she enjoyed though. Getting under his skin, taunting him, refusing to bow before him and give him what he truly wanted. Her submission.


06-13-2013, 08:06 PM
He didn't know the meaning of mercy or what limits were. Demyan had no limits and he would take his sister as far as he had to get what he wanted. Even if it meant stopping his teasing and just taking her by force, fast and hard, just how she always liked it from him. There would be no other bastard that would be able to fuck her the way he did. Only he could satisfy her needs and he would be the only one to satisfy her needs. If by some chance she managed to escape and resist him, there would be weeks left of her heat, plenty of time for him to fuck her as much as he wanted. And even after her heat he could still fuck her regardless. She was his and he could do with her what he liked.

Cataleya rolled onto her belly, pushing herself up against him, her spine rubbing against his abdomen as she attempted to slide her way out from underneath him. Ah she was a stubborn woman, which made taking her that much more exciting. She was quick, but she wasn't quick enough. Before she could fully slide out from beneath him Demyan snapped towards her, jaws clamping tightly around her scruff as he pulled her back against him, pushing himself inside of her in one hard thrust. He was going to fuck her, willing or unwilling. There was no turning back now.



06-13-2013, 08:15 PM
It was over. His jaws clamped down on her scruff, tightly, pulling her back. Lips curled back in a snarl as he tugged on her. She pulled back, trying to escape his grasp, but his was unwavering, fangs piercing her skin, blood teasing his tongue. Lips remained curled back, revealing ivory daggers, ears went flat against her skull. It all happened in a matter of seconds. His jaws clamping down, dragging her back, thrusting into with one hard snap of his hips. Snarls faded into another more feral sound that her vocal cords elicited as pleasure shot through her body. There would be no fighting him now, her only fight would be to draw his blood with her daggers as he ravaged her.

-fade to black-

super short