
Posses Strength

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

05-02-2016, 01:45 AM

After making border patrol's, the man found himself enjoying the tranquility of these lands. The large male stood underneath one of the willow's, happy that they stayed this way all year round. The blue glow that they gave off just filled him with a sense of pride knowing that this was his home. Somehow Rivaxorus felt protective over it, with plenty of area's to find prey as well there was nothing for him to complain about. Thinking about the past few days, made the male breath easy. Their numbers had climbed a bit, and now they had a bit of stability. Though to survive the winter, he hoped the members would show some initiative. That was his hope, and for them to explore their true potential.

Stretching his limbs finally, he took a seat underneath the tree he had been standing at. Two different colored orbs looking to see if maybe another Myriad wolf was around. At the moment it was just the gentle sound of the wind blowing through the long leaves of these strange tree's. While there was many things to worry about, he found himself in a very calm state of mind.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
05-05-2016, 07:04 PM
A lot had happened this year so far starting with being reunited with his family, well most of it. All of these events that lead up to present time had been a lot. It had seemed he hadn't really had time to let it all sink in. He had moved staying with Riv as his new pack rose from the dirt. Razor had stayed behind in his uncles pack. Riv had been busy and with all the new faces Jackson was feeling a bit out of sorts. His time alone was spent within his thoughts, even when he took to circling the territory. His thoughts at times led him to feeling a little depressed or down in the dumps. Without someone to talk to he was beginning to dwell on it and currently was feeling pretty crappy. Mother was dead, father disappeared, Ep also disappeared, and Holly seemed so angry with the family. He was glad to be under Riv's rule, but he missed the rest of the family and right now he was finding it difficult to create new relations and to deal with the rest of his family being absent from his life. He had even blamed himself, if he wouldn't have wandered and gotten lost he would have had more time with all of them and maybe, just maybe things would be different.

The thoughts made him growl in frustration and shake his head. He sighed his bi-colored eyes looking around seeking a distraction from his thoughts. Taking off in a trot he moved throughout the main area of the territory seeking out someone or something to distract him and hopefully get him out of this funk. It didn't take him long to spot the earth toned coat of his brother and a smile spread across his lips. Wagging his tail he moved forward, coming up behind his brother. Under the willow tree he went and came up beside his brother gently bumping his shoulder in a friendly greeting.

"How's living your dream going? It seems to be going well so far," he said with a smile.
[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

05-05-2016, 08:17 PM

Rivaxorus was broken from his thoughts when his brother came and bumped his shoulder. He hadn't seen Jackson that much and part of him regretted that because of what happened with Holly. Now even with epinone missing. A small laugh left his lips thought, playfully pushing at his brother a bit as he shifted underneath the tree. He wondered.... how was his brother feeling. Of course he always wondered that, but rarely did he get around to actually asking him about it. Living his dream though, that was a little drastic.

"I wouldn't call it living my dream, but it's as well as it's gonna be. " rivaxorus said. It would be a dream if dad, Epinone, and holly were here like he had planned originally. Razor would be here too. Yet he wouldn't force them to stay if they didn't want. That was why Razor had stayed with their uncle. Riv shut his eyes for a moment then opened them again and looked at Jackson. Gesturing towards a spot next to him if his brother wanted to join him.

"How are you doing Jackson? Are you liking Myriad so far?" the male asked. These questions could be very closed ended. Though he really meant them if that counted for anything at all. He knew he kept telling himself actions spoke louder than words.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
05-15-2016, 02:57 PM
Jackson grinned as Riv joined back in the playful gesture, his tail was wagging showing his happiness. He hoped that maybe Riv would have some time to spare today he wanted to spend some time with his brother. Although Jackson understood that he had a lot more responsibility now that he was the alpha. Jackson understood that his time was occupied with his tasks of the pack, that he had to keep himself busy with work. He kept things in order or else the pack would not survive. The pack also worked as a team each individual played their own part. Jackson was still trying to understand his own part in the pack. He understood his rank, but he would need to get together with others and actually try to play his part in the pack. It was frustrating trying to figure out what he was to do, there was no one that could really teach him either. There was no others in the higher hunter ranks.

His brothers words made him nod getting the feeling that his brother had something bothering him. Perhaps he too wished the other members of their family would be here too. He moved to sit beside Riv his eyes briefly scanning the territory before them. He had to admit Riv couldn't have picked a more beautiful place for the main pack territory. Ears twitched in the direction of Riv as he spoke again, Jackson's gaze turned to his brother. His tell gently wagged as he briefly thought over the question.

"I'm loving Myraid, but I'm wishing the rest of our family was here..... And I'm struggling with figuring out how to even get started with my rank. I know what my rank is, but am I suppose to start hunts with others?" he said.
[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

05-16-2016, 05:45 AM

His brother would be correct, if the rest of the family had been here it quiet possibly could have been paradise. Rivaxorus' ears would twitch with agreement with his brother. After all, with Jackson missing for a time when he came back it gave them hope. Though with that set aside his brother would ask him a rather peculiar question. It wasn't as peculiar as it was something that made him hide a snicker. Something he might have asked himself when he first thought about creating a pack. What did you actually do? What did you need to do with a rank such as yourself.

"You're a hunter and a spy Jackson. Call together a pack hunt bring wolves together, practice exploring. Maybe talk with Nixie who holds the same rank as you. " Rivaxorus would tell him, lightly bumping his brothers shoulder. "The important thing is to hone your skills, they may need to be used at any time. And pack hunts aren't just relaxing - they feed everyone. With winter coming, it might be a good idea." they were all very young. And the older members were playing their part within the pack. Rivaxorus only hoped that Myriad would live through the winter being so new.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
05-19-2016, 08:19 PM
It had seemed that their time in Fiori had gone by so quickly that he had never learned much about the ranks in the pack. He of course new what they were, but what exactly the tasks were he never had learned. So he didn't now what would be an out of line task and what would be a correct task to do for his rank and if he just went ahead and did something without checking he could be making a big mistake. He wanted to step up, to do things right, and to do his part in ensuring this pack stayed together and alive. He wanted to make his remaining family, his brother, proud of him and to fully get involved in this new chapter of his life. He knew the pack working as a team was vary important to ensure everyone's survival.

Ear moved into the direction of his brother, intently listening to his words and taking them in. He nodded letting the words sink in for him to recall if it was needed. The light bump from Riv made him smile, his tail gently wagging. He nodded again in agreement with Riv, a pack hunt should be done soon. There was no telling how this winter would treat them. It would help them survive, plus it would help the packs overall attitude and even help them bond further. There is still so many faces in the pack that he did not know the names too.

"That definitely clears things up. I just didn't want to do anything out of line and unfortunately being raised with that older wolf I never got to grow up in pack atmosphere. Time in Fiori was to short and I wanna do what is right by you and by the pack," he said his mismatched eyes looking to his brother. "I also want you to know Riv after everything our family has been through, I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere. I still have hope for our complete paradise, but if we never get there at least we will have each other."

He couldn't help but smile this new start was certainly refreshing. He wanted to have a close relationship with Riv, like brothers should have and at times he felt like he could never achieve that because he was missing from their lives for that span of time. He was loyal to Riv and willing to stay by his side through thick and thin. He was also vary proud of him for what he has accomplished already.
[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]