
Journey's End



10 Years
Dragon Mod
05-24-2016, 02:54 AM

It had been a few restless nights so far. The woman unable to sleep, like something in the back of her mind was keeping her awake. She didn't know what it was though, but she felt like it might have to do something with the new scent she'd been finding around the territory. It smelled so...familiar, but whatever it was she just couldn't place her paw on it. Of course, this particular thing was deeply buried within her mind, hidden away like a long forgotten treasure. She hadn't seen anything different, hadn't really come across anyone else (not that she went looking for others as of late). But just...something there, calling to her. But what?

Frustration would begin to set in the more she thought about it, and the more she thought about she would find herself unable to sleep at all. So instead, she rolled onto her stomach and onto her feet. The moon was cast over with clouds, the winter stars shining between them. The steam from the hot springs rose up as she approached, the waters warmth always inviting under the moonlight. Her petite form crouched near one of the pools, tiny paws dangling over the edge to dip her toes into the spring. She sighed, toes moving gently in the water. When she made to lay her head on her forepaws, she spotted the sleeping form of her offspring. Her heart clenched, ears folding tightly against her head as she looked at him for a moment.

She was a terrible, terrible creature. She tore herself away, standing almost abruptly and fled to a pool further away where she couldn't see or smell him. Her throat grew tight, tail dragging on the ground as she sunk onto the floor. There, she pressed her head over her forepaws, eyes closing tightly as she thought about what she was doing.

"Listen to me talk" 'and know my thoughts.'