
Lean On

Mercy I


5 Years

05-24-2016, 11:55 AM (This post was last modified: 06-09-2016, 10:36 PM by Mercy I.)

It was winter already. It was getting hard for Mercy to tell what day it was, or just how much time had passed since Imperium had fallen. She wandered away from the meeting, completely lost. She didn’t know what to do with her life now that it was gone. She knew that she was now free to stay with Gethin, but there was a part of her that had shattered in two. She had put her whole life into that pack, it was where all her ambitions and goals had been in. Without it she felt as if she had lost her entire purpose to live. There was no drive in her anymore, she was… empty. Generally she spent her time wandering around, not really knowing where to go. She didn’t remember when the last time she ate was, her ribs showing beneath her ivory pelt. The only reason why she knew it was winter was because of the scent of her heat that was following her around. She noticed that change, but that was about it. Still no snow had fallen, and she questioned her body. Winter’s here had never been this mild, at least not during her time here. A sigh slipped free from her mouth, and she paused at the base of a tree. Her tired purple eyes looked up at the bare branches, not even truly registering what was around her. Flopping to her side, she laid her front paws against the bark and just laid there, her elongated tail slowly thumping on the ground behind her. Mercy had half the mind to howl for Gethin, but couldn’t find the energy to do so. Closing her eyes, she thought back to their last conversation, when he dropped her off at Imperium’s borders. A small smile came to life on her black lips, the first hint of emotion that she had shown in a long time. Without realizing it, she slipped into a peaceful slumber, her last meeting with the brute playing on her eyelids.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


05-24-2016, 12:15 PM

When he had left Mercy at the borders of her pack it had been with a heavy dose of hesitation and regret. He hadn’t wanted to leave her, but he knew he couldn’t keep her from it either. He could tell from how she talked about it that she cared about that pack a lot. He couldn’t bring himself to try to convince her to stay with him instead. He had forced himself to part with her for even a short time. He wandered away from her pack’s borders for a day or two at a time, exploring around the nearby area and keeping an eye and ear out for Mercy constantly. The days passed one after another and slowly he began to worry. When he came to check for her where he had seen her last he realized that the scents at the border were beginning to fade.

His brows pulled together as he sniffed at the old scent markers that still clung to the area, the small seed of worry quickly growing and consuming him. He wasn’t sure how long it had been since he had seen Mercy last, but he knew it had been far too long. The fact that her pack had seemingly disappeared didn’t help either. Crossing the boundary that had held him back from Mercy this whole time, he ran forward, searching for any trace of her scent. It took him some time to find it, but once he found the beginning of a trail he followed it desperately. The thought that Mercy could slip through his paws like his brother had pushed him on and made him sick to his stomach.

Soon he realized her scent was growing stronger and fresher, a twinge of something different mixed in with her usual sweet smell. His ears twitched with interest, but he shoved that thought aside for now. Once he saw that she was alive and well he could revisit this fact. Moments later he spotted her ivory form stretched out on the ground, noticeably more emaciated than when he had seen her last. He slowed to a trot as he got closer, his heart pounding in his chest and his breath coming in quick pants from his run. He walked over to her, a wave of relief washing over him when he saw her breathing. He dipped his head down and gently pressed his nose to her cheek. "Mercy?” he asked softly, his eyes glancing over her worriedly.

"Talk" "You" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

05-24-2016, 12:18 PM

Her sleep was dreamless for once, nothing plaguing her mind as darkness wrapped her up comfortably. She let out a deep sigh in her slumber, deaf to the paw steps that were coming up to her. She didn't even respond to the touch and voice right away, only her ears twitching in response. Stubbornly she held on to the emptiness of the void, her claws digging into the endless blackness of sleep. She grumbled, her left front paw twitching in defiance. But after several long moments she was finally pulled out from it, her purple eyes slowly blinking open. She didn't move for a few more heartbeats, until finally her eyes landed on him. Her heart skipped a beat in her chest, her breath slamming to a stop in her throat. How long had it been now? She couldn't remember, but just the sight of him put her right back to that night. Right back to leaving him at the borders, longing to go with him. She took in the furrow of his brows and the concern set to his face, a look of confusion kitting her black marked features together. Some of the haze from everything was washed away in one sweep, a smile spreading her lips apart. "Gethin," she breathed his name like it was life itself, that one word enough to set her into action. Her body lifted itself as she craved to be near him, needing to devour his very essence. Mercy pushed her chest against him, her head flopping heavily against his shoulders. She took in his heady scent, a thrum of excitement coursing through her blood. For a moment she forgot all about Imperium and everything she had lost.

For a moment.

All at once it set itself upon her shoulders, weighing her down and nearly making her back legs buckle. She didn't know what to say, the sheer force of it nearly stealing her last bit of energy. The energy that he had given her. Mercy took a deep breath, too exhausted to even cry anymore. She slowly pulled her head back and looked into those blood red eyes that had haunted her dreams. Her smile had faltered, but perked back up slightly the longer she looked at him. "I've missed you so much…" she said softly, hesitantly taking a step back. Her ears pinned to her skull as her tail swept behind her, unknowingly stirring up the scent of her heat. "I've been… trying to figure out how to deal with all of this. Imperium was everything to me, all my hopes and dreams. It held all of my ambition and drive. I guess I am going to have to go on and just beat up other loners," she said, trying to be humorous. It fell short though, her lower lip quivering slightly. It was obvious to her that Gethin knew, otherwise he wouldn't have trespassed. Had the scent markers vanished all together now?

Casting her gaze away from Gethin she took a deep breath of the mild winter air, her slow mind trying to catch up with everything. This had been her first real interaction in quite some weeks, it was like waking up from hibernation. "I thought about coming to find you, but when Cascade told me the news I just broke. It was like losing my family," Mercy said, peeking back up at him slightly. Her smile actually spread a touch the longer she looked at him, those familiar feelings stirring in her gut again. The ones she had no name for, no real explanation. This was just what Gethin was to her, and it felt like he was slowly pouring life back into her. Unable to be apart from him any longer, she shuffled forward so that they were chest to chest once again. Her eyes slipped closed as she breathed in all that he was, savouring every flavour of him. Her teeth softly pulled softly at at the flesh of his neck, a low rumble sounding in her throat. "Did I tell you I missed you already?" she asked, her voice a bit more gruff. She was cycling through emotions quickly, like her body and mind was trying to catch up from the weeks of being dormant and suppressed. It was confusing and almost painful, but all she knew was that he was here. Her Gethin was here.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


05-24-2016, 12:25 PM

He stood there, his eyes watching her carefully as she slowly slipped out of her sleep. She was stubborn as ever, even in her sleep. That comforted him somehow, seeing a little bit of the fire that he loved in her. The moment her eyes finally opened and his blood-red eyes found the rich violet of hers it felt like he could breathe. I hadn’t realized that he had been holding his breath until she spoke his name and he let the breath pass his lips in a sigh. The whole time they had been apart he had felt a strain on him, constantly fighting against the urge to go to her and be with her. Finally that strain had been relieved. A slight smile tugged at his lips as she pulled herself up from the ground and her body pressed to his, wave after wave of relief washing over him. He had let this separation go on far too long. He had gone to her pack and called for her. Hell, he would have joined that pack if it had meant being with her. He didn’t suppose he had to worry about that now. He settled on his haunches, happily letting her lean into him while he nuzzled his face into her neck, breathing in her intoxicating scent.

She pulled back and her eyes met hers again. "“I missed you too,” he rumbled truthfully. He listened quietly as she continued to speak. He had never been a part of a pack or experienced this loyalty and dedication she seemed to have had for this group. He couldn’t sympathize with her, but he could tell that she was truly in pain over it and that was enough for him to hurt for her. Even as she tried to crack a joke to cover it he could see right through it. He frowned as her lip quivered and she looked away from him. He was good at handling physical enemies, but these things that he couldn’t find and couldn’t touch he struggled. He wanted to find these wolves that had snatched away this dream from her and rip them to shreds.

When she looked to him again and he saw the small touch of a smile returning to her lips it made him brush those thoughts away. He couldn’t punish those wolves that had hurt her, but he could be here for her now. She pressed to him again, another drastic shift in her emotions apparently taking her attention away from the depression and focusing her attention back on him. Not that he was complaining. His head turned to nuzzle into the fur on her scruff and he breathed in her scent. That’s when the scent of her heat caught him off guard once again, sending a shiver tingling down his spine. Her nip at his neck certainly didn’t help. A low chuckle rumbled in his chest at her comment and he trailed his muzzle up along the back of her neck, his teeth finding her ear to lightly graze his teeth across the delicate skin. "“You have, but I don’t mind hearing it again. I’ve missed you too. More than I can ever say.”

"Talk" "You" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

05-24-2016, 12:30 PM (This post was last modified: 05-24-2016, 12:33 PM by Mercy I.)

He was pretty quiet, but she didn’t comment on it. Just having him here as a silent companion was good enough for her. She didn’t realize just how badly she had ached without him, or how much he filled in her broken pieces. Mercy was incomplete when she was away from Gethin, and her soul craved to be near him. Now that she was, the loss of everything felt a little less. Her heart didn’t ache as much, and her pangs of hunger were almost nonexistent. Ever so slowly the whole world started to melt away like it did when he was near. He was all that mattered, which terrified her. She wasn't ready to truly admit her full feelings for him, besides their last conversation. It was too scary, and she was afraid of having her heart broken. She couldn't handle that at this moment. Plus it was all happening too fast, her mind spun to try and catch up with everything. And now with her pack, it was just too much. Besides, she didn't even know if she could truly be with just one wolf. She never had been able to before, and she wasn't sure if she would be able to resist the temptation. Her tail curled behind her slightly, a sigh escaped her lips. She cared for Gethin, too much in fact. But all of this was so new to her, it was like a whole different universe with him.

She blinked, returning to the current conversation. She didn't realize that she had spaced out, but it looked like she hadn't missed anything. The grey man was still looking at her, and a sheepish grin on her lips. He said that he had missed her as well, bringing a blush to her pale cheeks. He said nothing to her words of hurt, but she didn't push him. It was something that he probably had no experience with, he had never been a part of a pack. Well, that she knew anyways. Mercy saw his lips pull down in a frown, and she lowered her head slightly. She hated that she was making him upset, but she couldn't help it. It had been quite awhile since she had felt this shitty. Plus, it was nice to have someone to talk to. After being silent for so long, it felt like it was taking a bit of the weight off her chest. She felt a little more light, and like she could start relaxing.

Her moods took yet another shift, her heat elevating everything. His muzzle traced her neck and she shivered, humming softly at his touch. She giggled slightly when he spoke, his nibble on her ear sending shock waves down her spine. She wiggled closer to him, her chest pushing harder into his. A breathy moan left her lips at the contact, everything felt so much stronger right now. "Gethin… make me forget. I want to forget everything." She whispered, a heady note to her vocals. She needed him now, needed his touch to make everything go away. Raising her head, she pressed her cheek against his. Her tail wagged behind her more, this time with the intention of spreading the smell of her heat towards him. Mercy craved all of Gethin, for him to caress her until the rest of her worries melted away. Maybe then she would feel better, maybe then she could start to recover.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


05-24-2016, 12:34 PM

Even though it felt like ages since they had seen each other and been together like this, having Mercy pressed to him now assured him that nothing had truly changed. Not between them at least. She was still the center of his universe, the one thing that could hold all of his broken pieces together. He could feel the shiver that went through her at his slight teasing as she pressed her chest harder to his. He hadn't really considered it until this moment, but as Mercy pressed her cheek to his he realized he hadn't been with anyone else during their time apart. He hadn't even tried. The realization wasn't shocking as much as it was surprising to himself. He had been with so many women, starting from when he was barely old enough to do so. It was a compulsion that until now he couldn't resist.

Mercy’s words shoved those thoughts away, bringing his attention fully back to her. Those revelations could wait. For now his beautiful Mercy needed him as much as he needed her. He would have liked to get some food into her before they did anything else, considering the fact that she clearly hadn't eaten in some time, but he couldn't deny her. He may not understand what that pack meant to her, but he understood what it was like to use this to cope. He would do anything for her, even if the scent of her heat wasn't already driving him on. "Of course, my vicious beauty… Anything for you.”

He tipped his head a bit to nibble a trail from the base of her ear down along her jaw as he got back to his paws, his teeth pulling lightly at her skin. He wanted to tear her apart like he had the last time they were together, but deep down he worried that she might not be well enough to handle it. As he made his way down her body, his side brushing against hers, he very soon realized he may not be able to control himself. Her scent surrounded him and drowned out any sane thought in his head. His muzzle brushed against her thigh and and he bit lightly at her hip, pulling a few drops of blood to the surface. He kept an eye on her as he ran his tongue over the small wound, enjoying her reactions and watching for her well being all at once.

He wanted to play with her and poke her buttons, but he knew how badly they both wanted this. They could play some more later when they weren't so desperate and he wasn't so concerned over her. He climbed over her, settling onto her back and grabbing her scruff between his teeth. He held onto all of her tightly, gripping her form to his and holding to her like his life depended on it. At this point he wasn't entirely sure it wasn't.

- fade -

"Talk" "You" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

05-24-2016, 12:37 PM

Of course Gethin had picked up on the meaning of her words, it was all too obvious what she desired. Him, all of him. A desperation sank into her belly as she pushed harder yet against his chest, her breath quickening in pace. It was in this moment that she realized how much of a hold they had on each other, replacing the fear she had felt before. She had never had anyone to call her own, well… maybe Revenge. But he had vanished, and she had no idea where he was. He had gone and left her, just like everyone else seemed to walk out on her life. Her heart fluttered, panic flashing in her eyes for a moment. She was glad that Gethin wasn't looking, he was too busy nibbling a trail down her body. The feeling of each bite slowly ebbed away all other thoughts, only thoughts of him occupying her mind. The feeling of her skin between his jaws, pinching it so softly. He was teasing her, sending delicate shivers down her limbs and made her knees weak. She was starting to forget why she had been scared.

She was about to forget her own name.

His darker flank brushed against hers, and she twisted around to watch him. Her purple eyes were half lidded with lust, anticipation making her tail quiver. She wanted him to be more firm with her, to bite into her flesh and make her bleed. She longed for the pain and utter bliss it brought her, the need to be torn apart made stronger by her heat. She let out a needy whine, begging him to do just that. She wasn't sure if it was because of what she did or his own free will, but soon his teeth dug into the skin at her hip. Her breath hissed out of her teeth, a soft moan leaving her lips. Her lids fluttered, her front right leg actually giving out from under her. The feeling of pure elation filled her, and she wanted all of him at once. His tongue lapped up the blood he had drawn, and Mercy craved to taste his blood upon her tongue. She tried to reach for him, but he was already moving for her rump.

Firmly resetting her stance, she felt Gethin climb on top of her. Her neck arched upwards as his limb pressed against her bite mark, sending another wave of mild pain through her. It only brought her closer to the peak, a gasp sounding as he roughly grabbed her scruff. She allowed him to pull her head further back, her tail moving away. At last they fully joined, and everything washed away with one simple movement.


Once she regained her breath, she turned and shakily made her way towards Gethin. She took one misstep, almost face planting if she hadn't caught herself. Giggling, she pressed the side of her neck to his, her turn to leave of a trail of bites and licks down the side of his neck. She didn't even think of Imperium or everything she had lost, just counting all the things that she had found in Gethin. "You're something else, you know that?" she whispered, still somewhat out of breath. It was hard to come down from that much of a high, and frankly she didn't want to. Growling playfully, Mercy tugged at his ear. She may be shaky, but she still wanted him. She wanted them to screw until neither of them could walk. He probably wouldn't need much convincing, but she faintly remembered the concern on his face from before. Batting her eyelashes as him she let out a longing sigh, gently pulling at his ear again.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


05-24-2016, 12:40 PM

Gethin chuckled softly at himself as he watched Mercy turn to look at him. Mercy was the only woman he had ever known that could put this ridiculous grin on his face that he just couldn’t shake no matter how hard he tried. Gethin gave a short lunge forward as he went to catch her when she almost fell over, but she luckily caught herself and made his rescue attempt not needed. He sighed contently and a small smirk played on his lips as he watched her. It took a pretty amazing woman to keep his attention so completely for this long, but Mercy had certainly done that. Her breathless words made that grin on his lips widen again and he chuckled softly as he replied, "You’re all that and more.”

He wasn’t entirely surprised when she growled and he felt her teeth tugging at his ear. If there was one thing he knew about her by now it was that she was insatiable to the highest degree. It was so hard to resist the urge to have her again, especially as she continued to press into him and return all of the nibbles and teasing he and given her before. Her scent was still so heavy around them. Everything she did built up that constant needy flame he had for his ivory beauty, sending little shivers all through him and keeping that smirk on his lips. Never in his life had he actually put the wellbeing of someone above his cravings and lust. But, it seemed like there was a first for everything.

A soft growl rumbled in his chest and he nipped at the edge of her jaw. "I can't tell you how much I'd love to take you all over again,” he rumbled quietly, nibbling up to the edge of her ear. "I won't forgive myself if I don't make you eat something first though.” He sighed and gave her a little smile, adding, "I have to make sure you have fuel for all of our fun after all.” He wouldn't bring up the fact that he could easily see her ribs and he wouldn't ask when the last time she had eaten was since he wasn't sure she would even know. He didn't want to bring up any of the pain of the recent past. He only wanted to take care of her future.

"“Wait here, beautiful. I'll find something for us.” He gave himself a quick shake before he turned to hunt down something for them to eat. Even in that short time he was gone he could feel that pull and strain, his whole body begging him to go back toward Mercy. It really did take all of his self control to be away from her now, but he didn't want to ask her to come on a hunt in her current state. He quickly tracked down a small doe that seemed to have hurt its leg in some way, making it an easy kill for him to bring back to where he had left Mercy. He pulled their dinner into the clearing, giving her a sly grin as he dropped it. "Go ahead and have what you want of it, Mercy. Then I'll have what I want of you.”

"Talk" "You" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

05-24-2016, 12:45 PM (This post was last modified: 05-24-2016, 12:48 PM by Mercy I.)

Mercy had never been a kept woman. In fact she was never the kind who looked for that in a relationship. Yes, she wanted to be cared for and looked after, but she was a very independent woman. She took care of things herself and she was damn good at it. So even when Gethin pushed away her advances to force her to eat, she felt like a child. Her long tail lashed out behind her in irritation, but she thought back to how he lunged forward when he thought she was falling. He was not doing this because she was not able to do it herself, he was doing it because he was worried about her. Plus, the thought of food suddenly had her stomach rumbling up a storm. Plus he was right, they would need some fuel for their ever burning fuel that devoured everything else. Gethin told her to wait there, which was a lot easier said than done. When he walked away, she automatically stood up and took a few steps after him, before she realized what she was doing. Pausing mid step, she let out a soft whine and watched him disappear. She longed to go with him, but in her current state she would only slow him down. He didn't tell her to wait because she couldn't do it, but because he was worried. She had to keep reminding herself that as she tried to sit down.

As soon as he was out of sight, she found that she was having a hard time staying still. She started to pace back and forth, following the strange path carved between the trees. Her tongue flopped out of her maw, her steps growing faster as she waited. Mercy felt like she was forgetting something, like something was missing from her. She had no idea that her connection was that strong with him, but it literally ached in her chest. She stopped, looking up at the dark sky above her. Why was she so afraid of all of this? It scared the shit out of her, if she was being completely honest. It was troubling how fast this had turned around. Mercy didn't have enough time to think about it, as Gethin walked into the Orchard dragging a doe behind him. Her tongue snaked across her lips, saliva pooling in her mouth at the scent of fresh kill. He told her to eat her fill, and only then would he have her again. She let out a snort, trotting over and tearing into the still warm flesh. Without hesitation she ate her fill, blood coating her muzzle and chest. She licked her chops again, looking up at Gethin. She grinned, blood dripping from her teeth. Anyone else would have run for the hills at that sight.

Now that her belly was full, she moved away from the deer to see if Gethin was hungry as well. "Thanks, babe," she said with a lopsided grin, tossing in the name for humor's sake. That, and to see how he would react. Her tail wagged behind her, once again flooding the area with the smell of her season. Her head tilted slightly to the side, her purple eyes searching his features. "Now, can the real fun start?" The last time he had not been able to hold himself back, but this time she wanted to taste his blood. A single black marked brow rose, challenging the male before her to make the first move.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


05-24-2016, 12:46 PM

Gethin stepped aside and settled onto his haunches, quietly waiting as Mercy hungrily tore into the deer he killed for them. It was obvious that his assumption about her recent starvation had been right. It was absolutely worth refusing her first advances in order to make sure she ate. He wouldn’t be surprised if he heard an earful about making her wait while he hunted for her later, but for now he could just enjoy the fact that he had kept her well at least another day. Hopefully he would get the chance to do that for many more.

When she turned to look at him again he had to grin and chuckle at the state she was in, so covered in blood from her meal, all over her face and down her chest. She certainly couldn't say she didn't enjoy it. His grin widened at the little joking pet name she tossed onto the end of her thanks. He chuckled and gave a small, exasperated shake of his head. “Any time, babe.” Moments later a fresh wave of her scent washed over him as her tail wagged. A smirk tugged at his lips as a light shiver went down his spine, quickly reminding him of exactly what Mercy had wanted to begin with.

A low rumble of a chuckle left him at her words as he stood and padded closer, that smirk still lingering on his lips. “Do you really have to ask?” he asked, shooting her a grin before he leaned in to run his tongue along her cheek, cleaning off some of the blood that stained her fur. “The last time I saw you this bloody I had just finished making a meal of you,” he commented quietly, tipping his head a bit to the side so he could punctuate his words with a small bite to her neck just behind her jaw, his teeth lightly grazing her skin.

He knew her well enough now to know exactly what she wanted when she mentioned the “real” fun. He fully intended to give her everything she wanted now that he didn't need to worry about her passing out from starvation. He moved toward her so that their chests pressed tight to each other, his tail flicking behind him when even the most simple of contact with Mercy fanned the insatiable flame he had for her. He knew her not being able to have pups was a sore spot for her, but he had to admit that it was a relief for him to be able to enjoy her being in heat and not have to worry about the consequences. He brought his neck around hers to reach for the thicker part of her scruff, grabbing the loose skin between his jaws with a low growl. Her scent filled his nose and blanked out any other thought in his head. His teeth sliced through her skin and her blood coated his tongue. He let go after a moment, giving the bite wound he left behind several hard licks as well.

"Talk" "You" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

06-09-2016, 10:34 PM

Now this is what she had been waiting for. Her eyes rested heavily on him, half lidded as he made his approach. His tongue caressed her cheek, cleaning away bits of meat and blood that still clung to her face. Oops, she was a pretty sloppy eater, wasn't she? A large grin spread across her maw at his comment, a deep growl vibrating in her throat. She urged him on with another wag of her tail, spreading the smell of her heat even further. "Then stop hesitating and get on with the show, then," she growled, more than eager for him to get started. His teeth grazed her skin, too light and soft. It didn't mean that it didn't feel good though, the nip still sending a shiver down her legs. No, she wanted more. Harder, faster. She was growing impatient, her nails biting into the ground. Her purple eyes stayed locked on him as he pressed their chests together. She dug the front of her shoulders into him, grating against his own shoulder blades. Her breath hitched in her throat as he reached behind her, anticipation for his bite making her hackles raise. At last his teeth dug into her flesh, her neck arching backwards as a silent moan left her jaws slacking open. She felt blood pool to the surface, his tongue adding a further sting to the wound. Oh yeah, it. Was. On.

Shoving harder against Gethin, it was like his bite had finally unlocked the demon within her. She lowered her head as a snarl ripped free from her throat. Her head twisted to the side as she grabbed the right side of his neck, her front jaws near his shoulder. She bit in, lavishing the taste of his blood in her mouth. She inhaled sharply, the metallic scent of their own blood rushing into the air. Her paws pressed heavier into the ground, as she let him go and caressed his damaged flesh. Her kisses were sweet and soft, such a contrast to the harshness of her bite only moments ago. A needy whine left her, her elongated tail lashing behind her. It was always more with her, more until they were both heaps on the earth. She wanted to taste every inch of him, to savor everything about him. Breaking off from his chest, she brushed her flank down his, pausing near his hindquarters. With an impish grin she curled around him, her tail tickling against his manhood. Chuckling smoothly, she rubbed against his other side like a cat, lapping at the blood that she had spilled on his neck. Staying pushed up against his side, she kept teasing him with her tail. She knew that she was driving him too close to the breaking point too fast, but she didn't care. Oh how it drove her mental when he snapped, taking her like he was going to die if he didn't. The utter raw passion and want is what she craved, to feel like she could bring them to that point. It made her feel like a goddess. Trying to meet his ruby gaze with her purple ones, she rose a black marked brow. It was his move in this dangerous dance.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


06-10-2016, 11:42 PM

It was easy to feel so primal with her. All thought was completely gone and he was guided only by his own desires and what he knew Mercy wanted. He'd lay down and roll over if it meant he'd continue to pull these reactions out of her. It was like a drug that he couldn't get enough of. Every shudder that went through her, every time her neck arched, every snarl was intoxicating. His ruby gaze was locked on her as she snarled and shoved herself into him, his claws digging into the soil simply from anticipation. Seconds later he felt that first kiss of her teeth biting into his flesh, making his teeth grit together and a deep growl rumble in his chest. His claws drew lines in the dirt while a shiver danced over his skin, a quiet, shuddering sigh passing his lips as her tongue gently lapped over the wounds. The air was filled with a heady mixture of her scent and the metallic tang of their blood, sending his mind swimming as he breathed it in.

His gaze followed her for as long as he could as she started moving down his body, feeling the whole length of her side pressing to his. Just as she disappeared out of his line of sight completely a jolt went through him from her teasing and a light shudder shook his from, pulling a gasp into his lungs. She knew just how to play him. She was like a musical genius that had just been handed their favorite instrument. She played him with a mastery that still caught him by surprise. He wasn't used to being teased and played with like this just yet, though he kind of hoped he never did. The fact that they both played an active role in this dance made him want her even more and pushed him to drive her just as crazy as she made him. It wasn't hard to figure out why it had only taken one night for him to become completely obsessed with her. His head turned to look at her as she made her way back up his other side, another deep growl leaving him when she continued to tease him unrelentingly.

Her gaze met his and when she raised a brow at him that was all it took to set him off like pulling the trigger on a gun. He was sure she expected him to just climb on top of her immediately, maybe rip up her scruff a bit, and call it a night. Oh no, she was going to get a taste of her own medicine first for teasing him so much. He reached for her with a snarl, reaching with his open jaws for her throat. He wanted to grab ahold of the side of her neck just behind her jaw so that his lower jaw would go right across the tender bend in her throat where her neck met her head. While his upper jaw dug into her neck and filled his mouth with her blood, he squeezed his lower jaw against her throat to cut off her breathing a bit. A deep growl rumbled in his throat as he bit into her skin and her blood coated his tongue. He kept that hold for a few fleeting moments, before he simply couldn't hold himself back from her any longer.

He let go of her neck and gave the wounds he left there a couple quick licks before he made his way to her rump, giving her hip a quick nip before he climbed over her and roughly pulled her body tight to his. His jaws grabbed ahold of her scruff, his fangs immediately sinking into her skin. If he had been in a clearer state of mind he might have been concerned about how much damage he had done to her neck, between the first bite he had given her scruff and then the bite to her throat and now this, but he couldn't pull his own name out of his head much less that. Those were things to worry about and tend to later. For now his only concern was giving her everything she wanted and more. The scent of her heat still flooded his nose and the tang of her blood was heavy on his tongue as he dug his claws into her sides and everything in the world except for his vicious beauty fell away.

- fade -

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