
The Silence Is Deafening [Pack Meeting]



9 Years
Athena I
05-24-2016, 01:58 PM
A small shadow of a smile touched his muzzle and his tail brushed behind him a few times when his brother turned to look at him, giving Creed a small dip of his head. Even though Cross had disappeared yet again he was happy to be here with Creed. He was just happy to not be wandering alone in the wilderness and to have some family to spend his time with. That was all he really wanted. When Surreal mentioned him he pulled himself up a bit, straightening to sit proudly as he gave her a small nod in return. He also gave Creed a small, proud smirk when he heard about his brother's promotion. It seemed his brother had been making a name for himself here. That was good to see. He listened to the rest of Surreal's message with interest even though most of it didn't apply to him. He hadn't been here for the previous spars or hunts, but he made a note to try and be active in the ones they held in the future so he wouldn't be on the receiving end of his scolding at the next meeting. He looked to the large red wolf that would apparently be his new alpha curiously. He knew nothing about the boy other than the fact that he seemed to be Surreal's son. He glanced with mild humor to the smaller gray woman and the russet male she was leaning against. He assumed the male was her mate and Regulus' father. He had to wonder how they had such an oddly colored son that was so tall. Since Regulus had mentioned him in wanting to know what path he wished to take, Crucible pulled himself to his paws and padded over to the male once the meeting was over. He dipped his head politely to the younger man, his deep voice a quiet rumble as he spoke. "I'm a fighter," he said simply, a smile twitching at the corners of his lips. He was a man of few words and fewer expressions. He hoped that Regulus wouldn't mind too much if he didn't stick around to chat, turning away to leave the way he had come once Regulus was done with him.

- exit Crucible -



7 Years
Athena I

05-24-2016, 02:34 PM

The meeting started shortly after she arrived and she listened quietly as her mother spoke. She glanced to her sister with a proud smile when she received her promotion, but a flicker of concern crossed her face when she saw that her normally hyper-active sister was barely smiling much less jumping up and down like she had expected her to be. Her ears flicked with worry, but he pulled her two-toned gaze back up to her mother either way. She'd have to ask Baine about it later she guessed. When Surreal got around to scolding everyone for the lack of spars and the lack of attendance at the hunt Zuriel had a hard time feeling guilty even though she knew she was part of the problem. She had legitimately tried to spar, but the man she had been paired up with had refused to fight her and he had disappeared shortly afterward. Zuriel wasn't heavily inclined to call her own practice spar simply because she hated the idea of it all. She knew the work that went in to healing wounds that were legitimately earned, much less ones that were given in practice spars. She spent all day every day just finding enough herbs to keep her family well with their constant colds and illnesses, plus all of the other illnesses and injuries in the pack. She was sure she had been doing just that when Varda had called her hunt. She did feel bad about missing Varda's hunt since she did quite like the woman, but only because it was Varda. A quiet, tired sigh passed her lips as she shoved the thought away to continue listening. It wasn't a surprise when she passed over the reigns to her brother. Things didn't stay secret around them long with them all living together. She really was very proud of her brother as he got up to give his portion of the meeting. If there was anyone among their litter that should be the alpha after their mother she knew it should be him. The only mention of her name the whole meeting as assigning her as a tutor for their newest apprentice to one of their newest members. She glanced toward him briefly to see what he looked like and to offer him a smile if he looked her way. She wondered if he was interested in healing at all. She loved to teach others when they were interested. Her ears perked and she quickly looked to the empty spot beside her where Baine used to be, looking back over her shoulder to see her pale form quickly retreating the moment the meeting ended. She glanced toward Regulus, quickly deciding she didn't have anything to say, and turning to run after her sister.

-exit Zuriel-

"Talk" "You" Think