
You don't pay it no mind


03-19-2016, 11:10 PM

Her chocolate dipped toes touched the edge of the cliff that dropped down into the stretch of ocean below. The wind ruffled her tri-toned fur and she lifted her head with her silver gaze closed to enjoy it. She appreciated the cooling breeze after walking in this summer heat all day. She was lucky to have most of her fur be white so it didn't trap so much heat, but even still today in particular had been very warm. The sun was just beginning its trip toward the horizon and she'd open her eyes just enough to look out over the horizon and see the sky slowly starting to soak up more shades of oranges and reds.

From here the horizon filled almost her entire field of view. The cliff was only visible in the very edges of her vision. She wondered if this was what birds saw all the time. She carefully stepped back from the edge then, taking a few steps backwards before turning around with a flick of her tail. With the cliff's edge behind her she started slowly padding back into the thick of the forest around her. Her paws moved slowly, her hips swaying with each step. She was in no hurry or rush. Why would she be? She had no one to answer to, no where to go... She missed having her family around her and she missed the company a pack constantly offered, but she had to admit this loner thing was pretty nice at times.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
03-21-2016, 08:09 PM
Nako stood silently over the edge of the cliff. His fathers feathers had been buried with his sires remains the moment he had returned to the fjord with his family. Trifling objects given up so there was less hassle of maintaining the mementos of the past. Each of the feathers had been replaced at least half a dozen times, but it had eventually been time to give them up. With a purposeful stride Nako lithely leaped down the cliff side and landed on the game trail a few feet below. There was an unknown someone in the woods close by, the windswept trees carried the strangers scent towards the male as he climbed up. It was a woman, Nako rather curious as to why anyone at all would want to come to the fjord in the first place. A cautious peek given below the top of the trail before cresting the steep cliff. There was an elegance to the she wolfs movements as she retreated towards the forest, her brownish pelt seeming a bit odd in the sunlight. His brothers could only offer him so much company in their hunts and sibling antics while his sisters were in Donostrea. This female, should she be willing, would be a nice change of pace as he gave a hurried step loud enough to get her attention but also to maintain a respectful distance.


03-23-2016, 11:42 PM

Her pale ears perked at the sound of paw steps behind her and she'd pause, her paws coming to a stop as she glanced back over her shoulder. Her silver gaze landed on the male in question and she looked at him curiously as she moved to turn and face him with a flick of her tail. "Did you need something?" she asked, her head tipping to the side slightly as she let her gaze roam over him breifly before coming back to rest on his two-toned eyes. They matched each other in height and she was confident in her abilities to defend herself if need be, but she didn't see any malice in his expression. No, she didn't think he was a threat, but it did cross her mind that he could be a bit of company for her. A smirk twitched on her lips at the thought. She padded closer, leaving a maybe a couple of feet between them while she waited for his answer, each step as graceful as the last.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
04-06-2016, 07:12 PM
As expected the female, brown of muzzle and forepaws as she turned to look over her shoulder. What immediately stood out was the color of her eyes, Nako thinking that for a second that this female was blind. But no, she turned and blinked before parting her chocolate muzzle to ask if he needed anything. That caused the grey wolf to not take the planned step closer, paws gripping into the forest soil as his mind worked. What was his next move? Not that he had one in the first place, but the unknown female took a step closer towards him. And closer, Nako's chest tightening anxiously. Here before him was someone different, someone not like his siblings that he stayed with for the past year down in this territory. To be honest with himself and say that he forgot the next step in greeting was a bit off putting in proceeding with this encounter, the male wolf glancing away as she stepped closer until only a long stride separated them. "I ummm..." It was almost as if he was reverting back to a scolded pup, forepaws shuffling closer to one another. "I was just wondering what a stranger was going about are here." So out of practice, he hoped the she wolf didn't mind the strangeness about him. "I'm Nako." He offered with a half smile, hoping that the exchanging of names would help with the strange tension that seemed to increase when the female had gotten closer.


04-13-2016, 11:34 PM

A brow lifted over one of her silver eyes while she watched him fidget and hesitate over his answer. For someone that was following her he seemed to be quite taken aback when she turned to confront him. A smirk remained on her lips while she waited for him to speak. She didn't really have an answer for his comment. It wasn't a claimed land and as far as she knew she was free to go where she wanted so she didn't know why he would wonder why a 'stranger' was out here. She chuckled softly and settled on her haunches as the male introduced himself. Even though he seemed quite awkward he was still equally as attractive. "I'm Hera. Nice to meet you, Nako." With that she'd rise to her paws again, turning back to come the way she came, her brown-tipped tail flicking under his chin. "Wanna walk with me?" she asked over her shoulder with a smirk before padding off to continue the way she was previously going. She didn't care if he actually went with her, but she was interested to see where this would go if he did.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
04-18-2016, 06:58 PM
Well, she didn't lose her smile easily even as he made a minor fool of himself. If anything as she sat down before him the she wolf introduced herself in a polite manner that seemed as if she didn't notice or care. Hera was her name. It was worth noting that she sat right before him in and almost uncomfortably close distance for two wolves who had met in a timeframe of only a few moments rather than days. She seemed at ease before glancing behind herself in the direction she had been going before Nako had grabbed her attention. Brought back to the current moment and her remark, was it really nice to meet him? Even as she stood Nako didn't think so when she turned away to leave. But he felt sincerity as her tail brushed underneath his chin and inquire if he wanted to walk with her, obviously intention and a bit more encouraging the just words. The grey wolf didn't really have anything going on and it would be interesting where this walk with Hera ended up as he fell into stride beside the female. "Not at all. Do you know where you're going?" As far as he knew there wasn't really much in the way of exploring to be doing around the Fjord. Maybe that was because he had been living here for almost a year, left, and then returned for a season to stay with his parents remains. The view were nice, and if they found an outcropping to overlook the cliffs it would be a pretty sight to see while they talked.


05-05-2016, 04:53 PM

A pleased smirk touched Hera's lips when she saw that Nako got up to fall in step beside her. Awkward as he might be, he was cute and she was lonely. She didn't think much deeper into it than that. She let her silver gaze drift back to the path ahead of her, looking ahead to see where they might be headed. He asked if she knew where she was going and she chuckled with a shrug of her shoulders. "Not particularly. I've been wandering around since I came back to these lands. I didn't really have a particular location in mind." It was a pretty enough place so at least there was some sightseeing to be done. She couldn't say that she liked it better than the lands that her family's pack used to hold, but she did like the wide open views off the cliffs. "Are you familiar with this area? Are there any places in particular you like?" she asked with a glance toward him. Perhaps he could show her around if he was.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
05-09-2016, 07:37 PM
Nako was intent on keeping pace with Hera for as long as she would allow even as they got closer the cliff edge. He knew the fjord's territory like it was a part of him. Every crack, crevice and shear drop was known but for the she wolf, and she spoke it so, it was a new location with an unknown destination. They both would be fine as long as they stuck to the game trails while walking above the fjord, a content sigh leaving Nako. This wasn't so bad now that the regular formalities had been exchanged between the two of them. Hera asked while they both walked if he was familiar with the area and there were any places he liked.

The males own mismatched eyes met the one belonging to the female and he fought to remember what nearby place would be considered a favorite. "I know of a few places up ahead. There is the slab of rock that hangs over the edge of the cliff. To our right in a few moments there will be a pool of water surrounded by green scrub and saplings that survived the flooding a few seasons ago when the rains didn't let up for days at a time." Nako raised his head to try and look farther up ahead with a crease in his brow. "And that's about it for the direction we're headed." He looked at Hera and cleared his throat. "Does at least one of those sound interesting to you?" Hopefully one would appeal to the female and they wouldn't have to double back for a cave that was before where they had originally met.


05-24-2016, 10:15 PM

Hera listened with interest as Nako described the places of interest that were up ahead of them in the direction she had chosen to go. She hummed thoughtfully for a moment, considering the options he had given her. She was glad he happened to know the area well so they wouldn't have to go wandering aimlessly for the time being. On one had she knew how amazing the view was off the cliff which made the rock overlook a very strong contender. But with that same thought she had already seen the cliff face so it wouldn't be much of a surprise. She hadn't seen this pool that he talked about yet and it sounded lovely and secluded. She pondered it for a moment more before replying, "Lets go see this pool. The cliff views are great, but I had just left the cliffs before I bumped into you. It'll be something different." A small grin lingered on her lips as she spoke and she gave a motion with her head for him to take the lead.

She walked along beside him as he acted as their guide until the pool of freshwater came into view. It really was quite secluded so she wasn't disappointed on that front. It was a very pretty location and she knew it would be even more pretty at night once the stars came out. She padded down to the water's edge, letting her tail brush along Nako's side as she stepped away from him for a moment to get a drink of water. She lapped up several mouthfuls of the cool liquid before giving a contented sigh and turning to face her newest companion. She gave him another grin and padded back toward him, saying, "I think this was a pretty good choice. You have good taste in scenery."

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
05-26-2016, 09:32 PM
Hera audibly thought about which place she wanted to go after he was done describing her options and dutifully waited for the female to choose. He would be glad to take her to any of the locations, each having their own positives and negatives about them. His thoughts were interrupted as she finally made up her mind, deciding on viewing the pool. The male only nodded at her choice and took the lead at her prompt, the duo heading away from the cliff edge and beginning a quick lope towards the dense green foliage. A path was muscled through the dense brush, Hera's tail once again trailing along his side as she stopped before the waters to take a drink. Suddenly feeling thirsty and more than a little hot at the body language she was showing him, Nako stepped beside her, a pace away along the bank and drank for as long as she did. Perked ears heard that she stopped, and so he stopped, head raising and mismatched eyes staring into her own. “I like to think so. I’m just curious if the scenery holds its beauty once the evening falls.” Nako whispered as Hera stepped up towards him. Their noses were almost touching and to be honest the wolf didn’t know what to do other than wait and see what action the female before him took next.


05-26-2016, 11:16 PM

Hera chuckled softly when he commented on wondering if this place would be just as beautiful once evening fell. "How funny, I was just wondering the same thing," she replied just as quietly. She was close enough to easily lean forward and be able to nuzzle into his neck, among other things, and perhaps she would in a moment. She held off for just a bit longer, still enjoying this subtle flirting. She recognized that it was mostly on her part, but she didn't mind. She had been the one to make the first move after all and had picked this place specifically for its seclusion. She wasn't the type to be shy or beat around the bush when she wanted something. "I suppose we'll just have to stick around and see for ourselves, hm?" she asked with a sly grin. "That does mean we'll have to find a way to pass the time though." She let her tongue slip past her lips to teasingly give his nose a small lick, chuckling as her silver gaze found is two-toned eyes.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
05-31-2016, 07:19 PM
There was an understanding to the two wolves and the subtle tango they partook when speaking to on another. The signs were there for Nako to make a move. Signs that Hera was after something more than just a quiet place with a stranger. What she wanted was something the male was well versed in, taught by a master and already experienced a few times. He gave a slight nod at the mention of waiting for the evening light to arrive. It would be beautiful, as comely as the woman before him. Nako stood a little straighter and leaned closer. This touch had been missed, even as she smiled and mentioned they would have to pass the time the males tongue immediately chased after Hera's when she licked him. A weak groan of want left his throat. Nako knew what their actions could produce, knew that the past time being intimate had done to him. And he didn't care. All he wanted right now was to show Hera a good time for the night. If she would let him, dark paws bringing him closer to she wolf and wrapping his neck around hers with a sigh. It was all up to Hera should she pursue this, all he could do to give her a beautiful evening by themselves away from the world.


06-01-2016, 01:56 PM

Hera grinned at Nako's reactions, her tail flicking behind her as a small shiver ran through her once he stepped forward to wrap his neck around hers. There was something so thrilling about stealing away this moment with a random male like this, something that just made her feel so alive and daring. Nako was being such a gentleman about it all, not pushing or forcing her in any way, letting her play her games. She hooked her neck around his as well, tipping her nibble at his scruff and the back of his neck. Her chest pressed tight to his, feeling his fur mix with hers. It had been quite a while since she had been with anyone like this... at least a few seasons if she remembered correctly. She was glad she had managed to bump into someone that was willing to dance with her for a while. She glanced toward the sky, seeing the first touches of orange begin to fade into the blue. Soon enough the sun would begin to fully set, leaving them in the moonlight. "Perhaps the stars will be out by the time we're done," she whispered, nuzzling her face into his scruff and breathing in his scent. She didn't know anything about him other than his name, but that was all she really needed to know. Ever since she was little she had an overly active imagination. It was easy for her to pretend that they were some long lost lovers that happened to reunite here in this secluded grove, enjoying a few moments together under the stars before they had to part again. It was a deluded fantasy, but it was more than enough to convince her that she needed this more than she already had.


"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
06-05-2016, 08:14 PM
Their fur mingled, and she didn't pull away, only encouraging him down the path with the grazing of her fangs trailing behind his neck. Nako gave a rough press of his chest against the she wolf and a muted groan at her foreplay. There would be no regret, Hera wanted this, had started them both down the path and now that they were at the end it was all on him to end with a new beginning. Hera spoke of how the stars would be in the night sky as the evening faded away before he felt a press of her muzzle into his neck fur to remember his scent. Nako stood frozen as still as a statue. Could this work out? Would they be satisfied with but a single time. Was he good enough for this woman after having illegitimate children?

A drawn out breath acted as a balm to the distracting thoughts. Dark paws drew him away from his lover, a deep and passionate kiss given as his muzzle tilted against her nose. With a nervous glance of his mismatched eyes Nako drew back and padded the few steps toward the rump of his lover. He nosed her tail off to the side as his chest pressed up against Hera's rump, forelegs coming up in instinctual eagerness to wrap securely against the curve where her hind legs met her stomach. The male chest settled against the pale fur of his lovers back. With a firm and tender press of his hips Nako brought the two secluded lovers up to join the stars well into the evening of the new night.



06-05-2016, 10:07 PM

Hera tipped her head back once it was all said and done to look up at the quickly darkening sky to see the first stars peeking out for the night. Her eyes were half open and a easy, relaxed smirk lingered on her lips as she brought her gaze back down to look at Nako again. Her smirk grew into a small grin as she chuckled and leaned toward him to nuzzle her face into his neck. She felt like she could be flying up there in the stars with how alive she felt in this moment, but gravity kept her grounded here. It was just as well. At least she could stay here with him for a while longer that way. She settled onto her stomach facing the pond, glancing up at him with a smile to silently invite him to join her if he so wished.

She looked out at the water again and smiled a little more, her color-tipped tail brushing against the ground. "We were right, this place is gorgeous at night," she commented, motioning with her head toward the water that now had pinpoints of light dotted around its flat surface, making it glitter and sparkle in the starlight. The moon peeked over the trees and sent a large pale disk of light over the water as well. She shifted her weight to lean into his side if he did decide to lay down with her for a while, a content sigh passing her lips.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
06-17-2016, 07:55 PM
Nako nuzzled into the crook of Hera's neck as they both stood separated and side by side. It had been a pleasurable tangle of limbs, his muzzle nipping the orange fur of Heras foreleg as his breathing returned to normal. Hera brushed her face against his neck, Nako letting out a satisfied rumble, staring at her, eying the way she lay before the pond and looked up at him. Needing no other proof to join her Nako lay beside his love, fur mingling with hers as he crossed his forelegs and tucked them against his chest. He followed Hera's gaze as he looked out across the pond water, watching the ripples distort the stars in the night sky above them. Even the moon shown with dazzling clarity in the water. The night was beautiful. Hera pressed against him and the male shifted to bring his head underneath hers, resting his muzzle on his ankles. Nako would soon find sleep under the night sky in the presence of a lover.

-Nako is asleep-