
I'm not scared of the dark



4 Years
Athena I
06-01-2016, 12:06 AM

Piper glanced back over her shoulder, looking across the thin strip of land she had just crossed to get to this island. How strange that she could get to what was very much like an island without even really getting her paws wet! She knew her father didn't like her going too far out of the pack lands, but she really hadn't even gone that far and she'd be back before sundown. She turned back toward the island with a smile, trotting further inland with her tail waving gently behind her. She loved exploring new places. Maybe now that she was a year old her father would ease up and let her go exploring more. She knew he'd go exploring with her if she asked, but he had a whole pack to take care of. He didn't have that much free time and she didn't want to bother him.

This place was turning out to be gorgeous. Of course most of the foliage was dead and dried up because of the winter, but the views were still great with all the mountains and trees around. She kept hiking inward till eventually she ran across a lake in what she guessed was the center of this island. She gratefully paused at the water's edge and lapped up some of the chilly water. Maybe she should come back here once summer rolled around so she could swim here. She imagined it would be a great place for fishing as well. She lifted her head once she had enough water and looked around with a contented sigh. So far so good for today's adventure!

"Talk" "You" Think

Forsaken I


5 Years
06-01-2016, 11:30 PM
Ooc:: Chronologically takes place after the meeting with Enigma {which needs to be posted}.

I'm not a bad man even though I do bad things

Very bad things; Such horrible things

Forsaken had grown bored quickly after arriving in Boreas. There was the meeting with Enigma, sure... But then what? Lounge around? That was not enough for the child of Sin. He could not just simply wait around, remaining idle as he hoped for something to happen. He sought entertainment, and though he desired others for his little games he could certainly make do without them. A prey animal could suit his needs just fine... But alas what fun was it if you couldn’t understand the creature you were tormenting?

Forsaken had started to travel close to the packs of the East in search of his prey. A dangerous tactic if you looked at it logically. But Forsaken cared little for logic and less for the wolves of packs. They were, in his eyes, little more than scum. He might not have known the two packs that had tore his family apart, nor the man who slew his father, but Forsaken didn’t care about the details. He hated them all.

But then, Forsaken thought, who was he to judge? Were they not trying to get by in this dog eat dog world also? Was there really even such a thing as good an evil? As he pondered this, fancying himself quite the philosopher, a scent caught his attention. Had Forsaken been at the war between Hellstrom, Abaven, and Imperium he might have recognized the pack scent the female carried. But that was not the reason he targeted her, ironic as that was.

Forsaken walked on, following the small strip of land that lead to the island. Perfect! Seemed the little girl had isolated herself. His lips peeled back to a pleased smirk, and Forsaken relished in the power he believed he held. Perhaps a man or a woman might come one day and take it away from him. But today? No... He was certain that today was not that day.

So ‘saken trailed after the Abaven wolf...

...Until he finally found her.

The man’s golden eyes shown with malice as he approached from behind. His true intent, at least for that moment, was revealed as he approached. But then Forsaken lifted his head, putting on his mask to fool the youth. Gaze softened and a playful smirk came to his features. A seasoned wolf might have felt unease at such a look, but this fae? Forsaken suspected she was green enough to not know the difference.

“This island is lovely, is it not? Could make a wonderful summer home.” Even his tone could be confused for that of a gentleman if one was naive enough. All part of his game.

"Talk," 'Think.'

But it's not quite what it seems...

Not quite what I seem...

Aw, Hell... It's exactly what it seems!



4 Years
Athena I
06-03-2016, 12:36 PM

She jumped a little when she heard a noise behind her, turning around to see the larger man standing there just as he began to speak. All of her father's warnings about strangers and the dangers of leaving the pack's lands were ringing in her ears, but he looked friendly enough and she had to agree with his statements about the island. She grinned back at him and nodded, saying, "It is! I was just thinking the same thing. I'm glad I found such a good place to swim that's not too far from home." She made sure to keep her distance from him for now, but she didn't want to seem rude either. She would feel awful if he turned out to be super nice and she started out their interactions with giving him a cold shoulder.

"I'm Sandpiper, but I usually go by Piper. What's your name?" she asked curiously, her tail waving behind her gently. Perhaps if she knew who he was she wouldn't feel so uneasy about him. That was her thought process anyway. Who knew if that was actually true or not. She kind of hoped so since she didn't have any friends outside of Abaven. Maybe he knew more about the island than she did and he could show her around! She did really love exploring. That possibility made her much more excited about meeting someone new and she gave him a happy grin as she waited for him to introduce himself.

"Talk" "You" Think

Forsaken I


5 Years
06-22-2016, 04:01 PM
I don't play around that often,

When I do I'm a freak!

Forsaken kept that playful smirk on his face, keeping his golden gaze upon the femme as she answered him. She seemed excited to have found a place close to home she could come visit. Such a shame she might change her mind after all was said and done, hmm? But Forsaken was a patient man. He wouldn’t immediately lunge at her or anything of the sort. No, he’d let this play out. She was still acting wary enough that he knew he had to break down her defenses before he made his move. It was the distance he was more worried about. He’d need to be close when he struck...

“The name my mother gave me is Forsaken. Forsaken Lore.” The brute scrunched up his nose, as if he’d just smelled something foul. “A rather cruel name if I do say so myself. But alas it is what she decided to call me. I didn’t have the heart to take another.” He frowned, ears lowering to the side as he kept up his facade. “I'm sorry if the name seems a bit ill... Though I assure you I’m not a bad man. I actually came this way looking for someone when I saw you.”

A half truth. Couldn’t hurt to mingle some truth in with his words, no? “He’s a mute I’m afraid. Typical timber markings and golden eyes. His name was Squirrel. He was...” He furrowed his brow, a mix of hurt rising in his chest. He had cared for Squirrel more than just a slave... But alas that crush was short lived. “I guess you could say I fancied him. He was a friend of the family and he disappeared a while back along with one of my younger brothers; Shiro.” Names that were likely to be meaningless to the femme... But hopefully the idle chatter would help lower her guard.

"Talk," 'Think.'

So you'd better believe

I like it rough!