
Am I Losing My Mind?



4 Years
06-12-2016, 07:59 PM

The young man had traveled away from the North, though why he wasn’t entirely sure yet. He already missed the biting cold, the howling winds... but something had certainly lead him here. A faint memory of a dream... But much more than that the young man couldn’t quite remember. He pondered the hazy vision, wondering why it was surfacing now, of all times. Was there something he was trying to remember? Something he was trying to... Forget? He furrowed his brow, frustration filling him. It didn’t make sense.

If it had been something he was trying to forget then why not the death of his father? The abuse his older siblings displayed mentally and emotionally? Why some place out here? Unless he was trying to remember...? Or was it even a memory at all? Ganta let out a frustrated huff, coming to a stop somewhere along a mountain he’d found. He wasn’t sure what he was doing, chasing weird dreams and visions that didn’t even make sense! Was he some sort of fool?

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...


06-13-2016, 10:29 AM

The boy watched the strange man come up the volcano, up on a higher shelf of rocks where he couldn't be seen. He kept peeking over the ledge, making sure that he was staying close enough that he wouldn't lose the odd wolf. He had strange patterns up his legs, and really long fur on his head. It was strange, was he a mutant or something? Was he born from the gods like he and his sister were? Why else would he look so odd? Blinking, he ducked back down when he got closer, not wanting to be spotted. This was his families home, and he didn't want anyone taking it! When he heard the sound of his huff and his paws kicking at a few loose stones, he made his move. Standing up tall he launched himself at the stranger, aiming to leap right in front of him. He didn't want to hit him in the shoulder and knock him over, then he might fall and die. Pheonix would get into a lot of trouble if he did that, and he didn't like being in trouble. His fur poofed up as he snarled, standing in an overly wide stance in front of the other male. "My home! What do?" He asked in broken English. He hated that no other wolves spoke like him and his family, it took so much effort to converse with strangers like this.

Pheo's yellow gaze looked up at the long fur again, his fur laying somewhat flat as his curiosity got the best of him. His eyes narrowed as he stood up to his full height -- which was not a lot -- and tried to get closer to him. He didn't want to get too close, cause then the bigger male could bite him. He didn't like getting hurt, he was the one who did the beating up. Squinting even harder, he was trying to decide if he liked the elongated fur or not. Was it stupid, or was it kind of cool? He figured that it must be pretty cool, cause no one else looked like that. Letting out a huff, his fur laid completely flat as he stood on his tippy toes, wanting to touch it. "You different. Why? You born from god, like me?" Pheonix asked in his choppy way, demanding answers from the odd wolf.




4 Years
06-22-2016, 04:25 PM

Ganta blinked with surprise, stumbling back as a flurry of movement suddenly flashed before his eyes. To his surprise a small wolf shouted out him, his English touched with some sort of foreign accent. But despite that Ganta understood, or at least thought he did, what the younger one was trying to tell him. This was his home... And... What was he doing here he supposed. Ganta frowned, flicking one ear back as he watched the pup.

The other was interestingly marked. Colors of fire marked the younger wolf’s coat making Ganta wonder about him. But he didn’t show any aggression, watching as the pup edged closer and closer until he stood on his tip toes to try and touch the fur on his head. He leaned forward, slowly and just enough that the pup could do so, a small smile coming on his face. The child believed he was born from a god? Interesting. Deciding to play along Ganta told his own tale.

“I assure you I’m here to cause you or your home no harm, God-Child.” His silvery-white eyes shown with sincerity as he spoke, though his next words were a bit of truth mixed with his own twist of fantasy... Mainly for the sake of the child before him. “I suppose I’m different because I’m the child of an angel and the devil himself.” Ganta lowered himself to the ground, hoping that his motions weren’t too fast and he wouldn’t startled the younger wolf.

“They say that he stole her from the gods. A beautiful angel who followed him anywhere and everywhere, caught in the darkness and evil of his heart. Blind to the cruelty in his nature.” Ganta frowned. “The angel loved him so. She followed the devil everywhere... Even when he went back to the realm of the dead. She left us, her children, behind. But...” His eyes shown with a mischievous glint.

“My brother Obscoro and I are still here. We’re only part angel, so we couldn’t follow her. Being part devil, like our father, we couldn’t follow him either. So we’re stuck here to try and make something of ourselves on this plane.” The tale fell so easily from his lips, distracting him from his earlier trouble. Funny how a cute pup could serve as a distraction.

“...since you are a child of the Gods that must means my mother would have worked under your parents.” He offered the pup a smile. “Do you think we could be friends? I can give you my name first if you want.”

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...