



04-19-2016, 07:49 PM
Random Weather Event!

Oh no! One of the dams has broken from the influx of rain, and the land is now flooding over! You are sitting on the edge of one of the creeks when a loud groan can be heard, until the dam bursts with a loud crack. You rush to get to safety before the land floods, when you realize you're not the only one there. Do you selfishly save yourself, or go to lend them a paw?

Only the first four wolves who reply to this thread will be involved, and you will be able to claim this for a random weather event in the Navigation skill.

Be polite and don't post here unless you can complete the thread in a timely manner!



6 Years
04-19-2016, 08:53 PM

When Argead had fallen, and Mithras and his children disappeared, Irie knew she was to return home - perhaps find again the peace that seemed so absent from her life for the time being. She had searched for those beautiful children, for Mithras, and the mother of the children... but had found naught a trace - and so relunctantly, she headed back to her true home: the south of Ardent, Auster.

As she was wont to do, Irie wandered. First back down to Auster, and then through the subsequential lands: the coastal regions, the ancient oaks, the peaceful creek that had the sycamore trees arching over it. Now, she found herself in the land of the beavers - those annoying, yet amusing, little creatures that built things in the water. She had already visited one of the dams, laughing at several beavers got angry at her and chittered at her. Now she was seated next to a tree, near one of the slim creeks that managed to straggle through the land past the dams.

A loud snap made her jump, eyes flying wide as the peaceful tranquility was broken. Her head snapped around, fur bristling warily when the sound of roaring water filled her ears. Oh by the Traveler - the dam she had just visited had broken! Fear in her eyes, she spun around and tried to kick off, only to find that her hind legs had no traction in the mud of the stream. Slipping, she fell to the ground, squeaking. She kicked violently at the ground, flailing in an attempt to get up - she had to go, she had to flee.

"Talk" "You" Think

Any Diamachi is allowed to crash in Irie's threads!



4 Years
Dire wolf
04-19-2016, 09:36 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2016, 07:11 PM by Evelyn.)

This was one land that he had not yet visited, and yet it seemed to be the perfect place for a pack. The creeks that fed these lands kept life abundant, herbs and prey seemed to be around every corner. He strolled casually through the mass of dams, before a loud Crack was heard. His ears pulled forward, massive frame raising to his full height to try and see the source. He was simply curious at what caused it, until he heard a shriek. His heart beat faster as he suddenly took off, hunting for the female who had cried out

Weaving through the trees he soon saw who had called, and his green and yellow eyes flew open wide. Irie! Gwenaël let out a bark, trying to let her know he was on her way. A rush of water was coming towards her, the logs that flowed with it told him that a damp had broke. Fear pulsed through him as he dove forward, his neck stretching out to try and grab her scruff. "I'm here miss Irie, I'm here," he called over the sound of rushing water. Biting down as softly as he could, he tried to find purchase to pull her up. She was very tiny, and hardly weighed anything at all. But the water was coming up towards them faster than he thought. He tried to lift her right off the ground, but his massive paws started to slip in the mud. The earth was quickly soaking up as much water as it could, but it still lapped at his ankles. Quickly Gwen tossed Irie to dry land, his own paws starting to slide wider apart. He didn't care much about himself at the moment, looking over to make sure Irie was safe.




4 Years
Extra large
04-23-2016, 01:55 PM (This post was last modified: 05-21-2016, 09:18 AM by Karabela.)

Splash!  Karabela grinned to herself as her white-gloved front paws slapped the water.  She’d travelled farther than she had in a long time and she hoped Bass wouldn’t be too upset with her for being gone from the packlands so long.  After the drama of the meeting she’d felt the need to just withdraw and think on her life and recent events.  Not only where she was but where she might be heading.  Honestly she was content with her rank and had no desire to climb any higher… not really.  Though there were times she wondered if her mother would have expected her to go farther.  She stared at her reflection for a moment when suddenly she heard the cracking of timber.  At first Karabela didn’t pay it much mind.  The place was crawling with beavers and they were bound to be felling trees here and there.

The cracking grew in volumne until a loud boom made her jump away from the creek, head twisting to see the largest network of the beaver dams giving way.  Well, shit!  Just as Raba turned to race uphill and into the aspen groves she heard a squeak and noticed a smaller woman caught in the mud.  Raba started racing for the femme but a male appeared, his massive frame working to pull her free and toss her from the muck.  “Head’s up!”  Raba shouted to make her presence known, her own jaws reaching out seeking to grasp the woman’s scruff so that she might haul the smaller creature to her feet so they could get the heck out of here!


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



05-25-2016, 09:37 AM

You have one (1) week to continue to the next round. Please remember that by posting here you agreed to reply promptly to each round. If you cannot continue in the thread in a reasonable timeframe please have your character exit in their next post so that another character can have a chance to post.



6 Years
05-25-2016, 10:39 PM

She couldn't get up - every time her toes scrabbled at the mud, they simply slipped back down, losing her balance. The wolf let out a cry of frustration, claws trying to dig into the ground, but it was no use - she was no cat and her claws did not have the gripping power of an owl. All very frustrating, and all very panic-inducing... something she was very much struggling with as the roar of the water grew even louder. Fear of an impending possible death grew - though soon enough, she became distracted by the call of a familiar voice.

Whipping her head around to find a giant bounding towards her, she let out a glad cry. "Gwen!" Without moments her scruff was grabbed... and a moment later she was tossed roughly onto the land. Scrabbling to stand, she felt the assistance of yet another pair of jaws on her scruff, and once standing she shot the wolf - a young female - a grateful glance, before her eyes focused on Gwen, who's feet were sliding apart. Realizing what her mistake was - moving too quickly - she yelled over the roar, "Move calmly, surely! Then run!" Her mistake was running first, and not waiting until she was out of the mud; if he ran, he'd slip and fall too but if he gathered himself at a normal pace he'd be fine... or so she thought.

Truly, they'd be fine! The Diamachi wolf glanced nervously at the direction of the dam, and then back at Raba; she wanted to flee, but there was no way in hell she was fleeing without Gwenaël.

"Talk" "You" Think

Any Diamachi is allowed to crash in Irie's threads!



4 Years
Dire wolf
05-27-2016, 01:16 PM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2016, 01:16 PM by Gwenaël.)

When he heard Irie make contact with the ground, albeit a bit hard, he let out a loud breath that he had been holding. He didn't care much about being stuck himself, as long as the dame was okay. Another female came into the equation, and he gave her a grateful look for assisting his friend. But when the sound of rushing water became stronger, he looked over his shoulders and truly felt fear. Gwenaël wasn't one to really feel afraid, but at the moment his life was on the line. He scrambled quickly, trying to reach the bank. He hardly heard Miss Irie's words above the rushing water heading right for him. His ears strained forward, picking up just the tail end of her speech. Surely, and then run. Taking a deep breath, the large male fought to calm his racing heart. He spread his toes and dug his claws into the mud, taking slow and steady steps. He pushed down with his paw pads down firmly, making sure his limb was steady before taking another step. He was taking too long though, the water was nearly upon him. Unable to keep calm, he scrambled to take the last few steps on to solid land. He was too late though, the rapid flowing water hit his backside. Letting out a loud cry, Gwenaël fought to keep himself steady as the water pushed against him. His claws started to slip in the mud, and with one final cry he got swept away. The giant was thankful for his size, he was able to push against the bed of the river and keep his head above water. For now. Another gush of water slammed against the back of his head, twisting him underwater. He flailed about feebly, his left shoulder slamming against a tree trunk. He made the mistake of letting out a cry of pain, water pushing its way into his lungs. He choked, panic flooding his system. With a final flailing motion, he was able to find enough footing to push himself upwards.

Gwenaël broke the surface of the water, trying to draw air into his water logged lungs. Choking, he kicked hard and tried to fight against the flow of the water. His limbs were growing weary, and he knew that he had little time before he would tire. He had no idea where he was, or how far down he had been pushed down stream. Thinking of Irie and the other dame on the shore, he found the strength to give one final kick. It was just enough to put him near the bank, close enough for him to grasp upon an exposed root of a tree. He was too weary to drag his massive body on land, and instead endured the bashing of water against his left side. His already injured shoulder was receiving a good beating, but his jaws locked firmly on the root. He prayed to Ivet to give him strength to hold on, and for Givi to not come for his soul on this day. He was unsure how much longer he could keep himself this way, and hoped that the two ladies would reach him in time.




4 Years
Extra large
06-15-2016, 08:51 PM

Curse her decent heart she was going to drown trying to help these two! Her fangs seized hold of the woman and Raba managed to get her to dry land but then the male was caught up. Her golden eyes flitted nervously to the water. Even with trees and various natural debris they could be swept away in mere moments and their window of opportunity for escape was rapidly diminishing. She whined softly as the man began to move but far to slowly. “Aw shit!” she yelled before the water slammed into them. She had attempted to leap farther up the shore but had hesitated to long and was caught in the rushing water as well.

It whipped her around and she could feel the current trying to roll her under. Panting she kicked off the bottom and broke above the water, legs pushing madly trying to get her to the shore before she was dragged into deeper water. Karabela timed her strokes carefully, for now focusing only on her self. She couldn’t help the others if she was dead. Carefully maneuvering herself so her hind legs were pointed down stream she attempted to let the current take her over various limbs until finally she managed to scrambled onto a large tree limb that was skimming the surface of the water, it’s trunk deep in the water but not buried. Gasping for breath she clung to the branch, her lungs felt like they were on fire and her vision was burning. Blinking the muck from her eyes she tried to catch site of the other two.


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



6 Years
06-23-2016, 05:06 PM
Perhaps it was sheer luck, the female was already moving, simultaneously closer and higher up on the bank to Gwen. She had to help him, she had to - Karabela's cry alerted her to the oncoming gush. She leaped even higher onto the bank, so only her back end was slammed with the water; desperately, her jaws clamped onto the first thing they could grab - the narrow trunk of a sapling tree. The wood splintered beneath the force of her bite, and the water pummeled her. Water splashed into her nose, her eyes, and the wolf spluttered for breath. Her body bashed into the ground, and she could already feel the bruises forming on her ribs, her hips, her chest; everywhere, really.

Finally, though, the torrent of water rushed past, leaving a somewhat strong current, but one light enough she to stand and walk - besides, it was only to her knees. Gingerly, she gathered her paws beneath her and let go of the stick. Splintered pieces of wood were still in her mouth, and she pushed them out with her tongue, and dunked her muzle in the water briefly, jaws open, to try and get rid of the wood. It took a minute, but her mouth was finally clean. Then she looked down the bank - she saw no one. Taking a deep breath, she climbed higher onto the bank, where the water was much more shallow - only up to her ankle. It was then she started loping towards the water - where were they? Eyes darted around as she darted around obstacles. Where the hell were they?

Panicked, she pushed herself even more, her speed picking up. A wolf could travel upwards 40 miles per hour while running in short bursts, and Irie was most certainly up there. Eyes scanned the banks, and the water - it was then she noticed a figure flailing in the water. No... wait, that wasn't someone flailing; that was a wolf being bacshed by a strong current that still lingered. Irie skidded to a stop by the bank, glancing down at the battered figure of Gwen. "Let go!" she shouted over the roar of the water. "It's only rough there, let the river take you down the stream a bit!" The bank was lower just a few feet away, too.

Any Diamachi is allowed to crash in Irie's threads!



4 Years
Extra large
07-27-2016, 08:01 PM

Karabela could feel herself losing hold of the branch and she scrambled wildly to throw one of her hind legs over until she was straddling the branch for dear life. Was it over yet? She coughed, feeling the liquid muck rattling in her lungs. She'd be lucky to get out of this without any respiratory infection. Great… really stellar. Patiently Raba waited it out until the initial rush of water was past them. Ugh what a mess. Carefully she slipped back into the water again, the current was strong but not as terrifying as the first rush had been though now she was tired and sore. Moving rapidly she quickly reached dry land and then flopped on her belly. Hallelujah!

Taking a few deep breaths into her burning lungs Karabela got to her feet and started moving down the bank, looking for the other two wolves and praying they hadn't been swept away. She quickly caught sight of the woman who was yelling to the man. Aww hell… were they going to have swim out and get him? Was he even conscious?


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king



6 Years
08-12-2016, 06:25 PM
Why wasn't he responding? Was it just his body hanigng on, his mind already gone into unconsciousness? A movement behind her made her turn slightly, and she spotted Raba. Frowning, she gestured at Gwenael with her muzzle. "He's not responding! I don't know if he's conscious!" she shouted back over the din roar of the water. This was a situation she wasn't prepared for, and she wasn't entirely certain how to get a wolf double her size onto dry land. She wouldn't be much use; not for a wolf that size, but she didn't want Raba to try to get him alone. Sighing, she moved closer to the young wolf. "I think we'll have to get him," she admitted, speaking a bit more normally now that she was closer. She sent another concerned look at the man, before turning back to Karabela.

Any Diamachi is allowed to crash in Irie's threads!



4 Years
Extra large
08-12-2016, 06:41 PM

Well shitty mcstreudelmuffins! Karabela turned to the woman then back to the man that was still clinging limply to the branch. Yea, he was probably unconcious and truth be told Karabela, being the larger and stronger of the pair, would have the best chance of hauling the man to shore. "Wait here, I'll go get him. You be my eyes on the shore and help me navigate back through the current." Karabela moved swiftly upstream, keen eyes taking in the movement of the debris in the water before she took a flying leap off the bang and splashed back into the cold and wet. Oh…. this man would owe her if they got out of this alive. Angling herself she let the current carry her towards the man and just before it would start to sweep her away from him her powerful legs pushed against the water, teeth lashing out to grab hold of a branch. She was upstream of him by a few feet.

Ok… ok… she could do this. She could totally do this. Releasing the branch she let the water do the work and as her body collided into the man's she reached up and grabbed his scruff, letting the strong current pull the both of them into the water and then the work began. Paddling like a mad woman Karabela looked to Irie for instruction as she tried to keep the mans head above water. She could feel her muscles burning until finally her paws scrapped along the shore and she hauled herself and the man out of the water and onto… soggy land. Very soggy, muddy land. Ugh! She had no strength to speak and instead collapsed on the shore panting.


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king