
Kill 'em with kindness



9 Years
Athena I
06-19-2016, 11:26 PM

Leo slowed to a stop at the edge of Celestial's border with a relieved sigh. He always forgot how long of a journey it was to get here! Not too much longer than it was to travel to Ivalice's festival of course, but still a bit of a trip. It was worth it though, he thought, to catch up with this side of his family. He was in a little bit better of a headspace than he was during his last visit so perhaps they could have a bit more of a productive chat this time around. Before he lifted his head to howl he noticed a bit of a shift in the scent that marked the border. It was still a scent he recognized so he wasn't concerned, just curious and interested if anything. He finally lifted his head to howl for someone to meet him before he settled back on his haunches to rest for a moment while he waited. He knew the plains were the main land for Celestial just like the mangroves were the main land for Fiori, but this border was the closest edge of their territory to his so he hoped they didn't mind him calling from out here too much. He didn't mind waiting for a moment so he hoped they didn't rush to greet him.

"Talk" "You" Think



12 Years
Extra large
06-21-2016, 10:30 PM

He’d just finished his patrol of the Plains and was just beginning to make the circuit around the Lake when a familiar – sort of – voice called out for the family from a point just ahead. Regulus tipped his head back, answering the familial call with a baritone song, acknowledging Leo, and letting the fellow Alpha know he’d be there shortly. Now, he had heard the call earlier in the year, before his mother and he had come down with that last cold, and she’d let him know who it was. Leo. Cousin Leo. So he took his time, knowing his cousin would likely like to sit and catch his breath from a long walk to the wester. The mangroves were all the way across the continent, and that was a long walk.

The call hadn’t been urgent; no notes of pain, fear, anger, or negative emotion had colored his cousin’s voice. So he made sure to take his time in laying a solid, thick mark in his wake, ensuring the borders were announced loud and clear, and that outsiders would know the primary leader was healthy, strong, and willing to take on opposition. As the russet Adravendi came into sight, Regulus greeted him with a cheerful – if regal – wag of his tail, picking up his pace from a slow amble to a gliding stroll until he came to stand before the smaller male, haunches lowering to a seated position on the ground.

“Hello, Cousin Leo. How are you today?” His baritone rumble was amiable, welcomingly warm as he swept his fathomless sapphire gaze over his kin’s form, checking him out for hurts or illnesses. Leo had his immense respect, after he had watched the russet, white marked man – a painting in negatives of his mother, Epiphron – beat off a Challenge for Fiori by a young male. The same male Luck had been with. What had become of her?

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



9 Years
Athena I
06-23-2016, 12:04 PM

Leo's ears perked at the howl he received in response, a small smile touching his lips. At least he knew someone had heard him and was on their way. He vaguely recognized the voice, but when he spotted the massive red form come into view he recognized Surreal's son easily. That sort of color certainly left an impression. He offered the younger man a happy grin as he came to sit across from him, his tail brushing lightly across the ground. "I'm doing much better than I have been, thank you for asking," he replied with a small nod of his head. He wasn't sure how much of his recent struggles Regulus knew about, but he wasn't too keen on getting into them either. All that really mattered was that he was doing better.

"I just felt like I don't see enough of your side of our family and I figured I might as well remedy that a bit while I had some free time!" He chuckled a bit, knowing that Regulus would know that 'free time' never truly happened when you're an alpha. Real free time was a myth. "How have you been? Am I mistaken or have you taken your mother's place?" It was pretty obvious that Regulus' scent was the strongest scent on the borders these days, but he never liked to assume something without getting a real answer first. For all he knew Surreal could just be sick and Regulus was filling in. He hoped that wasn't the case for Surreal's sake, but that's why he liked to ask!

"Talk" "You" Think