
They say it started with a big bang[Wedding!]

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

07-02-2016, 03:50 PM

Nervously he would arrive to the meeting place. Of course Razor would be close to him, and the boy seemed to be all sorts of excited. Well so was Rivaxorus, the spring air meant they were two years of age. So much had happened and he didn't expect it to stop either. The choices they made in their life would always reflect those around them. As the large male stood in the clearing he sat down and tried to relax his racing heart beat. His tail flicked behind him as he raised up in a call to tell the nearby wolves it was time. And of course he hoped his invitations had reached those that he spoke to previously.




3 Years
07-02-2016, 04:10 PM

Razor had a smile on his face, he was happy for his brother. In fact he was even more happy to be doing this. The ceremony hadn't really been performed before, only taught by word of mouth from his mother. Still it would be an experience for a life time. Her certainly hoped the gods were watching them at this very moment. As he walked with his brother they found a nice clearing and Rivaxorus raised the call. Sitting in the middle of riv and a spot for his wife to be his blue eyes moved over his larger brother.

Razor would take in a deep breath. He would be put on spot here, but he didn't mind. "Denki grant me strength." he half said out loud for himself. As the man nodded his head, he'd be able to do this. It would be a fun and happy event for all of them. Maybe even give Razor a chance to meet Rivaxorus' pack. Also other packs - since he never really got out.

ooc: please post by the 11th of July!




5 Years
07-02-2016, 07:46 PM

Spring had arrived and it was the birthday for him and his siblings. Now officially two years of age the boys were officially mature and for one of them it was time to take the next step into their lives. Jackson had known it was coming and the call for the pack was expected. Though he couldn't remember how mother had explained that these things go, maybe he wasn't even around when she had spoke of such things. He still had so much to learn and part of him wondered if Riv was really ready for this next step or if he was rushing it a little bit. Either way it was not for him to argue, but to support his family. Huffing the young male got up from his spot and moved at a brisk pace to meet with Riv. He had no clue that Razor would be coming to this meeting, nor did he realize other packs have been invited. So he would be in for a slight surprise.

It hadn't taken him long to close in on the two and when they came into site the boys tail burst out in an excited wag. Razor was here! This made Jackson vary happy and he quickened his pace even more to close the distance. First he embraced Razor with his ears gently folded back and rubbing his nose into the fur of his cheek. He whined in happiness glad to see his grey brother. He pulled back before prancing slightly in his spot.

"Razor it is so good to see you! How are you fairing in Uncle Leo's pack," he asked with a smile.

As he waited for an answer he went to his larger brother and embraced him in the same way, both excited and happy for him. He stepped back, giving both of them the space that would be needed, but sat in the front row seats ready for what was to happen today.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
07-02-2016, 10:30 PM
The chestnut girl was nervous; this was her first real gathering with the pack and she was, naturally, scarred. She shifted uneasily, her green gaze darting here and there as she snuck out of her den at the call of a male. It sounded authoritative... Could that have been Rivaxrous, the male whom her sister had left with? Kait wasn’t sure what to think of him, really... But the thought that she might see her other siblings here excited her. She started for the area of the ceremony and found, with surprise, she was one of the first to arrive.

Awkwardness consumed her as she hung back, ears flicked back and worry filling her heart. She gave a soft whine, her green eyes darting from Riv, to Razor, and then to Jackson. She wished that Zeph was already here... That her sister might comfort her and tell her that everything was going to be alright. Kait slowly sat down, though she was a good bit away from the males as she watched them, tail flicking in nervous habit.

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.



9 Years
Athena I
07-02-2016, 11:55 PM

Leo was quick to make his way to his nephew's wedding, feeling cheerful about the whole event. He had high hopes for Riv and his soon to be wife and he refused to let his own soured opinion on love affect this happy day. He had let his children know that they were welcome to come if they wished, but he wouldn't force them. He was sure at least a couple of them would come along. He was quick to find Riv along with two of his brothers and another young woman he didn't recognize. He went to Riv first, giving him a huge grin and gently nudged his cheek with his nose as his tail wagged cheerfully behind him. "So today is the big day!" he said happily, glancing toward his other nephews with the same grin. He noticed that the young woman that smelled like she might be a member of Myriad looked very nervous so he offered her a kind smile before going to sit with Jackson. He would have gone to greet her as well and introduce himself, but it seemed she was a bit skittish and he didn't want to scare her more.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
Extra large
07-03-2016, 03:30 AM

Oh dear, today was the day. The realisation dawned on her - she was finally an adult. Two years old. That didn't make her feel any more mature, more responsible, more adult-like. And certainly not any older. Maybe they had taken this a bit far. Did they really need to get married now? What was the rush? Her mother had never loved anyone, and she turned out alright...ish. Okay, maybe love was important, but now? The nerves, it had to be the nerves messing with her head. She had said yes, after all. This was what she wanted, wasn't it?

In the back of her mind, she knew she had to act older. Just after Riv had set off for the islands, she stayed back at the den grooming herself. Normally, she didn't take such a stress in her appearance, but for this special occasion, she had to look presentable. No, more than that. She was the one being wed, so she had to look the most beautiful, feminine. She brushed the dirt from her coat, ensuring her fur was straight and soft. There wasn't much more she could do, to be honest, though as she left the den, she trod through a lavender bush, allowing the flowery scent to mask her ebony body.

As she followed Riv's scent trail that led away from the willows, eventually catching up to him as they approached the islands, she decided to walk behind him. He was walking alongside his brother, the one who would wed them, and she didn't want to interrupt their precious bonding time. Instead, she fell back to walk alongside her sister. She couldn't see any of her other siblings, and a part of her fretted that they wouldn't want to come to her wedding. She knew her brother didn't get along so well with Riv. Oh, she should have spoken with him earlier. She could have sorted this all out. "How do I look?" she worrisomely asked the smaller girl, batting her eyelashes.




2 Years
07-08-2016, 04:45 PM
Why... why did he come? Anger nearly clouded his mind as he pulled himself out of the water. He shook himself roughly, spraying water everywhere. Why the hell did they choose to have this infernal thing on a bloody island, of all things? The salt in his fur would be a pain to clean later. Not to mention everyone else would be soaked to the bone, since they all had to swim. As a sudden thought struck, Ren chuckled low to himself. He'd pity the fools that thought to specially groom themselves for this event - all their preparations were ruined. He approached the gathering slowly, hanging back at the edges, a shadowy figure in the sparse vegetation. He could already smell the heat scent around his sisters, and he snorted quietly. Ugh. Well, at least he didn't have to worry about Kaitlyn getting pregnant, she was still very much a pup in many ways. Zephyra on the other hand...

Something dark that he couldn't quite identify flashed through him as he crouched low in the bushes, a silent watcher for this event that he sincerely thought was a fool's parade.



9 Years
07-10-2016, 06:51 PM

Creed had ended up leaving much earlier than he had initially intended. If the wedding ceremony wasn't being held on an island he would have left a little bit later. The male had taken into account how long the journey would take and what it would take to get ready. He knew grooming before hand would be a futile process. With his thick coat and the amount of land he'd have to traverse to get there he'd be dirtier than a mud pit by the time he arrived. Okay well maybe comparing the it to a mud pit was a bit of an exaggeration, but it seemed close enough.

The swim to the island was rather pleasurable. With spring upon them the waters were already warming up. His double insulated coat served as good protection against any possible chill. The only downside was that it weighed him down considerably. He took it all in great stride though and made it to the island with some time to spare. The weather was beautiful and as he looked around he realized Rivaxorous had chosen a beautiful spot to hold the wedding. He could see why it was called love islands.

Once he'd shaken himself off, dried a bit, and then groomed his pelt Creed set off swiftly towards the gathering. The scents of others were easy enough to follow and he arrived at a good time it seemed. Nothing had started yet, which he was grateful for, and he peered around with curiosity. It seemed it was just wolves from Riv's pack so far and Fiori. The male found a good spot to sit and planted his rump on the ground to patiently wait for the wedding to start. He'd offer his congratulations later of course.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



6 Years
07-12-2016, 03:37 AM

She was feeling quite conflicted about coming to this wedding of theirs. She was quite happy for them since they'd stated they were finally going to hold a ceremony to celebrate their union. It was a great milestone for the two. Her only problem with the whole thing was the location. The fact they'd decided to hold in on an island was a bit bothersome for her. The one thing she tried to avoid doing was swimming to unknown places. The fact she couldn't see anything or feel where she was going made her highly uncomfortable and it didn't help that Nox didn't like water. There were no scents to follow of any of her pack mates and no land bridge to travel across either. This sucked royally.

Begrudgingly Nox had agreed to come with her to make sure she made it there okay, but she could tell the cat wasn't happy about it. Despite that fact they both made it there at a reasonable time, or so she hoped, as they padded towards the meeting place. She paused briefly to shake herself off so that she wouldn't be sopping wet when she got there. An ear flicked as Nox made a point to shake herself off so that she flung droplets at Armai. "Ass." She muttered to the cat before giving her coat a few rough licks so she'd be at least semi-decent.

Her nose twitched as she came upon where everyone was gathered. She could smell Riv, Zephyra, and a few others from the pack here, and then scents from two other packs. Most were from the pack they shared a border with, but there was one scent she didn't recognize at all. Riv must have gone to a lot of places to invite people. It seemed like he had a lot of friends. She didn't dwell on everyone else that was here as she sniffed out Zephyra. Flicking her tail at Nox she had the leopard bring her the early blooming rose she'd found before she'd swam to the island. Nox had done a fine job keeping it intact and she took it from the cat before padding over to Riv's soon to be wife. She smiled, albeit awkwardly, at the other woman before placing the rose at her feet.

"I know it's not much, but I thought you might like it. I plucked the thorns from it so you can carry it, or wear it if you'd like." She would have brought Riv one too but she was pretty sure flowers were more of a feminine thing.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.



3 Years
07-16-2016, 02:13 AM

Razor watched all the arrivals carefully. Blue eyes wandering over them all as he was a little perplexed. He'd been to pack meetings before, but this time he would be directly in the front of it all. Trying to keep his heart beat down, he would swallow hard. He had to speak up clearly for this - after all everyone had to hear him. Razor watched his uncle, dipping his head to the male carefully. Looking back to rivaxorus who seemed to be glowing almost. As the dark gray male with lighter sleeve's waited, he noticed the dark male Ren enter. Blinking a bit..... was that a bit of tension he felt. Oh well. There was a female who arrived, she smelt of his brothers pack. Dropping a rose in front of the couple. The male relaxed his head back. "It's a beautiful gift." the boy breathed with a soft smile. Eyes moving over to the cat at her side.

As everyone began to settle, Razor gave them the chance to get relaxed after swimming. Before he coaxed his much bigger brother to the middle or front of the clearing in the beautiful island. Razor would also nudge his head towards Zephyra. Placing a paw in front of Riv to instruct her that she should stand there and the two should face each other. A soft smile on his face to the young lady. He didn't know her well, but he knew no matter what he would have to support his family. That of which Zephyra was becoming a part of.

"Thank you all for coming today, I hope you faired well during your travels from where ever you came from. This ceremony might not seem the same as most marriage ceremonies. But I assure you after it is over you can all celebrate how you wish." He announced as he tried to speak as loudly as he could, still soft toned as he did. "My name is Razor Adravendi, and under the eyes of the gods - I will be bringing these two souls together. to grow, and to love as they will. As the will of the gods confess, the two of them will continue to fight strong for what they believe in and be themselves." Razor shifted as he lowered his head between the two. Eyeing Zephyra for a moment.

"Under the name of the night sky, the moon and the mother Itsume. Zephyra - do you promise to never betray and always be true to your feelings?" He asked, then turned to Rivaxorus. "Under the name of the ocean, and the shores. Rivaxorus do you promise to always take pride and respect your bride?" After he waited for their answers he raised his head. Razor placed a paw between the two of them.

"If the two of you will touch noses please as I say the pledge to the deities." Razor requested as he smiled towards the two. What a Joyace day this was - and as nervous as he could be - he feld confident. With blood rushring through his veins. "Ever since the lands clashed to create life, ever since the stars found their place in the sky - love has existed in every shape and form. There is no discrimination with love, for it will always play a role in our lives. It knows no emotions - it knows no bounds and no age. Simply how to give and how to take from whichever confines it has. This day, I ask guidance and brilliance from the gods. To join these two souls together for their eternal love. When the days they should grow old - they will confide in each other. To the days when it may seem things are falling apart, they will fall apart together. Finally, when the time comes for their souls to pass onto the next life - to peacefully go together as they wish." He lowered his head then, silent for a few moments. As he raised his head he pulled his paw towards his chest again.

"With the pledge complete, the two of you may say what you wish to each other. Promises - and or vows. Things you would like to convey to each other. After this is done you may embrace one another and the ceremony will be complete." Razor lowered his head in a bow. "May Itsume bless your future, with young, with love, with strength, and with protection." After that was done he raised his head and smile towards the two. Everything was now complete.

ooc: Okay, I'd like everyone to not post until after Zephyra, but after Zephyra everyone is free to post how they want!


Kaitlyn I


6 Years
07-16-2016, 01:42 PM
Ooc:: Got permission from Riv to post before Millie. ;w;

Kaitlyn was startled as Zeph came up next to her, not expecting anyone to address her once they had made the swim to the island. After a moment to catch her breath back, her green eyes fixing upon her sister, the younger one smiled warmly. “You look lovely, sis.” The younger chestnut girl gently brushed her muzzle against Zephyra’s shoulder, giving her a bit of a reassuring smile. “I’m really happy for you.” She added. Another approached, offering her sister a flower. Kait drew back -- this was Zeph’s day, not hers. Little did the girl know that this was Armai and her companion, the one she was supposed to be seeing for treatment. To get better. She’d learn who Armai was soon enough though. Moments later the wedding was to begin and Kait listened quietly, watching a scene she’d remember for years to come unfold before her eyes; her sister’s big day.

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.



3 Years
Extra large
07-16-2016, 03:33 PM (This post was last modified: 07-16-2016, 03:33 PM by Yoshiko.)

As they reached the eastern coast, she realised that they would have to cross the water. Of course, you dimwit. It's a freaking island. How had that not crossed her mind earlier? Hah, crossed. Her fur would be wet and matted - ruined. Way to waste the hours of meticulous grooming and fretting over her appearance. She hadn't even gotten the chance to look at herself. She only relied on her sister's opinion, and hey, her sister was an absolute sweetheart. Thanks, Kaitlyn. She just knew she'd end up looking like a mess after the aquatic journey. Not fit for a bride at all.

Sucking in a lungful of air, she urged her paws to step into the cool water, proceeding inch by inch until most of her body was submerged in the channel of water. Paddling, she bobbed alongside her sister, catching a glimpse of a dark form floating his way over to the island - alone. A part of her wanted to call out to him, or to catch up to him, though she thought better of it and decided not to. Why was he acting like this? Why was he shunning them away? Why was he ignoring her? At least he was coming to the wedding in the first place, though she didn't feel comforted by his presence.

Yup, she was ruined. Shaking the water from her coat, she lumbered across the sand where Razor awaited the crowd's arrival, smoothening her ebony and green pelt as best as possible. She was tentative to show her face just yet. What would they think of her? Oh look, there's that little whelp who thinks she's in love. Maybe they should have done a private ceremony. At least she wouldn't have to rub it into the world's face. Great, Zeph, just the feelings you want on a day like this. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. She could do this. Remember confidence. A confident woman was an attractive woman. Lifting her chin and straightening her posture, she entered the crowd with a flare in her composure and glimmer in her scarlet eyes. The queen dipped her head to each and every canine, familiar and unfamiliar. There was Razor, Jackson - soon to be her brothers-in-law, Leo - soon to be her uncle-in-law, her brother and sister, Armai and her feline companion, and an older male of another pack. Speaking of Armai, the healer momentarily approached her and dropped a freshly-picked rose by her feet. Oh! It was for her! What was she to do with it? "Thank you, Armai," she thanked the woman with a small smile, deciding to keep it gently between her teeth until she could find her dashing prince to help put it behind her ear.

Then everything seemed to begin, all too quickly. Razor nudged Rivaxorus to the centre of the clearing, and instructed him to face her. She could feel the crowd's eyes boring down on her, almost burning her skin. A bead of sweat trickled down her back as the smaller male began the ceremony. Her heart skipped a beat. It was actually happening - she was getting married. A part of her wished the man to continue talking, to drain out his words. Half the time she wasn't paying attention. She couldn't pay attention. All she caught was " you promise to never betray and always be true to your feelings?" Oh man, some heavy rules here. She never knew marriage came with terms and conditions. It looked like she'd have to skip the reading and select the "I agree" box. How hard could it be? "I do." Was all she would say, hesitant to meet his gaze as the same question was thrown to him.

As they touched noses and the male began to utter spiritual vows, she could feel the power surge between them. Like as if bringing them together, linking their souls together, made them stronger. It felt like it was set to stone - she was chained to him for the rest of her life, yet it felt so right what she was doing. No doubt dared creep into her conscience. He was her other half, the other half of her soul, like she was giving up a part of herself to him. Though she felt just as formidable on her own, together they could accomplish so much more. Together they were powerful, unstoppable, a force to be reckoned to be with, invincible.
