
Pirates of the Swamplands!



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
07-23-2016, 09:04 AM
ooc:  thought it would be fun for the pups to play pretend or play a game or something, this can dissolve into whatever.  Also my apologies, Dómari seems to be one of those dreaded morning people but he tried to wait this time.

On the other side of the swamplands lay the great kingdom of Sir Alarik in a gully full of lush green grasses and bountiful prey.  Captain Isakov crouched at the border hidden amongst the thick grasses and vines, the heady scent of the bog helping to mask his own.  It would be a simple enough thing to sneak about the border and collect a few trinkets but Captain Isakov had another goal this day.  He wished to test the mettle of Sir Alarik and he hoped a truce with his brother, one of the pirate lords, would give him leverage in this fight.

Captain Isakov stood, there would be no sneaking around this day.  He eyed his band of bilge rats before jerking his head forward, it was time to get on the move.  Marching boldly, yet quietly, through the gully as the sun broke red on the horizon (it was actually breaking gold like it usually was but Dómari felt there needed to be a bit more dramatic flair) spilling it’s light across the ground like the blood the Captain hoped to drain from his enemies.

“Sir!  We’ve been spotted!”  Captain Isakov eyed the guards of the outer wall that charged toward them. “Mow them down!” he cried.  “I’ve no interest in prisoners today!  Hop to it ya scurvy dogs, time’s a wasting!”  Fangs glistening like a blade in the morning light Isakov dove in, ripping through his enemies with ferocious grace and speed.

Dómari dove at the stick with a snarl, thrashing his head back and forth until it snapped as he made his way steadily back toward the densite.  He’d woken early again and snuck off to go exploring.  Not to far but just far enough he could make a little noise without the others yelling at him.  With one stick defeated Dómari moved on to another, this time lifting on his hind legs to wrap his paws around the trunk of a sapling, fangs seizing one of the lower branches as he tugged and ripped it off.  Satisfied with his work he eyed the suns progress before turning back to the den.  He stood at the entrance, eyes narrowed.  Everyone should be waking up by now.

They defeated the outerguard and moved toward the gate.  Captain Isakov eyed the sun knowing that Sir Alarik would surely be waking now and would have been alerted by the ruckus in the courtyard.  He moved to the front of his sweaty, smelly crew and stood before the kingdoms great gate. “Sir Alarik!  Arise!  It is the dread pirate Isakov and I would have words with thee!”

"Speech" "You"



3 Years
08-22-2016, 08:47 PM

The sun rose beautifully that morning, bathing the vast kingdom of Sir Alarik in warm red light. The light itself was beautiful, but it was not peaceful. It seemed to set the stage for the drama that would unfold that fateful morning. Sir Alarik slept in the safety of his palace, surrounded and guarded by his loyal knights. When the pirate lord and his terrible band began plowing through the guards outside the gates, Sir Alarik was alerted at once. He awoke, and lifted his head, peering through the gates into the land beyond. When Captain Isakov reached the gates and called him to battle, he was on his feet in an instant. He growled deep in his chest as he bravely walked to the gates to face his enemy, flanked by his strongest knights on either side.

He growled deep in his chest, lifting his head tall as he stared down the nasty, smelly pirates. "Captain Isakov," he said, keeping his tone as polite as he could manage. "You have trespassed, and threatened the peace and happiness of my kingdom. What words might you have? Speak them now, and quickly, before I have you escorted back to the swamps from which you came."

Alarik puffed out his chest as much as he could, and continued to hold his head high as he looked at his brother. When he spoke, it was with a fabricated haughtiness and authority, the kind he always used when he pretended to be the ruler of his kingdom. In his games, he was always the hero. He was always strong and ruthless, but also wise and gentle when need be. The ideal leader.

Sir Alarik looked at his knights, and nodded minutely to assure that they were all on the same page. They stepped forward, claws and teeth ready as they kept the rogue pirates in check. He wanted to honor the wishes of Captain Isakov, even if he was just a pirate. He would still respect him, and speak with him. But if he wanted to taste blood this day, then he would have to leave disappointed. No more innocent blood would spill in the kingdom of Sir Alarik this fine morning.

"Talk" "You" Think