
Abscond we will not[Pack meeting]

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

07-08-2016, 02:43 AM

Spring had come and a wedding had taken place, but among the festivities there was the official things they had to keep. Rising from the den he nuzzle into Zephyra's side lightly to alert her that they would be getting up and moving. More importantly holding the meeting they held every season. He was positive Zephyra had her fair share to say. They wouldn't remain stagnant and here were a few members still at the base rank. Which was not for them to blame but still they needed stronger members among their rankings.

The large male would find a clearing among the trees. Raise his head in a calling howl for the members to reach across their territories. It was time so discuss where Myriad was going - and they would not be an idle pack either. They would participate, hone their skills. Inject opinions rather than staying quiet. He then lowered his head and waited patiently.

ooc:This meeting is mandatory and if you do not attend without an absence being posted your wolf will be removed from the roster. You have until the 19th to post.




3 Years
Extra large
07-11-2016, 10:38 PM
Everybody wants
what they just can't hold
Another meeting. At her mate's nudge, she was tentative to follow behind him just yet. Was there anything to discuss? Oh, she supposed there were those bludgers of wolves taking up space in the pack. They had to be taken care of, even if that meant addressing every single Sutikku of the pack. In fact, they shouldn't even have meetings for this. Everyone should be pulling their own weight. Every wolf had potential, and that's why she had brought them into Myriad. When they didn't take any initiative, that's when consequences had to be put in place. They had to make themselves clear on their expectations as alphas. Energy beginning to surge through her veins, she trotted after the male and stood beside him as he called for the rest of the pack. What a surprise it would be for those said bludgers to not show up for this rather dire meeting.



6 Years
07-12-2016, 03:17 AM

The girl had just returned from an herb hunting trip when a howl rang out for the pack. She'd spent as much time as she dared away from the pack lands intending to collect as much as she could before she came home. Truth be told though that she was doing her best to shove away the feeling of uselessness that had overcome her lately. The more she thought about it the more she wondered how much of a burden she was. She wasn't a very good hunter and she wasn't any good at fighting. She was willing to give fighting a go but when it boiled down to it she knew she'd be a hindrance if there was ever a siege or raid. The only thing she was even mildly good at was healing, but lately there'd been no need for her. No one seemed to be sick anymore, which she was glad for, but it proved to be a problem for her. There wasn't enough for her to do and she didn't enjoy sitting idly by.

A soft sigh would flutter past her lips as she stopped by her den really quickly to drop off the herbs she'd gathered. Nox dropped off the stash she'd been carrying before settling into her typical spot. An ear would flick curiously at the leopard before she heard Nox yawn and lay her head down. Hmph. She'd rumble quietly to herself. Seemed like her friend didn't want to go to this meeting. She wasn't a wolf though so it's not like she could make her. She'd already drug her out to the middle of nowhere to pick plants.

She felt comfortable enough traveling in Myriad's territories now that she didn't need Nox so she left as quickly as she could towards the meeting place. She seemed to have arrived in good time considering the only wolves that were there so far were Rivaxorous and Zephyra. That was odd. She normally wasn't one of the first ones to arrive. She offered a tentative smile towards the two before settling down in a comfortable spot not too far away to await the arrival of the others.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.



5 Years
07-12-2016, 10:03 AM

He still remained rather confused and had a mixture of emotions from the past couple of weeks. He couldn't tell if it was the worry of where his life would take him and if he would ever be lucky enough to find a mate or if it was something entirely different. The boy managed to bury himself in his work, scouting, hunting, and keeping track of the herd. He had also been spending a lot of time in the newer part of their territory memorizing the territory and scouting for prey. He didn't know what else he could do. He had called one hunt so far and it had been unsuccessful so the young man was beginning to work one on one with members. Even if it hadn't been to strengthen his own skills he was willing to try anything. He didn't want to slack and he wanted to work to be a good pack member. Armai had been the last member he had worked with, gathering herbs to stock up on in case there was a need. It had been refreshing, even if he had to be schooled on the plants themselves.

The call had not been a surprise to him, it was spring after all and the wedding did not count for a meeting. Wolves outside of the pack had been there and it was not the time for pack matters to be discussed. He was prepared for it and hoped that maybe their alpha's had some ideas as to what he should do further. Rising from his spot near the herd he crawled away, careful not to spook them or even alarm them. When he was at the proper distance he raised himself then took off in a run. The gathering, as he soon found, was much closer then he had expected and when he neared the clearing he slowed himself into a trot. Moving forward the male dipped his head to both Riv and Zephyra with a tail wag in addition to his greeting. He then turned to Armai and gently nudged her shoulder, before setting beside her.

"Hello Armai," he said in a quiet greeting to her.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

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[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]



5 Years
07-12-2016, 10:43 AM
When the call ha reached her ears the young female grew nervous. Looking about the den in search of Max, but realized he must've scooted from the den early this morning. Perhaps he had went out to fetch them something to eat, or gathering more bedding for the den, she wasn't sure what he was doing. The call had come from Riv-sama and she knew that she must come to his call, it was summoning the whole pack regardless of age. Dragging herself through the den and out of the den she nervously moved from the new place of safety and looked around. Things seemed alright, no danger and no other wolves were about. Shaking out her coat the female moved forward in the direction of the call, remaining alert as she moved. She had yet to meet any other pack members since being accepted into the pack with Max. Today would be the day to meet them which is what filled her with worry. Since her Mother's death she really hadn't been around many other wolves, let alone a large crowd. It made her feel insecure and a little on edge.

Sighing she padded on alone and arrived at the clearing where the meeting had been called. She seemed a bit submissive in nature, not looking others in the eyes, her tail hanging slightly snug to her rump. She felt out of place. When she spotted Riv and Zephyra she perked up a bit, the tip of her tail wagging lightly in a small greeting to them. She picked a spot and flopped down on her rump, sitting alone and away from the two wolves she didn't recognize.

[Image: 8GuozRR.png]
[Image: TxH2KFf.png]



8 Years
07-12-2016, 01:24 PM

Max had just killed a rabbit when Rivaxorous had called the entire pack to him for a meating. Though he didnt he didnt go to his call at the leisurely stroll the dark man typically found himself doing, he didn't sprint to him either. He would first stop by his den to make sure his daughter, Delaney hadnt stayed inside to wait for him and then trot the rest of the way to his alpha only to find that not only had Delaney beaten him there but so had two others.

Though he was glad to see she had come on her own, he felt bad for not being there to walk with her to her first pack meating. She looked happy to see the alpha's but he knew she was still a bit nervous be near the others as she hadnt met any of them all winter. To make her more comfortable being near them he would sit next to her, placing himself between her and the two wolves nither of them knew.

He still hadnt been given his test by the wolf called Armai, but he would still try to conduct himself as though he were one of Myraid's healers rather than a guest until proven otherwise. A bow of his head and a smile would be given to the alphas while the others would only receive a smile.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



3 Years
07-12-2016, 04:18 PM


Lourdes was enjoying her time on the lands, even more so with the pack members. She had a particular liking to Jaelle, remembering how they explored over the land together not too long ago. Lourdes was keen on getting a hang for the terrain, and the more she knew, the better she could carry out her duties. It was something she wanted to discuss with Riv-sama, if she would allow him to lead a hunt in the upcoming week.

A call reached her ears upon the land, and Lourdes was forced to stop her tracking on the prey. A sigh left her lips, but happily she turned and made her way to the beckoning. Figures began to show, the first was Riv-sama, then she took notice of the Queen at his side. A small smile fitted onto her face, noticing the others around too. There were some new faces, ones she would most definitely seek out later to get to know. But for now, she approached Jackson- a fellow hunter. He was settled next to Armai, and Lourdes approached with an easy stride- tail swaying behind her. She passed by Riv-sama and the Queen, and a easy dip of her head was given to the royalties.

"Armai, Jackson. It's wonderful to see you both again!" She exclaimed, letting herself fall to her haunches not more than a feet or two from them.



6 Years
07-16-2016, 09:38 AM

Soleil had peeled herself of the ground with a heavy sigh at the call her alpha sent out. She hated going to these things, all that ever happened was she would sit and listen to words she didnt understand. Granted she had picked up a paw full of words in the time she'd stayed here, Soleil still couldnt hold a full conversation with anyone who didn't speak French.

In not seeing Xeph, the tri colored woman sat near the old man and young girl. They seemed friendly enough, but that didn't stop her from staying quiet. All she would offer was a smile should anyone look her way.

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
07-16-2016, 01:28 PM
The wedding had been one thing, something that Kaitlyn would not have missed for the world... But a pack meeting was another thing. She was worried... Nagging doubt nibbled at her mind. But she remembered the woman she had met, Ootat, and how she said that the only way to make fear go away was to face it. Kait rose, shaking out her coat before glancing outside her den. She still needed to meet with Armai too... Instead of isolating herself for the most part. She didn’t want to be a burden... She wanted to be able to help those she loved!

Kait made her way to the meeting in silence, paws taking cautious steps before she finally made it to where everyone was gathered. There were faces she recognized from the wedding, but names that she couldn’t quite place. She was a bit worried about what the meeting might be about. She knew she’d been here a little while and yet... She hadn’t really done anything for the pack. She didn’t really have that much in the way of skills so... Kait shook her head. Excuses. She could at least start attending lessons, right?

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.


07-16-2016, 07:00 PM
She was happy for her sister, really. But she was confused too. Had mom gotten married? Had she ever been? She had no clue. She was still a kid in her mind, and she didn't think she could get married at such a young age like her sister. Granted, they were two now, but still. She'd had a mate since she was a year old, wasn't that...early? For once in her life, it made her think more serious thoughts, and the more she thought about it, the more she shied away from the idea of love or...marriage or whatever. She wanted to be free and independent and to keep having fun. She thought that's what her sister wanted too, but maybe she was wrong. Zephyra had been so mean before, always going on her own adventures and wanting to be independent, yet here she alphess, married, and packed on with duties. What was next? Pups?

Shaking her head, she trotted into the meeting, dual toned eyes finding her larger sister and then finding Kaitlyn. Her tail wagged mildly, as she chose to lie down where she stood, head on her paws. She often forgot she was in a pack, hence why she often forgot that she had jobs too. But she had no clue what those jobs were, nobody talked to her about them, so she spent her time exploring and playing instead.



9 Years
07-17-2016, 11:16 PM

He was late indeed, something he wasn't proud of. He always prided himself on being punctual. What was with him lately? He wasn't sure he recognized himself anymore. He'd never been tardy or lazy in his life, yet lately he hadn't been on time for anything, and he hadn't improved his ranking here at all. Growling to himself, he slunk into the meeting, seeing many unfamiliar faces, forcing him to realize that he'd been keeping to himself or exploring outside the lands a little too often. He needed to check himself and get back in line. He had always wanted to be part of a pack that was strong, and he had hoped to be part of the back bone that held it upright. How could he possibly do that if he was always avoiding interaction?

And then he spotted Soleil, who he had spent so very little time with. It was his fault. He wondered how she was doing, if she was getting along alright, learning the language. Or was she feeling isolated? He couldn't bear to face her right now, so he went and seated himself alone, sighing. He needed to come up with a better plan for himself, otherwise he was going to self-destruct. But for now, he supposed, he really just needed to pay attention to the meeting.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]


07-22-2016, 11:09 PM

Late! She was going to be so, so late! Gods, she hated being late. She been outside of Myriad's lands and was on her way back when she heard her alpha's call faintly. She immediately took off at a run toward the call, but she knew she was still going to be one of the last to arrive if not the very last. She darted around the trees and such in her path and ended up scraping her paw against a rock that was sticking out of the ground just enough to trip her up. She cursed under her breath and stumbled a bit before getting back on track and covering the rest of the distance between her and the meeting. She slowed to a stop at the very edge of the group, trying her best to not draw too much attention to herself. She sat down hard on her haunches and tried to steady her breath, lifting her right forepaw to examine it. The rock she had tripped on had scraped her paw pad a bit and bright red blood dotted the scrape, seeping into the chocolate fur around her pads. She frowned grumpily and licked gently at the wound before setting her paw back down with a resigned sigh. Her day was going just swimmingly today.

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
07-22-2016, 11:11 PM
The more he stayed here, the more he was repulsed by the pack and it's doings. He was very, very uninterested in being in the pack - perhaps it was time to leave? That was an option, maybe. As it was, he was already super late to the meeting that the alpha-child called... though perhaps, he shouldn't call Riv such a thing anymore. He was an adult now, and... unfortunately, his sister's mate. Disgust twisted his lips as he stalked towards the meeting, eyes gleaming as he seated himself far on the edge. No, he was far from happy with this little charade and game that was being played.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

07-25-2016, 01:18 PM

So the pack gathered, even if there were a few stragglers. He understood how annoying seasonal meetings could be, but at least this time he actually had something to talk about. The alpha would look a bit amused, looks like Ren had showed up after all. He expected the boy to go running off, since he clearly didn't seem interested in Myriad anyway. He disregarded his sisters feelings and blatantly acted as if Riv had no clue what he was doing. His fur prickled lightly, the only reason he had let Ren in was because he was Zephyra's brother now he had no reason to keep a man who didn't know how to keep his jaw shut when it was due. The only reason he hadn't snapped at Ren then was because at least he was a civil man and he was unsure what Zephyra would think of the ordeal.

As the wolves finished coming, Riv would shuffled slightly. "It's great to see some of you." he started as he made it clear there were a few possibly just one he wasn't happy with. "This marks the start of our spring meeting, with that many of our members including myself have turned to two years of age. Meaning it is time to pick up your pace. There are many wolves still dawdling in the Sutikku rank, should you want to remain in that rank you can leave. Please voice now what you wish to be - and if you don't want to be in Myriad leave now." he looked to Hera for a moment. He wasn't upset with her either. It was just a clear warning to the rest of the pack. "As of right now I want all of you to show some sort of initiative in the coming days. You've had time to settle, but this is not a picnic. Train where you can, call pack hunts, pack training sessions. There is nothing stopping you from doing any of that." As the male stopped his tangent he then looked to Ren.

"I hate to say this... but you aren't welcome here Ren." he then looked towards Zephyra. "Zephyra can now say what she wishes and after anyone can voice their concerns." The male would stay standing.

ooc: Next round due by the 31st.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-25-2016, 07:38 PM
A few more came, and she was beginning to wonder where Ren was. Turning about, she searched for him until finally, he arrived and sat away from everyone. She had been meaning to find him, but every time she looked she couldn't find him anywhere. She was about to get up and go sit with her big brother, but as soon as she sat up, the alpha began to talk. Her ears did not miss the way he said that he was glad to see some of them. Did her sister feel the same? Was she not happy to see them? Or was she just too caught up with that male and being a queen? She frowned the more he spoke, and suddenly, this didn't feel like the pack she had willingly joined for her sister.

How was she supposed to do any of her duties when nobody taught her how to do them? She stared down at her feet, thinking that she was just a useless girl. She wasn't a kid, but she felt like one now that her eyes began to sting like she was in trouble for something. And when she thought he was done, he said something that made her head snap up. Eyes widened with shock, disbelief even. He...he was making Ren leave? While she didn't know that maybe her brother did want to leave, why did this alpha boy say it that way all rude and mean?! She looked at Ren, then Kait, and lastly to Zephyra.

She knew her sister hadn't spoken yet, but she couldn't contain the emotional outrage. To top it off, her first season plagued her, but everything else today had made her igore it. "What!? But that's not fair! Why are you breaking our family apart? First you take my sister away! Now you're making my brother leave? You're such a meanie!" Tears of frustration began to pour, the usually cheerful and happy go lucky girl was so very upset, and more then she had ever been before. "Zephy! This isn't fair! Do something!" She turned pleading eyes to her big sister, hoping that she would do something about it.

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
07-25-2016, 07:58 PM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2016, 07:58 PM by Kaitlyn I.)

Everything was fine at first. It reminded her of the sort of meeting her mama might have. Wolves needing to try harder and if they didn’t want to be in the pack to leave. It was harsh yes, but perhaps necessary. Kait shuffled on her paws next to Nixie, looking from her sister to Rivaxorus until finally the male spoke of Ren. What he said... Broke her heart. He... He wasn’t welcome? But why? Tears welled up in Kait’s eyes as a sob broke from her throat.

“You can’t do that!” She wasn’t sure if she was angry, sad, or both. She was shaking, dark thoughts and whispers coming to her mind. “You can’t break our family apart! It’s not right!” Kait narrowed her eyes. ‘Yes, who is he to try and break your family apart?’ The voice in her head cooed. ‘Show him... Show him that he can’t take your family, Katie...’ The voice ironically sounded like her mother’s own, but not at the same time. She began to shake more heavily, backing away from the group.

“You’ll regret this!” Kait hissed, definitely not seeming herself. Her fur was on end, a wild look in her eyes as she spun, trying to dart away from the meeting before the voices in her head grew stronger... She had to get away from all these wolves. She had to...!

--Attempted Exit.--


Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.



3 Years
Extra large
07-26-2016, 05:35 AM (This post was last modified: 07-26-2016, 05:37 AM by Yoshiko.)
Everybody wants
what they just can't hold
The meeting was running smoothly at first. The entire pack showed up, pleasing the queen, and she made sure to say a quiet greeting to every member as they arrived. At least they could start on a positive note. Everyone was present - that was just one step to work towards increasing the activity in the pack. Perhaps how Rivaxorus worded the subjects was a bit harsh, though she supposed it was the only way to truly motivate Myriad. She remained silent for the most part, occasionally nodding in agreement, a little absently. She wasn't entirely paying attention, for she always agreed with everything he said, though a wave of relief washed over her when she decided to tune back in at just the right moment.

"I hate to say this...but you aren't welcome here, Ren."

Ears perked. Eyes widened. Confusion and surprise spread all over her features. Her entire stance changed in the blink of an eye. What had he just said? Was he suggesting Ren to leave Myriad? But why? What had happened? And more importantly, why hadn't he told her? She knew nothing about this and he was already rushing to conclusions and exiling someone from the pack. Protests broke from the crowd - her sisters. It brought an ache to her chest. Splitting their family apart. Taking him away from them. She had to do something. And at that moment, her confusion and disbelief melted into anger. Hackles raised. Lips curled into a snarl. She spun around to face Rivaxorus.

"How dare you. How dare you force someone out of the pack over a pathetic disagreement, not even telling me about it. Where is your sense of judgement? Do you honestly think I'm just going to agree with everything you say, that my opinion doesn't matter?" she spat, narrowed scarlets burning with a raging fire not yet seen before. "I don't know what's going on between you two, but we are not kicking Ren out of the pack." She searched her brother's cyan gaze. She wanted to tell him that she had no part in this decision, that she had never approved of it. It wasn't her fault, yet it felt like it was. Then Kaitlyn bolted off. Just great. What a show this was turning out to be. "Kait!" she called out to the smaller girl before giving chase. Before she got past the crowd, she looked back over her shoulder at the auburn male, teeth clenched and vocals hostile. "Don't you dare fucking follow me."

-exit Zephyra-



9 Years
07-27-2016, 08:46 PM

The stony brute sat quietly, casting his silver gaze around as a couple of laggers made their way to the meeting. He himself hadn't exactly been super punctual, although that was not his norm. He was surprised to see Hera as one of the laggers - hadn't she wanted to increase her rank in Myriad? Well she certainly wasn't going to do it by being late. Lastly, an unfamiliar blue-black male came waltzing in, but he didn't look very interested, nor concerned that he was late. He was in no hurry, and Xephyris found himself narrowing his eyes as he watched Ren casually seat himself at the farthest edge of the group of wolves. The other man's expression looked not only uncaring, but disgusted as well, as though his opinion of them all was very low. His hackles bristled - what was that guy's problem?

He turned his attention to Rivaxorus as the meeting finally commenced, and he spoke with a serious tone about what he expected from the pack. Xephyris found himself nodding, agreeing that they all needed to take more initiative, including and especially himself. He wanted a higher rank, but he hadn't come close to earning it yet. But he would change that. Suddenly, Riv said something that caused instant outrage with Zephyra and her siblings. Ren, the glowering male at the very back of the group, was being exiled. But it looked like Riv hadn't talked to his mate about this decision, and she was rightfully pissed.

However, Xephyris felt no regret that the blue-black brute was being kicked out. He didn't look like he wanted to be here, so he probably didn't belong here. Especially if Riv felt the need to say it - obviously there was bad blood between them, otherwise Riv wouldn't have made such a final decision. As one of the upset young women said the Alpha would regret this, before running off with Zephyra close on her tail, Xeph rose to his paws with a growl. Sure, maybe the woman was just really upset - but what she'd said was a threat, and he didn't like the sound of that. He didn't care who's sister she was. His gaze cast to the other sister, crying her eyes out. Why were they so upset about the decision that had been made? It didn't look to him that Ren wanted to be here, and if he was just bumming around the pack bringing the rest of them down, then he really didn't belong here. And Xephyris certainly didn't want to share his home with someone who didn't give a shit about it.

So, perhaps a little too brashly, he strode over to the blue-black man swiftly, hackles prickling. "You heard the man!" he snarled gruffly, "Beat it!" He didn't care about the protests of this man's siblings. Every wolf had their responsibility to hold their own place in the pack; they couldn't just leech off of the others because they had family that would stick up for them. Rivaxorus had ordered him away, and Xephyris was going to help enforce that if need be. He didn't want this spoiled, scowling man here if he didn't belong.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



3 Years
07-28-2016, 04:27 AM
she is one with a fawn heart
Doe-brown eyes turned and flicked, looking onto the others that entered. A warm expression stayed on her face the whole time- until a male with disgust on his lips rolled in. Lourdes frowned, ears swiveling back; she had never seen him, but since he was coming to a pack meeting- it must of meant he was apart of the pack. But why the bad attitude?

The Riv-sama began to speak, and her head turned to him; giving her attention in full. Pack hunts, yes, that was something she could do. Something she would do. She decided she would plan to hold one, eager to be put to use. But then new words came, addressing the male with a sour attitude- her ears perked forward in shock. It didn't surprise her, the male came in with an attitude meant to be for a pup throwing a tantrum, had he been lacking in duties as well? That's when everything went downhill.

Lourdes rose, body gathering to her fours- the smaller pup spoke, declaring to the King and Queen that it was not fair. Tension began to rise, the pups ran off- then another spoke their protest, and then the Queen. At this point, Lourdes had slowly been inching to Riv-sama, closer, closer- with high tensions, she would not let the risk of him getting harm show. The Queen protested, and Lourdes had a displeased look on her face. Why weren't they respecting his decision? He was the overall leader- he was the one whom built the pack up from nothing. Instead, once something didn't go their way- they cry and whine like little pups who always got what they wanted. Only one other wolf seemed to be taking up for Riv-sama, going to the blue and black wolf, demanding his leave.

"Be gone." The words came from her as she stood only a few feet in front of Riv-sama, doe-eyes that were usually soft and kind, hard and authoritative. Lips pulled back in a snarl, fur bristling. Everyone else had turned on their leader, all but the silvery male. Lourdes would not leave her leader alone, and she would stand with the silver brute in making sure that this one wolf left the lands- even if it took her life.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

08-02-2016, 03:51 PM

Things shifted, and finally they cracked and fell apart. He knew that this was more or less Ren's fault as well. Did Zephyra have any clue how many chances he gave that man? Did he really care about his family at all, when they all seemed to flock to him like chickens and yet Ren said nothing, did nothing. Just like he did by loafing and groaning about in the pack. His authority had been challenged, and as nice as he had tried to remain there was a line when it came to his patience. His lips curled to her words, they hurt. They hurt a lot, maybe because he was partly in the wrong but he truly believed so was she. Even if he had told her, she probably would have fought tooth and nail with him. As Zephyra and her sisters fled the scene, he saw more wolves coming to defend him while the accused sat doing nothing.

"Enough!" he snapped at the pack. "If Zephyra wants Ren to remain then let the man speak. Let him prove to them whether or not he belongs here. Even as this bickering has gone on he just sits in the corner." His eyes narrowed on the man. "Congratulations, you have a choice Ren. Remain with your sisters and show them that you actually give a damn. Or leave and you better damn explain to them WHY because I will not tell them the family member they hold dear wanted to leave them behind. If you do stay. Get your ass in gear." His voice was stern. As his tail flicked with irritation. "The rest of you, your loyalty is pleasing - but best let things calm down. Zephyra has a right to speak what she thinks she has as much authority as I. Remember what I said though. Those in the Suttiku rank, get going. If you need me we can talk in private." he would wait to hear Ren's answer, but after the pack would be dismissed.

"Talk" "You" Think