
Little Too Sweet



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
07-26-2016, 08:30 PM

This was certainly a place he'd never been to before. Then again, he hadn't really been out and away from the pack, let alone the eastern lands since he had joined Abaven. But whether or not the pack would remain was still a mystery to him. His alpha was extremely scarce, and it seemed so was everyone else. So he supposed, it was his turn to disappear for a day or two and go out. His wandering brought him to an orchard ripe with fruit. The smell here was tantalizing, and the large male decided it would be here he would stop for the day.

Teal colored gaze searched the trees, finding several different kinds of fruit on them and wondered if his favorite was among them. Moving through the run down orchard, it didn't take him long to find the mouth watering scent of peaches. Interest suddenly piqued, he moved toward them and began digging around the trees base, hoping to find a nice juicy one to munch on. Disappointment, however, would begin to place itself in his mind as he only found ones that appeared to have been sitting there for a few days and the bugs had gotten to them. Frowning, he was about to look for another tree until he heard a thud behind him. When the large male turned around, he saw a large peach rolling across the ground, and immediately he chased after it until he had it in his paws. "It's my lucky day!" He exlaimed, body lowering to the ground as he began to tuck into the juicy fruit.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



3 Years
07-27-2016, 10:59 AM
Luck was slowly, very slowly making her way back towards where she had left Bacchus the last time she had seen him. Mind she wasn't exactly eager to face what she might find. Maybe that's why she was taking so many detours though she knew one of these days she was going to need to just buckle down and actually look in the silver titan's usual haunts. Today was not that day. She had already resolved herself to ask Reg to help, maybe actually come and offer her moral support, no matter what she found. Today wasn't the day for that either.

Instead she found her paws pulling her from the dry wastes of the area around the plains to the more lush area to the east. She found herself among strange short trees, small bulbous and sweet smelling fruit hanging from their branches. If anyone had looked upon the small Destruction right then they'd have seen her slowly shuffling forwards while her neck craned at an odd angle, jaw gaping as brilliant blue eyes drank in the new sight.

She might have continued in such manner had not another voice startled her out of her fixation. It was off to her left and as she finally forced herself to be more aware of her surroundings she picked up on the scent of another wolf, muffled by the cloying sweetness of the fruit. Luck stood stock still for a moment, the naturally shy girl wanted nothing more than to flee but she had resolved herself to at least asking others if they had seen her shining knight. There was more for her to be nervous about of course... the scent was masculine in it's musk and she was all too aware of her heat.

Taking a deep breath she stalked towards the stranger. He was close to the ground, back still turned to her and she took a few more quick nervous breathes before finally summoning her voice. "Hi I- Um..." her sweet tones were weak and faltering, clearing her throat she spoke again this time more successfully. "Hello."


[Image: BNLxEGJ.png]



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
08-13-2016, 09:01 PM
Gods this was one delicious peach! Teeth dug in, careful not to bite the pit in the center since his mother had told him they could be poisonous if ingested. Soon, his chin was dripping with the sweet juice, and he'd let his guard down on his surroundings. It wasn't until a whisper of a voice sliced through his concentration that the large male startled. He quickly rose to his feet, the peach left on the floor as he turned around to face the interloper. However, his gaze would find nothing...until he looked down. He was startled by that? She was so tiny!

He made himself relax, a mental scolding of himself for having been startled by such a small thing in the first place. It was a good thing nobody else was around...but still, he had missed her approach, and that was probably thanks to the scents of fruit that filled the air. "Hello, yourself. It's probably not a good idea to sneak up on someone. Someone as big as me could eat you for a snack of they wanted to." He eyed her with a glint of mischief to watch her reaction. Of course, he wasn't going to hurt her...

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!