
You got me hangin' from the ceiling


08-08-2016, 12:44 PM

ooc: Mild language warning <3

Ira sucked in a deep breath through her nose as she padded across the blood-stained ground, letting the breath out in a pleased sigh. "Now this is just what I was hoping for!" she said to herself with a grin. "Isn't this great, Rava? Not that you can even see it right now. You'd probably hate it though, you bitch." She giggled softly to herself while her pale golden gaze glanced around at the empty plain. The only thing that could make this better was something - or someone - to hunt.

It seemed so empty around here though. Her grin dissolved into a pout and she stopped in her tracks to plop down onto her haunches. Well this wasn't any fun! This place looked so promising, but so far it was more disappointing than fun. After a moment of contemplation, she threw her head back and let out a howl, letting the call fade into an echo after a handful of seconds. Nothing said she couldn't make her own fun after all, right. She lowered her head again, the wicked grin finding its way back onto her lips. "Come on. Come the fuck on..." she muttered under her breath with a chuckle. It had been far too long since she had some fun.

"Ira Talks" "Rava Talks" Think